/* Alloy Analyzer 4 -- Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Felix Chang
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
* (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
* merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4whole;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.prefs.Preferences;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.event.ComponentListener;
import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP;
import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN;
import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_ALT;
import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT;
import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_A;
import static java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_E;
import javax.swing.Box;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JMenu;
import javax.swing.JMenuBar;
import javax.swing.JMenuItem;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JSeparator;
import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
import javax.swing.JTextArea;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.JToolBar;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
import javax.swing.border.LineBorder;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent;
import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener;
import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument;
import kodkod.engine.fol2sat.HigherOrderDeclException;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Err;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Browsable;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Command;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Expr;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.ExprVar;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Sig.Field;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.parser.CompUtil;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.ast.Module;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.sim.SimInstance;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.sim.SimTuple;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.sim.SimTupleset;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.translator.A4Options;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.translator.A4SolutionReader;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.translator.A4Tuple;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.translator.A4TupleSet;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.translator.A4Options.SatSolver;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4compiler.translator.A4Solution;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.A4Reporter;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Computer;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.ErrorFatal;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.ErrorType;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Listener;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.MailBug;
//import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.MacUtil;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurAntiAlias;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurBorder;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurCombobox;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurDialog;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurTabbedSyntaxWidget;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurSyntaxWidget;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurTree;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurUtil;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Pair;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Pos;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Runner;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Subprocess;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Version;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.WorkerEngine;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.XMLNode;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util.BooleanPref;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util.IntPref;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util.StringPref;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.WorkerEngine.WorkerCallback;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4viz.VizGUI;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4whole.SimpleReporter.SimpleCallback1;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4whole.SimpleReporter.SimpleTask1;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4whole.SimpleReporter.SimpleTask2;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurUtil.menu;
import static edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurUtil.menuItem;
/** Simple graphical interface for accessing various features of the analyzer.
* <p> Except noted below, methods in this class can only be called by the AWT event thread.
* <p> The methods that might get called from other threads are:
* <br> (1) the run() method in SatRunner is launched from a fresh thread
* <br> (2) the run() method in the instance watcher (in constructor) is launched from a fresh thread
public final class SimpleGUI implements ComponentListener, Listener {
/** The latest welcome screen; each time we update the welcome screen, we increment this number. */
private static final int welcomeLevel = 2;
// Verify that the graphics environment is set up
static {
try {
} catch(Throwable ex) {
System.err.println("Unable to start the graphical environment.");
System.err.println("If you're on Mac OS X:");
System.err.println(" Please make sure you are running as the current local user.");
System.err.println("If you're on Linux or FreeBSD:");
System.err.println(" Please make sure your X Windows is configured.");
System.err.println(" You can verify this by typing \"xhost\"; it should not give an error message.");
//======== The Preferences ======================================================================================//
//======== Note: you must make sure each preference has a unique key ============================================//
/** The list of allowable memory sizes. */
private List<Integer> allowedMemorySizes;
/** True if Alloy Analyzer should let warning be nonfatal. */
private static final BooleanPref WarningNonfatal = new BooleanPref("WarningNonfatal");
/** True if Alloy Analyzer should automatically visualize the latest instance. */
private static final BooleanPref AutoVisualize = new BooleanPref("AutoVisualize");
/** True if Alloy Analyzer should insist on antialias. */
private static final BooleanPref AntiAlias = new BooleanPref("AntiAlias");
/** True if Alloy Analyzer should record the raw Kodkod input and output. */
private static final BooleanPref RecordKodkod = new BooleanPref("RecordKodkod");
/** True if Alloy Analyzer should enable the new Implicit This name resolution. */
private static final BooleanPref ImplicitThis = new BooleanPref("ImplicitThis");
/** The latest X corrdinate of the Alloy Analyzer's main window. */
private static final IntPref AnalyzerX = new IntPref("AnalyzerX",0,-1,65535);
/** The latest Y corrdinate of the Alloy Analyzer's main window. */
private static final IntPref AnalyzerY = new IntPref("AnalyzerY",0,-1,65535);
/** The latest width of the Alloy Analyzer's main window. */
private static final IntPref AnalyzerWidth = new IntPref("AnalyzerWidth",0,-1,65535);
/** The latest height of the Alloy Analyzer's main window. */
private static final IntPref AnalyzerHeight = new IntPref("AnalyzerHeight",0,-1,65535);
/** The latest font size of the Alloy Analyzer. */
private static final IntPref FontSize = new IntPref("FontSize",9,12,72);
/** The latest font name of the Alloy Analyzer. */
private static final StringPref FontName = new StringPref("FontName","Lucida Grande");
/** The latest tab distance of the Alloy Analyzer. */
private static final IntPref TabSize = new IntPref("TabSize",1,2,16);
/** The latest welcome screen that the user has seen. */
private static final IntPref Welcome = new IntPref("Welcome",0,0,1000);
/** Whether syntax highlighting should be disabled or not. */
private static final BooleanPref SyntaxDisabled = new BooleanPref("SyntaxHighlightingDisabled");
/** The number of recursion unrolls. */
private static final IntPref Unrolls = new IntPref("Unrolls", -1, -1, 3);
/** The skolem depth. */
private static final IntPref SkolemDepth = new IntPref("SkolemDepth3", 0, 1, 4);
/** The unsat core minimization strategy. */
private static final IntPref CoreMinimization = new IntPref("CoreMinimization",0,2,2);
/** The amount of memory (in M) to allocate for Kodkod and the SAT solvers. */
private static final IntPref SubMemory = new IntPref("SubMemory",16,768,65535);
/** The amount of stack (in K) to allocate for Kodkod and the SAT solvers. */
private static final IntPref SubStack = new IntPref("SubStack",16,8192,65536);
/** The first file in Alloy Analyzer's "open recent" list. */
private static final StringPref Model0 = new StringPref("Model0");
/** The second file in Alloy Analyzer's "open recent" list. */
