message = Grammar.quantityplnoun(item.getQuantity(), item.getName(), "A")
+ " which you left on the floor in the vault "+ Grammar.hashave(item.getQuantity())+" been automatically "
+ "returned to your bag.";
new GameEvent(((RPEntity) entity).getName(), "equip", item.getName(), "vault", "bag", Integer.toString(item.getQuantity())).raise();
} else {
boolean equippedToBank = ((RPEntity) entity).equip(
"bank", item);
if (equippedToBank) {
message = Grammar.quantityplnoun(item.getQuantity(), item.getName(), "A")
+ " which you left on the floor in the vault "+ Grammar.hashave(item.getQuantity())+" been automatically "
+ "returned to your bank chest.";
new GameEvent(((RPEntity) entity).getName(), "equip", item.getName(), "vault", "bank", Integer.toString(item.getQuantity())).raise();
} else {
// the player lost their items
message = Grammar.quantityplnoun(item.getQuantity(), item.getName(), "A")
+ " which you left on the floor in the vault "+ Grammar.hashave(item.getQuantity())+" been thrown into "
+ "the void, because there was no space to fit them into either your "