
Source Code of$Field

/* Alloy Analyzer 4 -- Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Felix Chang
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
* (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
* merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

/** Mutable; represents a signature. */

public abstract class Sig extends Expr {

   /** The built-in "univ" signature. */
   public static final PrimSig UNIV = new PrimSig("univ", null, false);

   /** The built-in "Int" signature. */
   public static final PrimSig SIGINT = new PrimSig("Int", UNIV, false);

   /** The built-in "seq/Int" signature. */
   public static final PrimSig SEQIDX = new PrimSig("seq/Int", SIGINT, true);

   /** The built-in "String" signature. */
   public static final PrimSig STRING = new PrimSig("String", UNIV, true);

   /** The built-in "none" signature. */
   public static final PrimSig NONE = new PrimSig("none", null, false);

   /** Returns the name for this sig; this name need not be unique. */
   @Override public final String toString() { return label; }

   /** {@inheritDoc} */
   @Override public final void toString(StringBuilder out, int indent) {
      if (indent<0) {
      } else {
         for(int i=0; i<indent; i++) { out.append(' '); }
         out.append("sig ").append(label).append(" with type=").append(type).append('\n');

   /** {@inheritDoc} */
   @Override public final Pos span() { return pos; }

   /** {@inheritDoc} */
   @Override public Expr resolve(Type t, Collection<ErrorWarning> warns) { return this; }

   /** {@inheritDoc} */
   @Override final<T> T accept(VisitReturn<T> visitor) throws Err { return visitor.visit(this); }

    * Store the list of attributes.
   public final ConstList<Attr> attributes;

   /** True if this sig is one of the built-in sig.
    * <p> Note: if builtin==true, then we ensure it is not abstract
   public final boolean builtin;

   /** Nonnull if this sig is abstract.
    * <p> Note: if a sig is abstract, then it cannot and will not be a subset sig.
   public final Pos isAbstract;

   /** Nonnull if this sig is a PrimSig and therefore not a SubsetSig. */
   public final Pos isSubsig;

   /** Nonnull if this sig is a SubsetSig and therefore not a PrimSig.
    * <p> Note: if a sig is a subset sig, then it cannot and will not be abstract.
   public final Pos isSubset;

   /** Nonnull if this sig's multiplicity is declared to be lone.
    * <p> Note: at most one of "lone", "one", "some" can be nonnull for each sig.
   public final Pos isLone;

   /** Nonnull if this sig's multiplicity is declared to be one.
    * <p> Note: at most one of "lone", "one", "some" can be nonnull for each sig.
   public final Pos isOne;

   /** Nonnull if this sig's multiplicity is declared to be some.
    * <p> Note: at most one of "lone", "one", "some" can be nonnull for each sig.
   public final Pos isSome;

   /** Nonnull if the user wanted this sig to be private.
    * <p> Note: this value is always null for builtin sigs.
   public final Pos isPrivate;

   /** Nonnull if the sig is toplevel and is an enum.
    * <p> Note: this value is always null for builtin sigs.
   public final Pos isEnum;

   /** Nonnull if this sig is a meta sig.
    * <p> Note: this value is always null for builtin sigs.
   public final Pos isMeta;

   /** The label for this sig; this name does not need to be unique. */
   public final String label;

   /** The declaration that quantifies over each atom in this sig. */
   public final Decl decl;

   /** The list of "per atom" fact associated with this signature; each fact is allowed to refer to this.decl.get() */
   private final SafeList<Expr> facts = new SafeList<Expr>();

   /** Returns true if this sig is a toplevel sig (meaning: it is UNIV, or it is a non-subset sig with parent==UNIV) */
   public final boolean isTopLevel() {
      return (this!=NONE) && (this instanceof PrimSig) && (this==UNIV || ((PrimSig)this).parent==UNIV);