private static final StringPref Model1 = new StringPref("Model1");
/** The third file in Alloy Analyzer's "open recent" list. */
private static final StringPref Model2 = new StringPref("Model2");
/** The fourth file in Alloy Analyzer's "open recent" list. */
private static final StringPref Model3 = new StringPref("Model3");
/** This enum defines the set of possible message verbosity levels. */
private enum Verbosity {
/** Level 0. */ DEFAULT("0", "low"),
/** Level 1. */ VERBOSE("1", "medium"),
/** Level 2. */ DEBUG("2", "high"),
/** Level 3. */ FULLDEBUG("3", "debug only");
/** Returns true if it is greater than or equal to "other". */
public boolean geq(Verbosity other) { return ordinal() >= other.ordinal(); }
/** This is a unique String for this value; it should be kept consistent in future versions. */
private final String id;
/** This is the label that the toString() method will return. */
private final String label;
/** Constructs a new Verbosity value with the given id and label. */
private Verbosity(String id, String label) { this.id=id; this.label=label; }
/** Given an id, return the enum value corresponding to it (if there's no match, then return DEFAULT). */
private static Verbosity parse(String id) {
for(Verbosity vb: values()) if (vb.id.equals(id)) return vb;
return DEFAULT;
/** Returns the human-readable label for this enum value. */
@Override public final String toString() { return label; }
/** Saves this value into the Java preference object. */
private void set() { Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Util.class).put("Verbosity",id); }
/** Reads the current value of the Java preference object (if it's not set, then return DEFAULT). */
private static Verbosity get() { return parse(Preferences.userNodeForPackage(Util.class).get("Verbosity","")); }
/** The JFrame for the main window. */
private JFrame frame;
/** The JFrame for the visualizer window. */
private VizGUI viz;
/** The "File", "Edit", "Run", "Option", "Window", and "Help" menus. */
private JMenu filemenu, editmenu, runmenu, optmenu, windowmenu, windowmenu2, helpmenu;
/** The toolbar. */
private JToolBar toolbar;
/** The various toolbar buttons. */
private JButton runbutton, stopbutton, showbutton;
/** The Splitpane. */
private JSplitPane splitpane;
/** The JLabel that displays the current line/column position, etc. */
private JLabel status;
/** Whether the editor has the focus, or the log window has the focus. */
private boolean lastFocusIsOnEditor = true;
/** The text editor. */
private OurTabbedSyntaxWidget text;
/** The "message panel" on the right. */
private SwingLogPanel log;
/** The scrollpane containing the "message panel". */
private JScrollPane logpane;
/** The last "find" that the user issued. */
private String lastFind = "";
/** The last find is case-sensitive or not. */
private boolean lastFindCaseSensitive = true;
/** The last find is forward or not. */
private boolean lastFindForward = true;
/** The icon for a "checked" menu item. */
private static final Icon iconYes = OurUtil.loadIcon("images/menu1.gif");
/** The icon for an "unchecked" menu item. */
private static final Icon iconNo = OurUtil.loadIcon("images/menu0.gif");
/** The system-specific file separator (forward-slash on UNIX, back-slash on Windows, etc.) */
private static final String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator");
/** The darker background color (for the MessageLog window and the Toolbar and the Status Bar, etc.) */
private static final Color background = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
/** If subrunning==true: 0 means SAT solving; 1 means metamodel; 2 means enumeration. */
private int subrunningTask = 0;
/** The amount of memory (in MB) currently allocated for this.subprocess */
private int subMemoryNow = 0;
/** The amount of stack (in KB) currently allocated for this.subprocess */
private int subStackNow = 0;
/** The list of commands (this field will be cleared to null when the text buffer is edited). */
private List<Command> commands = null;
/** The latest executed command. */
private int latestCommand = 0;
/** The current choices of SAT solver. */
private List<SatSolver> satChoices;
/** The most recent Alloy version (as queried from alloy.mit.edu); -1 if alloy.mit.edu has not replied yet. */
private int latestAlloyVersion = (-1);
/** The most recent Alloy version name (as queried from alloy.mit.edu); "unknown" if alloy.mit.edu has not replied yet. */
private String latestAlloyVersionName = "unknown";
/** If it's not "", then it is the XML filename for the latest satisfying instance or the latest metamodel. */
private String latestInstance = "";
/** If it's not "", then it is the latest instance or metamodel during the most recent click of "Execute". */
private String latestAutoInstance = "";
/** If true, that means the event handlers should return a Runner encapsulating them, rather than perform the actual work. */
private boolean wrap = false;
//====== helper methods =================================================//
/** Inserts "filename" into the "recently opened file list". */
private void addHistory(String filename) {
String name0=Model0.get(), name1=Model1.get(), name2=Model2.get();
if (name0.equals(filename)) return; else {Model0.set(filename); Model1.set(name0);}
if (name1.equals(filename)) return; else Model2.set(name1);
if (name2.equals(filename)) return; else Model3.set(name2);
/** Sets the flag "lastFocusIsOnEditor" to be true. */
private Runner notifyFocusGained() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
return null;
/** Sets the flag "lastFocusIsOnEditor" to be false. */
void notifyFocusLost() { lastFocusIsOnEditor=false; }
/** Updates the status bar at the bottom of the screen. */
private Runner notifyChange() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (text==null) return null; // If this was called prior to the "text" being fully initialized
OurSyntaxWidget t = text.get();
if (Util.onMac()) frame.getRootPane().putClientProperty("windowModified", Boolean.valueOf(t.modified()));
if (t.isFile()) frame.setTitle(t.getFilename()); else frame.setTitle("Alloy Analyzer "+Version.version());
toolbar.setBorder(new OurBorder(false, false, text.count()<=1, false));
int c = t.getCaret();
int y = t.getLineOfOffset(c)+1;
int x = c - t.getLineStartOffset(y-1)+1;
status.setText("<html> Line "+y+", Column "+x
+(t.modified()?" <b style=\"color:#B43333;\">[modified]</b></html>":"</html>"));
return null;
/** Helper method that returns a hopefully very short name for a file name. */
public static String slightlyShorterFilename(String name) {
if (name.toLowerCase(Locale.US).endsWith(".als")) {
int i=name.lastIndexOf('/');
if (i>=0) name=name.substring(i+1);
if (i>=0) name=name.substring(i+1);
return name.substring(0, name.length()-4);
} else if (name.toLowerCase(Locale.US).endsWith(".xml")) {
int i=name.lastIndexOf('/');
if (i>0) i=name.lastIndexOf('/', i-1);
if (i>=0) name=name.substring(i+1);
if (i>0) i=name.lastIndexOf('\\', i-1);
if (i>=0) name=name.substring(i+1);
return name.substring(0, name.length()-4);
return name;
/** Copy the required files from the JAR into a temporary directory. */
private void copyFromJAR() {
// Compute the appropriate platform
String os = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace(' ','-');
if (os.startsWith("mac-")) os="mac"; else if (os.startsWith("windows-")) os="windows";
String arch = System.getProperty("os.arch").toLowerCase(Locale.US).replace(' ','-');
if (arch.equals("powerpc")) arch="ppc-"+os; else arch=arch.replaceAll("\\Ai[3456]86\\z","x86")+"-"+os;
if (os.equals("mac")) arch="x86-mac"; // our pre-compiled binaries are all universal binaries
// Find out the appropriate Alloy directory
final String platformBinary = alloyHome() + fs + "binary";
// Write a few test files
try {
(new File(platformBinary)).mkdirs();
Util.writeAll(platformBinary + fs + "tmp.cnf", "p cnf 3 1\n1 0\n");
} catch(Err er) {
// The error will be caught later by the "berkmin" or "spear" test
// Copy the platform-dependent binaries
Util.copy(true, false, platformBinary,
arch+"/libminisat.so", arch+"/libminisatx1.so", arch+"/libminisat.jnilib",
arch+"/libminisatprover.so", arch+"/libminisatproverx1.so", arch+"/libminisatprover.jnilib",
arch+"/libzchaff.so", arch+"/libzchaffx1.so", arch+"/libzchaff.jnilib",
arch+"/berkmin", arch+"/spear");
Util.copy(false, false, platformBinary,
arch+"/minisat.dll", arch+"/minisatprover.dll", arch+"/zchaff.dll",
arch+"/berkmin.exe", arch+"/spear.exe");
// Copy the model files
Util.copy(false, true, alloyHome(),
"models/book/appendixA/addressBook1.als", "models/book/appendixA/addressBook2.als", "models/book/appendixA/barbers.als",
"models/book/appendixA/closure.als", "models/book/appendixA/distribution.als", "models/book/appendixA/phones.als",
"models/book/appendixA/prison.als", "models/book/appendixA/properties.als", "models/book/appendixA/ring.als",
"models/book/appendixA/spanning.als", "models/book/appendixA/tree.als", "models/book/appendixA/tube.als", "models/book/appendixA/undirected.als",
"models/book/appendixE/hotel.thm", "models/book/appendixE/p300-hotel.als", "models/book/appendixE/p303-hotel.als", "models/book/appendixE/p306-hotel.als",
