Examples of HelixException

Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

        new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_zkClient);

    // check instanceConfig exists
    if (!baseAccessor.exists(path, 0))
      throw new HelixException("Cluster: " + clusterName + ", instance: " + instanceName
          + ", instance config does not exist");

    // check resource exists
    String idealStatePath =
        PropertyPathConfig.getPath(PropertyType.IDEALSTATES, clusterName, resourceName);

    ZNRecord idealStateRecord = null;
      idealStateRecord = baseAccessor.get(idealStatePath, null, 0);
    catch (ZkNoNodeException e)
      // OK.

    if (idealStateRecord == null)
      throw new HelixException("Cluster: " + clusterName + ", resource: " + resourceName
          + ", ideal state does not exist");

    // check partitions exist. warn if not
    IdealState idealState = new IdealState(idealStateRecord);
    for (String partitionName : partitionNames)
      if ((idealState.getIdealStateMode() == IdealStateModeProperty.AUTO && idealState.getPreferenceList(partitionName) == null)
          || (idealState.getIdealStateMode() == IdealStateModeProperty.CUSTOMIZED && idealState.getInstanceStateMap(partitionName) == null))
        logger.warn("Cluster: " + clusterName + ", resource: " + resourceName
            + ", partition: " + partitionName
            + ", partition does not exist in ideal state");

    // update participantConfig
    // could not use ZNRecordUpdater since it doesn't do listField merge/subtract
    baseAccessor.update(path, new DataUpdater<ZNRecord>()
      public ZNRecord update(ZNRecord currentData)
        if (currentData == null)
          throw new HelixException("Cluster: " + clusterName + ", instance: "
              + instanceName + ", participant config is null");

        // TODO: merge with InstanceConfig.setInstanceEnabledForPartition
        List<String> list =
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

    // check the instance is alive
    LiveInstance liveInstance =
    if (liveInstance == null)
      throw new HelixException("Can't reset state for " + resourceName + "/"
          + partitionNames + " on " + instanceName + ", because " + instanceName
          + " is not alive");

    // check resource group exists
    IdealState idealState = accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.idealStates(resourceName));
    if (idealState == null)
      throw new HelixException("Can't reset state for " + resourceName + "/"
          + partitionNames + " on " + instanceName + ", because " + resourceName
          + " is not added");

    // check partition exists in resource group
    Set<String> resetPartitionNames = new HashSet<String>(partitionNames);
    if (idealState.getIdealStateMode() == IdealStateModeProperty.CUSTOMIZED)
      Set<String> partitions =
          new HashSet<String>(idealState.getRecord().getMapFields().keySet());
      if (!partitions.containsAll(resetPartitionNames))
        throw new HelixException("Can't reset state for " + resourceName + "/"
            + partitionNames + " on " + instanceName + ", because not all "
            + partitionNames + " exist");
      Set<String> partitions =
          new HashSet<String>(idealState.getRecord().getListFields().keySet());
      if (!partitions.containsAll(resetPartitionNames))
        throw new HelixException("Can't reset state for " + resourceName + "/"
            + partitionNames + " on " + instanceName + ", because not all "
            + partitionNames + " exist");

    // check partition is in ERROR state
    String sessionId = liveInstance.getSessionId();
    CurrentState curState =
    for (String partitionName : resetPartitionNames)
      if (!curState.getState(partitionName).equals("ERROR"))
        throw new HelixException("Can't reset state for " + resourceName + "/"
            + partitionNames + " on " + instanceName + ", because not all "
            + partitionNames + " are in ERROR state");

    // check stateModelDef exists and get initial state
    String stateModelDef = idealState.getStateModelDefRef();
    StateModelDefinition stateModel =
    if (stateModel == null)
      throw new HelixException("Can't reset state for " + resourceName + "/"
          + partitionNames + " on " + instanceName + ", because " + stateModelDef
          + " is NOT found");