   /** Constructs a new builtin PrimSig. */
   private Sig(String label) {
      super(Pos.UNKNOWN, null);
      Expr oneof = ExprUnary.Op.ONEOF.make(null, this);
      ExprVar v = ExprVar.make(null, "this", oneof.type);
      this.decl = new Decl(null, null, null, Util.asList(v), oneof);
      this.builtin = true;
      this.isAbstract = null;
      this.isLone = null;
      this.isOne = null;
      this.isSome = null;
      this.label = label;
      this.isSubset = null;
      this.isSubsig = Pos.UNKNOWN;
      this.isPrivate = null;
      this.isMeta = null;
      this.isEnum = null;
      this.attributes = ConstList.make();

   /** Constructs a new PrimSig or SubsetSig. */
   private Sig(Type type, String label, Attr... attributes) throws Err {
      super(AttrType.WHERE.find(attributes), type);
      this.attributes = Util.asList(attributes);
      Expr oneof = ExprUnary.Op.ONEOF.make(null, this);
      ExprVar v = ExprVar.make(null, "this", oneof.type);
      this.decl = new Decl(null, null, null, Util.asList(v), oneof);
      Pos isAbstract=null, isLone=null, isOne=null, isSome=null, isSubsig=null, isSubset=null, isPrivate=null, isMeta=null, isEnum=null;
      for(Attr a: attributes) if (a!=null) switch(a.type) {
         case ABSTRACT: isAbstract = a.pos.merge(isAbstract); break;
         case ENUM:     isEnum     = a.pos.merge(isEnum);     break;
         case LONE:     isLone     = a.pos.merge(isLone);     break;
         case META:     isMeta     = a.pos.merge(isMeta);     break;
         case ONE:      isOne      = a.pos.merge(isOne);      break;
         case PRIVATE:  isPrivate  = a.pos.merge(isPrivate)break;
         case SOME:     isSome     = a.pos.merge(isSome);     break;
         case SUBSET:   isSubset   = a.pos.merge(isSubset);   break;
         case SUBSIG:   isSubsig   = a.pos.merge(isSubsig);   break;
      this.isPrivate  = isPrivate;
      this.isMeta     = isMeta;
      this.isEnum     = isEnum;
      this.isAbstract = isAbstract;
      this.isLone     = isLone;
      this.isOne      = isOne;
      this.isSome     = isSome;
      this.isSubset   = isSubset;
      this.isSubsig   = isSubsig;
      this.label      = label;
      this.builtin    = false;
      if (isLone!=null && isOne!=nullthrow new ErrorSyntax(isLone.merge(isOne)"You cannot declare a sig to be both lone and one.");
      if (isLone!=null && isSome!=null) throw new ErrorSyntax(isLone.merge(isSome), "You cannot declare a sig to be both lone and some.");
      if (isOne!=null  && isSome!=null) throw new ErrorSyntax(isOne.merge(isSome)"You cannot declare a sig to be both one and some.");
      if (isSubset!=null && isAbstract!=null) throw new ErrorSyntax(isAbstract,  "Subset signature cannot be abstract.");
      if (isSubset!=null && isSubsig!=null)   throw new ErrorSyntax(isAbstract,  "Subset signature cannot be a regular subsignature.");

   /** Returns true if we can determine the two expressions are equivalent; may sometimes return false. */
   @Override public boolean isSame(Expr obj) {
      Sig me = this;
      while(obj instanceof ExprUnary && ((ExprUnary)obj).op==ExprUnary.Op.NOOP) obj=((ExprUnary)obj).sub;
      while(obj instanceof SubsetSig && ((SubsetSig)obj).exact && ((SubsetSig)obj).parents.size()==1) obj = ((SubsetSig)obj).parents.get(0);
      while(me instanceof SubsetSig && ((SubsetSig)me).exact && ((SubsetSig)me).parents.size()==1) me = ((SubsetSig)me).parents.get(0);
      return (me == obj);

   /** Returns true iff "this is equal or subtype of that" */
   public abstract boolean isSameOrDescendentOf(Sig that);

