* This file is part of Erjang - A JVM-based Erlang VM
* Copyright (c) 2009 by Trifork
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package erjang.m.lists;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import kilim.Pausable;
import erjang.BIF;
import erjang.EAtom;
import erjang.EFun;
import erjang.EInteger;
import erjang.EList;
import erjang.ENative;
import erjang.EObject;
import erjang.EProc;
import erjang.ERT;
import erjang.ESeq;
import erjang.ESmall;
import erjang.ETuple;
import erjang.ETuple2;
import erjang.ErlangError;
import erjang.NotImplemented;
public class Native extends ENative {
public static final EAtom am_badmatch = EAtom.intern("badmatch");
public static final EAtom am_lists = EAtom.intern("lists");
public static final EAtom am_mapfoldl = EAtom.intern("mapfoldl");
public static EObject keymember(EObject key, EObject nth_arg, EObject list_arg) {
ESmall nth = nth_arg.testSmall();
ESeq list = list_arg.testSeq();
if (key == null || nth == null | list == null)
throw ERT.badarg(key, nth_arg, list_arg);
while (!list.isNil()) {
EObject elm = list.head();
ETuple tup = elm.testTuple();
// test that it is a tuple of the right size
if (tup != null && tup.arity() >= nth.value) {
EObject val = tup.elm(nth.value);
if (val.equals(key)) { return ERT.TRUE; }
list = list.tail();
return ERT.FALSE;
public static EObject keyfind(EObject key, EObject nth_arg, EObject list_arg) {
ESmall nth = nth_arg.testSmall();
ESeq list = list_arg.testSeq();
if (key == null || nth == null | list == null)
throw ERT.badarg(key, nth_arg, list_arg);
while (!list.isNil()) {
EObject elm = list.head();
ETuple tup = elm.testTuple();
// test that it is a tuple of the right size
if (tup != null && tup.arity() >= nth.value) {
EObject val = tup.elm(nth.value);
if (val.equals(key)) { return tup; }
list = list.tail();
return ERT.FALSE;
public static EObject keysearch(EObject k, EObject n, EObject list) {
ESmall idx = n.testSmall();
ESeq src = list.testSeq();
if (k==null||idx==null||src==null||idx.value<1)
throw ERT.badarg(k, n, list);
int index = idx.value;
while (!src.isNil()) {
EObject elm = src.head();
ETuple tup;
if ((tup = elm.testTuple()) != null) {
if (tup.arity() >= index) {
if (tup.elm(index).equals(k)) {
return new ETuple2(ERT.am_value, tup);
src = src.tail();
return ERT.FALSE;
// reimplement this to be iterative, not recursive...
public static ETuple2 mapfoldl(EProc proc, EObject fun0, EObject acc, EObject list0) throws Pausable {
EFun fun = fun0.testFunction2(2);
ESeq list = list0.testSeq();
if (fun == null || list == null) {
ERT.func_info(am_lists, am_mapfoldl, 3);
ArrayList<EObject> map = new ArrayList<>();
while (!list.isNil()) {
EObject pair0;
proc.arg0 = list.head();
proc.arg1 = acc;
proc.tail = fun;
do {
pair0 = proc.tail.go(proc);
} while (pair0 == EProc.TAIL_MARKER);
ETuple2 out = ETuple2.cast(pair0);
if (out == null) {
throw new ErlangError(am_badmatch, pair0);
acc = out.elem2;
list = list.tail();
ESeq res = ERT.NIL;
for (int i = map.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
res = res.cons(map.get(i));
return new ETuple2(res, acc);
public static ESeq reverse(EObject hd, EObject tl) {
ESeq res = tl.testSeq();
ESeq front = hd.testSeq();
if (res == null) throw ERT.badarg(hd, tl);
return reverse(front, res);
public static ESeq reverse(ESeq front, ESeq res) {
while (!front.isNil()) {
res = res.cons(front.head());
front = front.tail();
return res;
public static EAtom member(EObject e, EObject l) {
ESeq list = l.testSeq();
if (list == null) throw ERT.badarg(e, l);
while (!list.isNil()) {
if (e.equals(list.head())) return ERT.TRUE;
list = list.tail();
return ERT.FALSE;
public static ESeq map(EProc proc, EObject f, EObject s) throws Pausable {
EFun fun = f.testFunction2(1);
ESeq seq = s.testSeq();
if (fun == null || seq == null) throw ERT.badarg(f, s);
EObject[] arg = new EObject[1];
ESeq rev = ERT.NIL;
for (; !seq.isNil(); seq = seq.tail()) {
arg[0] = seq.head();
EObject val = fun.invoke(proc, arg);
rev = rev.cons( val );
return reverse(rev, ERT.NIL);
public static ESeq seq(EObject start, EObject end)
ESmall sm_s = start.testSmall();
ESmall sm_e = end.testSmall();
if (sm_s == null || sm_e == null) {
EInteger i_s;
EInteger i_e;
if ((i_s=start.testInteger()) == null
|| (i_e=end.testInteger()) == null) {
throw ERT.badarg(start, end);
return seq_big(i_s, i_e);
if ((sm_e.value+1) < sm_s.value)
throw ERT.badarg(start, end);
ESeq l = ERT.NIL;
int val = sm_e.value;
int first = sm_s.value;
while (val >= first) {
l = l.cons(val);
val -= 1;
return l;
static ESeq seq_big(EInteger start, EInteger end)
if ((end.inc()).is_lt(start))
throw ERT.badarg(start, end);
ESeq l = ERT.NIL;
EInteger val = end;
EInteger first = start;
while (val.is_ge(first)) {
l = l.cons(val);
val = val.dec();
return l;