/* Alloy Analyzer 4 -- Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Felix Chang
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
* (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
* merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.parser;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.A4Reporter;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.ConstList;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Env;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Err;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.ErrorFatal;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.ErrorSyntax;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.ErrorType;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.ErrorWarning;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.JoinableList;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Pair;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Pos;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.SafeList;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Version;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.ConstList.TempList;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Attr;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Browsable;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Decl;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Command;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.CommandScope;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Expr;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprBad;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprBadCall;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprBadJoin;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprBinary;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprCall;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprChoice;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprConstant;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprHasName;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprITE;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprLet;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprList;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprQt;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprUnary;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprVar;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Func;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Module;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Type;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.VisitReturn;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig.PrimSig;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig.SubsetSig;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig.Field;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util.asList;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Attr.AttrType.WHERE;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Attr.AttrType.ONE;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Attr.AttrType.ABSTRACT;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Attr.AttrType.SUBSET;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Attr.AttrType.SUBSIG;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Attr.AttrType.PRIVATE;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig.NONE;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig.STRING;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig.SEQIDX;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig.SIGINT;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig.UNIV;
/** Mutable; this class represents an Alloy module; equals() uses object identity. */
public final class CompModule extends Browsable implements Module {
// These fields are shared by all Modules that point to each other
/** Maps each actual Sig to the original parser-generated Sig that it came from. */
private final LinkedHashMap<Sig,Sig> new2old;
/** Maps each parser-generated Sig to its original list of field declarations. */
private final LinkedHashMap<Sig,List<Decl>> old2fields;
/** Maps each parser-generated Sig to its original appended facts. */
private final LinkedHashMap<Sig,Expr> old2appendedfacts;
/** Maps each Sig to the CompModule it belongs to. */
private final HashMap<Sig,CompModule> sig2module;
/** The list of CompModules. */
private final List<CompModule> allModules;
/** The list of sigs in the entire world whose scope shall be deemed "exact" */
private final Set<Sig> exactSigs;
/** This stores a set of global values; given a unresolved name, we query this map first before all else. */
private final Map<String,Expr> globals;
/** This stores the meta signature "sig$" */
private final PrimSig metaSig;
/** This stores the meta signature "field$" */
private final PrimSig metaField;
/** This field is used during a depth-first search of the dag-of-module(s) to mark which modules have been visited. */
private Object visitedBy = null;
/** The world that this CompModule belongs to. */
private final CompModule world;
/** The simplest path pointing to this Module ("" if this is the main module) */
public final String path;
/** Return the simplest path pointing to this Module ("" if this is the main module) */
public String path() { return path; }
/** 1: has seen the "module" line
* 3: has seen the "sig/pred/fun/fact/assert/check/run" commands
private int status = 0;
/** The position of the "MODULE" line at the top of the file; Pos.UNKNOWN if the line has not been parsed from the file yet. */
private Pos modulePos = Pos.UNKNOWN;
/** The text of the "MODULE" line at the top of the file; "unknown" if the line has not be parsed from the file yet. */
private String moduleName = "unknown";
/** Whether we have seen a name containing a dollar sign or not. */
boolean seenDollar = false;
/** Each param is mapped to its corresponding Sig (or null if we have not resolved it). */
private final Map<String,Sig> params = new LinkedHashMap<String,Sig>(); // Must be LinkedHashMap since the order matters
/** Each alias is mapped to its corresponding "open" statement. */
private final Map<String,Open> opens = new LinkedHashMap<String,Open>();
/** Each sig name is mapped to its corresponding SigAST. */
private final Map<String,Sig> sigs = new LinkedHashMap<String,Sig>();
/** The list of params in this module whose scope shall be deemed "exact" */
private final List<String> exactParams = new ArrayList<String>();
/** The current name resolution mode (0=pure) (1=Alloy 4.1.3 and older) (2=new) */
int resolution = 1;
/** Each func name is mapped to a nonempty list of FunAST objects. */
private final Map<String,ArrayList<Func>> funcs = new LinkedHashMap<String,ArrayList<Func>>();
/** Each macro name is mapped to a MacroAST object. */
private final Map<String,Macro> macros = new LinkedHashMap<String,Macro>();
/** Each assertion name is mapped to its Expr. */
private final Map<String,Expr> asserts = new LinkedHashMap<String,Expr>();
/** The list of facts; each fact is either an untypechecked Exp or a typechecked Expr. */
private final List<Pair<String,Expr>> facts = new ArrayList<Pair<String,Expr>>();
/** The list of (CommandName,Command,Expr) triples; NOTE: duplicate command names are allowed. */
private final List<Command> commands = new ArrayList<Command>();
/** Mutable; this class represents the current typechecking context. */
static final class Context extends VisitReturn<Expr> {
/** The place where warnings should go; can be null if we don't care about storing the warnings. */
private List<ErrorWarning> warns;
/** The module that the current context is in. */
final CompModule rootmodule;
/** Nonnull if we are typechecking a field declaration or a sig appended facts. */
Sig rootsig = null;
/** Nonnull if we are typechecking a field declaration. */
private Decl rootfield = null;
/** True if we are typechecking a function's parameter declarations or return declaration. */
private boolean rootfunparam = false;
/** Nonnull if we are typechecking a function's body. */
private Func rootfunbody = null;
/** This maps local names (eg. let/quantification variables and function parameters) to the objects they refer to. */
private final Env<String,Expr> env = new Env<String,Expr>();
/** The level of macro substitution recursion. */
public final int unrolls;
/** Associates the given name with the given expression in the current lexical scope. */
final void put(String name, Expr value) {
/** Removes the latest binding for the given name from the current lexical scope. */
final void remove(String name) {
/** Construct a new Context with an empty lexical scope. */
Context(CompModule rootModule, List<ErrorWarning> warns) {
this(rootModule, warns, 20); // 20 is a reasonable threshold; deeper than this would likely be too big to solve anyway
/** Construct a new Context with an empty lexical scope. */
Context(CompModule rootModule, List<ErrorWarning> warns, int unrolls) {
this.rootmodule = rootModule;
this.unrolls = unrolls;
this.warns = warns;
/** Resolve the given name to get a collection of Expr and Func objects. */
public Expr resolve(final Pos pos, final String name) {
if (name.indexOf('/') >= 0) {
String n = name.startsWith("this/") ? name.substring(5) : name;
CompModule mod = rootmodule;
while(true) {
int i = n.indexOf('/');
if (i<0) {
Macro m = mod.macros.get(n);
if (m==null || (m.isPrivate!=null && mod!=rootmodule)) break; else return m.changePos(pos);
String alias = n.substring(0,i);
Open uu = mod.opens.get(alias);
if (uu==null || uu.realModule==null || uu.isPrivate) break;
n = n.substring(i+1);
mod = uu.realModule;
Expr match = env.get(name);
if (match==null) {
boolean ambiguous = false;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(CompModule m: rootmodule.getAllNameableModules()) {
Macro mac = m.macros.get(name);
if (mac==null) continue;
if (match!=null) ambiguous=true; else match=mac;
sb.append("\n").append(m.path.length()==0 ? "this" : m.path).append("/").append(name);
if (ambiguous) return new ExprBad(pos, name, new ErrorType(pos, "There are multiple macros with the same name:"+sb));
if (match==null) match = rootmodule.globals.get(name);
if (match!=null) {
if (match instanceof Macro) return ((Macro)match).changePos(pos);
match = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, match);
return ExprChoice.make(pos, asList(match), asList(name));
Expr th = env.get("this");
if (th!=null) th = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, th);
TempList<Expr> ch = new TempList<Expr>();
TempList<String> re = new TempList<String>();
Expr ans = rootmodule.populate(ch, re, rootfield, rootsig, rootfunparam, rootfunbody, pos, name, th);
if (ans!=null) return ans;
if (ch.size()==0) return new ExprBad(pos, name, hint(pos, name)); else return ExprChoice.make(pos, ch.makeConst(), re.makeConst());
Expr check(Expr x) throws Err {
return visitThis(x);
/** Returns true if the function's parameters have reasonable intersection with the list of arguments.