"models/book/chapter2/addressBook1a.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook1b.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook1c.als",
"models/book/chapter2/addressBook1d.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook1e.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook1f.als",
"models/book/chapter2/addressBook1g.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook1h.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook2a.als",
"models/book/chapter2/addressBook2b.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook2c.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook2d.als",
"models/book/chapter2/addressBook2e.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook3a.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook3b.als",
"models/book/chapter2/addressBook3c.als", "models/book/chapter2/addressBook3d.als", "models/book/chapter2/theme.thm",
"models/book/chapter4/filesystem.als", "models/book/chapter4/grandpa1.als",
"models/book/chapter4/grandpa2.als", "models/book/chapter4/grandpa3.als", "models/book/chapter4/lights.als",
"models/book/chapter5/addressBook.als", "models/book/chapter5/lists.als", "models/book/chapter5/sets1.als", "models/book/chapter5/sets2.als",
"models/book/chapter6/hotel.thm", "models/book/chapter6/hotel1.als", "models/book/chapter6/hotel2.als",
"models/book/chapter6/hotel3.als", "models/book/chapter6/hotel4.als", "models/book/chapter6/mediaAssets.als",
"models/book/chapter6/memory/abstractMemory.als", "models/book/chapter6/memory/cacheMemory.als",
"models/book/chapter6/memory/checkCache.als", "models/book/chapter6/memory/checkFixedSize.als",
"models/book/chapter6/memory/fixedSizeMemory.als", "models/book/chapter6/memory/fixedSizeMemory_H.als",
"models/book/chapter6/ringElection.thm", "models/book/chapter6/ringElection1.als", "models/book/chapter6/ringElection2.als",
"models/examples/algorithms/dijkstra.als", "models/examples/algorithms/dijkstra.thm",
"models/examples/algorithms/messaging.als", "models/examples/algorithms/messaging.thm",
"models/examples/algorithms/opt_spantree.als", "models/examples/algorithms/opt_spantree.thm",
"models/examples/algorithms/ringlead.als", "models/examples/algorithms/ringlead.thm",
"models/examples/algorithms/stable_mutex_ring.als", "models/examples/algorithms/stable_mutex_ring.thm",
"models/examples/algorithms/stable_orient_ring.als", "models/examples/algorithms/stable_orient_ring.thm",
"models/examples/algorithms/stable_ringlead.als", "models/examples/algorithms/stable_ringlead.thm",
"models/examples/case_studies/INSLabel.als", "models/examples/case_studies/chord.als",
"models/examples/case_studies/chord2.als", "models/examples/case_studies/chordbugmodel.als",
"models/examples/case_studies/com.als", "models/examples/case_studies/firewire.als", "models/examples/case_studies/firewire.thm",
"models/examples/case_studies/ins.als", "models/examples/case_studies/iolus.als",
"models/examples/case_studies/sync.als", "models/examples/case_studies/syncimpl.als",
"models/examples/puzzles/farmer.als", "models/examples/puzzles/farmer.thm",
"models/examples/puzzles/handshake.als", "models/examples/puzzles/handshake.thm",
"models/examples/puzzles/hanoi.als", "models/examples/puzzles/hanoi.thm",
"models/examples/systems/file_system.als", "models/examples/systems/file_system.thm",
"models/examples/systems/lists.als", "models/examples/systems/lists.thm",
"models/examples/systems/marksweepgc.als", "models/examples/systems/views.als",
"models/examples/toys/birthday.als", "models/examples/toys/birthday.thm",
"models/examples/toys/ceilingsAndFloors.als", "models/examples/toys/ceilingsAndFloors.thm",
"models/examples/toys/genealogy.als", "models/examples/toys/genealogy.thm",
"models/examples/toys/grandpa.als", "models/examples/toys/grandpa.thm",
"models/examples/toys/javatypes.als", "models/examples/toys/life.als", "models/examples/toys/life.thm",
"models/examples/toys/numbering.als", "models/examples/toys/railway.als", "models/examples/toys/railway.thm",
"models/util/boolean.als", "models/util/graph.als", "models/util/integer.als", "models/util/natural.als",
"models/util/ordering.als", "models/util/relation.als", "models/util/seqrel.als", "models/util/sequence.als",
"models/util/sequniv.als", "models/util/ternary.als", "models/util/time.als"
// Record the locations
System.setProperty("alloy.theme0", alloyHome() + fs + "models");
System.setProperty("alloy.home", alloyHome());
/** Called when this window is resized. */
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
/** Called when this window is moved. */
public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {
/** Called when this window is shown. */
public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) {}
/** Called when this window is hidden. */
public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {}
/** Wraps the calling method into a Runnable whose run() will call the calling method with (false) as the only argument. */
private Runner wrapMe() {
final String name;
try { throw new Exception(); } catch(Exception ex) { name = ex.getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); }
Method[] methods = getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
Method m=null;
for(int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) if (methods[i].getName().equals(name)) { m=methods[i]; break; }
final Method method=m;
return new Runner() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public void run() {
try {
method.invoke(SimpleGUI.this, new Object[]{});
} catch (Throwable ex) {
ex = new IllegalArgumentException("Failed call to "+name+"()", ex);
Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), ex);
public void run(Object arg) { run(); }
/** Wraps the calling method into a Runnable whose run() will call the calling method with (false,argument) as the two arguments. */
private Runner wrapMe(final Object argument) {
final String name;
try { throw new Exception(); } catch(Exception ex) { name = ex.getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName(); }
Method[] methods = getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
Method m=null;
for(int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) if (methods[i].getName().equals(name)) { m=methods[i]; break; }
final Method method=m;
return new Runner() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public void run(Object arg) {
try {
method.invoke(SimpleGUI.this, new Object[]{arg});
} catch (Throwable ex) {
ex = new IllegalArgumentException("Failed call to "+name+"("+arg+")", ex);
Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), ex);
public void run() { run(argument); }
/** This variable caches the result of alloyHome() function call. */
private static String alloyHome = null;
/** Find a temporary directory to store Alloy files; it's guaranteed to be a canonical absolute path. */
private static synchronized String alloyHome() {
if (alloyHome!=null) return alloyHome;
String temp=System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
if (temp==null || temp.length()==0)
OurDialog.fatal("Error. JVM need to specify a temporary directory using java.io.tmpdir property.");
String username=System.getProperty("user.name");
File tempfile=new File(temp+File.separatorChar+"alloy4tmp40-"+(username==null?"":username));
String ans=Util.canon(tempfile.getPath());
if (!tempfile.isDirectory()) {
OurDialog.fatal("Error. Cannot create the temporary directory "+ans);
if (!Util.onWindows()) {
String[] args={"chmod", "700", ans};
try {Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args).waitFor();}
catch (Throwable ex) {} // We only intend to make a best effort.
return alloyHome=ans;
/** Create an empty temporary directory for use, designate it "deleteOnExit", then return it.
* It is guaranteed to be a canonical absolute path. */
private static String maketemp() {
Random r=new Random(new Date().getTime());
while(true) {
int i=r.nextInt(1000000);
String dest = alloyHome()+File.separatorChar+"tmp"+File.separatorChar+i;
File f=new File(dest);
if (f.mkdirs()) {
return Util.canon(dest);
/** Return the number of bytes used by the Temporary Directory (or return -1 if the answer exceeds "long") */
private static long computeTemporarySpaceUsed() {
long ans = iterateTemp(null,false);
if (ans<0) return -1; else return ans;
/** Delete every file in the Temporary Directory. */
private static void clearTemporarySpace() {
// Also clear the temp dir from previous versions of Alloy4
String temp=System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir");
if (temp==null || temp.length()==0) return;
String username=System.getProperty("user.name");
if (username==null) username="";
for(int i=1; i<40; i++) iterateTemp(temp+File.separatorChar+"alloy4tmp"+i+"-"+username, true);
/** Helper method for performing either computeTemporarySpaceUsed() or clearTemporarySpace() */
private static long iterateTemp(String filename, boolean delete) {
long ans=0;
if (filename==null) filename = alloyHome()+File.separatorChar+"tmp";
File x = new File(filename);
if (x.isDirectory()) {
for(String subfile:x.list()) {
