Package etherstrategy.simulation

Source Code of etherstrategy.simulation.TestUElementTest

* EtherStrategy: A simulation of space and interstellar civilization.
* Copyright * (C) 2007 Wayne Witzke
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* (COPYING.txt) along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* To contact the author of EtherStrategy, send e-mail to wwitzke at
package etherstrategy.simulation;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.lang.NullPointerException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import etherstrategy.simulation.TestUElement;
import com.jme.math.Vector3f;
import java.util.Arrays;

* TestUElementTest is a set of tests that is primarily designed to test the
* UniverseElement methods. UniverseElement is abstract (to prevent type
* information from being lost for used elements through carelessness, or idiocy),
* so this set of tests uses the derived class TestUElement, which has no, or at
* least very few, members of its own.
* There is potential for confusion here, but all tests on TestUElement are, in
* fact, tests for UniverseElement. The terms could almost be used
* interchangeably in this set of tests (and probably are several times).
* TODO: Lots of redundancy here(?)  Should reduce it eventually.
* @author Wayne Witzke
public class TestUElementTest
    TestUElement testElement;

     * TestA is an empty class that will be used to insure that the type of the
     * UniverseElement is being considered where appropriate in the various
     * UniverseElement methods.
     * @author Wayne Witzke
    public static class TestA extends UniverseElement
        public TestA()

        public TestA( TestA toBeCopied )
            throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
            InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException
            super( toBeCopied );


     * TestB is like TestA, but will present as a different type.
     * @author Wayne Witzke
    public static class TestB extends UniverseElement
        public TestB()

        public TestB( TestB toBeCopied )
            throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
            InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException
            super( toBeCopied );

     * TestC is like TestA, but will present as a different type.
     * @author Wayne Witzke
    public static class TestC extends UniverseElement
        public TestC()

        public TestC( TestC toBeCopied )
            throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
            InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException
            super( toBeCopied );

     * TestDerivedFromC is like TestA, but is derived from TestC and will present
     * as a different type with a different supertype.
     * @author Wayne Witzke
    public static class TestDerivedFromC extends TestC
        public TestDerivedFromC()

        public TestDerivedFromC( TestDerivedFromC toBeCopied )
            throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
            InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException
            super( toBeCopied );

     * It would be a drag to create a new test element for every single test, so
     * we'll do it once here. In theory, this should take the place of any
     * constructor test for TestUElement.
     * @throws java.lang.Exception
    public void setUp() throws Exception
        testElement = new TestUElement();
        assertNotNull( "A newly constructed test element should not be null",
                testElement );

     * This will nullify the test element for the next test.  May not be necessary.
     * @throws java.lang.Exception
    public void tearDown() throws Exception
        testElement = null;

     * For UniverseElements, the similar method will insure that the (significant)
     * data members are the same for two otherwise different UniverseElements.
     * This is different from ==, or even equals() when applied to
     * UniverseElements, since two UniverseElements can only be equal if they are,
     * in fact, the same object.
     * @throws Exception
    public void compareBlankUniverseElements() throws Exception
        TestUElement testElement2 = new TestUElement();

                "Two UniverseElements created with a default constructor should be similar, but are not",
                testElement.similar( testElement2 ) );

     * Here we just want to make sure that we can get an iterator back from a
     * UniverseElement. If this doesn't work, then the constructor for the
     * iterator, or the iterator accessor function, are broken.  The Iterator for
     * a UniverseElement is very basic, since a basic UniverseElement is a
     * collection that is always empty.
     * @throws Exception
    public void constructUniverseElementIterator() throws Exception
        UniverseElement.Iterator testIterator = null;
            testIterator = testElement.iterator();
        catch ( Exception e )
            fail("Creating a UniverseElement iterator should not throw an exception.");

                "After constructing an iterator, the variable storing the iterator should not be null.",
                testIterator );

     * UniverseElements have the potential to be composite entities, and the
     * various collection-style methods must be declared as part of the abstract
     * class.  However, they also have the potential to be primitives, and so the
     * abstract class should provide a default, primitive implementation of these
     * methods.  Included in these are the methods to determine if a composite
     * UniverseElement is empty, and to determine the size of a composite
     * UniverseElement.  These methods should always return false and 0 for a
     * primitive UniverseElement.
    public void accessElementsInEmptyUniverseElement() throws Exception
                "A primitive UniverseElement should always have a zero count of elements.",
                testElement.size(), 0 );
        assertTrue( "A primitive UniverseElement should always be empty.",
                testElement.isEmpty() );