* <br> If args.length() > f.params.size(), the extra arguments are ignored by this check
private static boolean applicable(Func f, List<Expr> args) {
if (f.count() > args.size()) return false;
int i=0;
for(ExprVar d: f.params()) {
Type param=d.type(), arg=args.get(i).type();
// The reason we don't directly compare "arg.arity()" with "param.arity()"
// is because the arguments may not be fully resolved yet.
if (!arg.hasCommonArity(param)) return false;
if (arg.hasTuple() && param.hasTuple() && !arg.intersects(param)) return false;
return true;
private Expr process(Pos pos, Pos closingBracket, Pos rightPos, List<Expr> choices, List<String> oldReasons, Expr arg) {
TempList<Expr> list = new TempList<Expr>(choices.size());
TempList<String> reasons = new TempList<String>(choices.size());
for(int i=0; i<choices.size(); i++) {
Expr x=choices.get(i), y=x;
while(true) {
if (y instanceof ExprUnary && ((ExprUnary)y).op==ExprUnary.Op.NOOP) y=((ExprUnary)y).sub;
else if (y instanceof ExprChoice && ((ExprChoice)y).choices.size()==1) y=((ExprChoice)y).choices.get(0);
else break;
if (y instanceof ExprBadCall) {
ExprBadCall bc = (ExprBadCall)y;
if (bc.args.size() < bc.fun.count()) {
ConstList<Expr> newargs = Util.append(bc.args, arg);
if (applicable(bc.fun, newargs))
y=ExprCall.make(bc.pos, bc.closingBracket, bc.fun, newargs, bc.extraWeight);
y=ExprBadCall.make(bc.pos, bc.closingBracket, bc.fun, newargs, bc.extraWeight);
} else {
y=ExprBinary.Op.JOIN.make(pos, closingBracket, arg, y);
} else {
y=ExprBinary.Op.JOIN.make(pos, closingBracket, arg, x);
return ExprChoice.make(rightPos, list.makeConst(), reasons.makeConst());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprList x) throws Err {
TempList<Expr> temp = new TempList<Expr>(x.args.size());
for(int i=0; i<x.args.size(); i++) temp.add(visitThis(x.args.get(i)));
return ExprList.make(x.pos, x.closingBracket, x.op, temp.makeConst());
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprITE x) throws Err {
Expr f = visitThis(x.cond);
Expr a = visitThis(x.left);
Expr b = visitThis(x.right);
return ExprITE.make(x.pos, f, a, b);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprBadJoin x) throws Err {
Expr left = visitThis(x.left);
Expr right = visitThis(x.right);
// If it's a macro invocation, instantiate it
if (right instanceof Macro) return ((Macro)right).addArg(left).instantiate(this, warns);
// check to see if it is the special builtin function "Int[]"
if (left.type().is_int && right.isSame(Sig.SIGINT)) return left.cast2sigint();
// otherwise, process as regular join or as method call
left = left.typecheck_as_set();
if (!left.errors.isEmpty() || !(right instanceof ExprChoice)) return ExprBinary.Op.JOIN.make(x.pos, x.closingBracket, left, right);
return process(x.pos, x.closingBracket, right.pos, ((ExprChoice)right).choices, ((ExprChoice)right).reasons, left);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprBinary x) throws Err {
Expr left = visitThis(x.left);
Expr right = visitThis(x.right);
if (x.op==ExprBinary.Op.JOIN) {
// If it's a macro invocation, instantiate it
if (right instanceof Macro) return ((Macro)right).addArg(left).instantiate(this, warns);
// check to see if it is the special builtin function "Int[]"
if (left.type().is_int && right.isSame(Sig.SIGINT)) return left.cast2sigint();
// otherwise, process as regular join or as method call
left = left.typecheck_as_set();
if (!left.errors.isEmpty() || !(right instanceof ExprChoice)) return x.op.make(x.pos, x.closingBracket, left, right);
return process(x.pos, x.closingBracket, right.pos, ((ExprChoice)right).choices, ((ExprChoice)right).reasons, left);
return x.op.make(x.pos, x.closingBracket, left, right);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprLet x) throws Err {
Expr right = visitThis(x.expr);
right = right.resolve(right.type(), warns);
ExprVar left = ExprVar.make(x.var.pos, x.var.label, right.type());
put(left.label, left);
Expr sub = visitThis(x.sub);
return ExprLet.make(x.pos, left, right, sub);
private boolean isOneOf(Expr x) {
if (x.mult!=1 || x.type().arity()!=1) return false;
while (x instanceof ExprUnary && ((ExprUnary)x).op==ExprUnary.Op.NOOP) x=((ExprUnary)x).sub;
return (x instanceof ExprUnary && ((ExprUnary)x).op==ExprUnary.Op.ONEOF);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprQt x) throws Err {
TempList<Decl> decls = new TempList<Decl>(x.decls.size());
boolean isMetaSig=false, isMetaField=false;
for(Decl d: x.decls) {
Expr exp = visitThis(d.expr).resolve_as_set(warns);
if (exp.mult==0 && exp.type().arity()==1) exp = ExprUnary.Op.ONEOF.make(null, exp);
if (exp.errors.isEmpty()) {
if (exp.type().isSubtypeOf(rootmodule.metaSig().plus(rootmodule.metaField()).type())) {
isMetaSig = exp.type().intersects(rootmodule.metaSig().type());
isMetaField = exp.type().intersects(rootmodule.metaField().type());
// Below is a special case to allow more fine-grained typechecking when we see "all x:field$" or "some x:field$"
boolean some = (x.op==ExprQt.Op.SOME), compre = (x.op==ExprQt.Op.COMPREHENSION);
if (x.decls.size()==1 && d.names.size()==1 && isOneOf(exp) && (x.op==ExprQt.Op.ALL || some || compre) && (isMetaSig || isMetaField)) {
ExprVar v = (ExprVar)(d.names.get(0));
// Prevent warnings
List<ErrorWarning> saved = warns;
warns = null;
// Now duplicate the body for each possible Meta Atom binding
Expr answer = null;
if (isMetaSig) for(PrimSig child: rootmodule.metaSig().children()) if (child.type().intersects(exp.type())) {
put(v.label, child);
Expr sub = visitThis(x.sub);
if (compre) answer = child.in(exp).and(sub).ite(child, Sig.NONE).plus(answer);
else if (some) answer = child.in(exp).and(sub).or(answer);
else answer = child.in(exp).implies(sub).and(answer);
if (isMetaField) for(PrimSig child: rootmodule.metaField().children()) if (child.type().intersects(exp.type())) {
put(v.label, child);
Expr sub = visitThis(x.sub);
if (compre) answer = child.in(exp).and(sub).ite(child, Sig.NONE).plus(answer);
else if (some) answer = child.in(exp).and(sub).or(answer);
else answer = child.in(exp).implies(sub).and(answer);
if (answer==null) answer = (compre ? Sig.NONE : (some ? ExprConstant.FALSE : ExprConstant.TRUE)); else answer = answer.resolve(answer.type(), null);
// Now, wrap the body in an ExprLet expression to prevent any more warnings by outer code
ExprVar combinedAnswer = ExprVar.make(Pos.UNKNOWN, "", answer.type());
Expr returnValue = ExprLet.make(Pos.UNKNOWN, combinedAnswer, answer, combinedAnswer);
// Restore the "warns" array, then return the answer
warns = saved;
return returnValue;
// Above is a special case to allow more fine-grained typechecking when we see "all x:field$" or "some x:field$"
TempList<ExprVar> n = new TempList<ExprVar>(d.names.size());
for(ExprHasName v: d.names) n.add(ExprVar.make(v.pos, v.label, exp.type()));
Decl dd = new Decl(d.isPrivate, d.disjoint, d.disjoint2, n.makeConst(), exp);
for(ExprHasName newname: dd.names) put(newname.label, newname);
Expr sub = visitThis(x.sub);
if (x.op==ExprQt.Op.SUM) sub=sub.resolve_as_int(warns); else sub=sub.resolve_as_formula(warns);
for(Decl d: decls.makeConst()) for(ExprHasName v: d.names) remove(v.label);
return x.op.make(x.pos, x.closingBracket, decls.makeConst(), sub);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprVar x) throws Err {
Expr obj = resolve(x.pos, x.label);
if (obj instanceof Macro) return ((Macro)obj).instantiate(this, warns); else return obj;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprUnary x) throws Err {
return x.op.make(x.pos, visitThis(x.sub));
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprCall x) { return x; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(ExprConstant x) { return x; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(Sig x) { return x; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public Expr visit(Field x) { return x; }
/** Mutable; this class represents an untypechecked Alloy module import statement; equals() uses object identity. */
public static final class Open {
/** The position in the original model where this "open" statement was declared; never null. */
public final Pos pos;
/** The alias for this open declaration; always a nonempty string. */
public final String alias;
/** The unmodifiable list of instantiating arguments. */
public final ConstList<String> args;
/** The relative filename for the file being imported, without the final ".als" part; always a nonempty string. */
public final String filename;
/** Whether this is a private open or not. */
final boolean isPrivate;
/** The actual Module object that it points to; null until we resolve it. */
private CompModule realModule = null;
/** Returns the actual Module object that it points to; null if we have not resolved it. */
public CompModule getRealModule() { return realModule; }
/** Constructs an Open object. */
private Open(Pos pos, boolean isPrivate, String alias, ConstList<String> args, String filename) {
