package AGEvalSwipl;
// TODO: Get default values working
// TODO: Generate getters and setters for C++ class for all fields
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Vector;
import jpl.Term;
import jpl.Variable;
import AGEval.AGEvaluator;
import AGEval.Class;
import AGEval.InvalidGrammarException;
import AGEvalSwipl.AGEvaluatorSwipl.Schedule;
import AGEvalSwipl.OpenCLFieldsHelper.Field;
import aleGrammar.ALEParser;
import aleGrammar.ALEParser.Assignment;
public class OpenCLGenerator implements Backend {
static final String aleactions_filename = "cl_generated_aleactions.h";
static final String buffer_info_filename = "cl_runner_generated_buffer_info.h";
static final String clrunner_parse_header_filename = "cl_runner_generated_parse.h";
static final String clrunner_parse_body_filename = "cl_runner_generated_parse.cpp";
static final String clrunner_visit_header_filename = "cl_runner_generated_visit.h";
static final String clrunner_visit_body_filename = "cl_runner_generated_visit.cpp";
static final String traversals_filename = "";
static final String generated_warning_header = "// Generated code. Modifcation to this file will be lost on next code generation.\n\n";
static final String version = "0.1";
static DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
static String generation_date = dateFormat.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
public OpenCLFieldsHelper fields;
private Schedule sched;
public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException, Exception {
if (args.length == 7) {
synthesizeOpenCL(args[1], args[2], args[0], false, new Boolean(args[3]).booleanValue(),
new Boolean(args[4]).booleanValue(), new Boolean(args[5]).booleanValue(),
new Integer(args[6]).intValue());
} else {
System.err.println("Arg 0: resource dir (where to fine");
System.err.println("Arg 1: grammar path");
System.err.println("Arg 2: output path");
System.err.println("Arg 3: allow all child orderings?");
System.err.println("Arg 4: use first parallel (vs. /variants subdirs)");
System.err.println("Arg 5: exhaustive or greedy (first prefix)?");
System.err.println("Arg 6: max length of traversal sequence");
throw new Exception("Wrong number of arguments");
// Bootstrap the Generator to use this backend
public static void synthesizeOpenCL(String alePath, String outputDir, String resourceDir, boolean verbose,
boolean isFixedChildOrder, boolean useFirstParallel, boolean isExhaustive, int maxLen) throws Exception {
System.err.println("Setup for OpenCL build: ");
System.err.println(" Grammar: " + alePath);
System.err.println(" Return first found: " + useFirstParallel);
System.err.println(" Fixed child orders (lexical): " + isFixedChildOrder);
System.err.println(" Include non-greedy schedules: " + isExhaustive);
System.err.println(" Max number of visits: " + maxLen);
System.err.println(" Algorithm: " + resourceDir);
System.err.println(" Output dest: " + outputDir);
System.err.println(" Chain loops: " + AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops);
GeneratorI g = AGEvaluatorSwipl.chainLoops ? new AbstractGenerator(new OpenCLGenerator()) : new Generator(
new OpenCLGenerator());
if (useFirstParallel)
g.synthesize(alePath, outputDir, resourceDir, verbose, isFixedChildOrder, isExhaustive, maxLen, false);
g.synthesizeAll(alePath, outputDir, resourceDir, verbose, isFixedChildOrder, isExhaustive, maxLen, false);
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Backend interface
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Write out the files associated with the AST (fields, etc.)