long tmp=iterateTemp(filename+File.separatorChar+subfile, delete);
if (ans>=0) ans=ans+tmp;
else if (x.isFile()) {
long tmp=x.length();
if (ans>=0) ans=ans+tmp;
if (delete) x.delete();
return ans;
/** This method refreshes the "file" menu. */
private Runner doRefreshFile() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
try {
wrap = true;
menuItem(filemenu, "New", 'N', 'N', doNew());
menuItem(filemenu, "Open...", 'O', 'O', doOpen());
if (!Util.onMac())
menuItem(filemenu, "Open Sample Models...", VK_ALT, 'O', doBuiltin());
menuItem(filemenu, "Open Sample Models...", doBuiltin());
JMenu recentmenu;
filemenu.add(recentmenu = new JMenu("Open Recent"));
menuItem(filemenu, "Reload all", 'R', 'R', doReloadAll());
menuItem(filemenu, "Save", 'S', 'S', doSave());
if (Util.onMac())
menuItem(filemenu, "Save As...", VK_SHIFT, 'S', doSaveAs());
menuItem(filemenu, "Save As...", 'A', doSaveAs());
menuItem(filemenu, "Close", 'W', 'W', doClose());
menuItem(filemenu, "Clear Temporary Directory", doClearTemp());
menuItem(filemenu, "Quit", 'Q', (Util.onMac() ? -1 : 'Q'), doQuit());
boolean found = false;
for(Util.StringPref p: new Util.StringPref[]{ Model0, Model1, Model2, Model3 }) {
String name = p.get();
if (name.length()>0) { found = true; menuItem(recentmenu, name, doOpenFile(name)); }
menuItem(recentmenu, "Clear Menu", doClearRecent());
} finally {
wrap = false;
return null;
/** This method performs File->New. */
private Runner doNew() {
if (!wrap) { text.newtab(null); notifyChange(); doShow(); }
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs File->Open. */
private Runner doOpen() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
File file=OurDialog.askFile(true, null, ".als", ".als files");
if (file!=null) {
return null;
/** This method performs File->OpenBuiltinModels. */
private Runner doBuiltin() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
File file=OurDialog.askFile(true, alloyHome() + fs + "models", ".als", ".als files");
if (file!=null) {
return null;
/** This method performs File->ReloadAll. */
private Runner doReloadAll() {
if (!wrap) text.reloadAll();
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs File->ClearRecentFiles. */
private Runner doClearRecent() {
if (!wrap) { Model0.set(""); Model1.set(""); Model2.set(""); Model3.set(""); }
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs File->Save. */
private Runner doSave() {
if (!wrap) {
String ans = text.save(false);
if (ans==null) return null;
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs File->SaveAs. */
private Runner doSaveAs() {
if (!wrap) {
String ans = text.save(true);
if (ans==null) return null;
return wrapMe();
/** This method clears the temporary files and then reinitialize the temporary directory. */
private Runner doClearTemp() {
if (!wrap) {
log.logBold("Temporary directory has been cleared.\n\n");
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs File->Close. */
private Runner doClose() {
if (!wrap) text.close();
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs File->Quit. */
private Runner doQuit() {
if (!wrap) if (text.closeAll()) {
try { WorkerEngine.stop(); } finally { System.exit(0); }
return wrapMe();
/** This method refreshes the "edit" menu. */
private Runner doRefreshEdit() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
try {
wrap = true;
boolean canUndo = text.get().canUndo();
boolean canRedo = text.get().canRedo();
menuItem(editmenu, "Undo", 'Z', 'Z', doUndo(), canUndo);
if (Util.onMac())
menuItem(editmenu, "Redo", VK_SHIFT, 'Z', doRedo(), canRedo);
menuItem(editmenu, "Redo", 'Y', 'Y', doRedo(), canRedo);
menuItem(editmenu, "Cut", 'X', 'X', doCut());
menuItem(editmenu, "Copy", 'C', 'C', doCopy());
menuItem(editmenu, "Paste", 'V', 'V', doPaste());
menuItem(editmenu, "Go To..." , 'T', 'T', doGoto());
menuItem(editmenu, "Previous File" , VK_PAGE_UP, VK_PAGE_UP, doGotoPrevFile(), text.count()>1);
menuItem(editmenu, "Next File" , VK_PAGE_DOWN, VK_PAGE_DOWN, doGotoNextFile(), text.count()>1);
menuItem(editmenu, "Find...", 'F', 'F', doFind());
menuItem(editmenu, "Find Next", 'G', 'G', doFindNext());
} finally {
wrap = false;
return null;
/** This method performs Edit->Undo. */
private Runner doUndo() {
if (!wrap) text.get().undo();
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs Edit->Redo. */
private Runner doRedo() {
if (!wrap) text.get().redo();
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs Edit->Copy. */
private Runner doCopy() {
if (!wrap) { if (lastFocusIsOnEditor) text.get().copy(); else log.copy(); }
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs Edit->Cut. */
private Runner doCut() {
if (!wrap && lastFocusIsOnEditor) text.get().cut();
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs Edit->Paste. */
private Runner doPaste() {
if (!wrap && lastFocusIsOnEditor) text.get().paste();
return wrapMe();
/** This method performs Edit->Find. */
private Runner doFind() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
JTextField x = OurUtil.textfield(lastFind,30);
JCheckBox c = new JCheckBox("Case Sensitive?",lastFindCaseSensitive);
JCheckBox b = new JCheckBox("Search Backward?",!lastFindForward);
if (!OurDialog.getInput("Find", "Text:", x, " ", c, b)) return null;
if (x.getText().length() == 0) return null;
lastFind = x.getText();
lastFindCaseSensitive = c.getModel().isSelected();
lastFindForward = !b.getModel().isSelected();
return null;
/** This method performs Edit->FindNext. */
private Runner doFindNext() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (lastFind.length()==0) return null;
OurSyntaxWidget t = text.get();
String all = t.getText();
int i = Util.indexOf(all, lastFind, t.getCaret()+(lastFindForward?0:-1),lastFindForward,lastFindCaseSensitive);
if (i<0) {
i=Util.indexOf(all, lastFind, lastFindForward?0:(all.length()-1), lastFindForward, lastFindCaseSensitive);
if (i<0) { log.logRed("The specified search string cannot be found."); return null; }
log.logRed("Search wrapped.");
} else {
if (lastFindForward) t.moveCaret(i, i+lastFind.length()); else t.moveCaret(i+lastFind.length(), i);
return null;
/** This method performs Edit->Goto. */
private Runner doGoto() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
JTextField y = OurUtil.textfield("", 10);
JTextField x = OurUtil.textfield("", 10);
if (!OurDialog.getInput("Go To", "Line Number:", y, "Column Number (optional):", x)) return null;
try {
OurSyntaxWidget t = text.get();
int xx = 1, yy = Integer.parseInt(y.getText()), lineCount = t.getLineCount();
if (yy<1) return null;
if (yy>lineCount) {log.logRed("This file only has "+lineCount+" line(s)."); return null;}
if (x.getText().length()!=0) xx=Integer.parseInt(x.getText());
if (xx<1) {log.logRed("If the column number is specified, it must be 1 or greater."); return null;}
int caret = t.getLineStartOffset(yy-1);
int len = (yy==lineCount ? t.getText().length()+1 : t.getLineStartOffset(yy)) - caret;
if (xx>len) xx=len;
if (xx<1) xx=1;
t.moveCaret(caret+xx-1, caret+xx-1);
} catch(NumberFormatException ex) {
log.logRed("The number must be 1 or greater.");
} catch(Throwable ex) {
// This error is not important
return null;
/** This method performs Edit->GotoPrevFile. */
private Runner doGotoPrevFile() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(); else {text.prev(); return null;}
/** This method performs Edit->GotoNextFile. */
private Runner doGotoNextFile() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(); else {text.next(); return null;}
/** This method refreshes the "run" menu. */
private Runner doRefreshRun() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
KeyStroke ac = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(VK_E, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask());
try {
wrap = true;
menuItem(runmenu, "Execute Latest Command", 'E', 'E', doExecuteLatest());
runmenu.add(new JSeparator());
menuItem(runmenu, "Show Latest Instance", 'L', 'L', doShowLatest(), latestInstance.length()>0);
menuItem(runmenu, "Show Metamodel", 'M', 'M', doShowMetaModel());
if (Version.experimental) menuItem(runmenu, "Show Parse Tree", 'P', doShowParseTree());
menuItem(runmenu, "Open Evaluator", 'V', doLoadEvaluator());
} finally {
wrap = false;
List<Command> cp = commands;
if (cp==null) {
try {
catch(Err e) {
commands = null;
text.shade(new Pos(text.get().getFilename(), e.pos.x, e.pos.y, e.pos.x2, e.pos.y2));
if ("yes".equals(System.getProperty("debug")) && Verbosity.get()==Verbosity.FULLDEBUG)
log.logRed("Fatal Exception!" + e.dump() + "\n\n");
return null;
catch(Throwable e) {
commands = null;
log.logRed("Cannot parse the model.\n"+e.toString()+"\n\n");
return null;
log.clearError(); // To clear any residual error message
if (cp==null) { runmenu.getItem(0).setEnabled(false); runmenu.getItem(3).setEnabled(false); return null; }
if (cp.size()==0) { runmenu.getItem(0).setEnabled(false); return null; }
if (latestCommand>=cp.size()) latestCommand=cp.size()-1;
try {
wrap = true;
for(int i=0; i<cp.size(); i++) {
JMenuItem y = new JMenuItem(cp.get(i).toString(), null);
if (i==latestCommand) { y.setMnemonic(VK_E); y.setAccelerator(ac); }
if (cp.size()>=2) {
JMenuItem y = new JMenuItem("Execute All", null);
runmenu.add(new JSeparator(),1);