this.pos=pos; this.isPrivate=isPrivate; this.alias=alias; this.args=args; this.filename=filename;
/** Connect this OPEN statement to a module that it points to. */
void connect(CompModule realModule) throws Err {
if (this.realModule!=null && this.realModule!=realModule) throw new ErrorFatal("Internal error (import mismatch)");
/** Constructs a new CompModule object
* @param world - the world that this CompModule belongs to (null if this is the beginning of a new World)
* @param filename - the filename corresponding to this module
* @param path - one of the path pointing to this module
CompModule(CompModule world, String filename, String path) throws Err {
if (world==null) {
if (path.length()>0) throw new ErrorFatal("Root module misparsed by parser.");
this.world = this;
new2old = new LinkedHashMap<Sig, Sig>();
old2fields = new LinkedHashMap<Sig, List<Decl>>();
old2appendedfacts = new LinkedHashMap<Sig, Expr>();
sig2module = new HashMap<Sig, CompModule>();
allModules = new ArrayList<CompModule>();
exactSigs = new LinkedHashSet<Sig>();
globals = new LinkedHashMap<String,Expr>();
metaSig = new PrimSig("this/sig$", Attr.ABSTRACT, Attr.META);
metaField = new PrimSig("this/field$", Attr.ABSTRACT, Attr.META);
} else {
this.world = world;
new2old = world.new2old;
old2fields = world.old2fields;
old2appendedfacts = world.old2appendedfacts;
sig2module = world.sig2module;
allModules = world.allModules;
exactSigs = world.exactSigs;
globals = world.globals;
metaSig = world.metaSig;
metaField = world.metaField;
this.path = path;
if (filename!=null && filename.length()>0) this.modulePos=new Pos(filename,1,1);
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public final Pos pos() { return modulePos; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public final Pos span() { return modulePos; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String getDescription() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<b>module</b> ").append(path).append(" <i>");
Util.encodeXML(sb, modulePos.filename);
return sb.append("</i>").toString();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public List<? extends Browsable> getSubnodes() {
ArrayList<Browsable> ans = new ArrayList<Browsable>();
ArrayList<Browsable> x;
if (opens.size()>0) {
x = new ArrayList<Browsable>(opens.size());
for(Open e: opens.values()) if (!x.contains(e.realModule)) x.add(e.realModule);
ans.add(make("<b>"+x.size()+(x.size()>1?" opens</b>":" open</b>"), x));
if (sigs.size()>0) {
x = new ArrayList<Browsable>(sigs.values());
ans.add(make("<b>"+x.size()+(x.size()>1?" sigs</b>":" sig</b>"), x));
if (funcs.size()>0) {
ArrayList<Browsable> x2 = new ArrayList<Browsable>(funcs.size());
x = new ArrayList<Browsable>(funcs.size());
for(ArrayList<Func> e: funcs.values()) for(Func f: e) if (f.isPred) x.add(f); else x2.add(f);
if (x.size()>0) ans.add(make("<b>"+x.size()+(x.size()>1?" preds</b>":" pred</b>"), x));
if (x2.size()>0) ans.add(make("<b>"+x2.size()+(x2.size()>1?" funs</b>":" fun</b>"), x2));
if (commands.size()>0) {
ArrayList<Browsable> x2 = new ArrayList<Browsable>(commands.size());
x = new ArrayList<Browsable>(commands.size());
for(Command e: commands) if (e.check) x.add(e); else x2.add(e);
if (x.size()>0) ans.add(make("<b>"+x.size()+(x.size()>1?" checks</b>":" check</b>"), x));
if (x2.size()>0) ans.add(make("<b>"+x2.size()+(x2.size()>1?" runs</b>":" run</b>"), x2));
if (facts.size()>0) {
x = new ArrayList<Browsable>(facts.size());
for(Pair<String,Expr> e: facts) x.add(make(e.b.span(), e.b.span(), "<b>fact " + e.a + "</b>", e.b));
ans.add(make("<b>"+x.size()+(x.size()>1?" facts</b>":" fact</b>"), x));
if (asserts.size()>0) {
x = new ArrayList<Browsable>(asserts.size());
for(Map.Entry<String,Expr> e: asserts.entrySet()) {
Pos sp = e.getValue().span();
x.add(make(sp, sp, "<b>assert</b> "+e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
ans.add(make("<b>"+x.size()+(x.size()>1?" asserts</b>":" assert</b>"), x));
return ans;
/** Returns the meta signature "sig$" (or null if such a sig does not exist) */
public PrimSig metaSig() { return world.metaSig; }
/** Returns the meta signature "field$" (or null if such a sig does not exist) */
public PrimSig metaField() { return world.metaField; }
private static String base(String string) {
int i = string.lastIndexOf('/');
return i<0 ? string : string.substring(i+1);
private static String base(Sig sig) { return base(sig.label); }
/** Generate an error message saying the given keyword is no longer supported. */
static ErrorSyntax hint (Pos pos, String name) {
String msg="The name \""+name+"\" cannot be found.";
if ("exh".equals(name) || "exhaustive".equals(name) || "part".equals(name) || "partition".equals(name))
msg=msg+" If you are migrating from Alloy 3, please see Help->QuickGuide on how to translate models that use the \""
+name+"\" keyword.";
return new ErrorSyntax(pos, msg);
/** Parse one expression by starting fromt this module as the root module. */
public Expr parseOneExpressionFromString(String input) throws Err, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
Map<String,String> fc = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
fc.put("", "run {\n"+input+"}"); // We prepend the line "run{"
CompModule m = CompParser.alloy_parseStream(new ArrayList<Object>(), null, fc, null, -1, "", "", 1);
if (m.funcs.size()==0) throw new ErrorSyntax("The input does not correspond to an Alloy expression.");
Expr body = m.funcs.values().iterator().next().get(0).getBody();
Context cx = new Context(this, null);
body = cx.check(body);
body = body.resolve(body.type(), null);
if (body.errors.size()>0) throw body.errors.pick(); else return body;
/** Throw an exception if the name is already used, or has @ or /, or is univ/Int/none. */
private void dup(Pos pos, String name, boolean checkSig) throws Err {
if (name.length()==0) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "Name cannot be empty");
if (name.indexOf('@')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "Name cannot contain the \'@\' character");
if (name.indexOf('/')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "Name cannot contain the \'/\' character");
if (name.equals("univ")) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "\'univ\' is a reserved keyword.");
if (name.equals("Int")) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "\'Int\' is a reserved keyword.");
if (name.equals("none")) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "\'none\' is a reserved keyword.");
if (checkSig && (params.containsKey(name) || sigs.containsKey(name)))
throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "\""+name+"\" is already the name of a sig/parameter in this module.");
/** Throw an exception if there are more than 1 match; return nonnull if only one match; return null if no match. */
private Object unique (Pos pos, String name, List<Object> objs) throws Err {
if (objs.size()==0) return null;
if (objs.size()==1) return objs.get(0);
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("The name \"").append(name);
msg.append("\" is ambiguous.\n" + "There are ").append(objs.size()).append(" choices:");
for(int i=0; i<objs.size(); i++) {
msg.append("\n\n#").append(i+1).append(": ");
Object x=objs.get(i);
if (x instanceof Sig) {
Sig y = (Sig)x; msg.append("sig ").append(y.label).append("\n"+"at ").append(y.pos.toShortString());
else if (x instanceof Func) {
Func y = (Func)x;
msg.append(y.isPred?"pred ":"fun ")
.append(y.label).append("\n"+"at ").append(y.pos.toShortString());
else if (x instanceof Expr) {
Expr y = (Expr)x;
msg.append("assertion at ").append(y.pos.toShortString());
throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, msg.toString());
/** Returns a list containing THIS MODULE and all modules reachable from this module. */
private void getHelper(int level, SafeList<CompModule> ans, Object key) {
if (visitedBy==key) return;
for(Open i: opens.values()) if (!(level>0 && i.isPrivate)) {
CompModule m = i.realModule;
if (m!=null) m.getHelper(level<0 ? (-1) : (level+1), ans, key);
/** Return the list containing THIS MODULE and all modules reachable from this module. */
public SafeList<CompModule> getAllReachableModules() {
SafeList<CompModule> ans=new SafeList<CompModule>();
getHelper(-1, ans, new Object()); // The object must be new, since we need it to be a unique key
return ans.dup();
/** Return the list of all relative filenames included from this MODULE. */
public List<String> getAllReachableModulesFilenames() {
Set<String> set = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
for(Open o: opens.values()) set.add(o.filename);
return new ArrayList<String>(set);
/** Return the list containing THIS MODULE and all modules nameable from this module. */
private SafeList<CompModule> getAllNameableModules() {
SafeList<CompModule> ans=new SafeList<CompModule>();
getHelper(0, ans, new Object()); // The object must be new, since we need it to be a unique key
