Expr g = A.addField("g", B);
// The line above is the same as: A.addField(null, "g", B.oneOf()) since B is unary.
// If you want "setOf", you need: A.addField(null, "g", B.setOf())
// pred someG { some g }
Func someG = new Func(null, "SomeG", null, null, g.some());
// pred atMostThree[x:univ, y:univ] { #(x+y) >= 3 }
Decl x = UNIV.oneOf("x");
Decl y = UNIV.oneOf("y");
Expr body = x.get().plus(y.get()).cardinality().lte(ExprConstant.makeNUMBER(3));
Func atMost3 = new Func(null, "atMost3", Util.asList(x,y), null, body);
List<Sig> sigs = Arrays.asList(new Sig[]{A, B, A1, A2});
// run { some A && atMostThree[B,B] } for 3 but 3 int, 3 seq
Expr expr1 = A.some().and(atMost3.call(B,B));
Command cmd1 = new Command(false, 3, 3, 3, expr1);
A4Solution sol1 = TranslateAlloyToKodkod.execute_command(NOP, sigs, cmd1, opt);