// First method called by generator, first to see AST
public void generateParseFiles(ALEParser ast, Schedule sched, String output_dir, boolean verbose, String ale_actions)
throws InvalidGrammarException {
fields = new OpenCLFieldsHelper(ast, sched);
this.sched = sched;
try {
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(output_dir + File.separator + aleactions_filename, generateAleHeader(ale_actions, true));
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(output_dir + File.separator + buffer_info_filename, generateBufferInfo(true));
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(output_dir + File.separator + clrunner_parse_header_filename, generateCLRunnerHeader());
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(output_dir + File.separator + clrunner_parse_body_filename, generateCLRunnerBody());
} catch (IOException e1) {
System.err.println("!!! FATAL ERROR !!! Could not write parse files into directory " + output_dir);
if(verbose) {
System.out.println("=== Ale Actions ===\n" + generateAleHeader(ale_actions, true));
System.out.println("=== Buffer Info ===\n" + generateBufferInfo(true));
System.out.println("=== CLRunner Parse Header ===\n" + generateCLRunnerHeader());
System.out.println("=== CLRunner Parse Body ===\n" + generateCLRunnerBody());
writeFlatCppData(ast, sched, output_dir, verbose);
// Write the source code gathered by the Generator into whatever
// backend-specific files they need to go in.
// TODO: Just write out visitDispatched argument rather than calling visitDispatchers() in postVisits()
public String output(String baseName, String visitOut, String visitDispatches, String outputDir, boolean write,
boolean verbose, ALEParser ast, Schedule sched, String fHeaders, Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding,
AGEvaluator aleg) throws IOException, InvalidGrammarException {
if (write) {
// Write out CLRunner's visitor header
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + clrunner_visit_header_filename,
// Write out CLRunner's visitor body
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + clrunner_visit_body_filename,
// Write out the actual OpenCL visit code
AGEvaluatorSwipl.writeFile(outputDir + File.separator + traversals_filename, visitOut);
if (verbose) {
System.out.println("=== CL Runner Visitor Header ===: \n" + generateVisitHeader(sched));
System.out.println("=== CL Runner Visitor Body ===: \n" + generateVisitBody(sched));
System.out.println("=== VISITS ===: \n" + visitOut);
return "(no OpenCL out)";
public String lhsToAddress(String lhs, Class cls, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
boolean isParent;
String child;
String prop;
if (lhs.split("@").length == 2) {
child = lhs.split("@")[0];
isParent = child.equals("self");
prop = lhs.split("@")[1];
} else {
child = ""; // silly Java
isParent = true;
prop = lhs;
if (isParent) {
// If we're assigning the data to this node
return fields.findClField(cls, prop).getClName() + "(index)";
} else if (AbstractGenerator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
// If we're assigning to our multiple children inside a loop
AGEval.IFace child_class = cls.getChildByName(child);
return fields.findClField(child_class, prop).getClName() + "(current_node)";
} else {
// If we're assigning the data to our single child
AGEval.IFace child_class = cls.getChildByName(child);
OpenCLFieldsHelper.Field child_field = fields.findClField(cls, "child_" + child + "_leftmost_child");
String child_index = "GetAbsoluteIndex(" + child_field.getClName() + "(index), index)";
return fields.findClField(child_class, prop).getClName() + "(" + child_index + ")";
public String rhsToVal(String lhs, Class cls, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
boolean isParent;
String child;
String prop;
// Determine if this is a parent or we're interested in this class, and
// then determine the property name
if (lhs.split("@").length == 2) {
child = lhs.split("@")[0];
isParent = child.equals("self");
prop = lhs.split("@")[1];
} else {
if (ast.types.get("displayType").contains(lhs.toLowerCase()))
return CppParserGenerator.toEnum(lhs);
child = "self";
isParent = true;
prop = lhs;
String cleanProp = prop.replace("$-", "").replace("$$", "").replace("$i", "").toLowerCase();
// $$ means access the last value calculated in a loop
if (prop.contains("$$")) {
if (isParent) {
