SAMRecord.class, new BAMRecordCodec(header), new SAMRecordCoordinateComparator(),
while (unmappedIterator.hasNext()) {
// Load next unaligned read or read pair.
final SAMRecord rec =;
final SAMRecord secondOfPair;
if (rec.getReadPairedFlag()) {
secondOfPair =;
// Validate that paired reads arrive as first of pair followed by second of pair
if (!rec.getReadName().equals(secondOfPair.getReadName()))
throw new PicardException("Second read from pair not found in unmapped bam: " + rec.getReadName() + ", " + secondOfPair.getReadName());
if (!rec.getFirstOfPairFlag()) throw new PicardException("First record in unmapped bam is not first of pair: " + rec.getReadName());
if (!secondOfPair.getReadPairedFlag()) throw new PicardException("Second record in unmapped bam is not marked as paired: " + secondOfPair.getReadName());
if (!secondOfPair.getSecondOfPairFlag()) throw new PicardException("Second record in unmapped bam is not second of pair: " + secondOfPair.getReadName());
else {
secondOfPair = null;
// See if there are alignments for current unaligned read or read pair.
if (nextAligned != null && rec.getReadName().equals(nextAligned.getReadName())) {
// If there are multiple alignments for a read (pair), then the unaligned SAMRecord must be cloned
// before copying info from the aligned record to the unaligned.
final boolean clone = nextAligned.numHits() > 1 || nextAligned.hasSupplementalHits();
SAMRecord r1Primary = null, r2Primary = null;
if (rec.getReadPairedFlag()) {
for (int i = 0; i < nextAligned.numHits(); ++i) {
// firstAligned or secondAligned may be null, if there wasn't an alignment for the end,
// or if the alignment was rejected by ignoreAlignment.
final SAMRecord firstAligned = nextAligned.getFirstOfPair(i);
final SAMRecord secondAligned = nextAligned.getSecondOfPair(i);
final boolean isPrimaryAlignment = (firstAligned != null && !firstAligned.isSecondaryOrSupplementary()) ||
(secondAligned != null && !secondAligned.isSecondaryOrSupplementary());
final SAMRecord firstToWrite;
final SAMRecord secondToWrite;
if (clone) {
firstToWrite = clone(rec);
secondToWrite = clone(secondOfPair);
} else {
firstToWrite = rec;
secondToWrite = secondOfPair;
// If these are the primary alignments then stash them for use on any supplemental alignments
if (isPrimaryAlignment) {
r1Primary = firstToWrite;
r2Primary = secondToWrite;
transferAlignmentInfoToPairedRead(firstToWrite, secondToWrite, firstAligned, secondAligned);
// Only write unmapped read when it has the mate info from the primary alignment.
if (!firstToWrite.getReadUnmappedFlag() || isPrimaryAlignment) {
addIfNotFiltered(sorted, firstToWrite);
if (firstToWrite.getReadUnmappedFlag()) ++unmapped;
else ++aligned;
if (!secondToWrite.getReadUnmappedFlag() || isPrimaryAlignment) {
addIfNotFiltered(sorted, secondToWrite);
if (!secondToWrite.getReadUnmappedFlag()) ++aligned;
else ++unmapped;
// Take all of the supplemental reads which had been stashed and add them (as appropriate) to sorted
for (final boolean isRead1 : new boolean[]{true,false}) {
final List<SAMRecord> supplementals = isRead1 ? nextAligned.getSupplementalFirstOfPairOrFragment() : nextAligned.getSupplementalSecondOfPair();
final SAMRecord sourceRec = isRead1 ? rec : secondOfPair;
final SAMRecord matePrimary = isRead1 ? r2Primary : r1Primary;
for (final SAMRecord supp : supplementals) {
final SAMRecord out = clone(sourceRec);
transferAlignmentInfoToFragment(out, supp);
if (matePrimary != null) SamPairUtil.setMateInformationOnSupplementalAlignment(out, matePrimary, addMateCigar);
addIfNotFiltered(sorted, out);
else {
for (int i = 0; i < nextAligned.numHits(); ++i) {
final SAMRecord recToWrite = clone ? clone(rec) : rec;
transferAlignmentInfoToFragment(recToWrite, nextAligned.getFragment(i));
addIfNotFiltered(sorted, recToWrite);
if (recToWrite.getReadUnmappedFlag()) ++unmapped;
else ++aligned;
// Take all of the supplemental reads which had been stashed and add them (as appropriate) to sorted
for (final SAMRecord supplementalRec : nextAligned.getSupplementalFirstOfPairOrFragment()) {
final SAMRecord recToWrite = clone(rec);
transferAlignmentInfoToFragment(recToWrite, supplementalRec);
addIfNotFiltered(sorted, recToWrite);