Examples of HelixException

Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

  public <T extends HelixProperty> boolean setProperty(PropertyKey key, T value)
    PropertyType type = key.getType();
    if (!value.isValid())
      throw new HelixException("The ZNRecord for " + type + " is not valid.");

    String path = key.getPath();
    int options = constructOptions(type);
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

      JsonParameters jsonParameters = new JsonParameters(entity);
      String command = jsonParameters.getCommand();

      if (command == null)
        throw new HelixException("Could NOT find 'command' in parameterMap: " + jsonParameters._parameterMap);
      else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase(ClusterSetup.activateCluster)
          || JsonParameters.CLUSTERSETUP_COMMAND_ALIASES.get(ClusterSetup.activateCluster)

        boolean enabled = true;
        if (jsonParameters.getParameter(JsonParameters.ENABLED) != null)
          enabled =

        String grandCluster = jsonParameters.getParameter(JsonParameters.GRAND_CLUSTER);

        setupTool.activateCluster(clusterName, grandCluster, enabled);
      else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase(ClusterSetup.expandCluster))
        throw new HelixException("Unsupported command: " + command
            + ". Should be one of [" + ClusterSetup.activateCluster + ", "
            + ClusterSetup.expandCluster + "]");
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

    if (!(data instanceof ZNRecord))
      // null is NOT an instance of any class
      LOG.error("Input object must be of type ZNRecord but it is " + data + ". Will not write to zk");
      throw new HelixException("Input object is not of type ZNRecord (was " + data + ")");

    // apply retention policy on list field
    ZNRecord record = (ZNRecord) data;
    int max = getListFieldBound(record);
    if (max < Integer.MAX_VALUE)
      Map<String, List<String>> listMap = record.getListFields();
      for (String key : listMap.keySet())
        List<String> list = listMap.get(key);
        if (list.size() > max)
          listMap.put(key, list.subList(0, max));
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      JsonFactory f = new JsonFactory();
      JsonGenerator g = f.createJsonGenerator(sw);


      // write id field
      g.writeRaw("\n  ");
      g.writeStringField("id", record.getId());

      // write simepleFields
      g.writeRaw("\n  ");
      for (String key : record.getSimpleFields().keySet())
        g.writeRaw("\n    ");
        g.writeStringField(key, record.getSimpleField(key));
      g.writeRaw("\n  ");
      g.writeEndObject(); // for simpleFields

      // write listFields
      g.writeRaw("\n  ");
      for (String key : record.getListFields().keySet())
        // g.writeStringField(key, record.getListField(key).toString());

        // g.writeObjectFieldStart(key);
        g.writeRaw("\n    ");
        List<String> list = record.getListField(key);
        for (String listValue : list)
        // g.writeEndObject();

      g.writeRaw("\n  ");
      g.writeEndObject(); // for listFields

      // write mapFields
      g.writeRaw("\n  ");
      for (String key : record.getMapFields().keySet())
        // g.writeStringField(key, record.getMapField(key).toString());
        g.writeRaw("\n    ");
        Map<String, String> map = record.getMapField(key);
        for (String mapKey : map.keySet())
          g.writeRaw("\n      ");
          g.writeStringField(mapKey, map.get(mapKey));
        g.writeRaw("\n    ");

      g.writeRaw("\n  ");
      g.writeEndObject(); // for mapFields

      g.writeEndObject(); // for whole znrecord

      // important: will force flushing of output, close underlying output
      // stream
    catch (Exception e)
      LOG.error("Exception during data serialization. Will not write to zk. Data (first 1k): "
          + sw.toString().substring(0, 1024), e);
      throw new HelixException(e);
    // check size
    if (sw.toString().getBytes().length > ZNRecord.SIZE_LIMIT)
      LOG.error("Data size larger than 1M, ZNRecord.id: " + record.getId()
          + ". Will not write to zk. Data (first 1k): " + sw.toString().substring(0, 1024));
      throw new HelixException("Data size larger than 1M, ZNRecord.id: " + record.getId());
    return sw.toString().getBytes();
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