return fields.findClField(cls, cleanProp).getClRhsName() + "(index)";
} else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
return fields.findClField(cls, child + "_" + cleanProp + "_last").getClRhsName() + "(index)";
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $$ attrib of a non-multi child / self reduction: "
+ lhs);
// $i means access the current iteration of a loop
} else if (prop.contains("$i")) { // We're working with a multi child
if (isParent) {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $i of self attrib: " + lhs);
} else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
AGEval.IFace child_class = cls.getChildByName(child);
return fields.findClField(child_class, cleanProp).getClRhsName() + "(current_node)";
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $i attrib of a non-multi child: " + lhs);
// $- means access the previous iteration of the loop
} else if (prop.contains("$-")) {
if (isParent) {
return fields.findClField(cls, cleanProp).getClRhsName() + "(index)";
} else if (Generator.childrenContains(ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.keySet(), child)) {
String name_last = child + "_" + cleanProp + "_last";
String init = fields.findClField(cls, name_last).getClRhsName() + "(index)";
String rest = fields.findClField(cls.getChildByName(child), cleanProp).getClRhsName() + "(PREV_OCL())";
return "(STEP() == 1 ? (" + init + ") : (" + rest + "))";
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Cannot access $- attrib of a non-multi child: " + lhs);
// We're just working with regular variables
} else {
if (isParent) {
Field fld = fields.findClField(cls, cleanProp);
if (fld == null) {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Undeclared field identifier " + cleanProp + " in " + lhs);
return fields.findClField(cls, cleanProp).getClRhsName() + "(index)";
} else if (ast.extendedClasses.get(cls).multiChildren.containsKey(child)) {
return fields.findClField(cls.getChildByName(child), cleanProp).getClRhsName() + "(current_node)"; //CHECK: index?
} else {
// If we're assigning the data to our single child
OpenCLFieldsHelper.Field child_field = fields.findClField(cls, "child_" + child + "_leftmost_child");
String child_index = "GetAbsoluteIndex(" + child_field.getClName() + "(index), index)";
return fields.findClField(cls.getChildByName(child), cleanProp).getClRhsName() + "(" + child_index + ")";
public String asgnE(String lhs, String rhs) {
return lhs + " = " + rhs;
public String asgnS(String lhs, String rhs) {
return asgnE(lhs, rhs) + ";\n";
public String toAcc(String lhsRaw, Class c) {
String lhs = lhsRaw.toLowerCase();
if (!lhs.contains("@"))
return lhs + "_last";
if (lhs.contains("self@"))
return lhs.split("@")[1] + "_last";
return lhs.replace("@", "_") + "_last";
public String printCurrentPipelineBuild(Hashtable<Variable, Term> binding) throws InvalidGrammarException {
return "// No pipeline build needed in OpenCL";
// Generates aleactions.h contents
// Taken from CppGenerator
public String functionHeader(Assignment assign, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
for (String arg : assign._variables.keySet()) {
if (!isFirst) {
params.append(", ");
} else {
isFirst = false;
ALEParser.ExtendedVertex ev = Generator.lookupAttributeExtended(arg, assign._class, ast);
if (ev != null && ev.isMaybeType) {
throw new InvalidGrammarException(
"'maybe' types not currently implemented in OpenCL backend. Yell at Matt.");
} else {
params.append(OpenCLFieldsHelper.typeStringToOclType(Generator.extendedGet(ast, assign._class,
params.append(" " + assign._variables.get(arg));
contents.append("static ");
contents.append(OpenCLFieldsHelper.typeStringToOclType(Generator.extendedGet(ast, assign._class, assign._sink).strType));
contents.append(" " + assign._class.getName().toLowerCase() + "_");
contents.append(assign._sink.replace('.', '_').replace('@', '_') + " ");
contents.append(" { return " + assign._indexedBody + "; }\n");
return contents.toString();
public String visitHeader(Class cls, int visitNum, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("void visit_" + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + visitNum
+ "(unsigned int start_idx, unsigned int tree_size");
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.CLBuffer buf : fields.getBuffers()) {
String cl_type = buf.getBuffer_type();// == "unionvariants" ?
