Examples of FrameImpl

Examples of ch.blackspirit.graphics.anim.FrameImpl


    // Setting up the animations
    final Animation<Frame> animLeft = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 45, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 90, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,135, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,180, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,225, 0, 44, 68));
    final Animation<Frame> animFront = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 41, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 82, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,123, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,164, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,205, 0, 40, 70));
    final Animation<Frame> animLeftStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animLeftStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(leftImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 28, 68));
    final Animation<Frame> animFrontStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFrontStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(frontImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 32, 70));
    final Animation<Frame> animBackStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animBackStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(backImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 32, 66));
    final Animation<Frame> animBack = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 37, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 74, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,111, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,148, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,185, 0, 36, 70));
    final Color4f white = new Color4f(1,1,1,1);
    final Color4f red = new Color4f(1,0,0,1);
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Examples of ch.blackspirit.graphics.anim.FrameImpl


    // Setting up the animations
    final Animation<Frame> animLeft = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 45, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 90, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,135, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,180, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,225, 0, 44, 68));
    final Animation<Frame> animFront = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 41, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 82, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,123, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,164, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,205, 0, 40, 70));
    final Animation<Frame> animLeftStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animLeftStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(leftImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 28, 68));
    final Animation<Frame> animFrontStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFrontStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(frontImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 32, 70));
    final Animation<Frame> animBackStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animBackStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(backImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 32, 66));
    final Animation<Frame> animBack = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 37, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 74, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,111, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,148, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,185, 0, 36, 70));
    final Color4f white = new Color4f(1,1,1,1);
    final Color4f white_alpha = new Color4f(1,1,1,.5f);
    final Color4f red = new Color4f(1,0,0,1);
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Examples of ch.blackspirit.graphics.anim.FrameImpl

    final Animation<Frame> animLeft = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 45, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 90, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,135, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,180, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,225, 0, 44, 68));

    final Animation<Frame> animFront = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 41, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 82, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,123, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,164, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,205, 0, 40, 70));

    final Animation<Frame> animLeftStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animLeftStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(leftImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 28, 68));
    final Animation<Frame> animFrontStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFrontStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(frontImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 32, 70));
    final Animation<Frame> animBackStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animBackStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(backImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 32, 66));

    final Animation<Frame> animBack = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 37, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 74, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,111, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,148, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,185, 0, 36, 70));

    final Animation<Frame> animFire = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFire.addFrame(new FrameImpl(campfire, 120000000,1, 1, 64, 80));
    animFire.addFrame(new FrameImpl(campfire, 120000000, 66, 1, 64, 80));
    animFire.addFrame(new FrameImpl(campfire, 120000000, 131, 1, 64, 80));
    animFire.addFrame(new FrameImpl(campfire, 120000000,196, 1, 64, 80));

    final Color4f white = new Color4f(1,1,1,1);
    final Color4f red = new Color4f(1,0,0,1);
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Examples of ch.blackspirit.graphics.anim.FrameImpl

    final Animation<Frame> animLeft = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 45, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000, 90, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,135, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,180, 0, 44, 68));
    animLeft.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animLeftImage, 160000000,225, 0, 44, 68));

    final Animation<Frame> animFront = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 41, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000, 82, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,123, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,164, 0, 40, 70));
    animFront.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animFrontImage, 160000000,205, 0, 40, 70));

    final Animation<Frame> animLeftStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animLeftStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(leftImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 28, 68));
    final Animation<Frame> animFrontStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFrontStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(frontImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 32, 70));
    final Animation<Frame> animBackStill = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animBackStill.addFrame(new FrameImpl(backImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 32, 66));

    final Animation<Frame> animBack = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 0, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 37, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000, 74, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,111, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,148, 0, 36, 70));
    animBack.addFrame(new FrameImpl(animBackImage, 160000000,185, 0, 36, 70));

    final Animation<Frame> animFire = new AnimationImpl<Frame>();
    animFire.addFrame(new FrameImpl(campfire, 120000000,1, 1, 64, 80));
    animFire.addFrame(new FrameImpl(campfire, 120000000, 66, 1, 64, 80));
    animFire.addFrame(new FrameImpl(campfire, 120000000, 131, 1, 64, 80));
    animFire.addFrame(new FrameImpl(campfire, 120000000,196, 1, 64, 80));

//    final Color4f red = new Color4f(1,0,0,1);
    final Color4f white = new Color4f(1,1,1,1);
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