return ans.dup();
/** Return the list containing UNIV, SIGINT, SEQIDX, STRING, NONE, and all sigs defined in this module or a reachable submodule. */
public ConstList<Sig> getAllReachableSigs() {
TempList<Sig> x = new TempList<Sig>();
for(CompModule m:getAllReachableModules()) x.addAll(m.sigs.values());
return x.makeConst();
/** Lookup non-fully-qualified Sig/Func/Assertion from the current module; it skips PARAMs. */
private List<Object> getRawNQS (CompModule start, final int r, String name) {
// (r&1)!=0 => Sig, (r&2) != 0 => assertion, (r&4)!=0 => Func
List<Object> ans=new ArrayList<Object>();
for(CompModule m:getAllNameableModules()) {
if ((r&1)!=0) { Sig x=m.sigs.get(name); if (x!=null) if (m==start || x.isPrivate==null) ans.add(x); }
if ((r&2)!=0) { Expr x=m.asserts.get(name); if (x!=null) ans.add(x); }
if ((r&4)!=0) { ArrayList<Func> x=m.funcs.get(name); if (x!=null) for(Func y:x) if (m==start || y.isPrivate==null) ans.add(y); }
return ans;
/** Lookup a fully-qualified Sig/Func/Assertion from the current module; it skips PARAMs. */
private List<Object> getRawQS (final int r, String name) {
// (r&1)!=0 => Sig, (r&2) != 0 => assertion, (r&4)!=0 => Func
List<Object> ans=new ArrayList<Object>();
CompModule u=this;
if (name.startsWith("this/")) name=name.substring(5);
for(int level=0; ;level++) {
int i=name.indexOf('/');
if (i<0) {
if ((r&1)!=0) { Sig x=u.sigs.get(name); if (x!=null) if (level==0 || x.isPrivate==null) ans.add(x); }
if ((r&2)!=0) { Expr x=u.asserts.get(name); if (x!=null) ans.add(x); }
if ((r&4)!=0) { ArrayList<Func> x=u.funcs.get(name); if (x!=null) for(Func y:x) if (level==0 || y.isPrivate==null) ans.add(y); }
if (ans.size()==0) return u.getRawNQS(this,r,name); // If nothing at this module, then do a non-qualified search from this module
return ans;
String alias=name.substring(0,i);
Open uu=u.opens.get(alias);
if (uu==null || uu.realModule==null) return ans; // may happen during the initial "module"
if (level>0 && uu.isPrivate) return ans; // that means the module is imported privately
/** Lookup a Sig from the current module (and it will also search this.params) */
private Sig getRawSIG (Pos pos, String name) throws Err {
List<Object> s;
Sig s2=null;
if (name.equals("sig$") || name.equals("field$")) if (world!=null) {
s2 = world.sigs.get(name);
if (s2!=null) return s2;
if (name.equals("univ")) return UNIV;
if (name.equals("Int")) return SIGINT;
if (name.equals("seq/Int")) return SEQIDX;
if (name.equals("String")) return STRING;
if (name.equals("none")) return NONE;
if (name.indexOf('/')<0) {
s=getRawNQS(this, 1, name);
} else {
if (name.startsWith("this/")) { name=name.substring(5); s2=params.get(name); }
s=getRawQS(1, name);
if (s2!=null && !s.contains(s2)) s.add(s2);
return (Sig) (unique(pos, name, s));
/** Returns a short description for this module. */
@Override public String toString() { return "module{"+path+"}"; }
/** Returns a pointer to the root module in this world. */
public CompModule getRootModule() { return world; }
/** Returns the text of the "MODULE" line at the top of the file; "unknown" if the line has not be parsed from the file yet. */
public String getModelName() { return moduleName; }
/** Returns an unmodifiable copy of the current list of OPEN statements. */
public ConstList<Open> getOpens() { return ConstList.make(opens.values()); }
/** Add the "MODULE" declaration. */
void addModelName(Pos pos, String moduleName, List<ExprVar> list) throws Err {
if (status>0) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos,
"The \"module\" declaration must occur at the top,\n" + "and can occur at most once.");
this.moduleName = moduleName;
this.modulePos = pos;
boolean nextIsExact = false;
if (list!=null) for(ExprVar expr: list) {
if (expr==null) { nextIsExact=true; continue; }
String name = expr.label;
dup(expr.span(), name, true);
if (path.length()==0) {
Sig newSig = addSig(name, null, null, null, null, WHERE.make(expr.span()));
if (nextIsExact) exactSigs.add(newSig);
} else {
params.put(name, null);
if (nextIsExact) exactParams.add(name);
this.status=1; // This line must be at the end, since "addSig" will otherwise bump the status value to 3
/** Add util/sequniv to the list of declarations. */
void addSeq(Pos pos) throws Err {
int oldStatus = status;
status = 0;
try {
addOpen(pos, null, ExprVar.make(pos, "util/sequniv"), null, ExprVar.make(pos, "seq"));
} finally {
status = oldStatus;
/** Add an OPEN declaration. */
void addOpen(Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, ExprVar name, List<ExprVar> args, ExprVar alias) throws Err {
if (status>2) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "The \"open\" declaration must occur before any\n" + "sig/pred/fun/fact/assert/check/run command.");
String as = (alias==null ? "" : alias.label);
if (name.label.length()==0) throw new ErrorSyntax(name.span(), "The filename cannot be empty.");
if (as.indexOf('$')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(alias==null ? null : alias.span(), "Alias must not contain the \'$\' character");
if (as.indexOf('@')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(alias==null ? null : alias.span(), "Alias must not contain the \'@\' character");
if (as.indexOf('/')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(alias==null ? null : alias.span(), "Alias must not contain the \'/\' character");
if (as.length()==0) {
if (args==null || args.size()==0) {
for(int i=0; ; i++) {
if (i>=name.label.length()) { as=name.label; break; }
char c=name.label.charAt(i);
if ((c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z')) continue;
if (i==0) break;
if (!(c>='0' && c<='9') && c!='_' && c!='\'' && c!='\"') break;
final TempList<String> newlist = new TempList<String>(args==null ? 0 : args.size());
if (args!=null) for(int i=0; i<args.size(); i++) {
ExprVar arg=args.get(i);
if (arg.label.length()==0) throw new ErrorSyntax(arg.span(), "Argument cannot be empty.");
if (arg.label.indexOf('@')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(arg.span(), "Argument cannot contain the \'@\' chracter.");
Open x = opens.get(as);
if (x!=null) {
// we allow this, especially because of util/sequniv
if (x.args.equals(newlist.makeConst()) && x.filename.equals(name.label)) return;
throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "You cannot import two different modules\n" + "using the same alias.");
x = new Open(pos, isPrivate!=null, as, newlist.makeConst(), name.label);
opens.put(as, x);
/** Do any post-parsing processig. */
void doneParsing() {
status = 3;
LinkedHashMap<String,Open> copy = new LinkedHashMap<String,Open>(opens);
for(Map.Entry<String,Open> e: copy.entrySet()) {
String a = e.getKey();
Open m = e.getValue();
if (a.indexOf('$')>=0) {
String base = m.filename;
int i = base.lastIndexOf('/');
if (i>=0) base = base.substring(i+1);
if (!copy.containsKey(base) && !opens.containsKey(base)) {
for(i=0; i<base.length(); i++) {
char c = base.charAt(i);
if ((c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z')) continue;
if (i!=0 && ((c>='0' && c<='9') || c=='_' || c=='\'' || c=='\"')) continue;
if (i>=base.length()) a = base;
opens.put(a, new Open(m.pos, m.isPrivate, a, m.args, m.filename));
/** Every param in every module will now point to a nonnull Sig. */
private static void resolveParams(A4Reporter rep, List<CompModule> modules) throws Err {
while(true) {
boolean chg=false;
Open missing=null;
String missingName="";
for(CompModule mod: modules) for(Open open: mod.opens.values()) {
CompModule sub = open.realModule;
if (open.args.size()!=sub.params.size())
throw new ErrorSyntax(open.pos,
"You supplied "+open.args.size()+" arguments to the open statement, but the imported module requires "
+sub.params.size()+" arguments.");
int i=0;
for(Map.Entry<String,Sig> p: sub.params.entrySet()) {
Sig old = p.getValue();
String kn = p.getKey(), vn = open.args.get(i);
Sig vv=mod.getRawSIG(open.pos, vn);
if (vv==null) {if (old==null) {missing=open; missingName=vn;} continue;}
if (old==vv) continue;
if (old!=null) throw new ErrorFatal(open.pos, "Internal error (module re-instantiated with different arguments)");
if (vv==NONE) throw new ErrorSyntax(open.pos, "You cannot use \"none\" as an instantiating argument.");
rep.parse("RESOLVE: "+(sub.path.length()==0?"this/":sub.path)+"/"+kn+" := "+vv+"\n");
if (!chg && missing==null) return;
if (!chg) throw new ErrorSyntax(missing.pos, "The signature name \""+missingName+"\" cannot be found.");
/** Modules with same filename and instantiating arguments will be merged. */
private static void resolveModules(A4Reporter rep, List<CompModule> modules) {
// Before merging, the only pointers that go between Module objects are
// (1) a module's "params" may point to a sig in another module
// (2) a module's "imports" may point to another module
// So when we find that two modules A and B should be merged,
// we go through every module and replace "pointers into B" with equivalent "pointers into A".
