String templateDirName,
String outputDirName)
throws SettingException, ProcessingException {
String fn = "";
if(!Gate.isInitialised()) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("GATE not initialized when generateDoc is called!");
fn = gappFile.getAbsolutePath();
String gappFileName = fn;
String gatehomeTmp;
gatehomeTmp = Gate.getGateHome().getAbsolutePath();
final String gatehome = gatehomeTmp;
String relpathTmp;
relpathTmp = gappFile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath();
final String relpath = relpathTmp;
File templateDir = new File(templateDirName);
System.out.println("AppDoc: using template directory " + templateDir);
Settings settings = new fmpp.setting.Settings(templateDir);
settings.define("outFileExtension", Settings.TYPE_STRING, false, true);
settings.load(new File(templateDir, "config.fmpp"));
// the directory that will contain all output files
System.out.println("AppDoc: using output directory " + outputDirName);
settings.setWithString("outputRoot", outputDirName);
String extension = (String) settings.get("outFileExtension");
if (extension == null) { // if somebody
throw new GateRuntimeException("Parameter outfileExtension not set in the config file!");
String docFileName = gappFile.getName() + ".doc" + settings.get("outFileExtension");
System.out.println("AppDoc: generating documentation root file: " + docFileName);
String gappFileNameSlashes = gappFileName;