     * Another method that must be present for the sake of derived composite
     * UniverseElements, but must have a default primitive implementation, is the
     * add() method.  For primitives, it should always return false and have no
     * side effects.
    public void addTestElementsToUniverseElement() throws Exception
        TestUElement testElementToAdd = new TestUElement();
        TestUElement emptyTestElement = new TestUElement();

                "Prior to adding a UniverseElement to another UniverseElement, the potential child UniverseElement should not report itself as being contained within another UniverseElement",
                testElementToAdd.isContained() );

                "Adding a UniverseElement to an empty, primitive UniverseElement should return false, since primitive UniverseElements cannot have child elements.",
                testElement.add( testElementToAdd ) );

                "A primitive UniverseElement that has had an element added should still be equal to a primitive UniverseElement that has no children, since primitive Universe Elements cannot have children.",
                testElement.similar( emptyTestElement ) );

                "A UniverseElement that has an element added should still be marked as empty.",
                testElement.isEmpty() );

                "A UniverseElement that has had exactly one element added should report a size of zero (can't have children).",
                testElement.size(), 0 );

                "Having attempted to add one primitive UniverseElement to another, the added element should be reported itself as not being contained by another UniverseElement class (primitives cannot have children).",
                testElementToAdd.isContained() );

     * Another method that must be available to composite UniverseElements is
     * contains().  A primitive UniverseElement never contains another
     * UniverseElement.  Ever.
     * @throws Exception
    public void checkIfElementInUniverseElement() throws Exception
       TestUElement element1 = new TestUElement();
       TestUElement element2 = new TestUElement();
       TestUElement element3 = new TestUElement();
       TestUElement elementNotAdded = new TestUElement();
       testElement.add( element2 );
       assertEquals("Having added three elements to a primitive UniverseElement, the size of the UniverseElement should be 0 (can't contain children).",
               testElement.size(), 0 );
       assertFalse("If we've added an element to a primitive UniverseElement, then we should get \"false\" when we ask UniverseElement if it contains that element, since a primitive UniverseElement cannot contain other elements.",
               testElement.contains( element1 ) );
       assertFalse("A primitive UniverseElement should return false for any element added to it when asked if it contains that element.",
               testElement.contains( element2 )
               && testElement.contains( element3 ) );
       assertFalse("A primitive UniverseElement should return false when asked if it contains an element that was never added to the UniverseElement.",
               testElement.contains( elementNotAdded ) );

     * This checks to insure that contains() returns false for null references
     * as well as for other references.
     * @throws Exception
    public void checkIfNullInUniverseElement() throws Exception
                "A primitive UniverseElement can never contain a null (or anything else for that matter), and when asked if it does, it should always return false.",
                testElement.contains( null ) );
     * This test will insure that two UniverseElements don't compare as similar
     * when the data members of the two elements are not, in fact, the same.
     * @throws Exception
    public void similarityForUniverseElementWithVariousSetsOfMemberData() throws Exception
        TestUElement elementToCompare = new TestUElement();

        testElement.setCenter( 1, 1, 1 );
                "A newly created UniverseElement with no members should not be similar to an empty UniverseElement where the center has been changed so that it is not (0, 0, 0).",
                testElement.similar( elementToCompare ) );

        elementToCompare.setCenter( 2, 2, 2 );

                "Two empty UniverseElements that have had their centers set to different values should not be similar.",
                testElement.similar( elementToCompare ) );

        elementToCompare.setCenter( 1, 1, 1 );

                "Two empty UniverseElements that have had their centers set to the same value, and have all other members the same, should be similar.",
                testElement.similar( elementToCompare ) );

     * We need to make sure that attempting to check the similarity between a
     * UniverseElement and a null pointer throws a null pointer exception.
     * @throws Exception
    @Test ( expected = NullPointerException.class )
    public void similartyBetweenNullAndUniverseElement() throws Exception
                "A UniverseElement should not be similar to a null reference.",
                testElement.similar( null ) );

     * remove() is another composite operation that should always just return
     * false and have no side effects for a primitive UniverseElement.
     * @throws Exception
    public void removeFromUniverseElement() throws Exception
        TestUElement element1 = new TestUElement();
        TestUElement element2 = new TestUElement();
        TestUElement element3 = new TestUElement();
                "Removing an non-existent child from a primitive UniverseElement should return false.",
                testElement.remove( element3 ) );
                "Removing an added child element from a primitive UniverseElement should return false (no children allowed).",
                testElement.remove( element1 ) );
                "Having removed an added child element from a primitive UniverseElement, the UniverseElement should still have a count of 0.",
                testElement.size(), 0 );