   /** {@inheritDoc} */
   public int getDepth() { return 1; }

   /** Add a new per-atom fact; this expression is allowed to refer to this.decl.get() */
   public void addFact(Expr fact) throws Err {
      if (fact.ambiguous) fact = fact.resolve_as_formula(null);
      if (!fact.errors.isEmpty()) throw fact.errors.pick();
      if (!fact.type.is_bool) throw new ErrorType(fact.span(), "This expression must be a formula; instead its type is "+fact.type);

   /** Return the list of per-atom facts; each expression is allowed to refer to this.decl.get() */
   public SafeList<Expr> getFacts() { return facts.dup(); }

   /** {@inheritDoc} */
   @Override public final String getDescription() { return "<b>sig</b> " + label + " <i>" + type + "</i>"; }

   /** {@inheritDoc} */
   @Override public final List<? extends Browsable> getSubnodes() {
      TempList<Browsable> ans = new TempList<Browsable>();
      if (this instanceof PrimSig) {
         Sig parent = ((PrimSig)this).parent;
         if (parent!=null && !parent.builtin) ans.add(make(parent.pos, parent.span(), "<b>extends sig</b> " + parent.label, parent.getSubnodes()));
      } else {
         ConstList<Sig> parents = ((SubsetSig)this).parents;
         for(Sig p: parents) ans.add(make(p.pos, p.span(), "<b>in sig</b> " + p.label, p.getSubnodes()));
      for(Decl d: fields) for(ExprHasName v: d.names) {
         ans.add(make(v.span(), v.span(), "<b>field</b> " + v.label + " <i>" + v.type + "</i>", d.expr));
      for(Expr f: facts) ans.add(make(f.span(), f.span(), "<b>fact</b>", f));
      return ans.makeConst();


   /** Mutable; reresents a non-subset signature.
    * <p> Note: except for "children()", the return value of every method is always valid for all time;
    * for example, given sigs A and B, and you call C=A.intersect(B), then the result C will always be
    * the intersection of A and B even if the caller later constructs more sigs or subsigs or subsetsigs...

   public static final class PrimSig extends Sig {

      /** Stores its immediate children sigs (not including NONE)
       * <p> Note: if this==UNIV, then this list will always be empty, since we don't keep track of UNIV's children
      private final SafeList<PrimSig> children = new SafeList<PrimSig>();

      /** Returns its immediate children sigs (not including NONE)
       * <p> Note: if this==UNIV, then this method will throw an exception, since we don't keep track of UNIV's children
      public SafeList<PrimSig> children() throws Err {
         if (this==UNIV) throw new ErrorFatal("Internal error (cannot enumerate the subsigs of UNIV)");
         return children.dup();

      /** Returns its subsigs and their subsigs and their subsigs, etc.
       * <p> Note: if this==UNIV, then this method will throw an exception, since we don't keep track of UNIV's children
      public Iterable<PrimSig> descendents() throws Err {
         if (this==UNIV) throw new ErrorFatal("Internal error (cannot enumerate the subsigs of UNIV)");
         Iterable<PrimSig> answer = children.dup();
         for(PrimSig x:children) answer = Util.fastJoin(answer, x.descendents());
         return answer;

      /** If this is UNIV or NONE, then this field is null, else this field is the parent sig. */
      public final PrimSig parent;

      /** Constructs a builtin PrimSig. */
      private PrimSig(String label, PrimSig parent, boolean add) {
         this.parent = parent;
         if (add) this.parent.children.add(this);

