public void startFillingGoblet() {
for (String yes : ConversationPhrases.YES_MESSAGES) {
final Player player = PlayerTestHelper.createPlayer("me");
final SpeakerNPC npc = vs.npcs.get(VAMPIRE_NPC);
final Engine en = vs.npcs.get(VAMPIRE_NPC).getEngine();
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Please don't try to kill me...I'm just a sick old #vampire. Do you have any #blood I could drink? If you have an #empty goblet I will #fill it with blood for you in my cauldron.", getReply(npc));
for(Map.Entry<String, Integer> it : requiredForFilling.entrySet()) {
int amount = it.getValue();
if (amount > 1) {
PlayerTestHelper.equipWithStackableItem(player, it.getKey(), amount);
} else {
PlayerTestHelper.equipWithItem(player, it.getKey());
en.step(player, "fill");
assertEquals("I need you to fetch me 7 #'bat entrails', 7 #'vampirette entrails', a #'skull ring', and an #'empty goblet' for this job. Do you have it?", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, yes);
assertEquals("answer to '" + yes + "'", "OK, I will fill a goblet for you, but that will take some time. Please come back in 5 minutes.", getReply(npc));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("*cough* ... farewell ... *cough*", getReply(npc));
// wait 5 minutes
PlayerTestHelper.setPastTime(player, questSlot, 2, 5*60);
en.step(player, "hi");
assertEquals("Welcome back! I'm still busy with your order to fill a goblet for you. Come back in 5 minutes to get it.", getReply(npc));
for(String item : requiredForFilling.keySet()) {
assertFalse("vampire took " + item, player.isEquipped(item));
assertEquals(en.getCurrentState(), ConversationStates.ATTENDING);
assertTrue("player has " + sickySlotName + "slot", player.hasQuest(sickySlotName));
en.step(player, "bye");
assertEquals("*cough* ... farewell ... *cough*", getReply(npc));