while(true) {
boolean chg=false;
for(int i=0; i<modules.size(); i++) {
CompModule a=modules.get(i);
for(int j=i+1; j<modules.size(); j++) {
CompModule b=modules.get(j);
if (!a.modulePos.filename.equals(b.modulePos.filename) || !a.params.equals(b.params)) continue;
rep.parse("MATCH FOUND ON "+a.modulePos.filename+"\n");
int aa = a.path.indexOf('$'), bb = b.path.indexOf('$');
if (i!=0) if (!(aa<0 && bb>=0)) if ((aa>=0 && bb<0) || Util.slashComparator.compare(a.path, b.path)>0) {
a=b; b=modules.get(i); modules.set(i,a);
for(CompModule c:modules) {
for(Map.Entry<String,Sig> p:c.params.entrySet())
if (isin(p.getValue(), b.sigs)) p.setValue(a.sigs.get(base(p.getValue())));
for(Open p: c.opens.values())
if (p.realModule==b) p.realModule=a;
if (!chg) break;
/** Add a sig declaration. */
Sig addSig(String name, ExprVar par, List<ExprVar> parents, List<Decl> fields, Expr fact, Attr... attributes) throws Err {
Sig obj;
Pos pos = Pos.UNKNOWN.merge(WHERE.find(attributes));
status = 3;
dup(pos, name, true);
String full = (path.length()==0) ? "this/"+name : path+"/"+name;
Pos subset=null, subsig=null;
boolean exact = false;
if (par!=null) {
if (par.label.equals("extends")) { subsig=par.span().merge(parents.get(0).span()); }
else { exact=!par.label.equals("in"); subset=par.span(); for(ExprVar p:parents) subset=p.span().merge(subset); }
attributes = Util.append(attributes, exact ? Attr.EXACT : null);
if (subset!=null) {
attributes = Util.append(attributes, SUBSET.makenull(subset));
List<Sig> newParents = new ArrayList<Sig>(parents==null ? 0 : parents.size());
if (parents!=null) for(ExprVar p: parents) newParents.add(new PrimSig(p.label, WHERE.make(p.pos)));
obj = new SubsetSig(full, newParents, attributes);
} else {
attributes = Util.append(attributes, SUBSIG.makenull(subsig));
PrimSig newParent = (parents!=null && parents.size()>0) ? (new PrimSig(parents.get(0).label, WHERE.make(parents.get(0).pos))) : UNIV;
obj = new PrimSig(full, newParent, attributes);
sigs.put(name, obj);
old2fields.put(obj, fields);
old2appendedfacts.put(obj, fact);
return obj;
/** Add an enumeration. */
void addEnum(Pos pos, Pos priv, ExprVar name, List<ExprVar> atoms, Pos closingBracket) throws Err {
ExprVar EXTENDS = ExprVar.make(null, "extends");
ExprVar THIS = ExprVar.make(null, "this/"+name);
List<ExprVar> THESE = Arrays.asList(THIS);
if (atoms==null || atoms.size()==0) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "Enumeration must contain at least one name.");
addSig(name.label, null, null, null, null, WHERE.make(name.pos), ABSTRACT.make(name.pos), PRIVATE.makenull(priv), Attr.ENUM);
for(ExprVar a:atoms) addSig(a.label, EXTENDS, THESE, null, null, WHERE.make(a.pos), ONE.make(a.pos), PRIVATE.makenull(priv));
int oldStatus = status;
status = 0;
try {
addOpen(null, null, ExprVar.make(pos, "util/ordering"), Arrays.asList(THIS), null);
} finally {
status = oldStatus;
/** The given Sig will now point to a nonnull Sig. */
private static Sig resolveSig(CompModule res, Set<Object> topo, Sig oldS) throws Err {
if (res.new2old.containsKey(oldS)) return oldS;
Sig realSig;
final Pos pos = oldS.pos;
final CompModule u = res.sig2module.get(oldS);
final String name = base(oldS);
final String fullname = (u.path.length()==0) ? ("this/"+name) : (u.path+"/"+name);
if (!topo.add(oldS)) throw new ErrorType(pos, "Sig "+oldS+" is involved in a cyclic inheritance.");
if (oldS instanceof SubsetSig) {
List<Sig> parents = new ArrayList<Sig>();
for(Sig n: ((SubsetSig)oldS).parents) {
Sig parentAST = u.getRawSIG(n.pos, n.label);
if (parentAST==null) throw new ErrorSyntax(n.pos, "The sig \""+n.label+"\" cannot be found.");
parents.add(resolveSig(res, topo, parentAST));
realSig = new SubsetSig(fullname, parents, oldS.attributes.toArray(new Attr[0]));
} else {
Sig sup = ((PrimSig)oldS).parent;
Sig parentAST = u.getRawSIG(sup.pos, sup.label);
if (parentAST==null) throw new ErrorSyntax(sup.pos, "The sig \""+sup.label+"\" cannot be found.");
Sig parent = resolveSig(res, topo, parentAST);
if (!(parent instanceof PrimSig)) throw new ErrorSyntax(sup.pos, "Cannot extend the subset signature \"" + parent
+ "\".\n" + "A signature can only extend a toplevel signature or a subsignature.");
PrimSig p = (PrimSig)parent;
realSig = new PrimSig(fullname, p, oldS.attributes.toArray(new Attr[0]));
res.new2old.put(realSig, oldS);
res.sig2module.put(realSig, u);
for(CompModule m: res.allModules) {
for(Map.Entry<String,Sig> e: m.sigs.entrySet()) if (e.getValue()==oldS) e.setValue(realSig);
for(Map.Entry<String,Sig> e: m.params.entrySet()) if (e.getValue()==oldS) e.setValue(realSig);
if (res.exactSigs.remove(oldS)) res.exactSigs.add(realSig);
return realSig;
/** Returns an unmodifiable list of all signatures defined inside this module. */
public SafeList<Sig> getAllSigs() {
SafeList<Sig> x = new SafeList<Sig>(sigs.values());
return x.dup();
/** Add a MACRO declaration. */
void addMacro(Pos p, Pos isPrivate, String n, List<ExprVar> decls, Expr v) throws Err {
if (!Version.experimental) throw new ErrorSyntax(p, "LET declaration is allowed only inside a toplevel paragraph.");
ConstList<ExprVar> ds = ConstList.make(decls);
dup(p, n, false);
for(int i=0; i<ds.size(); i++) for(int j=i+1; j<ds.size(); j++)
if (ds.get(i).label.equals(ds.get(j).label))
throw new ErrorSyntax(ds.get(j).span(), "The parameter name \""+ds.get(j).label+"\" cannot appear more than once.");
Macro ans = new Macro(p, isPrivate, this, n, ds, v);
Macro old = macros.put(n, ans);
if (old!=null) { macros.put(n, old); throw new ErrorSyntax(p, "You cannot declare more than one macro with the same name \""+n+"\" in the same file."); }
/** Add a FUN or PRED declaration. */
void addFunc(Pos p, Pos isPrivate, String n, Expr f, List<Decl> decls, Expr t, Expr v) throws Err {
if (decls==null) decls=new ArrayList<Decl>(); else decls=new ArrayList<Decl>(decls);
if (f!=null) decls.add(0, new Decl(null, null, null, Util.asList(ExprVar.make(f.span(), "this")), f));
for(Decl d:decls) {
if (d.isPrivate!=null) {
ExprHasName name = d.names.get(0);
throw new ErrorSyntax(d.isPrivate.merge(name.pos), "Function parameter \""+name.label+"\" is always private already.");
if (d.disjoint2!=null) {
ExprHasName name = d.names.get(d.names.size()-1);
throw new ErrorSyntax(d.disjoint2.merge(name.pos), "Function parameter \""+name.label+"\" cannot be bound to a 'disjoint' expression.");
dup(p, n, false);
ExprHasName dup = Decl.findDuplicateName(decls);
if (dup!=null) throw new ErrorSyntax(dup.span(), "The parameter name \""+dup.label+"\" cannot appear more than once.");
Func ans = new Func(p, isPrivate, n, decls, t, v);
ArrayList<Func> list = funcs.get(n);
if (list==null) { list = new ArrayList<Func>(); funcs.put(n, list); }
/** Each FunAST will now point to a bodyless Func object. */
private JoinableList<Err> resolveFuncDecls(A4Reporter rep, JoinableList<Err> errors, List<ErrorWarning> warns) throws Err {
for(ArrayList<Func> list: funcs.values()) {
for(int listi=0; listi<list.size(); listi++) {
Func f = list.get(listi);
String fullname = (path.length()==0 ? "this/" : (path+"/")) + f.label;
// Each PARAMETER can refer to earlier parameter in the same function, and any SIG or FIELD visible from here.
