
Examples of

   /** Convenience method that generates a type warning with "msg" as the message,
    * and includes the parent's relevance type, as well as the left and right bounding types in the message.
   private ErrorWarning warn(String msg, Type parent) {
      return new ErrorWarning(pos, msg
         + "\nParent's relevant type = " + Type.removesBoolAndInt(parent)
         + "\nLeft type = " + Type.removesBoolAndInt(left.type)
         + "\nRight type = " + Type.removesBoolAndInt(right.type));
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   /** {@inheritDoc} */
   @Override public Expr resolve(Type p, Collection<ErrorWarning> warns) {
      if (errors.size()>0) return this;
      ErrorWarning w=null;
      Type a=left.type, b=right.type;
      switch(op) {
        case MUL: case DIV: case REM: case LT: case LTE: case GT: case GTE: case SHL: case SHR: case SHA:
        case NOT_LTE: case NOT_GTE: case NOT_LT: case NOT_GT: {
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    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public Expr resolve(Type p, Collection<ErrorWarning> warns) {
        if (errors.size()>0) return this;
        ErrorWarning w1=null, w2=null;
        Type s=p;
        switch(op) {
          case NOT:
          case TRANSPOSE: case RCLOSURE: case CLOSURE:
            if (warns!=null && op!=Op.TRANSPOSE && type.join(type).hasNoTuple())
               w1=new ErrorWarning(pos, this+" is redundant since its domain and range are disjoint: "+sub.type.extract(2));
            s = (op!=Op.TRANSPOSE) ? resolveClosure(p, sub.type) : sub.type.transpose().intersect(p).transpose() ;
            if (warns!=null && s==EMPTY && p.hasTuple())
               w2=new ErrorWarning(sub.span(),
               "The value of this expression does not contribute to the value of the parent.\nParent's relevant type = "
               +p+"\nThis expression's type = "+sub.type.extract(2));
          case CARDINALITY: case NO: case ONE: case SOME: case LONE:
          case CAST2SIGINT:
          case CAST2INT:
            if (warns!=null && s.hasNoTuple())
               w1=new ErrorWarning(sub.span(),
               "This expression should contain Int atoms.\nInstead, its possible type(s) are:\n"+sub.type.extract(1));
        Expr sub = this.sub.resolve(s, warns);
        if (w1!=null) warns.add(w1);
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                     +"Some warnings can affect the soundness of the analysis.\n"
                     +"To proceed despite the warnings, go to the Options menu.\n");
            if (array[0].equals("warning")) {
                ErrorWarning e = (ErrorWarning)(array[1]);
                if (!warnings.add(e)) return;
                Pos p=e.pos;
                span.logLink("Warning #"+warnings.size(), "POS: "+p.x+" "+p.y+" "+p.x2+" "+p.y2+" "+p.filename);
                span.log("\n"); span.logIndented(e.msg.trim()); span.log("\n\n");
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        if (text==null) return null; // If this was called prior to the "text" being fully initialized
        OurSyntaxWidget t = text.get();
        if (Util.onMac()) frame.getRootPane().putClientProperty("windowModified", Boolean.valueOf(t.modified()));
        if (t.isFile()) frame.setTitle(t.getFilename()); else frame.setTitle("Alloy Analyzer "+Version.version());
        toolbar.setBorder(new OurBorder(false, false, text.count()<=1, false));
        int c = t.getCaret();
        int y = t.getLineOfOffset(c)+1;
        int x = c - t.getLineStartOffset(y-1)+1;
        status.setText("<html>&nbsp; Line "+y+", Column "+x
              +(t.modified()?" <b style=\"color:#B43333;\">[modified]</b></html>":"</html>"));
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            toolbar.add(runbutton=OurUtil.button("Execute", "Executes the latest command", "images/24_execute.gif", doExecuteLatest()));
            toolbar.add(stopbutton=OurUtil.button("Stop", "Stops the current analysis", "images/24_execute_abort2.gif", doStop(2)));
            toolbar.add(showbutton=OurUtil.button("Show", "Shows the latest instance", "images/24_graph.gif", doShowLatest()));
            toolbar.setBorder(new OurBorder(false,false,false,false));
        } finally {
            wrap = false;

        // Choose the antiAlias setting

        // Create the message area
        logpane = OurUtil.scrollpane(null);
        log = new SwingLogPanel(logpane, fontName, fontSize, background, Color.BLACK, new Color(.7f,.2f,.2f), this);