} finally {
wrap = false;
return null;
/** This method executes a particular RUN or CHECK command. */
private Runner doRun(Integer commandIndex) {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(commandIndex);
final int index = commandIndex;
if (WorkerEngine.isBusy()) return null;
if (index==(-2)) subrunningTask=1; else subrunningTask=0;
if (index>=0) latestCommand=index;
if (index==-1 && commands!=null) {
if (latestCommand<0) latestCommand=0;
// To update the accelerator to point to the command actually chosen
if (commands==null) return null;
if (commands.size()==0 && index!=-2 && index!=-3) { log.logRed("There are no commands to execute.\n\n"); return null; }
int i=index;
if (i>=commands.size()) i=commands.size()-1;
SimpleCallback1 cb = new SimpleCallback1(this, null, log, Verbosity.get().ordinal(), latestAlloyVersionName, latestAlloyVersion);
SimpleTask1 task = new SimpleTask1();
A4Options opt = new A4Options();
opt.tempDirectory = alloyHome() + fs + "tmp";
opt.solverDirectory = alloyHome() + fs + "binary";
opt.recordKodkod = RecordKodkod.get();
opt.unrolls = Version.experimental ? Unrolls.get() : (-1);
opt.skolemDepth = SkolemDepth.get();
opt.coreMinimization = CoreMinimization.get();
opt.originalFilename = Util.canon(text.get().getFilename());
opt.solver = SatSolver.get();
task.bundleIndex = i;
task.bundleWarningNonFatal = WarningNonfatal.get();
task.map = text.takeSnapshot();
task.options = opt.dup();
task.resolutionMode = (Version.experimental && ImplicitThis.get()) ? 2 : 1;
task.tempdir = maketemp();
try {
int newmem = SubMemory.get(), newstack = SubStack.get();
if (newmem != subMemoryNow || newstack != subStackNow) WorkerEngine.stop();
if ("yes".equals(System.getProperty("debug")) && Verbosity.get()==Verbosity.FULLDEBUG)
WorkerEngine.runLocally(task, cb);
WorkerEngine.run(task, newmem, newstack, alloyHome() + fs + "binary", "", cb);
subMemoryNow = newmem;
subStackNow = newstack;
} catch(Throwable ex) {
log.logBold("Fatal Error: Solver failed due to unknown reason.\n" +
"One possible cause is that, in the Options menu, your specified\n" +
"memory size is larger than the amount allowed by your OS.\n" +
"Also, please make sure \"java\" is in your program path.\n");
return null;
/** This method stops the current run or check (how==0 means DONE, how==1 means FAIL, how==2 means STOP). */
Runner doStop(Integer how) {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(how);
int h = how;
if (h!=0) {
if (h==2 && WorkerEngine.isBusy()) { WorkerEngine.stop(); log.logBold("\nSolving Stopped.\n"); log.logDivider(); }
if (latestAutoInstance.length()>0) {
String f=latestAutoInstance;
if (subrunningTask==2) viz.loadXML(f, true); else if (AutoVisualize.get() || subrunningTask==1) doVisualize("XML: "+f);
return null;
/** This method executes the latest command. */
private Runner doExecuteLatest() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (commands==null) return null;
int n=commands.size();
if (n<=0) { log.logRed("There are no commands to execute.\n\n"); return null; }
if (latestCommand>=n) latestCommand=n-1;
if (latestCommand<0) latestCommand=0;
return doRun(latestCommand);
/** This method displays the parse tree. */
private Runner doShowParseTree() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (commands!=null) {
Module world = null;
try {
int resolutionMode = (Version.experimental && ImplicitThis.get()) ? 2 : 1;
A4Options opt = new A4Options();
opt.tempDirectory = alloyHome() + fs + "tmp";
opt.solverDirectory = alloyHome() + fs + "binary";
opt.originalFilename = Util.canon(text.get().getFilename());
world = CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(A4Reporter.NOP, text.takeSnapshot(), opt.originalFilename, resolutionMode);
} catch(Err er) {
return null;
return null;
/** This method displays the meta model. */
private Runner doShowMetaModel() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (commands!=null) doRun(-2);
return null;
/** This method displays the latest instance. */
private Runner doShowLatest() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
if (latestInstance.length()==0)
log.logRed("No previous instances are available for viewing.\n\n");
doVisualize("XML: "+latestInstance);
return null;
/** This method happens when the user tries to load the evaluator from the main GUI. */
private Runner doLoadEvaluator() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
log.logRed("Note: the evaluator is now in the visualizer.\n"
+"Just click the \"Evaluator\" toolbar button\n"
+"when an instance is shown in the visualizer.\n");
return null;
/** This method refreshes the "Window" menu for either the SimpleGUI window (isViz==false) or the VizGUI window (isViz==true). */
private Runner doRefreshWindow(Boolean isViz) {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(isViz);
try {
wrap = true;
JMenu w = (isViz ? windowmenu2 : windowmenu);
if (isViz) {
} else {
menuItem(w, "Minimize", 'M', doMinimize(), iconNo);
menuItem(w, "Zoom", doZoom(), iconNo);
int i = 0;
for(String f: text.getFilenames()) {
JMenuItem it = new JMenuItem("Model: "+slightlyShorterFilename(f)+(text.modified(i) ? " *" : ""), null);
it.setIcon((f.equals(text.get().getFilename()) && !isViz) ? iconYes : iconNo);
it.addActionListener(f.equals(text.get().getFilename()) ? doShow() : doOpenFile(f));
if (viz!=null) for(String f:viz.getInstances()) {
JMenuItem it = new JMenuItem("Instance: "+viz.getInstanceTitle(f), null);
it.setIcon((isViz && f.equals(viz.getXMLfilename())) ? iconYes : iconNo);
it.addActionListener(doVisualize("XML: "+f));
} finally {
wrap = false;
return null;
/** This method minimizes the window. */
private Runner doMinimize() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(); else {OurUtil.minimize(frame); return null;}
/** This method alternatingly maximizes or restores the window. */
private Runner doZoom() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(); else {OurUtil.zoom(frame); return null;}
/** This method bring this window to the foreground. */
private Runner doShow() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
return null;
/** This method refreshes the "Option" menu. */
private Runner doRefreshOption() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
try {
wrap = true;
menuItem(optmenu, "Welcome Message at Start Up: "+(Welcome.get() < welcomeLevel ? "Yes" : "No"), doOptWelcome());
final SatSolver now = SatSolver.get();
final JMenu sat = new JMenu("SAT Solver: "+now);
for(SatSolver sc:satChoices) { menuItem(sat, ""+sc, doOptSolver(sc), sc==now?iconYes:iconNo); }
menuItem(optmenu, "Warnings are Fatal: "+(WarningNonfatal.get()?"No":"Yes"), doOptWarning());
final int mem = SubMemory.get();
final JMenu subMemoryMenu = new JMenu("Maximum Memory to Use: " + mem + "M");
for(int n: allowedMemorySizes) {
menuItem(subMemoryMenu, ""+n+"M", doOptMemory(n), n==mem?iconYes:iconNo);
final int stack = SubStack.get();
final JMenu subStackMenu = new JMenu("Maximum Stack to Use: " + stack + "k");
boolean debug = "yes".equals(System.getProperty("debug"));
for(int n: new int[]{16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384,32768,65536}) {
if (debug || n>=1024) menuItem(subStackMenu, ""+n+"k", doOptStack(n), n==stack?iconYes:iconNo);
final Verbosity vnow = Verbosity.get();
final JMenu verb = new JMenu("Message Verbosity: "+vnow);
for(Verbosity vb: Verbosity.values()) { menuItem(verb, ""+vb, doOptVerbosity(vb), vb==vnow?iconYes:iconNo); }
menuItem(optmenu, "Syntax Highlighting: "+(SyntaxDisabled.get()?"No":"Yes"), doOptSyntaxHighlighting());
final int fontSize = FontSize.get();
final JMenu size = new JMenu("Font Size: "+fontSize);
for(int n: new Integer[]{9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,32,36,40,44,48,54,60,66,72}) {
menuItem(size, ""+n, doOptFontsize(n), n==fontSize?iconYes:iconNo);
menuItem(optmenu, "Font: "+FontName.get()+"...", doOptFontname());
if (Util.onMac() || Util.onWindows()) menuItem(optmenu, "Use anti-aliasing: Yes", false);
else menuItem(optmenu, "Use anti-aliasing: "+(AntiAlias.get()?"Yes":"No"), doOptAntiAlias());
final int tabSize = TabSize.get();
final JMenu tabSizeMenu = new JMenu("Tab Size: "+tabSize);
for(int n=1; n<=12; n++) { menuItem(tabSizeMenu, ""+n, doOptTabsize(n), n==tabSize?iconYes:iconNo); }
final int skDepth = SkolemDepth.get();
final JMenu skDepthMenu = new JMenu("Skolem Depth: "+skDepth);
for(int n=0; n<=4; n++) { menuItem(skDepthMenu, ""+n, doOptSkolemDepth(n), n==skDepth?iconYes:iconNo); }
if (Version.experimental) {
final int unrolls = Unrolls.get();
final JMenu unrollsMenu = new JMenu("Recursion Depth: "+(unrolls<0 ? "Disabled" : (""+unrolls)));
for(int n=(-1); n<=3; n++) { menuItem(unrollsMenu, (n<0 ? "Disabled" : (""+n)), doOptUnrolls(n), n==unrolls?iconYes:iconNo); }
final int min = CoreMinimization.get();
final String[] minLabelLong=new String[]{"Slow (guarantees local minimum)", "Medium", "Fast (initial unsat core)"};
final String[] minLabelShort=new String[]{"Slow", "Medium", "Fast"};
final JMenu cmMenu = new JMenu("Unsat Core Minimization Strategy: "+minLabelShort[min]);
for(int n=0; n<=2; n++) { menuItem(cmMenu, minLabelLong[n], doOptCore(n), n==min?iconYes:iconNo); }