// Each RETURNTYPE can refer to the parameters of the same function, and any SIG or FIELD visible from here.
Context cx = new Context(this, warns);
cx.rootfunparam = true;
TempList<Decl> tmpdecls = new TempList<Decl>();
boolean err = false;
for(Decl d: f.decls) {
TempList<ExprVar> tmpvars = new TempList<ExprVar>();
Expr val = cx.check(d.expr).resolve_as_set(warns);
if (!val.errors.isEmpty()) { err = true; errors = errors.make(val.errors); }
for(ExprHasName n: d.names) {
ExprVar v = ExprVar.make(n.span(), n.label, val.type());
cx.put(n.label, v);
rep.typecheck((f.isPred?"pred ":"fun ")+fullname+", Param "+n.label+": "+v.type()+"\n");
tmpdecls.add(new Decl(d.isPrivate, d.disjoint, d.disjoint2, tmpvars.makeConst(), val));
Expr ret = null;
if (!f.isPred) {
ret = cx.check(f.returnDecl).resolve_as_set(warns);
if (!ret.errors.isEmpty()) { err = true; errors = errors.make(ret.errors); }
if (err) continue;
try {
f = new Func(f.pos, f.isPrivate, fullname, tmpdecls.makeConst(), ret, f.getBody());
list.set(listi, f);
rep.typecheck("" + f + ", RETURN: " + f.returnDecl.type() + "\n");
} catch(Err ex) { errors = errors.make(ex); }
return errors;
/** Each Func's body will now be typechecked Expr object. */
private JoinableList<Err> resolveFuncBody(A4Reporter rep, JoinableList<Err> errors, List<ErrorWarning> warns) throws Err {
for(ArrayList<Func> entry: funcs.values()) for(Func ff: entry) {
Context cx = new Context(this, warns);
cx.rootfunbody = ff;
for(Decl d: ff.decls) for(ExprHasName n: d.names) cx.put(n.label, n);
Expr newBody = cx.check(ff.getBody());
if (ff.isPred) newBody = newBody.resolve_as_formula(warns); else newBody = newBody.resolve_as_set(warns);
errors = errors.make(newBody.errors);
if (!newBody.errors.isEmpty()) continue;
try { ff.setBody(newBody); } catch(Err er) {errors = errors.make(er); continue;}
if (warns!=null && ff.returnDecl.type().hasTuple() && newBody.type().hasTuple() && !newBody.type().intersects(ff.returnDecl.type()))
warns.add(new ErrorWarning(newBody.span(),
"Function return value is disjoint from its return type.\n"
+"Function body has type "+newBody.type() + "\n" + "but the return type is "+ff.returnDecl.type()));
//else if (warns!=null && Version.experimental && !newBody.type.isSubtypeOf(ff.returnDecl.type))
// warns.add(new ErrorWarning(newBody.span(),
// "Function may return a tuple not in its declared return type.\n"
// +"The Alloy Analyzer's analysis may be unsound\n"
// +"if it returns a tuple outside its declared return type.\n"
// +"Function body has type "+newBody.type+"\nbut the return type is "+ff.returnDecl.type));
rep.typecheck(ff.toString()+", BODY:"+newBody.type()+"\n");
return errors;
/** Return an unmodifiable list of all functions in this module. */
public SafeList<Func> getAllFunc() {
SafeList<Func> ans = new SafeList<Func>();
for(ArrayList<Func> e: funcs.values()) ans.addAll(e);
return ans.dup();
/** Add an ASSERT declaration. */
String addAssertion(Pos pos, String name, Expr value) throws Err {
if (name==null || name.length()==0) name="assert$"+(1+asserts.size());
dup(pos, name, false);
Expr old = asserts.put(name, ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(value.span().merge(pos), value));
if (old!=null) {
asserts.put(name, old);
throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "\""+name+"\" is already the name of an assertion in this module.");
return name;
/** Each assertion name now points to a typechecked Expr rather than an untypechecked Exp. */
private JoinableList<Err> resolveAssertions(A4Reporter rep, JoinableList<Err> errors, List<ErrorWarning> warns) throws Err {
Context cx = new Context(this, warns);
for(Map.Entry<String,Expr> e: asserts.entrySet()) {
Expr expr = e.getValue();
expr = cx.check(expr).resolve_as_formula(warns);
if (expr.errors.isEmpty()) {
rep.typecheck("Assertion " + e.getKey() + ": " + expr.type()+"\n");
} else errors = errors.make(expr.errors);
return errors;
/** Return an unmodifiable list of all assertions in this module. */
public ConstList<Pair<String,Expr>> getAllAssertions() {
TempList<Pair<String,Expr>> ans = new TempList<Pair<String,Expr>>(asserts.size());
for(Map.Entry<String,Expr> e: asserts.entrySet()) {
ans.add(new Pair<String,Expr>(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
return ans.makeConst();
/** Add a FACT declaration. */
void addFact(Pos pos, String name, Expr value) throws Err {
if (name==null || name.length()==0) name="fact$"+(1+facts.size());
facts.add(new Pair<String,Expr>(name, ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(value.span().merge(pos), value)));
/** Each fact name now points to a typechecked Expr rather than an untypechecked Exp; we'll also add the sig appended facts. */
private JoinableList<Err> resolveFacts(CompModule res, A4Reporter rep, JoinableList<Err> errors, List<ErrorWarning> warns) throws Err {
Context cx = new Context(this, warns);
for(int i=0; i<facts.size(); i++) {
String name = facts.get(i).a;
Expr expr = facts.get(i).b;
expr = cx.check(expr).resolve_as_formula(warns);
if (expr.errors.isEmpty()) {
facts.set(i, new Pair<String,Expr>(name, expr));
rep.typecheck("Fact " + name + ": " + expr.type()+"\n");
} else errors = errors.make(expr.errors);
for(Sig s: sigs.values()) {
Expr f = res.old2appendedfacts.get(res.new2old.get(s));
if (f == null) continue;
if (f instanceof ExprConstant && ((ExprConstant)f).op==ExprConstant.Op.TRUE) continue;
Expr formula;
cx.rootsig = s;
if (s.isOne==null) {
cx.put("this", s.decl.get());
formula = cx.check(f).resolve_as_formula(warns);
} else {
cx.put("this", s);
formula = cx.check(f).resolve_as_formula(warns);
if (formula.errors.size()>0) errors = errors.make(formula.errors); else { s.addFact(formula); rep.typecheck("Fact "+s+"$fact: " + formula.type()+"\n"); }
return errors;
/** Return an unmodifiable list of all facts in this module. */
public SafeList<Pair<String,Expr>> getAllFacts() {
return (new SafeList<Pair<String,Expr>>(facts)).dup();
/** Return the conjunction of all facts in this module and all reachable submodules (not including field constraints, nor including sig appended constraints) */
public Expr getAllReachableFacts() {
ArrayList<Expr> facts = new ArrayList<Expr>();
for(CompModule m: world.getAllReachableModules()) for(Pair<String,Expr> f: m.facts) facts.add(f.b);
if (facts.size()==0) return ExprConstant.TRUE; else return ExprList.make(null, null, ExprList.Op.AND, facts);
/** Add a COMMAND declaration. */
void addCommand(boolean followUp, Pos p, String n, boolean c, int o, int b, int seq, int exp, List<CommandScope> s, ExprVar label) throws Err {
if (followUp && !Version.experimental) throw new ErrorSyntax(p, "Syntax error encountering => symbol.");
if (label!=null) p=Pos.UNKNOWN.merge(p).merge(label.pos);
if (n.length()==0) throw new ErrorSyntax(p, "Predicate/assertion name cannot be empty.");
if (n.indexOf('@')>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(p, "Predicate/assertion name cannot contain \'@\'");
String labelName = (label==null || label.label.length()==0) ? n : label.label;
Command parent = followUp ? commands.get(commands.size()-1) : null;
Command newcommand = new Command(p, labelName, c, o, b, seq, exp, s, null, ExprVar.make(null, n), parent);
if (parent!=null) commands.set(commands.size()-1, newcommand); else commands.add(newcommand);
/** Add a COMMAND declaration. */
void addCommand(boolean followUp, Pos p, Expr e, boolean c, int o, int b, int seq, int exp, List<CommandScope> s, ExprVar label) throws Err {
if (followUp && !Version.experimental) throw new ErrorSyntax(p, "Syntax error encountering => symbol.");
if (label!=null) p=Pos.UNKNOWN.merge(p).merge(label.pos);
String n;
if (c) n=addAssertion(p,"check$"+(1+commands.size()),e);
else addFunc(e.span().merge(p), Pos.UNKNOWN, n="run$"+(1+commands.size()), null, new ArrayList<Decl>(), null, e);