// " enum unionvariants" :
// buf.getBuffer_type();
contents.append(", __global " + cl_type + "* " + buf.getBuffer_name());
// If this is the last visit, it is a render visit, so add the render
// buffer parameter
if (visitNum == (sched.numVisits() - 1)) {
contents.append(", __global VertexAndColor* glBuffer");
contents.append(") {\n");
contents.append("\tunsigned int index = get_global_id(0) + start_idx;\n\n");
contents.append("\t// Variables needed for loop macro. Declare up top to avoid declaring a\n");
contents.append("\t// multitide below, one for every loop\n");
contents.append("\tint step = 0;\n");
contents.append("\tunsigned int prev_child_idx = 0;\n\n");
return contents.toString();
public String visitFooter(Class cls, int visitNum, ALEParser ast) throws InvalidGrammarException {
return "}\n\n";
public String openChildLoop(Class parent_class, String loopVar, ALEParser ast) {
return " SFORLOOPALIAS_OCL(index, "
+ fields.findClField(parent_class, "child_" + loopVar + "_leftmost_child").getClName() + ", step) {\n";
public String closeChildLoop() {
public String openLastChild(Class cls, String loopVar) {
//return "\tif (step == " + fields.findClField(cls, "child_" + loopVar + "_count").getClName() + ") {\n";
return "\tif (!GetAbsoluteIndex(right_siblings(current_node), current_node)) {\n";
public String closeLastChild() {
return "\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n";
public String childrenRecur(Class cls, String childName, int visitNum, ALEParser ast)
throws InvalidGrammarException {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Recursion not supported in OpenCL backend");
public String childRecur(Class cls, String childName, int visitNum) throws InvalidGrammarException {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Recursion not supported in OpenCL backend");
// Not interface function. Writes declarations for visit dispatch functions.
public String visitDispatchersDeclaration(AGEvaluator aleg, Schedule sched) {
int visits = sched.numVisits();
Vector<HashSet<AGEval.Class>> buSubInorderBuIns = sched.buSubInorderBuIn;
Vector<HashSet<AGEval.Class>> buSubInorderBus = sched.buSubInorderBus;
// OpenCL does not (yet) do suborder traversals
if (buSubInorderBuIns != null && buSubInorderBuIns.size() > 0) {
for (HashSet<AGEval.Class> suborder : buSubInorderBuIns) {
if (suborder != null) {
System.err.println("SubOrder traversals not supported in OpenCL");
if (buSubInorderBus != null && buSubInorderBus.size() > 0) {
for (HashSet<AGEval.Class> suborder : buSubInorderBus) {
if (suborder != null) {
System.err.println("SubOrder traversals not supported in OpenCL");
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < visits; i++) {
contents.append("__kernel void visit_" + i + "(unsigned int start_idx, unsigned int tree_size");
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.CLBuffer buf : fields.getBuffers()) {
contents.append(", __global " + buf.getBuffer_type() + "* " + buf.getBuffer_name());
// If this is the last visit, it is a render visit, so add the render
// buffer parameter
if (i == (sched.numVisits() - 1)) {
contents.append(", __global VertexAndColor* glBuffer");
contents.append("); \n");
return contents.toString();
public String visitDispatchers(int visits, AGEvaluator aleg, Vector<HashSet<AGEval.Class>> buSubInorderBuIns,
Vector<HashSet<AGEval.Class>> buSubInorderBus) throws InvalidGrammarException {
// OpenCL does not (yet) do suborder traversals
if (buSubInorderBuIns != null && buSubInorderBuIns.size() > 0) {
for (HashSet<AGEval.Class> suborder : buSubInorderBuIns) {
if (suborder != null) {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("SubOrder traversals not supported in OpenCL");
if (buSubInorderBus != null && buSubInorderBus.size() > 0) {
for (HashSet<AGEval.Class> suborder : buSubInorderBus) {
if (suborder != null) {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("SubOrder traversals not supported in OpenCL");
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < visits; i++) {
contents.append(visitDispatcher(i, aleg, buSubInorderBuIns.get(i), buSubInorderBus.get(i)));
return contents.toString();