if (now!=SatSolver.MiniSatProverJNI) cmMenu.setEnabled(false);
menuItem(optmenu, "Visualize Automatically: "+(AutoVisualize.get()?"Yes":"No"), doOptAutoVisualize());
menuItem(optmenu, "Record the Kodkod Input/Output: "+(RecordKodkod.get()?"Yes":"No"), doOptRecordKodkod());
if (Version.experimental) menuItem(optmenu, "Enable \"implicit this\" name resolution: "+(ImplicitThis.get()?"Yes":"No"), doOptImplicitThis());
} finally {
wrap = false;
return null;
/** This method toggles the "show welcome message at startup" checkbox. */
private Runner doOptWelcome() {
if (!wrap) Welcome.set(Welcome.get() < welcomeLevel ? welcomeLevel : 0);
return wrapMe();
/** This method toggles the "warning is fatal" checkbox. */
private Runner doOptWarning() {
if (!wrap) WarningNonfatal.set(!WarningNonfatal.get());
return wrapMe();
/** This method changes the SAT solver to the given solver. */
private Runner doOptSolver(SatSolver solver) {
if (!wrap) solver.set();
return wrapMe(solver);
/** This method changes the amount of memory to use. */
private Runner doOptMemory(Integer size) {
if (!wrap) SubMemory.set(size);
return wrapMe(size);
/** This method changes the amount of stack to use. */
private Runner doOptStack(Integer size) {
if (!wrap) SubStack.set(size);
return wrapMe(size);
/** This method changes the message verbosity. */
private Runner doOptVerbosity(Verbosity verbosity) {
if (!wrap) verbosity.set();
return wrapMe(verbosity);
/** This method changes the font name. */
private Runner doOptFontname() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
int size=FontSize.get();
String f = OurDialog.askFont();
if (f.length()>0) {
text.setFont(f, size, TabSize.get());
status.setFont(new Font(f, Font.PLAIN, size));
return null;
/** This method changes the font size. */
private Runner doOptFontsize(Integer size) {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(size);
int n=size;
String f = FontName.get();
text.setFont(f, n, TabSize.get());
status.setFont(new Font(f, Font.PLAIN, n));
return null;
/** This method changes the tab size. */
private Runner doOptTabsize(Integer size) {
if (!wrap) { TabSize.set(size.intValue()); text.setFont(FontName.get(), FontSize.get(), size.intValue()); }
return wrapMe(size);
/** This method changes the number of unrolls. */
private Runner doOptUnrolls(Integer num) {
if (!wrap) Unrolls.set(num.intValue());
return wrapMe(num);
/** This method changes the skolem depth. */
private Runner doOptSkolemDepth(Integer size) {
if (!wrap) SkolemDepth.set(size.intValue());
return wrapMe(size);
/** This method changes the speed of unsat core minimization (larger integer means faster but less optimal). */
private Runner doOptCore(Integer speed) {
if (!wrap) CoreMinimization.set(speed.intValue());
return wrapMe(speed);
/** This method toggles the "antialias" checkbox. */
private Runner doOptAntiAlias() {
if (!wrap) { boolean newValue = !AntiAlias.get(); AntiAlias.set(newValue); OurAntiAlias.enableAntiAlias(newValue); }
return wrapMe();
/** This method toggles the "visualize automatically" checkbox. */
private Runner doOptAutoVisualize() {
if (!wrap) AutoVisualize.set(!AutoVisualize.get());
return wrapMe();
/** This method toggles the "record Kodkod input/output" checkbox. */
private Runner doOptRecordKodkod() {
if (!wrap) RecordKodkod.set(!RecordKodkod.get());
return wrapMe();
/** This method toggles the "enable new `implicit this' name resolution" checkbox. */
private Runner doOptImplicitThis() {
if (!wrap) ImplicitThis.set(!ImplicitThis.get());
return wrapMe();
/** This method toggles the "syntax highlighting" checkbox. */
private Runner doOptSyntaxHighlighting() {
if (!wrap) {
boolean flag = SyntaxDisabled.get();
return wrapMe();
/** This method displays the about box. */
private Runner doAbout() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
OurDialog.showmsg("About Alloy Analyzer " + Version.version(),
"Alloy Analyzer " + Version.version(),
"Build date: " + Version.buildDate(),
" ",
"Lead developer: Felix Chang",
"Engine developer: Emina Torlak",
"Graphic design: Julie Pelaez",
"Project lead: Daniel Jackson",
" ",
"Please post comments and questions to the Alloy Community Forum at http://alloy.mit.edu/",
" ",
"Thanks to: Ilya Shlyakhter, Manu Sridharan, Derek Rayside, Jonathan Edwards, Gregory Dennis,",
"Robert Seater, Edmond Lau, Vincent Yeung, Sam Daitch, Andrew Yip, Jongmin Baek, Ning Song,",
"Arturo Arizpe, Li-kuo (Brian) Lin, Joseph Cohen, Jesse Pavel, Ian Schechter, and Uriel Schafer."
return null;
/** This method displays the help html. */
private Runner doHelp() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
try {
int w=OurUtil.getScreenWidth(), h=OurUtil.getScreenHeight();
final JFrame frame = new JFrame();
final JEditorPane html1 = new JEditorPane("text/html", "");
final JEditorPane html2 = new JEditorPane("text/html", "");
final HTMLDocument doc1 = (HTMLDocument) (html1.getDocument()); doc1.setAsynchronousLoadPriority(-1);
final HTMLDocument doc2 = (HTMLDocument) (html2.getDocument()); doc2.setAsynchronousLoadPriority(-1);
HyperlinkListener hl=new HyperlinkListener() {
public final void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) {
try {
if (e.getEventType()!=HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) return;
if (e.getURL().getPath().endsWith("quit.htm")) { frame.dispose(); return; }
HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) (html2.getDocument());
doc.setAsynchronousLoadPriority(-1); // So that we can catch any exception that may occur
} catch(Throwable ex) { }
html1.setEditable(false); html1.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(3,3,3,3)); html1.addHyperlinkListener(hl);
html2.setEditable(false); html2.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(3,3,3,3)); html2.addHyperlinkListener(hl);
JScrollPane scroll1 = OurUtil.scrollpane(html1);
JScrollPane scroll2 = OurUtil.scrollpane(html2);
JSplitPane split = OurUtil.splitpane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, scroll1, scroll2, 150);
frame.setTitle("Alloy Analyzer Online Guide");
frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
frame.getContentPane().add(split, BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.setSize(w-w/10, h-h/10);
frame.setLocation(w/20, h/20);
} catch(Throwable ex) { return null; }
return null;
/** This method displays the license box. */
private Runner doLicense() {
if (wrap) return wrapMe();
final String JAR = Util.jarPrefix();
String alloytxt;
try { alloytxt = Util.readAll(JAR + "LICENSES" + File.separator + "Alloy.txt"); } catch(IOException ex) { return null; }
final JTextArea text = OurUtil.textarea(alloytxt, 15, 85, false, false, new EmptyBorder(2, 2, 2, 2), new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12));
final JScrollPane scroll = OurUtil.scrollpane(text, new LineBorder(Color.DARK_GRAY, 1));
final JComboBox combo = new OurCombobox(new String[]{"Alloy","Kodkod","JavaCup","SAT4J","ZChaff","MiniSat"}) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) {
if (value instanceof String) {
try {
String content = Util.readAll(JAR + "LICENSES" + File.separator + value + ".txt");
} catch(IOException ex) {
text.setText("Sorry: an error has occurred in displaying the license file.");
OurDialog.showmsg("Copyright Notices",
"The source code for the Alloy Analyzer is available under the MIT license.",
" ",
"The Alloy Analyzer utilizes several third-party packages whose code may",
"be distributed under a different license. We are extremely grateful to",
"the authors of these packages for making their source code freely available.",
" ",
OurUtil.makeH(null, "See the copyright notice for: ", combo, null),
" ",
return null;
/** This method changes the latest instance. */
void doSetLatest(String arg) {
latestInstance = arg;
latestAutoInstance = arg;
/** The color to use for functions/predicate/paragraphs that contains part of the unsat core. */
final Color supCoreColor = new Color(0.95f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
/** The color to use for the unsat core. */
final Color coreColor = new Color(0.9f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
/** The color to use for functions/predicate used by the Unsat core. */
final Color subCoreColor = new Color(0.9f, 0.7f, 0.7f);
/** This method displays a particular instance or message. */
Runner doVisualize(String arg) {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(arg);
if (arg.startsWith("MSG: ")) { // MSG: message
OurDialog.showtext("Detailed Message", arg.substring(5));
if (arg.startsWith("CORE: ")) { // CORE: filename
String filename = Util.canon(arg.substring(6));
Pair<Set<Pos>,Set<Pos>> hCore;
Set<Pos> lCore;
InputStream is = null;
ObjectInputStream ois = null;
try {
is = new FileInputStream(filename);
ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
hCore = (Pair<Set<Pos>,Set<Pos>>) ois.readObject();
lCore = (Set<Pos>) ois.readObject();
} catch(Throwable ex) {
log.logRed("Error reading or parsing the core \""+filename+"\"\n");
return null;
} finally {
text.shade(hCore.b, subCoreColor, false);
text.shade(hCore.a, coreColor, false);
if (false) text.shade(lCore, coreColor, false); // we are currently not highlighting the lowlevel core