                "A UniverseElement that has been \"removed\" from a primitive UniverseElement should still not report itself as being contained.",
                element1.isContained() );

     * It should be possible to clear a composite UniverseElement.  Similarly, it
     * should be possible to clear a primitive UniverseElement.  However, the
     * primitive UniverseElement will not change as a result to a call to clear().
     * @throws Exception
    public void clearingUniverseElement() throws Exception
        testElement.setCenter(1, 1, 1);

                "Clearing a primitive UnvierseElement should have no effect on the UniverseElement, including not making the primitive non-empty.",
                testElement.isEmpty() );
                "Clearing a primitive UniverseElement should have no effect on the UniverseElement, including not giving it a non-zero size().",
                testElement.size(), 0 );

                "Clearing a primitive UniverseElement should have no effect on its data members.",
                testElement.getCenter(), new Vector3f(1, 1, 1) );

     * addAll is yet another method for composite UniverseElements.  For
     * primitives, it should always return false and have no side effects.
     * @throws Exception
    public void addingACollectionOfUniverseElementsToAUniverseElement() throws Exception
        LinkedList<UniverseElement> testCollection =
            new LinkedList<UniverseElement>();

                "Adding an empty collection to a primitive UniverseElement should return false, since the UniverseElement was not modified.",
                testElement.addAll( testCollection ) );

                "Having added an empty collection to a primitive UniverseElement, the UniverseElement should report itself as being empty.",
                testElement.isEmpty() );

        testCollection.add( new TestA() );
        testCollection.add( new TestB() );
        testCollection.add( new TestA() );
                "Adding a non-empty collection of UniverseElements to a primitive UniverseElement should return false (children not allowed).",
                testElement.addAll( testCollection ) );

                "Having added a non-empty collection of UniverseElements to a primitive UniverseElement, the UniverseElement should continue to report itself as being empty.",
                testElement.isEmpty() );

                "Having added a non-empty collection to a primitive UniverseElement, the UniverseElement should still have a size of 0.",
                testElement.size(), 0 );

                "Elements added to a primitive UniverseElement through addAll should report themselves as not being contained.",
                || testCollection.get(1).isContained()
                || testCollection.get( 2 ).isContained() );

     * containsAll() is <i>yet another</i> method that is important for composite
     * UniverseElements.  For primitives, it should always return false, except
     * when the passed collection is, itself, empty.
     * @throws Exception
    public void checkingUniverseElementContentsUsingContainersOfUniverseElements() throws Exception
        LinkedList<Object> testCollection =
            new LinkedList<Object>();
        LinkedList<Object> emptyCollection =
            new LinkedList<Object>();

        TestUElement element1 = new TestUElement();
        TestUElement element2 = new TestUElement();
        TestUElement element3 = new TestUElement();

                "Checking a primitive UniverseElement to see if it contains the elements of an empty collection should return true.",
                testElement.containsAll( emptyCollection ) );
                "Checking to see if a UniverseElement contains the elements of a non-empty collection should return false.",
                testElement.containsAll( testCollection ) );

        testElement.add( element2 );
                "Checking to see if a primitive UniverseElement which had elements added contains the elements of a non-empty collection should return false regardless of whether the element(s) added were in the collection.",
                testElement.containsAll( testCollection ) );

        testElement.add( element1 );
                "Checking to see if a primitive UniverseElement contains the elements of a non-empty collection should always return false, even when the UniverseElement had had the elements in the collection specifically added to that UniverseElement.",
                testElement.containsAll( testCollection ) );

        testCollection.add( null );

                "Checking to see if a primitive UniverseElement contains the elements of a non-empty collection should return false, even if all the elements in the collection are null.",
                testElement.containsAll( testCollection ) );

     * This test insures that trying to compare a collection that is actually a
     * null reference to a UniverseElement throws an exception.
     * @throws Exception
    @Test ( expected = NullPointerException.class )
    public void checkingUniverseElementContentsUsingNullCollection() throws Exception
        testElement.containsAll( null );

     * removeAll() is important for composite UniverseElements.  For primitives,
     * it should always return false and have no side effects.
     * @throws Exception
    public void removingCollectionsOfElementsFromUniverseElement() throws Exception
        LinkedList<Object> testCollection =
            new LinkedList<Object>();
        LinkedList<Object> emptyCollection =
            new LinkedList<Object>();

        TestUElement element1 = new TestUElement();
        TestUElement element2 = new TestUElement();

        /* By now we've established that adding elements to a primitive
         * UniverseElement has no effect. . .  We'll leave that part out and just
         * do the parts that might possibly have some effect.

