Package htsjdk.samtools

Examples of htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return next != null;

        public SAMRecord next() {
            SAMRecord ret = next;
            return ret;
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                    : currentRecord.getAlignmentStart() <= end;

    public PicardAlignment next() {
        SAMRecord ret = currentRecord;
        if (wrappedIterator.hasNext()) {
            currentRecord =;
        } else {
            currentRecord = null;
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    protected String getAttributeString(boolean truncate) {

        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        SAMRecord record = getRecord();
        List<SAMRecord.SAMTagAndValue> attributes = record.getAttributes();
        if (attributes != null && !attributes.isEmpty()) {

            for (SAMRecord.SAMTagAndValue tag : attributes) {
                buf.append("<br>" + tag.tag + " = ");
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        if (startFlow < 0) {
            return null;

        // get the # of bases that the first base in the read overlaps with the last base(s) in the key
        SAMRecord record = getRecord();
        if (this.isNegativeStrand()) {
            firstBase = (char) NT2COMP[record.getReadBases()[record.getReadLength() - 1]];
        } else {
            firstBase = (char) record.getReadBases()[0];
        keySignalOverlap = 0;
        for (i = keySequence.length() - 1; 0 <= i && keySequence.charAt(i) == firstBase; i--) {
            keySignalOverlap += 100;

        Object attribute = record.getAttribute("FZ");
        if (null == attribute) {
            return null;
        } else if (attribute instanceof short[]) {
            short[] signals = (short[]) attribute;
            r = new short[signals.length - startFlow];
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    /** -> records */
    HashMap<String, SAMRecordHashObject> forMateMatching = new HashMap<String, SAMRecordHashObject>();
    PriorityQueue<SAMRecord> waitingReads = new PriorityQueue<SAMRecord>(initialCapacity, comparer);

    private SAMRecord remove(PriorityQueue<SAMRecord> queue) {
        SAMRecord first = queue.poll();
        if (first == null)
            throw new UserException("Error caching SAM record -- priority queue is empty, and yet there was an attempt to poll it -- which is usually caused by malformed SAM/BAM files in which multiple identical copies of a read are present.");
        return first;
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            while ( getNReadsInQueue() > 1 ) {
                // emit to disk

            SAMRecord lastRead = remove(waitingReads);
            lastLocFlushed = (lastRead.getReferenceIndex() == -1) ? null : genomeLocParser.createGenomeLoc(lastRead);

            if ( !tooManyReads )

        // fix mates, as needed
        // Since setMateInfo can move reads, we potentially need to remove the mate, and requeue
        // it to ensure proper sorting
        if ( newRead.getReadPairedFlag() && !newRead.getNotPrimaryAlignmentFlag() ) {
            SAMRecordHashObject mate = forMateMatching.get(newRead.getReadName());
            if ( mate != null ) {
                // 1. Frustratingly, Picard's setMateInfo() method unaligns (by setting the reference contig
                // to '*') read pairs when both of their flags have the unmapped bit set.  This is problematic
                // when trying to emit reads in coordinate order because all of a sudden we have reads in the
                // middle of the bam file that now belong at the end - and any mapped reads that get emitted
                // after them trigger an exception in the writer.  For our purposes, because we shouldn't be
                // moving read pairs when they are both unmapped anyways, we'll just not run fix mates on them.
                // 2. Furthermore, when reads get mapped to the junction of two chromosomes (e.g. MT since it
                // is actually circular DNA), their unmapped bit is set, but they are given legitimate coordinates.
                // The Picard code will come in and move the read all the way back to its mate (which can be
                // arbitrarily far away).  However, we do still want to move legitimately unmapped reads whose
                // mates are mapped, so the compromise will be that if the mate is still in the queue then we'll
                // move the read and otherwise we won't.
                boolean doNotFixMates = newRead.getReadUnmappedFlag() && (mate.record.getReadUnmappedFlag() || !waitingReads.contains(mate.record));
                if ( !doNotFixMates ) {

                    boolean reQueueMate = mate.record.getReadUnmappedFlag() && ! newRead.getReadUnmappedFlag();
                    if ( reQueueMate ) {
                        // the mate was unmapped, but newRead was mapped, so the mate may have been moved
                        // to be next-to newRead, so needs to be reinserted into the waitingReads queue
                        // note -- this must be called before the setMateInfo call below
                        if ( ! waitingReads.remove(mate.record) )
                            // we must have hit a region with too much depth and flushed the queue
                            reQueueMate = false;

