* ExtendedGazeteer.java
package com.jpetrak.gate.stringannotation.extendedgazetteer2;
import gate.Annotation;
import gate.AnnotationSet;
import gate.Document;
import gate.Factory;
import gate.FeatureMap;
import gate.Utils;
import gate.annotation.AnnotationSetImpl;
import gate.creole.ExecutionException;
import gate.creole.ExecutionInterruptedException;
import gate.creole.metadata.CreoleParameter;
import gate.creole.metadata.CreoleResource;
import gate.creole.metadata.HiddenCreoleParameter;
import gate.creole.metadata.Optional;
import gate.creole.metadata.RunTime;
import gate.util.GateRuntimeException;
import gate.util.InvalidOffsetException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* See documentation in the wiki:
* http://code.google.com/p/gateplugin-stringannotation/wiki/ExtendedGazetteer2
* @author Johann Petrak
name = "Extended Gazetteer 2",
comment = "A new fast, memory-efficient and improved gazetteer implementation",
public class ExtendedGazetteer2 extends GazetteerBase
private static final long serialVersionUID = 9043237658071049098L;
// constants
private static boolean debug = false;
// *************************************************************************
// PR Parameters
// *************************************************************************
comment = "The input annotation set",
defaultValue = "")
public void setInputAnnotationSet(String ias) {
this.inputAnnotationSet = ias;
public String getInputAnnotationSet() {
return inputAnnotationSet;
private String inputAnnotationSet = "";
comment = "The word annotation set type",
defaultValue = "Token")
public void setWordAnnotationType(String val) {
this.wordAnnotationType = val;
public String getWordAnnotationType() {
return wordAnnotationType;
private String wordAnnotationType = "";
comment = "The feature from the word annotation to use as text - if empty, use the document text",
defaultValue = "")
public void setTextFeature(String val) {
this.textFeature = val;
public String getTextFeature() {
return textFeature;
private String textFeature = "";
comment = "The space annotation set type",
defaultValue = "SpaceToken")
public void setSpaceAnnotationType(String val) {
this.spaceAnnotationType = val;
public String getSpaceAnnotationType() {
return spaceAnnotationType;
private String spaceAnnotationType = "";
comment = "The containing annotation set type",
defaultValue = "")
public void setContainingAnnotationType(String val) {
this.containingAnnotationType = val;
public String getContainingAnnotationType() {
return containingAnnotationType;
private String containingAnnotationType = "";
comment = "The splitting annotation set type",
defaultValue = "Split")
public void setSplitAnnotationType(String val) {
this.splitAnnotationType = val;
public String getSplitAnnotationType() {
return splitAnnotationType;
private String splitAnnotationType = "";
comment = "The ouput annotation set",
defaultValue = "")
public void setOutputAnnotationSet(String oas) {
this.outputAnnotationSet = oas;
public String getOutputAnnotationSet() {
return outputAnnotationSet;
private String outputAnnotationSet = "";
comment = "The ouput annotation type, overwrites what is configured in the def file",
defaultValue = "")
public void setOutputAnnotationType(String oat) {
this.outputAnnotationType = oat;
public String getOutputAnnotationType() {
return outputAnnotationType;
private String outputAnnotationType = "";
@CreoleParameter(comment = "Should this gazetteer restrict matches to start only at beginning of words",
defaultValue = "true")
public void setMatchAtWordStartOnly(Boolean yesno) {
matchAtWordStartOnly = yesno;
public Boolean getMatchAtWordStartOnly() {
return matchAtWordStartOnly;
private boolean matchAtWordStartOnly;
@CreoleParameter(comment = "Should this gazetteer restrict matches to end only at the end of words",
defaultValue = "true")
public void setMatchAtWordEndOnly(Boolean yesno) {
matchAtWordEndOnly = yesno;
public Boolean getMatchAtWordEndOnly() {
return matchAtWordEndOnly;
private boolean matchAtWordEndOnly;
@CreoleParameter(comment = "Annotate prefixes and suffixes",defaultValue="false")
@HiddenCreoleParameter // for now hidden since it is not implemented yet!!