                "Removing an empty collection from a primitive UniverseElement should return false (nothing changed).",
                testElement.removeAll( emptyCollection ) );

                "After removing an empty collection from a primitive UniverseElement, the UniverseElement should still be empty.",
                testElement.isEmpty() );

                "Removing a non-empty collection from a primitive UniverseElement should return false (nothing changed).",
                testElement.removeAll( testCollection ) );

                "After removing a non-empty collection from a primitive UniverseElement, the UnvierseElement should still be empty.",
                testElement.isEmpty() );

                "After removing a non-empty collection from a primitive UniverseElement, the UniverseElement should still have a size() of 0.",
                testElement.size(), 0 );

     * retainAll() is only applicable for a composite UniverseElement.  For
     * primitives it should always return false and have no side effects.
     * @throws Exception
    public void retainingCollectionsOfElementsInUniverseElement() throws Exception
        LinkedList<Object> testCollection =
            new LinkedList<Object>();
        LinkedList<Object> emptyCollection =
            new LinkedList<Object>();

        TestUElement element1 = new TestUElement();
        TestUElement element2 = new TestUElement();

                "Retaining an empty collection in a primitive UniverseElement should return false (nothing changed).",
                testElement.retainAll( emptyCollection ) );

                "After retaining an empty collection in a primitive UniverseElement, the UniverseElement should still be empty.",
                testElement.isEmpty() );

                "Retaining a non-empty collection in a primitive UniverseElement should return false (nothing changed).",
                testElement.retainAll( testCollection ) );

                "After retaining a non-empty collection in a primitive UniverseElement, the UnvierseElement should still be empty.",
                testElement.isEmpty() );

                "After retaining a non-empty collection in a primitive UniverseElement, the UniverseElement should still have a size() of 0.",
                testElement.size(), 0 );

     * This test will make sure that the functions related to center work
     * properly.
     * @throws Exception
    public void settingAndMovingTheCenter() throws Exception
        Vector3f tempVec;

                "A newly created UniverseElement should have a center at (0, 0, 0).",
                testElement.getCenter(), new Vector3f(0, 0, 0) );

        testElement.setCenter(1, 2, 3);
                "A UniverseElement that has had its center set to (1, 2, 3) should return a vector with those coordinates when asked for its center.",
                testElement.getCenter(), new Vector3f(1, 2, 3) );

        tempVec = new Vector3f(5, 6, 7);

                "A UniverseElement that has had its center set to (5, 6, 7) using another vector should return a vector with those coordinates when asked for its center.",
                testElement.getCenter(), tempVec );

        testElement.move(.5f, 1.5f, -1.5f);

                "A UniverseElement with its center at (5, 6, 7) that has been moved by (.5, 1.5, -1.5) should, after the move, have its center at (5.5, 7.5, 5.5).",
                testElement.getCenter(), new Vector3f(5.5f, 7.5f, 5.5f) );

        tempVec = new Vector3f(-1, -3f, .5f);

                "A UniverseElement with its center at (5.5, 7.5, 5.5) that has been moved by (-1, -3, .5) using another vector should, after the move, have its center at (4.5, 4.5, 6)",
                testElement.getCenter(), new Vector3f(4.5f, 4.5f, 6) );

        TestUElement comparisonElement = new TestUElement();
        comparisonElement.setCenter( 1, 1, 1 );

                "Two UniverseElements that have different centers but are otherwise similar should not be similar.",
                testElement.similar( comparisonElement ) );

        comparisonElement.setCenter( testElement.getCenter() );
                "Two UniverseElements that have everything the same, including their centers, should be similar.",
                testElement.similar( comparisonElement ) );

     * toArray() is an important composite UniverseElement member.  For primitives
     * it should always return an empty array, and should never populate the array
     * that was passed to it (except for setting a null as the first element).
     * @throws Exception
    public void creatingArraysFromUniverseElements() throws Exception
        /* By now we know that adding elements to a UniverseElement has no effect,
         * so we're skipping that part.