public String visitDispatcher(int visit, AGEvaluator aleg, HashSet<Class> buIns, HashSet<Class> bus) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("__kernel void visit_" + visit + "(unsigned int start_idx, unsigned int tree_size");
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.CLBuffer buf : fields.getBuffers()) {
contents.append(", __global " + buf.getBuffer_type() + "* " + buf.getBuffer_name());
// If this is the last visit, it is a render visit, so add the render
// buffer parameter
if (visit == (sched.numVisits() - 1)) {
contents.append(", __global VertexAndColor* glBuffer");
contents.append(") {\n");
contents.append("\tunsigned int index = get_global_id(0) + start_idx;\n\n");
contents.append("\tswitch(" + fields.findClField(null, "display").getClRhsName() + "(index)) {\n");
for (AGEval.Class cls : aleg.classes) {
contents.append("\t\tcase TOK_" + cls.getName().toUpperCase() + ":\n");
contents.append("\t\t\tvisit_" + cls.getName().toLowerCase() + "_" + visit + "(");
contents.append("start_idx, tree_size");
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.CLBuffer buf : fields.getBuffers()) {
contents.append(", " + buf.getBuffer_name());
// If this is the last visit, it is a render visit, so add the
// render
// buffer parameter
if (visit == (sched.numVisits() - 1)) {
contents.append(", glBuffer");
return contents.toString();
public String preVisits(AGEvaluator aleg, Schedule sched) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("// These includes are order-dependent: \"\" must always come first\n");
contents.append("#include \"types.h\"\n");
contents.append("#include \"\"\n");
contents.append("#include \"" + aleactions_filename + "\"\n");
contents.append("#include \"" + buffer_info_filename + "\"\n");
contents.append("#include \"sssmacros_ocl.h\"\n");
contents.append(" * @file\n");
contents.append(" * @brief OpenCL code to run layout solver traversals.\n");
contents.append(" */\n\n");
contents.append(visitDispatchersDeclaration(aleg, sched));
return contents.toString();
public String postVisits(AGEvaluator aleg, Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
return "\n // Main visit dispatcher kernels\n\n "
+ visitDispatchers(sched.numVisits(), aleg, sched.buSubInorderBuIn, sched.buSubInorderBus);
public String replaceTypeVals(String body, ALEParser ast) {
return body;
// No logging
public String logStmt(int indentSrc, int indentOut, String msg, String rhs) {
return "";
// No logging
public String logStmtVar(int indentSrc, int indentOut, String msg, ALEParser ast, Class cls, String rhs,
String rhsAddress) throws InvalidGrammarException {
return "";
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Parse-related Code Generators
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Calls into the Flat C++ backend to generate the minimal code needed to be used by the OpenCL layout engine
private void writeFlatCppData(ALEParser ast, Schedule sched, String outputDir, boolean verbose)
throws InvalidGrammarException {
// System.out.println("Generating Flat C++ files to use as host data structure for tree.");
// FlatCppGenerator cppGen = new FlatCppGenerator();
// // Create function headers for Flat C++ backend (code copy+paste'ed from
// HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<ALEParser.Assignment>> assignments = new HashMap<AGEval.Class, ArrayList<ALEParser.Assignment>>();
// for (ALEParser.Assignment asgn : ast.assignments) {
// if (!assignments.containsKey(asgn._class)) assignments.put(asgn._class, new ArrayList<ALEParser.Assignment>());
// if (!asgn.isReduction) assignments.get(asgn._class).add(asgn);
// }
// StringBuilder cpp_aleactions = new StringBuilder();
// for (ArrayList<ALEParser.Assignment> cAssigns : assignments.values() ) {
// for (ALEParser.Assignment assign : cAssigns) cpp_aleactions.append(cppGen.functionHeader(assign, ast));
// }
// cppGen.generateParseFiles(ast, sched, outputDir, verbose, cpp_aleactions.toString());
// // We also need to write out an empty header for the ClusteredTree visits header, and an empty body for the
// // _Gen_RunTraversals() function, if real versions of those do not already exist.