    // check there is no pending messages for the partitions exist
    List<Message> messages = accessor.getChildValues(keyBuilder.messages(instanceName));
    for (Message message : messages)
      if (!MessageType.STATE_TRANSITION.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(message.getMsgType())
          || !sessionId.equals(message.getTgtSessionId())
          || !resourceName.equals(message.getResourceName())
          || !resetPartitionNames.contains(message.getPartitionName()))

      throw new HelixException("Can't reset state for " + resourceName + "/"
          + partitionNames + " on " + instanceName
          + ", because a pending message exists: " + message);

    String adminName = null;
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

        throw new HelixException("Cluster " + clusterName + " already exists");

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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

  if (!_zkClient.exists(stateModelDefPath))
    throw new HelixException("State model " + stateModelRef
        + " not found in the cluster STATEMODELDEFS path");

  String idealStatePath = HelixUtil.getIdealStatePath(clusterName);
  String dbIdealStatePath = idealStatePath + "/" + resourceName;
  if (_zkClient.exists(dbIdealStatePath))
    throw new HelixException("Skip the operation. DB ideal state directory exists:"
        + dbIdealStatePath);

  ZKUtil.createChildren(_zkClient, idealStatePath, idealstate.getRecord());
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

                          String idealStateMode,
                          int bucketSize)
    if (!ZKUtil.isClusterSetup(clusterName, _zkClient))
      throw new HelixException("cluster " + clusterName + " is not setup yet");

    IdealStateModeProperty mode = IdealStateModeProperty.AUTO;
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

                               String stateModelDef,
                               StateModelDefinition stateModel)
    if (!ZKUtil.isClusterSetup(clusterName, _zkClient))
      throw new HelixException("cluster " + clusterName + " is not setup yet");
    String stateModelDefPath = HelixUtil.getStateModelDefinitionPath(clusterName);
    String stateModelPath = stateModelDefPath + "/" + stateModelDef;
    if (_zkClient.exists(stateModelPath))
      logger.warn("Skip the operation.State Model directory exists:" + stateModelPath);
      throw new HelixException("State model path " + stateModelPath + " already exists.");

    ZKHelixDataAccessor accessor =
        new ZKHelixDataAccessor(clusterName, new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_zkClient));
    Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

  public void addStat(String clusterName, final String statName)
    if (!ZKUtil.isClusterSetup(clusterName, _zkClient))
      throw new HelixException("cluster " + clusterName + " is not setup yet");

    String persistentStatsPath =
        PropertyPathConfig.getPath(PropertyType.PERSISTENTSTATS, clusterName);
    ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord> baseAccessor =
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

  public void addAlert(final String clusterName, final String alertName)
    if (!ZKUtil.isClusterSetup(clusterName, _zkClient))
      throw new HelixException("cluster " + clusterName + " is not setup yet");

    ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord> baseAccessor =
        new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_zkClient);
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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

    Builder keyBuilder = accessor.keyBuilder();

    String root = "/" + clusterName;
    if (accessor.getChildNames(keyBuilder.liveInstances()).size() > 0)
      throw new HelixException("There are still live instances in the cluster, shut them down first.");

    if (accessor.getProperty(keyBuilder.controllerLeader()) != null)
      throw new HelixException("There are still LEADER in the cluster, shut them down first.");

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Examples of org.apache.helix.HelixException

  public void dropStat(String clusterName, final String statName)
    if (!ZKUtil.isClusterSetup(clusterName, _zkClient))
      throw new HelixException("cluster " + clusterName + " is not setup yet");

    String persistentStatsPath =
        PropertyPathConfig.getPath(PropertyType.PERSISTENTSTATS, clusterName);
    ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord> baseAccessor =
        new ZkBaseDataAccessor<ZNRecord>(_zkClient);

    baseAccessor.update(persistentStatsPath, new DataUpdater<ZNRecord>()

      public ZNRecord update(ZNRecord statsRec)
        if (statsRec == null)
          throw new HelixException("No stats record in ZK, nothing to drop");

        Map<String, Map<String, String>> currStatMap = statsRec.getMapFields();
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> newStatMap = StatsHolder.parseStat(statName);
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