String labelName = (label==null || label.label.length()==0) ? n : label.label;
Command parent = followUp ? commands.get(commands.size()-1) : null;
Command newcommand = new Command(e.span().merge(p), labelName, c, o, b, seq, exp, s, null, ExprVar.make(null, n), parent);
if (parent!=null) commands.set(commands.size()-1, newcommand); else commands.add(newcommand);
/** Resolve a particular command. */
private Command resolveCommand(Command cmd, ConstList<Sig> exactSigs, Expr globalFacts) throws Err {
Command parent = cmd.parent==null ? null : resolveCommand(cmd.parent, exactSigs, globalFacts);
String cname = ((ExprVar)(cmd.formula)).label;
Expr e;
if (cmd.check) {
List<Object> m = getRawQS(2, cname); // We prefer assertion in the topmost module
if (m.size()==0 && cname.indexOf('/')<0) m=getRawNQS(this, 2, cname);
if (m.size()>1) unique(cmd.pos, cname, m);
if (m.size()<1) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "The assertion \""+cname+"\" cannot be found.");
e = ((Expr)(m.get(0))).not();
} else {
List<Object> m = getRawQS(4, cname); // We prefer fun/pred in the topmost module
if (m.size()==0 && cname.indexOf('/')<0) m=getRawNQS(this, 4, cname);
if (m.size()>1) unique(cmd.pos, cname, m);
if (m.size()<1) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "The predicate/function \""+cname+"\" cannot be found.");
Func f = (Func) (m.get(0));
e = f.getBody();
if (!f.isPred) e = e.in(f.returnDecl);
if (f.decls.size()>0) e = ExprQt.Op.SOME.make(null, null, f.decls, e);
if (e==null) e = ExprConstant.TRUE;
TempList<CommandScope> sc=new TempList<CommandScope>(cmd.scope.size());
for(CommandScope et: cmd.scope) {
Sig s = getRawSIG(et.sig.pos, et.sig.label);
if (s==null) throw new ErrorSyntax(et.sig.pos, "The sig \""+et.sig.label+"\" cannot be found.");
sc.add(new CommandScope(null, s, et.isExact, et.startingScope, et.endingScope, et.increment));
return new Command(cmd.pos, cmd.label, cmd.check, cmd.overall, cmd.bitwidth, cmd.maxseq, cmd.expects, sc.makeConst(), exactSigs, globalFacts.and(e), parent);
/** Each command now points to a typechecked Expr. */
private void resolveCommands(Expr globalFacts) throws Err {
ConstList<Sig> exactSigs = ConstList.make(world.exactSigs);
for(int i=0; i<commands.size(); i++) {
Command cmd = commands.get(i);
cmd = resolveCommand(cmd, exactSigs, globalFacts);
commands.set(i, cmd);
/** Return an unmodifiable list of all commands in this module. */
public ConstList<Command> getAllCommands() { return ConstList.make(commands); }
/** Returns true if exists some entry (a,b) in the map, such that b==value (using object identity as the comparison) */
private static<K,V> boolean isin(V value, Map<K,V> map) {
for(V v: map.values()) if (v==value) return true;
return false;
private static void resolveFieldDecl(CompModule res, final A4Reporter rep, final Sig s, final List<ErrorWarning> warns, boolean defined) throws Err {
// When typechecking each field:
// * it is allowed to refer to earlier fields in the same SIG or in any visible ancestor sig
// * it is allowed to refer to visible sigs
// * it is NOT allowed to refer to any predicate or function
// For example, if A.als opens B.als, and B/SIGX extends A/SIGY,
// then B/SIGX's fields cannot refer to A/SIGY, nor any fields in A/SIGY)
final List<Decl> oldDecls = res.old2fields.get(res.new2old.get(s));
if (oldDecls==null) return;
final CompModule m = res.sig2module.get(s);
final Context cx = new Context(m, warns);
final ExprHasName dup = Decl.findDuplicateName(oldDecls);
if (dup!=null) throw new ErrorSyntax(dup.span(), "sig \""+s+"\" cannot have 2 fields named \""+dup.label+"\"");
for(final Decl d: oldDecls) {
if (d.expr.mult()!=ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF) {if (defined) continue;} else {if (!defined) continue;}
// The name "this" does matter, since the parser and the typechecker both refer to it as "this"
cx.rootfield = d;
cx.rootsig = s;
cx.put("this", s.decl.get());
Expr bound = cx.check(d.expr).resolve_as_set(warns);
String[] names = new String[d.names.size()]; for(int i=0; i<names.length; i++) names[i] = d.names.get(i).label;
Field[] fields = s.addTrickyField(d.span(), d.isPrivate, d.disjoint, d.disjoint2, null, names, bound);
for(Field f: fields) {
rep.typecheck("Sig "+s+", Field "+f.label+": "+f.type()+"\n");
private static void rejectNameClash(final List<CompModule> modules) throws Err {
// The Alloy language forbids two overlapping sigs from having fields with the same name.
// In other words: if 2 fields have the same name, then their type's first column must not intersect.
final Map<String,List<Field>> fieldname2fields=new LinkedHashMap<String,List<Field>>();
for(CompModule m: modules) {
for(Sig sig: m.sigs.values()) {
for(Field field: sig.getFields()) {
List<Field> peers=fieldname2fields.get(field.label);
if (peers==null) { peers=new ArrayList<Field>(); fieldname2fields.put(field.label, peers); }
for(Field field2: peers)
if (field.type().firstColumnOverlaps(field2.type()))
throw new ErrorType(field.pos,
"Two overlapping signatures cannot have\n" + "two fields with the same name \""+field.label
+"\":\n\n1) one is in sig \""+field.sig+"\"\n"+field.pos
+"\n\n2) the other is in sig \""+field2.sig+"\"\n"+field2.pos);
private static void resolveMeta(final CompModule root) throws Err {
// Now, add the meta sigs and fields if needed
Map<Sig,PrimSig> sig2meta = new LinkedHashMap<Sig,PrimSig>();
Map<Field,PrimSig> field2meta = new LinkedHashMap<Field,PrimSig>();
boolean hasMetaSig = false, hasMetaField = false;
root.new2old.put(root.metaSig, root.metaSig); root.sigs.put(base(root.metaSig), root.metaSig);
root.new2old.put(root.metaField, root.metaField); root.sigs.put(base(root.metaField), root.metaField);
for(CompModule m: root.allModules) for(Sig s: new ArrayList<Sig>(m.sigs.values())) if (m!=root || (s!=root.metaSig && s!=root.metaField)) {
PrimSig ka = new PrimSig(s.label+"$", root.metaSig, Attr.ONE, PRIVATE.makenull(s.isPrivate), Attr.META);
sig2meta.put(s, ka);
ka.addDefinedField(Pos.UNKNOWN, null, Pos.UNKNOWN, "value", s);
m.new2old.put(ka, ka);
m.sigs.put(base(ka), ka);
hasMetaSig = true;
Expr allfields = ExprConstant.EMPTYNESS;
for(Field field: s.getFields()) {
Pos priv = field.isPrivate; if (priv==null) priv = s.isPrivate;
PrimSig kb = new PrimSig(s.label+"$"+field.label, root.metaField, Attr.ONE, PRIVATE.makenull(priv), Attr.META);
field2meta.put(field, kb);
m.new2old.put(kb, kb);
m.sigs.put(base(kb), kb);
hasMetaField = true;
kb.addDefinedField(Pos.UNKNOWN, null, Pos.UNKNOWN, "value", field);
if (allfields==ExprConstant.EMPTYNESS) allfields = kb; else allfields = allfields.plus(kb);
ka.addDefinedField(Pos.UNKNOWN, null, Pos.UNKNOWN, "fields", allfields);
for(Map.Entry<Sig,PrimSig> e: sig2meta.entrySet()) {
Expr expr = null;
if ((e.getKey()) instanceof PrimSig) {
PrimSig a = (PrimSig)(e.getKey());
if (a.parent!=null && a.parent!=UNIV) expr = sig2meta.get(a.parent);
e.getValue().addDefinedField(Pos.UNKNOWN, null, Pos.UNKNOWN, "parent", (expr==null ? ExprConstant.EMPTYNESS : expr));
for(Map.Entry<Sig,PrimSig> e: sig2meta.entrySet()) {
Sig s = e.getKey();
PrimSig s2 = e.getValue();
Expr allfields = ExprConstant.EMPTYNESS;
for(Field f: s.getFields()) {
PrimSig metaF = field2meta.get(f);
if (allfields==ExprConstant.EMPTYNESS) allfields = metaF; else allfields = allfields.plus(metaF);
if (s instanceof PrimSig) for(Sig c: (((PrimSig)s).descendents())) for(Field f: c.getFields()) {
PrimSig metaF = field2meta.get(f);
if (allfields==ExprConstant.EMPTYNESS) allfields = metaF; else allfields = allfields.plus(metaF);
s2.addDefinedField(Pos.UNKNOWN, null, Pos.UNKNOWN, "subfields", allfields);
if (hasMetaSig==false) root.facts.add(new Pair<String,Expr>("sig$fact", root.metaSig.no().and(root.metaField.no())));
else if (hasMetaField==false) root.facts.add(new Pair<String,Expr>("sig$fact", root.metaField.no()));