// File ct_visitors_header = new File(outputDir + File.separator + FlatCppGenerator.visit_header_filename);
// File ct_visitors_body = new File(outputDir + File.separator + FlatCppGenerator.visit_body_filename);
// if(!ct_visitors_body.exists() || !ct_visitors_header.exists()) {
// System.out.println("Flat C++ visit functions have not previously been generated. Writing empty stub functions in their place.");
// try {
// FileWriter header_writer = new FileWriter(ct_visitors_header);
// header_writer.write(generated_warning_header);
// header_writer.write("// Empty header generated by OpenCL backend");
// header_writer.close();
// FileWriter body_writer = new FileWriter(ct_visitors_body);
// body_writer.write(generated_warning_header);
// body_writer.write("// Empty file generated by OpenCL backend\n\n");
// body_writer.write("#include \"clustered_tree.h\"\n\n");
// body_writer.write("void ClusteredTree::_Gen_RunTraversals() { return; }\n");
// body_writer.close();
// } catch (IOException e) {
// System.err.println("Error writing out Flat C++ files for use by OpenCL backend");
// }
// } else {
// System.out.println("Flat C++ visit functions (files " + FlatCppGenerator.visit_header_filename + " and " + FlatCppGenerator.visit_body_filename + ") already exist; not writing.");
// System.out.println("IMPORTANT: Be sure these files correspond with the version of the grammar generated by the OpenCL backend!");
// }
// While the actual ale action functions are generated by functionHeaders() (whose results are correlated by the
// generator and handed back to us in generateParseFiles() and then sent here), this function adds includes and
// other things needed to complete the header.
protected String generateAleHeader(String functionHeaders, boolean useWrappers) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
if (useWrappers) {
contents.append("#ifndef ALEACTIONS_H\n");
contents.append("#define ALEACTIONS_H\n\n");
contents.append("// Shut compiler up about unused functions. There _will_ be unused functions.\n");
contents.append("// Yes, kind of evil to do this, but useless compiler warnings are more evil.\n");
contents.append("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-function\"\n");
contents.append("#pragma clang diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-parameter\"\n\n");
if (useWrappers) {
contents.append("\n#endif // ALEACTIONS_H\n");
return contents.toString();
// Returns a string appropriate for writing as " + buffer_info_filename + "
// Requires that fields be initialized first.
protected String generateBufferInfo(boolean useWrappers) {
// Contents of the buffer_info.h file
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append(" * @file " + buffer_info_filename + "\n");
contents.append(" * @author Superconductor v" + version + "\n");
contents.append(" * @date " + generation_date + "\n");
contents.append(" * @brief Contains macros needed to access fields within monolithic OpenCL\n");
contents.append(" * buffers.\n");
contents.append(" * \n");
contents.append(" * @warning Generated code. Modifcation to this file will be lost on next\n");
contents.append(" * code generation.\n");
contents.append(" *\n");
contents.append(" * This file defines several sets of macros intended for use with the \n");
contents.append(" * 'monolithic' OpenCL buffer scheme of superconductor. In short, monolithic\n");
contents.append(" * buffers are a way of packing multiple different fields (represented by\n");
contents.append(" * structure-split arrays) into a single OpenCL buffer so as to minimize the\n");
contents.append(" * number of arguments needed to be passed to OpenCL.\n");
contents.append(" *\n");
contents.append(" * The macros contained here are of three classes:\n");
contents.append(" * @li @c buffer_name_size The number of fields packed into buffer buffer_name.\n");
contents.append(" * @li @c NUM_BUFFERS The total number of buffers define herein.\n");
contents.append(" * @li @c fld_class_property(node_idx) Macro to access the specified property of\n");
contents.append(" * for the node at node_idx.\n");
contents.append(" */\n\n");
if (useWrappers) {
contents.append("#ifndef BUFFER_INFO_H\n");
contents.append("#define BUFFER_INFO_H\n\n");
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.CLBuffer buffer : fields.getOclBuffers()) {
contents.append("#define " + buffer.getBuffer_name().toUpperCase() + "_SIZE ");
contents.append((buffer.getNum_fields()) + "\n");
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.Field field : fields.getFields()) {
if(field.getClBufferName() == null) {
contents.append("#define " + field.getClName() + "(node_idx) ");
contents.append(field.getClBufferName() + "[tree_size * ");
contents.append(field.getClBufferPosition() + " + node_idx]\n");
contents.append("#define " + field.getClName().toUpperCase() + "_POSITION " + field.getClBufferPosition() + "\n");
contents.append("#define " + field.getClName().toUpperCase() + "_BUFFER " + field.getClBufferName() + "\n");
if (useWrappers) {
contents.append("\n\n#endif // BUFFER_INFO_H\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates the contents of the header data that should be injected into
// the CLRunner class declearation.
