
Examples of

        sig2scope.put(SEQIDX, 0);

    /** Modifies the maximum sequence length. */
    private void setMaxSeq(Pos pos, int newMaxSeq) throws ErrorAPI, ErrorSyntax {
        if (newMaxSeq < 0)     throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "The maximum sequence length cannot be negative.");
        if (newMaxSeq > max()) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "With integer bitwidth of "+bitwidth+", you cannot have sequence length longer than "+max());
        maxseq = newMaxSeq;
        sig2scope.put(SEQIDX, maxseq);
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          int sum=0;
          for(Sig c:subs) {
             int cn = sig2scope(c);
             if (cn<0) { if (missing==null) { missing=c; continue; } else { continue again; } }
             if (sum<0) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "The number of atoms exceeds the internal limit of "+Integer.MAX_VALUE);
          int sn = sig2scope(s);
          if (sn<0) {
             if (missing!=null) continue;
             sig2scope(s, sum);
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    private boolean derive_overall_scope (Iterable<Sig> sigs) throws Err {
        boolean changed=false;
        final int overall = (cmd.overall<0 && cmd.scope.size()==0) ? 3 : cmd.overall;
        for(Sig s:sigs) if (!s.builtin && s.isTopLevel() && sig2scope(s)<0) {
            if (s.isEnum!=null) { sig2scope(s, 0); continue; } // enum without children should get the empty set
            if (overall<0) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "You must specify a scope for sig \""+s+"\"");
            sig2scope(s, overall);
        return changed;
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           int pb = sig2scope(p);
           if (pb>=0) {sig2scope(s,pb); changed=true;} else {trouble=s;}
        if (changed) return true;
        if (trouble==null) return false;
        throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos,"You must specify a scope for sig \""+trouble+"\"");
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        // Process each sig listed in the command
        for(CommandScope entry:cmd.scope) {
            Sig s = entry.sig;
            int scope = entry.startingScope;
            boolean exact = entry.isExact;
            if (s==UNIV) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "You cannot set a scope on \"univ\".");
            if (s==SIGINT) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos,
                    "You can no longer set a scope on \"Int\". "
                    +"The number of atoms in Int is always exactly equal to 2^(integer bitwidth).\n");
            if (s==SEQIDX) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos,
                    "You cannot set a scope on \"seq/Int\". "
                    +"To set the maximum allowed sequence length, use the seq keyword.\n");
            if (s==STRING) {
               if (maxstring>=0) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "Sig \"String\" already has a scope of "+maxstring+", so we cannot set it to be "+scope);
               if (!exact) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "Sig \"String\" must have an exact scope.");
               maxstring = scope;
            if (s==NONE) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "You cannot set a scope on \"none\".");
            if (s.isEnum!=null) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos, "You cannot set a scope on the enum \""+s.label+"\"");
            if (s.isOne!=null && scope!=1) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos,
                "Sig \""+s+"\" has the multiplicity of \"one\", so its scope must be 1, and cannot be "+scope);
            if (s.isLone!=null && scope>1) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos,
                "Sig \""+s+"\" has the multiplicity of \"lone\", so its scope must 0 or 1, and cannot be "+scope);
            if (s.isSome!=null && scope<1) throw new ErrorSyntax(cmd.pos,
                "Sig \""+s+"\" has the multiplicity of \"some\", so its scope must 1 or above, and cannot be "+scope);
            sig2scope(s, scope);
            if (exact) makeExact(cmd.pos, s);
        // Force "one" sigs to be exactly one, and "lone" to be at most one
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        //    you will go into an infinite loop (since, regardless of the instantiating parameter,
        //    that file will attempt to OPEN the exact same set of files. leading back to itself, etc. etc.)
        // <= If there is an infinite loop, that means there is at least 1 infinite chain of OPEN (from root).
        //    Since the number of files is finite, at least 1 filename will be repeated.
        if (thispath.contains(filename))
           throw new ErrorSyntax(pos,
           "Circular dependency in module import. The file \""+(new File(filename)).getName()+"\" is imported infinitely often.");
        // No cycle detected so far. So now we parse the file.