      /** Constructs a non-builtin sig.
       * @param label - the name of this sig (it does not need to be unique)
       * @param parent - the parent (must not be null, and must not be NONE)
       * @param attributes - the list of optional attributes such as ABSTRACT, LONE, ONE, SOME, SUBSIG, PRIVATE, META, or ENUM
       * @throws ErrorSyntax if the signature has two or more multiplicities
       * @throws ErrorType if you attempt to extend the builtin sigs NONE, SIGINT, SEQIDX, or STRING
      public PrimSig (String label, PrimSig parent, Attr... attributes) throws Err {
         super(((parent!=null && parent.isEnum!=null) ? parent.type : null), label, Util.append(attributes, Attr.SUBSIG));
         if (parent==SIGINT) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend the builtin \"Int\" signature");
         if (parent==SEQIDX) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend the builtin \"seq/Int\" signature");
         if (parent==STRING) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend the builtin \"String\" signature");
         if (parent==NONE)   throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend the builtin \"none\" signature");
         if (parent==null) parent=UNIV; else if (parent!=UNIV) parent.children.add(this);
         this.parent = parent;
         if (isEnum!=null && parent!=UNIV) throw new ErrorType(pos, "sig "+label+" is not a toplevel sig, so it cannot be an enum.");
         for( ; parent!=null ; parent=parent.parent) if (parent.isEnum!=null) {
            if (parent!=this.parent) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot extend a signature which is an atom in an enum.");
            if (isOne==null) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" is an atom in an enum, so it must have the \"one\" multiplicity.");

      /** Constructs a toplevel non-builtin sig.
       * @param label - the name of this sig (it does not need to be unique)
       * @param attributes - the list of optional attributes such as ABSTRACT, LONE, ONE, SOME, SUBSIG, PRIVATE, META, or ENUM
       * @throws ErrorSyntax if the signature has two or more multiplicities
      public PrimSig(String label, Attr... attributes) throws Err { this(label, null, attributes); }

      /** {@inheritDoc} */
      @Override public boolean isSameOrDescendentOf(Sig that) {
         if (this==NONE || this==that || that==UNIV) return true;
         if (this==UNIV || that==NONE) return false;
         for(PrimSig me=this; me!=null; me=me.parent) if (me==that) return true;
         return false;

      /** Returns the intersection between this and that (and returns "none" if they do not intersect). */
      public PrimSig intersect(PrimSig that) {
         if (this.isSameOrDescendentOf(that)) return this;
         if (that.isSameOrDescendentOf(this)) return that;
         return NONE;

      /** Returns true iff the intersection between this and that is not "none". */
      public boolean intersects(PrimSig that) {
         if (this.isSameOrDescendentOf(that)) return this!=NONE;
         if (that.isSameOrDescendentOf(this)) return that!=NONE;
         return false;

      /** Returns the most-specific-sig that contains this and that.
       * In particular, if this extends that, then return that.
      public PrimSig leastParent(PrimSig that) {
         if (isSameOrDescendentOf(that)) return that;
         PrimSig me=this;
         while(true) {
            if (that.isSameOrDescendentOf(me)) return me;
            if (me==null) return UNIV;


   /** Mutable; reresents a subset signature. */

   public static final class SubsetSig extends Sig {

      /** The list of Sig that it is a subset of; this list is never empty. */
      public final ConstList<Sig> parents;

      /** If true, then this sig is EXACTLY equal to the union of its parents. */
      public final boolean exact;

      /** Computes the type for this sig. */
      private static Type getType(String label, Iterable<Sig> parents) throws Err {
         Type ans = null;
         if (parents!=null) for(Sig parent: parents) {
            if (parent==UNIV) return UNIV.type;
            if (ans==null) ans=parent.type; else ans=ans.unionWithCommonArity(parent.type);
         return (ans!=null) ? ans : (UNIV.type);