        // Create the text area
        text = new OurTabbedSyntaxWidget(fontName, fontSize, TabSize.get());
        text.enableSyntax(! SyntaxDisabled.get());

        // Add everything to the frame, then display the frame
        Container all=frame.getContentPane();
        all.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        JPanel lefthalf=new JPanel();
        lefthalf.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        lefthalf.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        text.addTo(lefthalf, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        splitpane = OurUtil.splitpane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, lefthalf, logpane, width/2);
        status = OurUtil.make(OurAntiAlias.label(" "), new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, fontSize), Color.BLACK, background);
        status.setBorder(new OurBorder(true,false,false,false));
        all.add(splitpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        all.add(status, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        // Generate some informative log messages
        log.logBold("Alloy Analyzer "+Version.version()+" (build date: "+Version.buildDate()+")\n\n");
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        final String JAR = Util.jarPrefix();
        String alloytxt;
        try { alloytxt = Util.readAll(JAR + "LICENSES" + File.separator + "Alloy.txt"); } catch(IOException ex) { return null; }
        final JTextArea text = OurUtil.textarea(alloytxt, 15, 85, false, false, new EmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2), new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12));
        final JScrollPane scroll = OurUtil.scrollpane(text, new LineBorder(Color.DARK_GRAY, 1));
        final JComboBox combo = new OurCombobox(new String[]{"Alloy","Kodkod","JavaCup","SAT4J","ZChaff","MiniSat"}) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
            @Override public void do_changed(Object value) {
              if (value instanceof String) {
                 try {
                     String content = Util.readAll(JAR + "LICENSES" + File.separator + value + ".txt");
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    /** Updates the status bar at the bottom of the screen. */
    private Runner notifyChange() {
        if (wrap) return wrapMe();
        if (text==null) return null; // If this was called prior to the "text" being fully initialized
        OurSyntaxWidget t = text.get();
        if (Util.onMac()) frame.getRootPane().putClientProperty("windowModified", Boolean.valueOf(t.modified()));
        if (t.isFile()) frame.setTitle(t.getFilename()); else frame.setTitle("Alloy Analyzer "+Version.version());
        toolbar.setBorder(new OurBorder(false, false, text.count()<=1, false));
        int c = t.getCaret();
        int y = t.getLineOfOffset(c)+1;
        int x = c - t.getLineStartOffset(y-1)+1;
        status.setText("<html>&nbsp; Line "+y+", Column "+x
              +(t.modified()?" <b style=\"color:#B43333;\">[modified]</b></html>":"</html>"));
        return null;
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    /** This method performs Edit->FindNext. */
    private Runner doFindNext() {
        if (wrap) return wrapMe();
        if (lastFind.length()==0) return null;
        OurSyntaxWidget t = text.get();
        String all = t.getText();
        int i = Util.indexOf(all, lastFind, t.getCaret()+(lastFindForward?0:-1),lastFindForward,lastFindCaseSensitive);
        if (i<0) {
            i=Util.indexOf(all, lastFind, lastFindForward?0:(all.length()-1), lastFindForward, lastFindCaseSensitive);
            if (i<0) { log.logRed("The specified search string cannot be found."); return null; }
            log.logRed("Search wrapped.");
        } else {
        if (lastFindForward) t.moveCaret(i, i+lastFind.length()); else t.moveCaret(i+lastFind.length(), i);
        return null;
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        if (wrap) return wrapMe();
        JTextField y = OurUtil.textfield("", 10);
        JTextField x = OurUtil.textfield("", 10);
        if (!OurDialog.getInput("Go To", "Line Number:", y, "Column Number (optional):", x)) return null;
        try {
            OurSyntaxWidget t = text.get();
            int xx = 1, yy = Integer.parseInt(y.getText()), lineCount = t.getLineCount();
            if (yy<1) return null;
            if (yy>lineCount) {log.logRed("This file only has "+lineCount+" line(s)."); return null;}
            if (x.getText().length()!=0) xx=Integer.parseInt(x.getText());
            if (xx<1) {log.logRed("If the column number is specified, it must be 1 or greater."); return null;}
            int caret = t.getLineStartOffset(yy-1);
            int len = (yy==lineCount ? t.getText().length()+1 : t.getLineStartOffset(yy)) - caret;
            if (xx>len) xx=len;
            if (xx<1) xx=1;
            t.moveCaret(caret+xx-1, caret+xx-1);
        } catch(NumberFormatException ex) {
            log.logRed("The number must be 1 or greater.");
        } catch(Throwable ex) {
            // This error is not important
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