private String generateCLRunnerHeader() {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("#ifndef CL_RUNNER_GENERATED\n");
contents.append("#define CL_RUNNER_GENERATED\n\n");
contents.append("\n#endif // CL_RUNNER_GENERATED\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates a list of cl::Buffer declarations, one for each monolithic
// buffer we use.
private String generateBufferDeclaration() {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.CLBuffer buffer : fields.getOclBuffers()) {
contents.append("\tcl::Buffer " + buffer.getBuffer_name() + ";\n");
return contents.toString();
private String generateCLRunnerBody() throws InvalidGrammarException {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("#include \"cl_runner.h\"\n");
contents.append("#include \"" + buffer_info_filename + "\"\n");
contents.append("#include \"types.h\"\n\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates CLRunner::_Gen_AllocateBuffers() function
private String generateAllocateBuffersFunction() {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("void CLRunner::_Gen_AllocateBuffers() {\n");
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.CLBuffer buffer : fields.getOclBuffers()) {
contents.append("\t" + buffer.getBuffer_name());
contents.append(" = cl::Buffer(_context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, ");
contents.append(buffer.getBuffer_name().toUpperCase() + "_SIZE * _tree_size * ");
contents.append("sizeof(" + buffer.getBuffer_type() + "));\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates CLRunner::_Gen_TransferTree() function
private String generateTransferTreeFunction() throws InvalidGrammarException {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("void CLRunner::_Gen_TransferTree(const ClusteredTree& ct) {\n");
// TODO: only transfer parse fields
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.Field field : fields.getFields()) {
if(field.getClBufferName() == null) {
contents.append("\t_queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(" + field.getClBufferName());
contents.append(", CL_TRUE, (sizeof(" + field.getClType() + ") * ");
contents.append("_tree_size * " + field.getClBufferPosition());
contents.append("), (sizeof(" + field.getClType() + ") * _tree_size), ");
contents.append("ct." + field.getCppName() + ");\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates CLRunner::_Gen_RetrieveTree() function
private String generateRetrieveTreeFunction() {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("void CLRunner::_Gen_RetrieveTree(ClusteredTree& ct) {\n");
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.Field field : fields.getFields()) {
if(field.getClBufferName() == null) {
contents.append("\t_queue.enqueueReadBuffer(" + field.getClBufferName());
contents.append(", CL_TRUE, (sizeof(" + field.getClType() + ") * ");
contents.append("_tree_size * " + field.getClBufferPosition());
contents.append("), (sizeof(" + field.getClType() + ") * _tree_size), ");
contents.append("ct." + field.getCppName() + ");\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates CLRunner::_Gen_SetKernelArguments() function
private String generateSetKernelArgumentsFunction() {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("void CLRunner::_Gen_SetKernelArguments(cl::Kernel& kernel) {\n");
contents.append("\tkernel.setArg(0, 0); // start_idx (default to 0) \n");
contents.append("\tkernel.setArg(1, _tree_size);\n");
int i = 2;
for (OpenCLFieldsHelper.CLBuffer buffer : fields.getOclBuffers()) {
contents.append("\tkernel.setArg(" + i + ", " + buffer.getBuffer_name() + ");\n");
return contents.toString();
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Visit-related Code Generators
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Generates CLRunner visitor-related header (the function declarations for
// each visit pass)
protected String generateVisitHeader(Schedule sched) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("#ifndef CL_RUNNER_GENERATED_VISIT\n");
contents.append("#define CL_RUNNER_GENERATED_VISIT\n\n");
final int num_visits = sched.numVisits();
// The last traversal is the special render traversal, so don't write it
// yet
for (int i = 0; i < num_visits - 1; i++) {
contents.append("\tvoid RunPass" + i + "();\n");
// Now write the render pass
contents.append("\tvoid RunPass" + (num_visits - 1) + "(cl::Buffer& render_buffer);\n");
contents.append("\n#endif // CL_RUNNER_GENERATED_VISIT\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates CLRunner visitor-related body
protected String generateVisitBody(Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
contents.append("#include \"cl_runner.h\"\n\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates the CLRunner::_Gen_RunTraversals() and
// CLRunner::_Gen_RunRenderTraversal() functions.