      /** Constructs a subset sig.
       * @param label - the name of this sig (it does not need to be unique)
       * @param parents - the list of parents (if this list is null or empty, we assume the caller means UNIV)
       * @param attributes - the list of optional attributes such as EXACT, SUBSET, LONE, ONE, SOME, PRIVATE, or META
       * @throws ErrorSyntax if the signature has two or more multiplicities
       * @throws ErrorType if parents only contains NONE
      public SubsetSig(String label, Collection<Sig> parents, Attr... attributes) throws Err {
         super(getType(label,parents), label, Util.append(attributes, Attr.SUBSET));
         if (isEnum!=null) throw new ErrorType(pos, "Subset signature cannot be an enum.");
         boolean exact = false;
         for(Attr a: attributes) if (a!=null && a.type==AttrType.EXACT) exact = true;
         this.exact = exact;
         TempList<Sig> temp = new TempList<Sig>(parents==null ? 1 : parents.size());
         if (parents==null || parents.size()==0) {
         } else {
            for(Sig parent:parents) {
               if (!Version.experimental) {
                  if (parent==SIGINT) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot be a subset of the builtin \"Int\" signature");
                  if (parent==SEQIDX) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot be a subset of the builtin \"seq/Int\" signature");
                  if (parent==STRING) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "sig "+label+" cannot be a subset of the builtin \"String\" signature");
               if (parent==Sig.UNIV) {temp.clear(); temp.add(UNIV); break;}
               if (parent!=Sig.NONE && !temp.contains(parent)) temp.add(parent);
         if (temp.size()==0) throw new ErrorType(pos, "Sig "+label+" must have at least one non-empty parent.");
         this.parents = temp.makeConst();

      /** {@inheritDoc} */
      @Override public boolean isSameOrDescendentOf(Sig that) {
         if (that==UNIV || that==this) return true;
         if (that==NONE) return false;
         for(Sig p:parents) if (p.isSameOrDescendentOf(that)) return true;
         return false;


   /** Mutable; represents a field. */

   public static final class Field extends ExprHasName {

      /** The sig that this field belongs to; never null. */
      public final Sig sig;

      /** Nonnull if the user wanted this field to be private. */
      public final Pos isPrivate;

      /** Nonnull if this field is a meta field. */
      public final Pos isMeta;

      /** True if this is a defined field. */
      public final boolean defined;

      /** The declaration that this field came from. */
      private Decl decl;

      /** Return the declaration that this field came from. */
      public Decl decl() { return decl; }

      /** Constructs a new Field object. */
      private Field(Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, Pos isMeta, Pos disjoint, Pos disjoint2, Sig sig, String label, Expr bound) throws Err {
         super(pos, label, sig.type.product(bound.type));
         this.defined = bound.mult() == ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF;
         if (sig.builtin) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "Builtin sig \""+sig+"\" cannot have fields.");
         if (!bound.errors.isEmpty()) throw bound.errors.pick();
         if (!this.defined && bound.hasCall()) throw new ErrorSyntax(pos, "Field \""+label+"\" declaration cannot contain a function or predicate call.");
         if (bound.type.arity()>0 && bound.type.hasNoTuple()) throw new ErrorType(pos, "Cannot bind field "+label+" to the empty set or empty relation.");
         this.isPrivate = (isPrivate!=null ? isPrivate : sig.isPrivate);
         this.isMeta = (isMeta!=null ? isMeta : sig.isMeta);
         this.sig = sig;

      /** Returns a human-readable description of this field's name. */
      @Override public String toString() {
         if (sig.label.length()==0) return label; else return "field ("+sig+" <: "+label+")";

      /** {@inheritDoc} */
      @Override public void toString(StringBuilder out, int indent) {
         if (indent<0) {
            out.append("(").append(sig.label).append(" <: ").append(label).append(")");
         } else {
            for(int i=0; i<indent; i++) { out.append(' '); }
            out.append("field ").append(sig.label).append(" <: ").append(label).append(" with type=").append(type).append('\n');

      /** {@inheritDoc} */
      @Override public Expr resolve(Type t, Collection<ErrorWarning> warns) { return this; }

      /** {@inheritDoc} */
      @Override final<T> T accept(VisitReturn<T> visitor) throws Err { return visitor.visit(this); }

      /** {@inheritDoc} */
      @Override public String getDescription() { return "<b>field</b> " + label + " <i>" + type + "</i>"; }

      /** {@inheritDoc} */
      @Override public List<? extends Browsable> getSubnodes() {
         Expr bound = decl.expr;
         Browsable s = make(sig.pos, sig.span(), "<b>from sig</b> "+sig.label, sig.getSubnodes());
         Browsable b = make(bound.span(), bound.span(), "<b>bound</b>", bound);
         return Util.asList(s, b);