if (arg.startsWith("POS: ")) { // POS: x1 y1 x2 y2 filename
Scanner s=new Scanner(arg.substring(5));
int x1=s.nextInt(), y1=s.nextInt(), x2=s.nextInt(), y2=s.nextInt();
String f=s.nextLine();
if (f.length()>0 && f.charAt(0)==' ') f=f.substring(1); // Get rid of the space after Y2
Pos p=new Pos(Util.canon(f), x1, y1, x2, y2);
if (arg.startsWith("CNF: ")) { // CNF: filename
String filename=Util.canon(arg.substring(5));
try { String text=Util.readAll(filename); OurDialog.showtext("Text Viewer", text); }
catch(IOException ex) { log.logRed("Error reading the file \""+filename+"\"\n"); }
if (arg.startsWith("XML: ")) { // XML: filename
viz.loadXML(Util.canon(arg.substring(5)), false);
return null;
/** This method opens a particular file. */
private Runner doOpenFile(String arg) {
if (wrap) return wrapMe(arg);
String f=Util.canon(arg);
if (!text.newtab(f)) return null;
if (text.get().isFile()) addHistory(f);
return null;
/** This object performs solution enumeration. */
private final Computer enumerator = new Computer() {
public String compute(Object input) {
final String arg = (String)input;
if (WorkerEngine.isBusy())
throw new RuntimeException("Alloy4 is currently executing a SAT solver command. Please wait until that command has finished.");
SimpleCallback1 cb = new SimpleCallback1(SimpleGUI.this, viz, log, Verbosity.get().ordinal(), latestAlloyVersionName, latestAlloyVersion);
SimpleTask2 task = new SimpleTask2();
task.filename = arg;
try {
WorkerEngine.run(task, SubMemory.get(), SubStack.get(), alloyHome() + fs + "binary", "", cb);
} catch(Throwable ex) {
log.logBold("Fatal Error: Solver failed due to unknown reason.\n" +
"One possible cause is that, in the Options menu, your specified\n" +
"memory size is larger than the amount allowed by your OS.\n" +
"Also, please make sure \"java\" is in your program path.\n");
return arg;
return arg;
/** Converts an A4TupleSet into a SimTupleset object. */
private static SimTupleset convert(Object object) throws Err {
if (!(object instanceof A4TupleSet)) throw new ErrorFatal("Unexpected type error: expecting an A4TupleSet.");
A4TupleSet s = (A4TupleSet)object;
if (s.size()==0) return SimTupleset.EMPTY;
List<SimTuple> list = new ArrayList<SimTuple>(s.size());
int arity = s.arity();
for(A4Tuple t: s) {
String[] array = new String[arity];
for(int i=0; i<t.arity(); i++) array[i] = t.atom(i);
return SimTupleset.make(list);
/** Converts an A4Solution into a SimInstance object. */
private static SimInstance convert(Module root, A4Solution ans) throws Err {
SimInstance ct = new SimInstance(root, ans.getBitwidth(), ans.getMaxSeq());
for(Sig s: ans.getAllReachableSigs()) {
if (!s.builtin) ct.init(s, convert(ans.eval(s)));
for(Field f: s.getFields()) if (!f.defined) ct.init(f, convert(ans.eval(f)));
for(ExprVar a:ans.getAllAtoms()) ct.init(a, convert(ans.eval(a)));
for(ExprVar a:ans.getAllSkolems()) ct.init(a, convert(ans.eval(a)));
return ct;
/** This object performs expression evaluation. */
private static Computer evaluator = new Computer() {
private String filename = null;
public final String compute(final Object input) throws Exception {
if (input instanceof File) { filename = ((File)input).getAbsolutePath(); return ""; }
if (!(input instanceof String)) return "";
final String str = (String)input;
if (str.trim().length()==0) return ""; // Empty line
Module root = null;
A4Solution ans = null;
try {
Map<String,String> fc = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
XMLNode x = new XMLNode(new File(filename));
if (!x.is("alloy")) throw new Exception();
String mainname=null;
for(XMLNode sub: x) if (sub.is("instance")) {
if (mainname==null) throw new Exception();
for(XMLNode sub: x) if (sub.is("source")) {
String name = sub.getAttribute("filename");
String content = sub.getAttribute("content");
fc.put(name, content);
root = CompUtil.parseEverything_fromFile(A4Reporter.NOP, fc, mainname, (Version.experimental && ImplicitThis.get()) ? 2 : 1);
ans = A4SolutionReader.read(root.getAllReachableSigs(), x);
for(ExprVar a:ans.getAllAtoms()) { root.addGlobal(a.label, a); }
for(ExprVar a:ans.getAllSkolems()) { root.addGlobal(a.label, a); }
} catch(Throwable ex) {
throw new ErrorFatal("Failed to read or parse the XML file.");
try {
Expr e = CompUtil.parseOneExpression_fromString(root, str);
if ("yes".equals(System.getProperty("debug")) && Verbosity.get()==Verbosity.FULLDEBUG)
return convert(root, ans).visitThis(e).toString();
return ans.eval(e).toString();
} catch(HigherOrderDeclException ex) {
throw new ErrorType("Higher-order quantification is not allowed in the evaluator.");
/** Returns true iff the output says "s SATISFIABLE" (while ignoring comment lines and value lines) */
private static boolean isSat(String output) {
int i=0, n=output.length();
// skip COMMENT lines and VALUE lines
while(i<n && (output.charAt(i)=='c' || output.charAt(i)=='v')) {
while(i<n && (output.charAt(i)!='\r' && output.charAt(i)!='\n')) i++;
while(i<n && (output.charAt(i)=='\r' || output.charAt(i)=='\n')) i++;
return output.substring(i).startsWith("s SATISFIABLE");
//====== Main Method ====================================================//
/** Main method that launches the program; this method might be called by an arbitrary thread. */
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() { new SimpleGUI(args); }
//====== Constructor ====================================================//
private static boolean loadLibrary(String library) {
try { System.loadLibrary(library); return true; } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { }
try { System.loadLibrary(library+"x1"); return true; } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { }
try { System.loadLibrary(library+"x2"); return true; } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { }
try { System.loadLibrary(library+"x3"); return true; } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { }
try { System.loadLibrary(library+"x4"); return true; } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { }
try { System.loadLibrary(library+"x4"); return true; } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { return false; }
/** Create a dummy task object for testing purpose. */
private static final WorkerEngine.WorkerTask dummyTask = new WorkerEngine.WorkerTask() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public void run(WorkerCallback out) { }
/** The constructor; this method will be called by the AWT event thread, using the "invokeLater" method. */
private SimpleGUI (final String[] args) {
// Register an exception handler for uncaught exceptions
// Enable better look-and-feel
if (Util.onMac() || Util.onWindows()) {
System.setProperty("com.apple.mrj.application.apple.menu.about.name", "Alloy Analyzer "+Version.version());
try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Throwable e) { }
// Figure out the desired x, y, width, and height
int screenWidth=OurUtil.getScreenWidth(), screenHeight=OurUtil.getScreenHeight();
int width=AnalyzerWidth.get();
if (width<=0) width=screenWidth/10*8; else if (width<100) width=100;
if (width>screenWidth) width=screenWidth;
int height=AnalyzerHeight.get();
if (height<=0) height=screenHeight/10*8; else if (height<100) height=100;
if (height>screenHeight) height=screenHeight;
int x=AnalyzerX.get(); if (x<0) x=screenWidth/10; if (x>screenWidth-100) x=screenWidth-100;
int y=AnalyzerY.get(); if (y<0) y=screenHeight/10; if (y>screenHeight-100) y=screenHeight-100;
// Put up a slash screen
final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Alloy Analyzer");
if (!Util.onMac() && !Util.onWindows()) {
String gravity = System.getenv("_JAVA_AWT_WM_STATIC_GRAVITY");
if (gravity==null || gravity.length()==0) {
// many Window managers do not respect ICCCM2; this should help avoid the Title Bar being shifted "off screen"
if (x<30) { if (x<0) x=0; width=width-(30-x); x=30; }
if (y<30) { if (y<0) y=0; height=height-(30-y); y=30; }
if (width<100) width=100;
if (height<100) height=100;
frame.setTitle("Alloy Analyzer "+Version.version()+" loading... please wait...");
final int windowWidth = width;
// We intentionally call setVisible(true) first before settings the "please wait" title,
// since we want the minimized window title on Linux/FreeBSD to just say Alloy Analyzer
// Test the allowed memory sizes
final WorkerEngine.WorkerCallback c = new WorkerEngine.WorkerCallback() {
private final List<Integer> allowed = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private final List<Integer> toTry = new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(256,512,768,1024,1536,2048,2560,3072,3584,4096));
private int mem;
public synchronized void callback(Object msg) {
if (toTry.size()==0) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() { SimpleGUI.this.frame=frame; SimpleGUI.this.finishInit(args, allowed, windowWidth); }
try { mem=toTry.remove(0); WorkerEngine.stop(); WorkerEngine.run(dummyTask, mem, 128, "", "", this); return; } catch(IOException ex) { fail(); }
public synchronized void done() {
//System.out.println("Alloy4 can use "+mem+"M"); System.out.flush();
public synchronized void fail() {
//System.out.println("Alloy4 cannot use "+mem+"M"); System.out.flush();