public void setAnnotatePrefixesSuffixes(Boolean yesno) {
annotatePrefixesSuffixes = yesno;
public Boolean getAnnotatePrefixesSuffixes() { return annotatePrefixesSuffixes ; }
private Boolean annotatePrefixesSuffixes = false;
@CreoleParameter(comment = "Should this gazetteer only match the longest possible match at each offset?",
defaultValue = "true")
public void setLongestMatchOnly(Boolean yesno) {
longestMatchOnly = yesno;
public Boolean getLongestMatchOnly() {
return longestMatchOnly;
private boolean longestMatchOnly;
@CreoleParameter(comment="A feature which indicates, if not-missing, not-empty, not-zero, not-false, a valid match start word")
public void setMatchStartFeature(String val) {
matchStartFeature = val;
public String getMatchStartFeature() {
return matchStartFeature;
protected String matchStartFeature;
@CreoleParameter(comment="A feature which indicates, if non-missing, non-empty, non-zero, non-false, a valid match end word")
public void setMatchEndFeature(String val) {
matchEndFeature = val;
public String getMatchEndFeature() {
return matchEndFeature;
protected String matchEndFeature;
// If this feature is specified, then the value is checked and the word is only used for
// matching if it indicates a non-false value.
@CreoleParameter(comment="A feature which indicates, if present and 'i': ignore, 'f': fail/never match, 'n': normal match")
public void setMatchTypeFeature(String val) {
matchTypeFeature = val;
public String getMatchTypeFeature() {
return matchTypeFeature;
protected String matchTypeFeature;
// ************************************************************************
// other class fields
// ************************************************************************
// This will be set to the output annotation set during execute.
AnnotationSet outputAS = null;
public ExtendedGazetteer2() {
logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
public void execute() throws ExecutionException{
doExecute(document); // delegate so that a subclass can overwrite execute() and still use doExecute
public void doExecute(Document theDocument) throws ExecutionException {
interrupted = false;
//check the input
if(theDocument == null) {
throw new ExecutionException(
"No document to process!"
AnnotationSet inputAS = null;
if(inputAnnotationSet == null ||
inputAnnotationSet.equals("")) inputAS = theDocument.getAnnotations();
else inputAS = theDocument.getAnnotations(inputAnnotationSet);
outputAS = null;
if(outputAnnotationSet == null ||
outputAnnotationSet.equals("")) outputAS = theDocument.getAnnotations();
else outputAS = theDocument.getAnnotations(outputAnnotationSet);
AnnotationSet processAnns = null;
if(wordAnnotationType == null || wordAnnotationType.isEmpty()) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Word annotation type must not be empty!");
if(spaceAnnotationType == null || spaceAnnotationType.isEmpty()) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Space annotation type must not be empty!");
Set<String> typeSet = new HashSet<String>();
processAnns = inputAS.get(typeSet);
AnnotationSet containingAnns = null;
if(containingAnnotationType == null || containingAnnotationType.isEmpty()) {
// leave the containingAnns null to indicate we do not use containing annotations
} else {
containingAnns = inputAS.get(containingAnnotationType);
//System.out.println("DEBUG: got containing annots: "+containingAnns.size()+" type is "+containingAnnotationType);
AnnotationSet splitAnns = null;
if(splitAnnotationType == null || splitAnnotationType.isEmpty()) {
// leave the splitAnns null to indicate we do not use containing annotations
} else {
splitAnns = inputAS.get(splitAnnotationType);
//System.out.println("DEBUG: got split annots: "+splitAnns.size()+" type is "+splitAnnotationType);
if(splitAnns.size() == 0) {
splitAnns = null;
fireStatusChanged("Performing look-up in " + theDocument.getName() + "...");
long endOffset = theDocument.getContent().size();
// now split the document into chunks if necessary:
// = for each containing annotation we create a chunk,
// = each split annotation forces the end of a chunk
// Each chunk is represented by an instance of Chunk
if(containingAnns == null) {
if(splitAnns != null) { // we need to do some additional chunking
List<Annotation> splitAnnsList = Utils.inDocumentOrder(splitAnns);
long lastOffset = 0;
for(Annotation splitAnn : splitAnnsList) {
long splitOffset = splitAnn.getStartNode().getOffset();
if(splitOffset > lastOffset) {
lastOffset = splitOffset;
} // for
// anything left?