                    // we've already seen our mate -- set the mate info and remove it from the map
                    // Via Nils Homer:
                    //   There will be two SamPairUtil.setMateInfo functions.  The default will not update the mate
                    //   cigar tag; in fact, it will remove it if it is present.  An alternative SamPairUtil.setMateInfo
                    //   function takes a boolean as an argument ("addMateCigar") and will add/update the mate cigar if
                    //   set to true.  This is the one you want to use.
                    SamPairUtil.setMateInfo(mate.record, newRead, null, true);
                    if ( reQueueMate ) waitingReads.add(mate.record);

            } else if ( pairedReadIsMovable(newRead) ) {
                forMateMatching.put(newRead.getReadName(), new SAMRecordHashObject(newRead, readWasModified));


        if ( ++counter % EMIT_FREQUENCY == 0 ) {
            while ( ! waitingReads.isEmpty() ) { // there's something in the queue
                SAMRecord read = waitingReads.peek();

                if ( noReadCanMoveBefore(read.getAlignmentStart(), newRead) &&
                        (!pairedReadIsMovable(read)                               // we won't try to move such a read
                           || noReadCanMoveBefore(read.getMateAlignmentStart(), newRead ) ) ) { // we're already past where the mate started

                    // remove reads from the map that we have emitted -- useful for case where the mate never showed up
                    if ( !read.getNotPrimaryAlignmentFlag() )

                    if ( DEBUG )
                        logger.warn(String.format("EMIT!  At %d: read %s at %d with isize %d, mate start %d, op = %s",
                                newRead.getAlignmentStart(), read.getReadName(), read.getAlignmentStart(),
                                read.getInferredInsertSize(), read.getMateAlignmentStart(), read.getAttribute("OP")));
                    // emit to disk
                } else {
                    if ( DEBUG )
                        logger.warn(String.format("At %d: read %s at %d with isize %d couldn't be emited, mate start %d",
                                newRead.getAlignmentStart(), read.getReadName(), read.getAlignmentStart(), read.getInferredInsertSize(), read.getMateAlignmentStart()));

            if ( DEBUG ) logger.warn(String.format("At %d: Done with emit cycle", newRead.getAlignmentStart()));
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    public SAMRecord next() {
        if(nextRead == null)
            throw new NoSuchElementException("No more reads left in this iterator.");
        SAMRecord currentRead = nextRead;
        return currentRead;
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        nextRead = null;


        SAMRecord candidateRead =;
        while(nextRead == null && (keepOnlyUnmappedReads || currentBound < intervalStarts.length)) {
            if(!keepOnlyUnmappedReads) {
                // Mapped read filter; check against GenomeLoc-derived bounds.
                if(readEndsOnOrAfterStartingBound(candidateRead)) {
                    // This read ends after the current interval begins.
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    /** test that we're ok with a null read */
    public void testNullRead() {
        SAMRecord rec =, null, null);
        assertTrue(rec == null);
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    /** tes that we get the read we put into the map function */
    public void testReturnRead() {
        SAMFileHeader head = ArtificialSAMUtils.createArtificialSamHeader(3,1,1000);
        GATKSAMRecord rec = ArtificialSAMUtils.createArtificialRead(head, "FakeRead", 1, 1, 50);
        SAMRecord ret =, rec, null);
        assertTrue(ret == rec);
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Related Classes of htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord

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