private void finishInit(String[] args, List<Integer> initialAllowedMemorySizes, int width) {
// Add the listeners
try {
wrap = true;
} finally {
wrap = false;
// initialize the "allowed memory sizes" array
allowedMemorySizes = new ArrayList<Integer>(initialAllowedMemorySizes);
int newmem = SubMemory.get();
if (!allowedMemorySizes.contains(newmem)) {
int newmemlen = allowedMemorySizes.size();
if (allowedMemorySizes.contains(768) || newmemlen==0)
SubMemory.set(768); // a nice default value
// Choose the appropriate font
int fontSize=FontSize.get();
String fontName=FontName.get();
while(true) {
if (!OurDialog.hasFont(fontName)) fontName="Lucida Grande"; else break;
if (!OurDialog.hasFont(fontName)) fontName="Verdana"; else break;
if (!OurDialog.hasFont(fontName)) fontName="Courier New"; else break;
if (!OurDialog.hasFont(fontName)) fontName="Lucida Grande";
// Copy required files from the JAR
final String binary = alloyHome() + fs + "binary";
// Create the menu bar
JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
try {
wrap = true;
filemenu = menu(bar, "&File", doRefreshFile());
editmenu = menu(bar, "&Edit", doRefreshEdit());
runmenu = menu(bar, "E&xecute", doRefreshRun());
optmenu = menu(bar, "&Options", doRefreshOption());
windowmenu = menu(bar, "&Window", doRefreshWindow(false));
windowmenu2 = menu(null, "&Window", doRefreshWindow(true));
helpmenu = menu(bar, "&Help", null);
if (!Util.onMac()) menuItem(helpmenu, "About Alloy...", 'A', doAbout());
menuItem(helpmenu, "Quick Guide", 'Q', doHelp());
menuItem(helpmenu, "See the Copyright Notices...", 'L', doLicense());
} finally {
wrap = false;
// Pre-load the visualizer
viz = new VizGUI(false, "", windowmenu2, enumerator, evaluator);
// Create the toolbar
try {
wrap = true;
toolbar = new JToolBar();
if (!Util.onMac()) toolbar.setBackground(background);
toolbar.add(OurUtil.button("New", "Starts a new blank model", "images/24_new.gif", doNew()));
toolbar.add(OurUtil.button("Open", "Opens an existing model", "images/24_open.gif", doOpen()));
toolbar.add(OurUtil.button("Reload", "Reload all the models from disk", "images/24_reload.gif", doReloadAll()));
toolbar.add(OurUtil.button("Save", "Saves the current model", "images/24_save.gif", doSave()));
toolbar.add(runbutton=OurUtil.button("Execute", "Executes the latest command", "images/24_execute.gif", doExecuteLatest()));
toolbar.add(stopbutton=OurUtil.button("Stop", "Stops the current analysis", "images/24_execute_abort2.gif", doStop(2)));
toolbar.add(showbutton=OurUtil.button("Show", "Shows the latest instance", "images/24_graph.gif", doShowLatest()));
toolbar.setBorder(new OurBorder(false,false,false,false));
} finally {
wrap = false;
// Choose the antiAlias setting
// Create the message area
logpane = OurUtil.scrollpane(null);
log = new SwingLogPanel(logpane, fontName, fontSize, background, Color.BLACK, new Color(.7f,.2f,.2f), this);
// Create the text area
text = new OurTabbedSyntaxWidget(fontName, fontSize, TabSize.get());
text.enableSyntax(! SyntaxDisabled.get());
// Add everything to the frame, then display the frame
Container all=frame.getContentPane();
all.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JPanel lefthalf=new JPanel();
lefthalf.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
lefthalf.add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
text.addTo(lefthalf, BorderLayout.CENTER);
splitpane = OurUtil.splitpane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, lefthalf, logpane, width/2);
status = OurUtil.make(OurAntiAlias.label(" "), new Font(fontName, Font.PLAIN, fontSize), Color.BLACK, background);
status.setBorder(new OurBorder(true,false,false,false));
all.add(splitpane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
all.add(status, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// Generate some informative log messages
log.logBold("Alloy Analyzer "+Version.version()+" (build date: "+Version.buildDate()+")\n\n");
// If on Mac, then register an application listener
try {
wrap = true;
// if (Util.onMac()) MacUtil.registerApplicationListener(doShow(), doAbout(), doOpenFile(""), doQuit());
} finally {
wrap = false;
// Add the new JNI location to the java.library.path
try {
System.setProperty("java.library.path", binary);
// The above line is actually useless on Sun JDK/JRE (see Sun's bug ID 4280189)
// The following 4 lines should work for Sun's JDK/JRE (though they probably won't work for others)
String[] newarray = new String[]{binary};
java.lang.reflect.Field old = ClassLoader.class.getDeclaredField("usr_paths");
} catch (Throwable ex) { }
// Testing the SAT solvers
if (1==1) {
satChoices = SatSolver.values().makeCopy();
String test1 = Subprocess.exec(20000, new String[]{binary+fs+"berkmin", binary+fs+"tmp.cnf"});
if (!isSat(test1)) satChoices.remove(SatSolver.BerkMinPIPE);
String test2 = Subprocess.exec(20000, new String[]{binary+fs+"spear", "--model", "--dimacs", binary+fs+"tmp.cnf"});
if (!isSat(test2)) satChoices.remove(SatSolver.SpearPIPE);
if (!loadLibrary("minisat")) {
log.logBold("Warning: JNI-based SAT solver does not work on this platform.\n");
log.log("This is okay, since you can still use SAT4J as the solver.\n"+
"For more information, please visit http://alloy.mit.edu/alloy4/\n");
if (!loadLibrary("minisatprover")) satChoices.remove(SatSolver.MiniSatProverJNI);
if (!loadLibrary("zchaff")) satChoices.remove(SatSolver.ZChaffJNI);
SatSolver now = SatSolver.get();
if (!satChoices.contains(now)) {
if (!satChoices.contains(now)) now=SatSolver.SAT4J;
if (now==SatSolver.SAT4J && satChoices.size()>3 && satChoices.contains(SatSolver.CNF) && satChoices.contains(SatSolver.KK)) {
log.logBold("Warning: Alloy4 defaults to SAT4J since it is pure Java and very reliable.\n");
log.log("For faster performance, go to Options menu and try another solver like MiniSat.\n");
log.log("If these native solvers fail on your computer, remember to change back to SAT4J.\n");
// If the temporary directory has become too big, then tell the user they can "clear temporary directory".
long space = computeTemporarySpaceUsed();
if (space<0 || space>=20*1024768) {
if (space<0) log.logBold("Warning: Alloy4's temporary directory has exceeded 1024M.\n");
else log.logBold("Warning: Alloy4's temporary directory now uses "+(space/1024768)+"M.\n");
log.log("To clear the temporary directory,\n"
+"go to the File menu and click \"Clear Temporary Directory\"\n");
// Refreshes all the menu items
doRefreshFile(); OurUtil.enableAll(filemenu);
doRefreshEdit(); OurUtil.enableAll(editmenu);
doRefreshRun(); OurUtil.enableAll(runmenu);
doRefreshWindow(false); OurUtil.enableAll(windowmenu);
// Open the given file, if a filename is given in the command line
for(String f:args) if (f.toLowerCase(Locale.US).endsWith(".als")) {
File file = new File(f);
if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) doOpenFile(file.getPath());
// Update the title and status bar
// Launch the welcome screen if needed
if (!"yes".equals(System.getProperty("debug")) && Welcome.get() < welcomeLevel) {
JCheckBox again = new JCheckBox("Show this message every time you start the Alloy Analyzer");
"Thank you for using the Alloy Analyzer "+Version.version(),
" ",
"Version 4 of the Alloy Analyzer is a complete rewrite,",
"offering improvements in robustness, performance and usability.",
"Models written in Alloy 3 will require some small alterations to run in Alloy 4.",
" ",
"Here are some quick tips:",
" ",
"* Function calls now use [ ] instead of ( )",
" For more details, please see http://alloy.mit.edu/alloy4/quickguide/",
" ",
"* The Execute button always executes the latest command.",
" To choose which command to execute, go to the Execute menu.",
" ",
"* The Alloy Analyzer comes with a variety of sample models.",
" To see them, go to the File menu and click Open Sample Models.",
" ",
if (!again.isSelected()) Welcome.set(welcomeLevel);
// Periodically ask the MailBug thread to see if there is a newer version or not
final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
final Timer t = new Timer(800, null);
t.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
int n = MailBug.latestBuildNumber();
// If beyond 3 seconds, then we should stop because the log message may run into other user messages
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - now >= 3000 || n <= Version.buildNumber()) { t.stop(); return; }
latestAlloyVersion = n;
latestAlloyVersionName = MailBug.latestBuildName();
log.logBold("An updated version of the Alloy Analyzer has been released.\n");
log.log("Please visit alloy.mit.edu to download the latest version:\nVersion " + latestAlloyVersionName + "\n");
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Object do_action(Object sender, Event e) {
if (sender instanceof OurTabbedSyntaxWidget) switch(e) {
case FOCUSED: notifyFocusGained(); break;
case STATUS_CHANGE: notifyChange(); break;
return true;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Object do_action(Object sender, Event e, Object arg) {
if (sender instanceof OurTree && e==Event.CLICK && arg instanceof Browsable) {
Pos p = ((Browsable)arg).pos();
if (p==Pos.UNKNOWN) p = ((Browsable)arg).span();
return true;