        UniverseElement[] UEArray =
            { new TestUElement(), new TestUElement(), new TestUElement(),
              new TestUElement(), new TestUElement(), new TestUElement(),
              new TestUElement(), new TestUElement(),
        UniverseElement[] clonedUEArray = UEArray.clone();

        UniverseElement[] returnedUEArray;

        returnedUEArray = testElement.toArray(UEArray);

                "After creating a UniverseElement array from a primitive UniverseElement, the returned array should be the same size as the UniverseElement (otherwise known as empty).",
                returnedUEArray.length, 0 );

                "The array that was passed to the array creation method for a primitive UniverseElement should have null as the first element of the array.",

                "The array that was passed to the array creation method for a primitive UniverseElement should, except for the first element, contain all the same elements that it contained before the call.",
                Arrays.copyOfRange(UEArray, 1, UEArray.length),
                Arrays.copyOfRange(clonedUEArray, 1, clonedUEArray.length) );

            testElement.toArray( null );
            fail("Passing a null reference to toArray() should throw an exception, but it did not.");
        catch ( NullPointerException e )
        catch ( Exception e )
            fail("Passing a null reference to toArray() should only throw a NullPointerException, but a(n) " + e.getClass().getName() + " was thrown.");

            testElement.toArray( new Integer[7] );
            fail("Attempting to call toArray() by passing it an array that is not a UniverseElement array (or some derivation thereof) should throw an exception, but did not.");
        catch ( ArrayStoreException e )
        catch ( Exception e )
            fail("Attempting to call toArray() by passing it an array that is not a UniverseElement array (or some derivation thereof) should only throw an ArrayStoreException, but a(n) " + e.getClass().getName() + " was thrown.");

        Object[] objectArray = testElement.toArray();
                "After creating an Object array from a primitive UniverseElement, the resulting object array should be the same size as the UniverseElement (i.e. empty).",
                objectArray.length, 0 );

     * Iterators should work properly for primitives as well as for composite
     * UniverseElements.  However, for primitives, they should only ever behave as
     * though they are operating on an empty collection.
     * @throws Exception
    public void creatingAndUsingUniverseElementIterators() throws Exception
        UniverseElement.Iterator testIter = testElement.iterator();

                "A iterator for a primitive UniverseElement should always report that there is no next element.",
                testIter.hasNext() );

            fail("Attempting to iterate to the next element of a primitive UniverseElement should throw an exception, but did not.");
        catch ( NoSuchElementException e )
        catch ( Exception e )
            fail("Attempting to iterate to the next element of a primitive UniverseElement should only throw a NoSuchElementException, but a(n) " + e.getClass().getName() + " was thrown.");

            fail("Attempting to call remove() on the iterator of a primitive UniverseElement should throw an exception, but did not.");
        catch ( IllegalStateException e )
        catch ( Exception e )
            fail("Attempting to call remove() on the iterator of a primitive UniverseElement should only throw an IllegalStateException, but a(n) " + e.getClass().getName() + " was thrown.");

     * This method will test the copy constructor for UniverseElement.  There is
     * really only one condition that the copy constructor has to obey:  the
     * resulting copy should be similar() to the original.
     * @throws Exception
    public void copyingUniverseElements() throws Exception
        testElement.setCenter1, 2, 3 );

        TestUElement copiedElement = new TestUElement(testElement);

                "After creating a new UnvierseElement through a copy constructor, the new UniverseElement should not be null.",
                copiedElement );

                "After creating a new UnvierseElement through a copy constructor, the copy should be similar to the original.",
                testElement.similar( copiedElement ) );

                "After creating a new UniverseElement through a copy constructor, the centers of the two element should be equal.",
                testElement.getCenter(), copiedElement.getCenter() );

        testElement.setCenter( 1, 1, 1 );

                "After creating a new UniverseElement through a copy constructor and then changing the center of the original UniverseElement, the centers of the two elements should not be equal.",
                testElement.getCenter() == copiedElement.getCenter() );

     * Okay, this test is over-the-top, crazy unnecessary, but I'm putting it in
     * anyway, just in case.
     * @throws Exception
    public void checkingForUniverseElementLeafState() throws Exception
                "UniverseElements that do not override isLeaf() should always return true when that method is called.",
                (new TestUElement()).isLeaf()
                && (new TestA()).isLeaf()
                && (new TestB()).isLeaf()
                && (new TestC()).isLeaf()
                && (new TestDerivedFromC()).isLeaf() );

Related Classes of etherstrategy.simulation.TestUElementTest

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