// note Ilisa is spelled with a small i here because I
// and l cannot be told apart in game
npc.add(ConversationStates.IDLE, ConversationPhrases.GREETING_MESSAGES,
new AndCondition(new GreetingMatchesNameCondition(npc.getName()),
new QuestInStateCondition(QUEST_SLOT, "start"),
new PlayerHasItemWithHimCondition("flask")),
"Ok, you got the flask! Here take this money to cover your expense. Now, I need you to take it to #ilisa... she'll know what to do next.",
new MultipleActions(processStep));
// player said hi with flask on ground then picked it up and said flask
npc.add(ConversationStates.ATTENDING, "flask",
new AndCondition(new QuestInStateCondition(QUEST_SLOT, "start"), new PlayerHasItemWithHimCondition("flask")),
"Ok, you got the flask! Here take this money to cover your expense. Now, I need you to take it to #ilisa... she'll know what to do next.",
new MultipleActions(processStep));
// remind the player to take the flask to ilisa.
// note Ilisa is spelled with a small i here because I
// and l cannot be told apart in game
npc.add(ConversationStates.IDLE, ConversationPhrases.GREETING_MESSAGES,
new AndCondition(new GreetingMatchesNameCondition(npc.getName()),
new QuestInStateCondition(QUEST_SLOT, "ilisa"),
new PlayerHasItemWithHimCondition("flask")),
"Ok, you got the flask! Now, I need you to take it to #ilisa... she'll know what to do next.",
// another reminder incase player says task again