public void copyingUniverseElements() throws Exception
testElement.setCenter( 1, 2, 3 );
TestUElement copiedElement = new TestUElement(testElement);
"After creating a new UnvierseElement through a copy constructor, the new UniverseElement should not be null.",
copiedElement );
"After creating a new UnvierseElement through a copy constructor, the copy should be similar to the original.",
testElement.similar( copiedElement ) );
"After creating a new UniverseElement through a copy constructor, the centers of the two element should be equal.",
testElement.getCenter(), copiedElement.getCenter() );
testElement.setCenter( 1, 1, 1 );
"After creating a new UniverseElement through a copy constructor and then changing the center of the original UniverseElement, the centers of the two elements should not be equal.",
testElement.getCenter() == copiedElement.getCenter() );