int lastStart = -1;
// build an initial map, grabbing all of the multi-read fragments
for ( final T p : readContainingObjects ) {
final SAMRecord read = getter.get(p);
if ( read.getAlignmentStart() < lastStart ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"FragmentUtils.create assumes that the incoming objects are ordered by " +
"SAMRecord alignment start, but saw a read %s with alignment start " +
"%d before the previous start %d", read.getSAMString(), read.getAlignmentStart(), lastStart));
lastStart = read.getAlignmentStart();
final int mateStart = read.getMateAlignmentStart();
if ( mateStart == 0 || mateStart > read.getAlignmentEnd() ) {
// if we know that this read won't overlap its mate, or doesn't have one, jump out early
if ( singletons == null ) singletons = new ArrayList<T>(nElements); // lazy init
} else {
// the read might overlap it's mate, or is the rightmost read of a pair
final String readName = read.getReadName();
final T pe1 = nameMap == null ? null : nameMap.get(readName);
if ( pe1 != null ) {
// assumes we have at most 2 reads per fragment
if ( overlapping == null ) overlapping = new ArrayList<List<T>>(); // lazy init
overlapping.add(Arrays.asList(pe1, p));