        CompModule u = CompParser.alloy_parseStream(seenDollar, loaded, fc, root, 0, filename, prefix, initialResolution);
        if (prefix.length()==0) root = u;
        // Here, we recursively open the included files
        for(Open x: u.getOpens()) {
            String, filename, x.filename)), content=fc.get(cp);
            try {
                if (content==null) { content=loaded.get(cp); }
                if (content==null) { content=fc.get(x.filename);     if (content!=null) cp=x.filename; }
                if (content==null) { content=loaded.get(x.filename); if (content!=null) cp=x.filename; }
                if (content==null) { content=Util.readAll(cp); }
            } catch(IOException ex1) {
                try {
                    String newCp = (Util.jarPrefix()+"models/"+x.filename+".als").replace('/', File.separatorChar);
                    content = Util.readAll(newCp);
                    cp = newCp;
                } catch(IOException ex) {
                    throw new ErrorSyntax(x.pos,
                    "This module cannot be found.\nIt is not a built-in library module, and it cannot be found at \""+cp+"\".\n");
            loaded.put(cp, content);
            CompModule y = parseRecursively(seenDollar, loaded, fc, x.pos, cp, root, (prefix.length()==0 ? x.alias : prefix+"/"+x.alias), thispath, initialResolution);
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            List<Object> seenDollar = new ArrayList<Object>();
            CompModule root = parseRecursively(seenDollar, loaded, fc, new Pos(filename,1,1), filename, null, "", thispath, 1);
            root.seenDollar = seenDollar.size()>0;
            return CompModule.resolveAll(rep==null ? A4Reporter.NOP : rep, root);
        } catch(FileNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new ErrorSyntax("File cannot be found.\n"+ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } catch(IOException ex) {
            throw new ErrorFatal("IOException occurred: "+ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } catch(Throwable ex) {
            if (ex instanceof Err) throw (Err)ex; else throw new ErrorFatal("Unknown exception occurred: "+ex, ex);
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            List<Object> seenDollar = new ArrayList<Object>();
            CompModule root = parseRecursively(seenDollar, loaded, fc, new Pos(filename,1,1), filename, null, "", thispath, initialResolutionMode);
            root.seenDollar = seenDollar.size()>0;
            return CompModule.resolveAll(rep==null ? A4Reporter.NOP : rep, root);
        } catch(FileNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new ErrorSyntax("File cannot be found.\n"+ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } catch(IOException ex) {
            throw new ErrorFatal("IOException occurred: "+ex.getMessage(), ex);
        } catch(Throwable ex) {
            if (ex instanceof Err) throw (Err)ex; else throw new ErrorFatal("Unknown exception occurred: "+ex, ex);
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      this.isSome     = isSome;
      this.isSubset   = isSubset;
      this.isSubsig   = isSubsig;
      this.label      = label;
      this.builtin    = false;
      if (isLone!=null && isOne!=nullthrow new ErrorSyntax(isLone.merge(isOne)"You cannot declare a sig to be both lone and one.");
      if (isLone!=null && isSome!=null) throw new ErrorSyntax(isLone.merge(isSome), "You cannot declare a sig to be both lone and some.");
      if (isOne!=null  && isSome!=null) throw new ErrorSyntax(isOne.merge(isSome)"You cannot declare a sig to be both one and some.");
      if (isSubset!=null && isAbstract!=null) throw new ErrorSyntax(isAbstract,  "Subset signature cannot be abstract.");
      if (isSubset!=null && isSubsig!=null)   throw new ErrorSyntax(isAbstract,  "Subset signature cannot be a regular subsignature.");
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       * @throws ErrorSyntax if the signature has two or more multiplicities
       * @throws ErrorType if you attempt to extend the builtin sigs NONE, SIGINT, SEQIDX, or STRING
      public PrimSig (String label, PrimSig parent, Attr... attributes) throws Err {
         super(((parent!=null && parent.isEnum!=null) ? parent.type : null), label, Util.append(attributes, Attr.SUBSIG));
         if (parent==SIGINT) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend the builtin \"Int\" signature");
         if (parent==SEQIDX) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend the builtin \"seq/Int\" signature");
         if (parent==STRING) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend the builtin \"String\" signature");
         if (parent==NONE)   throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend the builtin \"none\" signature");
         if (parent==null) parent=UNIV; else if (parent!=UNIV) parent.children.add(this);
         this.parent = parent;
         if (isEnum!=null && parent!=UNIV) throw new ErrorType(pos, "sig "+label+" is not a toplevel sig, so it cannot be an enum.");
         for( ; parent!=null ; parent=parent.parent) if (parent.isEnum!=null) {
            if (parent!=this.parent) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend a signature which is an atom in an enum.");
            if (isOne==null) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" is an atom in an enum, so it must have the \"one\" multiplicity.");
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