          throw new HelixException("Missing Json paramaters: '"
              + JsonParameters.INSTANCE_NAME + "' or '" + JsonParameters.INSTANCE_NAMES
              + "' ");
      else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase(ClusterSetup.swapInstance))
        if (jsonParameters.getParameter(JsonParameters.NEW_INSTANCE) == null
            || jsonParameters.getParameter(JsonParameters.OLD_INSTANCE) == null)
          throw new HelixException("Missing Json paramaters: '"
              + JsonParameters.NEW_INSTANCE + "' or '" + JsonParameters.OLD_INSTANCE
              + "' ");
        throw new HelixException("Unsupported command: " + command
            + ". Should be one of [" + ClusterSetup.addInstance + ", "
            + ClusterSetup.swapInstance + "]");

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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

        ClusterSetup setupTool = new ClusterSetup(zkClient);
        setupTool.getClusterManagementTool().resetResource(clusterName, Arrays.asList(resourceName));
        throw new HelixException("Unsupported command: " + command
                                 + ". Should be one of [" + ClusterSetup.resetResource + "]");
    catch (Exception e)
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

    if (lastPos <= 0)
      String error = "Invalid storage Instance info format: " + InstanceAddress;
      throw new HelixException(error);
    String host = InstanceAddress.substring(0, lastPos);
    String portStr = InstanceAddress.substring(lastPos + 1);
    int port = Integer.parseInt(portStr);
    addInstanceToCluster(clusterName, host, port);
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

    if (lastPos <= 0)
      String error = "Invalid storage Instance info format: " + InstanceAddress;
      throw new HelixException(error);
    String host = InstanceAddress.substring(0, lastPos);
    String portStr = InstanceAddress.substring(lastPos + 1);
    int port = Integer.parseInt(portStr);
    dropInstanceFromCluster(clusterName, host, port);
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

    // ensure node is stopped
    LiveInstance liveInstance = accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.liveInstance(instanceId));
    if (liveInstance != null)
      throw new HelixException("Can't drop " + instanceId + ", please stop " + instanceId
          + " before drop it");

    InstanceConfig config = accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.instanceConfig(instanceId));
    if (config == null)
      String error = "Node " + instanceId + " does not exist, cannot drop";
      throw new HelixException(error);

    // ensure node is disabled, otherwise fail
    if (config.getInstanceEnabled())
      String error = "Node " + instanceId + " is enabled, cannot drop";
      throw new HelixException(error);
    _admin.dropInstance(clusterName, config);
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

    if (oldConfig == null)
      String error = "Old instance " + oldInstanceName + " does not exist, cannot swap";
      throw new HelixException(error);

    InstanceConfig newConfig =
    if (newConfig == null)
      String error = "New instance " + newInstanceName + " does not exist, cannot swap";
      throw new HelixException(error);

    // ensure old instance is disabled, otherwise fail
    if (oldConfig.getInstanceEnabled())
      String error =
          "Old instance " + oldInstanceName
              + " is enabled, it need to be disabled and turned off";
      throw new HelixException(error);
    // ensure old instance is down, otherwise fail
    List<String> liveInstanceNames =

    if (liveInstanceNames.contains(oldInstanceName))
      String error =
          "Old instance " + oldInstanceName
              + " is still on, it need to be disabled and turned off";
      throw new HelixException(error);

    dropInstanceFromCluster(clusterName, oldInstanceName);

    List<IdealState> existingIdealStates =
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

                                  String propertyVal)
    IdealState idealState = _admin.getResourceIdealState(clusterName, resourceName);
    if (idealState == null)
      throw new HelixException("Resource: " + resourceName + " has NOT been added yet");
    idealState.getRecord().setSimpleField(propertyKey, propertyVal);
    _admin.setResourceIdealState(clusterName, resourceName, idealState);
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