if(lastOffset < endOffset) {
} else {
// create a chunk from the whole document
} else {
for(Annotation containingAnn : containingAnns) {
//System.out.println("processing containing annot "+containingAnn);
// if we do have split annotations and we have split annotations within the range
// of this containing annotation, we need to do further chunking
if(splitAnns != null) {
AnnotationSet containedSplits = Utils.getContainedAnnotations(splitAnns, containingAnn);
if(containedSplits.size() > 0) {
// we need to split
List<Annotation> splitAnnsList = Utils.inDocumentOrder(containedSplits);
long lastOffset = containingAnn.getStartNode().getOffset();
endOffset = containingAnn.getEndNode().getOffset();
for(Annotation splitAnn : splitAnnsList) {
long splitOffset = splitAnn.getStartNode().getOffset();
if(splitOffset > lastOffset) {
lastOffset = splitOffset;
} // for
// anything left?
if(lastOffset < endOffset) {
} else {
// nothing within this containining annotation, just annotate the whole chunk
} else {
// no splits, just annotate the chunk for this containing annotation
fireStatusChanged("Look-up complete!");
} // execute
public void doAnnotateChunk(
Chunk chunk)
throws ExecutionException{
interrupted = false;
int length = chunk.getLength();
char currentChar;
State currentState = gazStore.getInitialState();
State nextState;
State lastMatchingState = null;
int matchedRegionEnd = 0;
int matchedRegionStart = 0;
int charIdx = 0;
int oldCharIdx = 0;
if(debug) {
System.out.println("Annotating chunk: "+chunk);
if(chunk.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: here and below: always skip to the next position where a match may
// start, since we will just always mark all positions as "isMatchStart" instead
// of "isWordStart".
//if(matchAtWordStartOnly) {
// skip to the first wordstart
while(charIdx < length) {
if(chunk.isValidMatchStart(charIdx)) {
while(charIdx < length) {
// the character we get here is case normalized if necessary!
currentChar = chunk.getCharAt(charIdx);
currentChar = caseSensitive.booleanValue() ?
currentChar :
nextState = currentState.next(currentChar);
if(nextState == null) {
//the matching stopped
//if we had a successful match then act on it;
if(lastMatchingState != null){
lastMatchingState = null;
//reset the GazStoreTrie1 and skip to next candidate position - either next char or next
// char where a word starts
//if(matchAtWordStartOnly) {
// skip to the first wordstart
charIdx = matchedRegionStart + 1;
while(charIdx < length) {
if(chunk.isValidMatchStart(charIdx)) {
//} else {
// charIdx = matchedRegionStart + 1;
matchedRegionStart = charIdx;
currentState = gazStore.getInitialState();
} else{//go on with the matching
currentState = nextState;
// if we have a successful state, i.e. an end state:
// if we restrict the match to start or end of words, check if this is true too!
if(currentState.isFinal()) {
System.out.println("Found a final state at "+charIdx);
System.out.println("Matched region start="+matchedRegionStart);
System.out.println("Matched region start char="+chunk.getCharAt(matchedRegionStart));
System.out.println("Matched region start is start="+chunk.isWordStart(matchedRegionStart));
System.out.println("Matched region end="+matchedRegionEnd);
System.out.println("Matched region end char="+chunk.getCharAt(charIdx));
System.out.println("Matched region end is end="+chunk.isWordEnd(charIdx));
if(currentState.isFinal() &&
//(!matchAtWordStartOnly || chunk.isValidMatchStart(matchedRegionStart)) &&
//(!matchAtWordEndOnly || chunk.isValidMatchEnd(charIdx))
chunk.isValidMatchStart(matchedRegionStart) &&
) {
//System.out.println("Final state and wordboundaries ok at "+charIdx);
// we have a match
// if there is a previous matching state to act upon and we do not
// just annotate the longest match, then annotate that previous
// match before updating the last matching state.
if(!longestMatchOnly && lastMatchingState != null){
matchedRegionEnd = charIdx;
lastMatchingState = currentState;
} // is final
charIdx ++;
if(charIdx == chunk.getLength()){
//System.out.println("At end of chunk");
//we can't go on, use the last matching state and restart matching
//from the next char
if(lastMatchingState != null){
//let's add the new annotation(s)
lastMatchingState = null;
//reset the GazStoreTrie1
//if(matchAtWordStartOnly) {
// skip to the first wordstart
charIdx = matchedRegionStart + 1;
while(charIdx < length) {
if(chunk.isValidMatchStart(charIdx)) {
//} else {
// charIdx = matchedRegionStart + 1;
//System.out.println("Skipped forward to "+charIdx);
matchedRegionStart = charIdx;
currentState = gazStore.getInitialState();
//fire the progress event
if(charIdx - oldCharIdx > 256) {
fireProgressChanged((100 * charIdx )/ length );
oldCharIdx = charIdx;
if(isInterrupted()) throw new ExecutionInterruptedException(
"The execution of the " + getName() +
" gazetteer has been abruptly interrupted!");
} // while(charIdx < length)
//we've finished. If we had a stored match, then apply it.