/** This method resolves the entire world; NOTE: if it throws an exception, it may leave the world in an inconsistent state! */
static CompModule resolveAll(final A4Reporter rep, final CompModule root) throws Err {
final List<ErrorWarning> warns = new ArrayList<ErrorWarning>();
for(CompModule m: root.getAllReachableModules()) root.allModules.add(m);
resolveParams(rep, root.allModules);
resolveModules(rep, root.allModules);
for(CompModule m: root.allModules) for(Sig s: m.sigs.values()) root.sig2module.put(s, m);
// Resolves SigAST -> Sig, and topologically sort the sigs into the "sorted" array
HashSet<Object> topo = new HashSet<Object>();
for(CompModule m: root.allModules) for(Sig s: m.sigs.values()) resolveSig(root, topo, s);
// Add the non-defined fields to the sigs in topologically sorted order (since fields in subsigs are allowed to refer to parent's fields)
for(Sig oldS: root.new2old.keySet()) resolveFieldDecl(root, rep, oldS, warns, false);
// Typecheck the function declarations
JoinableList<Err> errors = new JoinableList<Err>();
for(CompModule x: root.allModules) errors = x.resolveFuncDecls(rep, errors, warns);
if (!errors.isEmpty()) throw errors.pick();
// Typecheck the defined fields
for(Sig oldS: root.new2old.keySet()) resolveFieldDecl(root, rep, oldS, warns, true);
if (Version.experimental && root.seenDollar) resolveMeta(root);
// Reject name clash
// Typecheck the function bodies, assertions, and facts (which can refer to function declarations)
for(CompModule x: root.allModules) {
errors = x.resolveFuncBody(rep, errors, warns);
errors = x.resolveAssertions(rep, errors, warns);
errors = x.resolveFacts(root, rep, errors, warns);
// also, we can collect up all the exact sigs and add them to the root module's list of exact sigs
for(String n: x.exactParams) { Sig sig = x.params.get(n); if (sig!=null) root.exactSigs.add(sig); }
if (!errors.isEmpty()) throw errors.pick();
// Typecheck the run/check commands (which can refer to function bodies and assertions)
if (!errors.isEmpty()) throw errors.pick();
for(ErrorWarning w:warns) rep.warning(w);
for(Sig s: root.exactSigs) rep.debug("Forced to be exact: "+s+"\n");
return root;
/** Add a global expression; if the name already exists, it is removed first. */
public void addGlobal(String name, Expr value) {
globals.put(name, value);
/** Resolve the name based on the current context and this module. */
private Expr populate(TempList<Expr> ch, TempList<String> re, Decl rootfield, Sig rootsig, boolean rootfunparam, Func rootfunbody, Pos pos, String fullname, Expr THIS) {
// Return object can be Func(with > 0 arguments) or Expr
final String name = (fullname.charAt(0)=='@') ? fullname.substring(1) : fullname;
boolean fun = (rootsig!=null && (rootfield==null || rootfield.expr.mult()==ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF))
|| (rootsig==null && !rootfunparam);
if (name.equals("univ")) return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, UNIV);
if (name.equals("Int")) return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, SIGINT);
if (name.equals("seq/Int")) return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, SEQIDX);
if (name.equals("String")) return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, STRING);
if (name.equals("none")) return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, NONE);
if (name.equals("iden")) return ExprConstant.Op.IDEN.make(pos, 0);
if (name.equals("sig$") || name.equals("field$")) if (world!=null) {
Sig s = world.sigs.get(name);
if (s!=null) return ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, s);
final List<Object> ans = name.indexOf('/')>=0 ? getRawQS(fun?5:1, name) : getRawNQS(this, fun?5:1, name);
final Sig param = params.get(name); if (param!=null && !ans.contains(param)) ans.add(param);
for(Object x: ans) {
if (x instanceof Sig) {
Sig y = (Sig)x;
ch.add(ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, y, null, 0));
re.add("sig "+y.label);
else if (x instanceof Func) {
Func f = (Func)x;
int fn = f.count();
int penalty = 0;
if (resolution==1 && fn>0 && rootsig!=null && THIS!=null && THIS.type().hasArity(1) && f.get(0).type().intersects(THIS.type())) {
// If we're inside a sig, and there is a unary variable bound to "this",
// we should consider it as a possible FIRST ARGUMENT of a fun/pred call
ConstList<Expr> t = Util.asList(THIS);
ch.add(fn==1 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 1+penalty) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 1+penalty)); // penalty of 1
re.add((f.isPred?"pred this.":"fun this.")+f.label);
if (resolution==1) {
ch.add(fn==0 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, null, penalty) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, null, penalty));
re.add((f.isPred?"pred ":"fun ")+f.label);
if (resolution==2 && f!=rootfunbody && THIS!=null && fullname.charAt(0)!='@' && fn>0 && f.get(0).type().intersects(THIS.type())) {
// If there is some value bound to "this", we should consider it as a possible FIRST ARGUMENT of a fun/pred call
ConstList<Expr> t = Util.asList(THIS);
ch.add(fn==1 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 0) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, t, 0));
re.add((f.isPred?"pred this.":"fun this.")+f.label);
if (resolution!=1) {
ch.add(fn==0 ? ExprCall.make(pos, null, f, null, 0) : ExprBadCall.make(pos, null, f, null, 0));
re.add((f.isPred?"pred ":"fun ")+f.label);
// Within a field decl
// (1) Can refer to any visible sig/param (but you cannot call any function or predicates)
// (2) Can refer to field in this sig (defined earlier than you), and fields in any visible ancestor sig
// Within an appended facts
// (1) Can refer to any visible sig/param/func/predicate
// (2) Can refer to any visible field
// Within a function paramDecl/returnDecl
// (1) Cannot call
// (2) But can refer to anything else visible.
// All else: we can call, and can refer to anything visible.
for(CompModule m: getAllNameableModules())
for(Sig s: m.sigs.values()) if (m==this || s.isPrivate==null)
for(Field f: s.getFields()) if (f.isMeta==null && (m==this || f.isPrivate==null) && f.label.equals(name))
if (resolution==1) {
Expr x=null;
if (rootsig==null)
{ x=ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0); }
else if (rootsig.isSameOrDescendentOf(f.sig))
{ x=ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0); if (fullname.charAt(0)!='@') x=THIS.join(x); }
else if (rootfield==null || rootfield.expr.mult()==ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF)
{ x=ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 1); } // penalty of 1
if (x!=null) { ch.add(x); re.add("field "+f.sig.label+" <: "+f.label); }
} else if (rootfield==null || rootsig.isSameOrDescendentOf(f.sig)) {
Expr x0 = ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0);
if (resolution==2 && THIS!=null && fullname.charAt(0)!='@' && f.type().firstColumnOverlaps(THIS.type())) {
re.add("field "+f.sig.label+" <: this."+f.label);
if (rootsig!=null) continue;
re.add("field "+f.sig.label+" <: "+f.label);
if (metaSig()!=null && (rootsig==null || rootfield==null)) {
SafeList<PrimSig> children = null;
try { children=metaSig().children(); } catch(Err err) { return null; } // exception NOT possible
for(PrimSig s:children) for(Field f:s.getFields()) if (f.label.equals(name)) {
Expr x=ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0); ch.add(x); re.add("field "+f.sig.label+" <: "+f.label);
if (metaField()!=null && (rootsig==null || rootfield==null)) {
SafeList<PrimSig> children = null;
try { children=metaField().children(); } catch(Err err) { return null; } // exception NOT possible
for(PrimSig s:children) for(Field f:s.getFields()) if (f.label.equals(name)) {
Expr x=ExprUnary.Op.NOOP.make(pos, f, null, 0); ch.add(x); re.add("field "+f.sig.label+" <: "+f.label);
return null;