@author Michael ZhouMetadata
is composited of Field elements that represent each of the custom fields that may be used within an item
provides information about, and dynamic access to, a single field of a class or an interface. The reflected field may be a class (static) field or an instance field. A Field
permits widening conversions to occur during a get or set access operation, but throws an IllegalArgumentException
if a narrowing conversion would occur.
@see Member
@see java.lang.Class
@see java.lang.Class#getFields()
@see java.lang.Class#getField(String)
@see java.lang.Class#getDeclaredFields()
@see java.lang.Class#getDeclaredField(String)
@author Kenneth Russell
@author Nakul Saraiya
To avoid repeated font size and line width calculations, a {@link FormattedValueCache} holds the formatted version of this field's value. @author Jim Menard, jimm@io.com
public boolean onProcess() { bindRequestValue(); if (getValidate()) { validate(); } registerActionEvent(); return true; }The Field methods called by onProcess() include:
/com/mycorp/page/Login.propertiesIf you want messages to be used only for a specific Page, this is where to place them.
/click-page.propertiesIf you want messages to be used across your entire application this is where to place them.
/click-control.propertiesYou can modify these properties by copying this file into your applications root class path and editing these properties. Note when customizing the message properties you must include all the properties, not just the ones you want to override.
The use of FastHashMap is deprecated and will be replaced in a future release.
@version $Revision: 478334 $ $Date: 2006-11-22 21:31:54 +0000 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) $ @see org.apache.commons.validator.Formnull
name and a content body (unfolded but unparsed and possibly encoded). Optionally implementing classes may also retain the original (raw) representation in a form of {@link ByteSequence}. Specific implementations of this interface may also use a richer model to represent the field if its body can be parsed into a set of constituent elements.
A Field permits widening conversions to occur during a get or set access operation, but throws an IllegalArgumentException if a narrowing conversion would occur.
@see Search
The following features are supported:
Note that all fields qualify as {@link GroupField}, i.e. they can always be used in GROUP BY
@param < T> The field type
@author Lukas Eder
This is the basic interface which describes a field in a C/C++ data structure or a Java object.
The accessors in this class are designed to allow manual coercion of the data within the field, which is often necessary when interfacing with C programs. Therefore, the accessors here do not perform any type checking. Specializations of the Field interface, such as JByteField, provide getValue() methods which both perform type checking and return the appropriate specialized type.
See @see CIntegerType for a description of why all C integer types are bundled into the category "CIntegerType".
As an example, coercing a pointer field into an int can be done in the following fashion (assuming the application has registered an integer type in the type database called "intptr_t"):
{ ... Address myObject = ...; CIntegerType intptr_tType = (CIntegerType) db.lookupType("intptr_t"); long addrVal = field.getCInteger(myObject, intptr_tType); ... }FIXME: among other things, this interface is not sufficient to describe fields which are themselves arrays (like symbolOop's jbyte _body[1]).