// reimplement this to be iterative, not recursive...
public static ETuple2 mapfoldl(EProc proc, EObject fun0, EObject acc, EObject list0) throws Pausable {
EFun fun = fun0.testFunction2(2);
ESeq list = list0.testSeq();
if (fun == null || list == null) {
ERT.func_info(am_lists, am_mapfoldl, 3);
ArrayList<EObject> map = new ArrayList<>();
while (!list.isNil()) {
EObject pair0;
proc.arg0 = list.head();
proc.arg1 = acc;
proc.tail = fun;
do {
pair0 = proc.tail.go(proc);
} while (pair0 == EProc.TAIL_MARKER);
ETuple2 out = ETuple2.cast(pair0);
if (out == null) {
throw new ErlangError(am_badmatch, pair0);
acc = out.elem2;
list = list.tail();
ESeq res = ERT.NIL;
for (int i = map.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
res = res.cons(map.get(i));
return new ETuple2(res, acc);