if(lastMatchingState != null) {
fireStatusChanged("Look-up complete!");
} // execute
protected void createLookups(Chunk chunk,State matchingState,
int matchedRegionStart, int matchedRegionEnd)
Iterator<Lookup> lookupIter = gazStore.getLookups(matchingState);
if(!lookupIter.hasNext()) {
while(lookupIter.hasNext()) {
Lookup currentLookup = lookupIter.next();
FeatureMap fm = Factory.newFeatureMap();
gazStore.addLookupListFeatures(fm, currentLookup);
gazStore.addLookupEntryFeatures(fm, currentLookup);
// added features for ExtendedGazetteer
fm.put("_firstcharCategory", Character.getType(chunk.getCharAt(matchedRegionStart)));
if (Character.isUpperCase(chunk.getCharAt(matchedRegionStart))) {
fm.put("_firstcharUpper", true);
} else {
fm.put("_firstcharUpper", false);
fm.put("_string", chunk.getTextString(matchedRegionStart, matchedRegionEnd));
// addEntryFeatures(fm,currentLookup.entryFeatures);
Integer lookupid =
// helper method that adds an annotation to an annotation set and if the
// annotationset is a AnnotationSetImpl (currently all are, but who knows ...),
// returns the id of the annotation, otherwise null.
// This allows to link prefix, suffix and lookup annotations by their IDs
protected Integer addAnAnnotation(int from, int to, String type, FeatureMap fm) {
if(debug) {
//System.out.println("Trying to add annotation from "+from+" to "+to+" fm="+fm);
Integer id = null;
if (outputAS instanceof AnnotationSetImpl) {
AnnotationSetImpl setasannimpl = (AnnotationSetImpl) outputAS;
try {
id = setasannimpl.add(new Long(from), new Long(to+1), type, fm);
} catch (InvalidOffsetException ex) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Invalid offset exception - doclen/from/to="
+ document.getContent().size() + "/" + from + "/" + to, ex);
} else {
try {
outputAS.add(new Long(from), new Long(to+1), type, fm);
} catch (InvalidOffsetException ex) {
throw new GateRuntimeException("Invalid offset exception - doclen/from/to="
+ document.getContent().size() + "/" + from + "/" + to + " / ", ex);
return id;
// in the program, we use only this method to find the annotation type
// name to assign: if the annotation type is set as a runtime parameter,
// always use that, otherwise use the one we get from the gazetteer list
// specification in the def file.
public String getAnnotationTypeName(String defaultType) {
if(outputAnnotationType == null || outputAnnotationType.isEmpty()) {
return defaultType;
} else {
return outputAnnotationType;
// TODO: add some API methods to make the gazetteer useful in other situations, e.g. when
// there is a need to match strings, find longest prefixes etc.
// In general, all matching methods will need to return a collection or iterator of matches
// (since even a single string can potentially be matched by many entries) and for each
// match we get information about the list (e.g. the list name, number, list-associated annotation type),
// list specific features, and entry specific features.
// For now, the internal datastructure does not actually return any of these but rather
// a placeholder that can be used to e.g. add features to a feature set based on the the
// lookup the placeholder stands for (this avoids the creation of objects that will get
// thrown away anyways). For a more generic approach this should get wrapped up into some kind
// of visitor class, so that the information can be used in whatever way necessary by the client.
// The visitor class is a stateful class similar to a java matcher class: there are several
// methods to make the visitor class attempt a match (a match can be attempted in several ways e.g.
// just at some position of a string, find the next position that matches, find just the longest matches
// etc). After an attempt, a method can be
// called to check if the attempt was successful (maybe make it conform to Groovy truthiness?).
// If a match was successful, there may be several methods to find or process all the matches.
} // ExtendedGazetteer