private String generateRunTraversalsFunction(Schedule sched) {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
final int num_visits = sched.numVisits();
contents.append("void CLRunner::_Gen_RunTraversals() {\n");
// The last traversal is the special render traversal, so don't write
for (int i = 0; i < num_visits - 1; i++) {
contents.append("\tRunPass" + i + "();\n");
contents.append("void CLRunner::_Gen_RunRenderTraversal(cl::Buffer& render_buffer) {\n");
// The last pass is the render pass
contents.append("\tRunPass" + (num_visits - 1) + "(render_buffer);\n");
return contents.toString();
// Generates the CLRunner::RunPass*() functions
private String generateRunPassFunctions(Schedule sched) throws InvalidGrammarException {
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
Term[] visits = sched.binding.get("P").toTermArray();
// The last traversal is the special render traversal, so don't write
for (int i = 0; i < visits.length - 1; i++) {
contents.append("void CLRunner::RunPass" + i + "() {\n");
String visit_name = "visit_" + i;
contents.append("\t// Get references to our kernels we have compiled previously\n");
contents.append("\tcl::Kernel " + visit_name + " = cl::Kernel(_program, \"" + visit_name + "\");\n\n");
contents.append("\tSetKernelArguments(" + visit_name + ");\n\n");
String stencil = visits[i].arg(2).arg(1).toString();
if (stencil.equals("td")) {
contents.append("\tTraverseTopDown(" + visit_name + ");\n");
} else if (stencil.equals("bu")) {
contents.append("\tTraverseBottomUp(" + visit_name + ");\n");
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Unsupported traversal order: " + stencil);
// Now write the render traversal
contents.append("void CLRunner::RunPass" + (visits.length - 1) + "(cl::Buffer& render_buffer) {\n");
String visit_name = "visit_" + (visits.length - 1);
contents.append("\t// Get references to our kernels we have compiled previously\n");
contents.append("\tcl::Kernel " + visit_name + " = cl::Kernel(_program, \"" + visit_name + "\");\n\n");
contents.append("\tSetKernelArguments(" + visit_name + ");\n");
// Set the render buffer, which will be the (num buffers) + 1 arguments,
// since tree_size is the first.
contents.append("\t" + visit_name + ".setArg(" + (fields.getBuffers().size() + 2)
+ ", render_buffer); // __global VertexAndColor* glBuffer\n\n");
// TODO: Rewrite in-order traversal to top-down/bottom-up?
String stencil = visits[visits.length - 1].arg(2).arg(1).toString();
if (stencil.equals("td")) {
contents.append("\tTraverseTopDown(" + visit_name + ");\n");
} else if (stencil.equals("bu")) {
contents.append("\tTraverseBottomUp(" + visit_name + ");\n");
} else {
throw new InvalidGrammarException("Unsupported traversal order: " + stencil);
return contents.toString();