   /** The list of fields. */
   private final SafeList<Decl> fields = new SafeList<Decl>();

   /** Return the list of fields as a unmodifiable list of declarations (where you can see which fields are declared to be disjoint) */
   public final SafeList<Decl> getFieldDecls() {
      return fields.dup();

   /** Return the list of fields as a combined unmodifiable list (without telling you which fields are declared to be disjoint) */
   public final SafeList<Field> getFields() {
      SafeList<Field> ans = new SafeList<Field>();
      for(Decl d: fields) for(ExprHasName n: d.names) ans.add((Field)n);
      return ans.dup();

   /** Add then return a new field, where "all x: ThisSig | x.F in bound"
    * <p> Note: the bound must be fully-typechecked and have exactly 0 free variable, or have "x" as its sole free variable.
    * @param label - the name of this field (it does not need to be unique)
    * @param bound - the new field will be bound by "all x: one ThisSig | x.ThisField in bound"
    * @throws ErrorSyntax  if the sig is one of the builtin sig
    * @throws ErrorSyntax  if the bound contains a predicate/function call
    * @throws ErrorType    if the bound is not fully typechecked or is not a set/relation
   public final Field addField (String label, Expr bound) throws Err {
      bound = bound.typecheck_as_set();
      if (bound.ambiguous) bound = bound.resolve_as_set(null);
      if (bound.mult==0 && bound.type.arity()==1) bound = ExprUnary.Op.ONEOF.make(null, bound); // If unary, and no multiplicity symbol, we assume it's oneOf
      final Field f = new Field(null, null, null, null, null, this, label, bound);
      final Decl d = new Decl(null, null, null, Arrays.asList(f), bound);
      f.decl = d;
      return f;

   /** Add then return a new field, where "all x: ThisSig | x.F in bound"
    * <p> Note: the bound must be fully-typechecked and have exactly 0 free variable, or have "x" as its sole free variable.
    * @param pos - the position in the original file where this field was defined (can be null if unknown)
    * @param isPrivate - if nonnull, that means the user intended this field to be "private"
    * @param isMeta - if nonnull, that means the user intended this field to be "meta"
    * @param labels - the names of the fields to be added (these names does not need to be unique)
    * @param bound - the new field will be bound by "all x: one ThisSig | x.ThisField in bound"
    * @throws ErrorSyntax  if the sig is one of the builtin sig
    * @throws ErrorSyntax  if the bound contains a predicate/function call
    * @throws ErrorType    if the bound is not fully typechecked or is not a set/relation
   public final Field[] addTrickyField (Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, Pos isDisjoint, Pos isDisjoint2, Pos isMeta, String[] labels, Expr bound) throws Err {
      bound = bound.typecheck_as_set();
      if (bound.ambiguous) bound = bound.resolve_as_set(null);
      if (bound.mult==0 && bound.type.arity()==1) bound = ExprUnary.Op.ONEOF.make(null, bound); // If unary, and no multiplicity symbol, we assume it's oneOf
      final Field[] f = new Field[labels.length];
      for(int i=0; i<f.length; i++) f[i] = new Field(pos, isPrivate, isMeta, isDisjoint, isDisjoint2, this, labels[i], bound);
      final Decl d = new Decl(isPrivate, isDisjoint, isDisjoint2, Arrays.asList(f), bound);
      for(int i=0; i<f.length; i++) f[i].decl = d;
      return f;

   /** Add then return a new field F where this.F is bound to an exact "definition" expression.
    * <p> Note: the definition must be fully-typechecked and have exactly 0 free variables.
    * <p> Note: currently the defined field must consist product and union operators over sigs.
    * @param pos - the position in the original file where this field was defined (can be null if unknown)
    * @param isPrivate - if nonnull, that means this field should be marked as private
    * @param isMeta - if nonnull, that means this field should be marked as meta
    * @param label - the name of this field (it does not need to be unique)
    * @param bound - the new field will be defined to be exactly equal to sig.product(definition)
    * @throws ErrorSyntax  if the sig is one of the builtin sig
    * @throws ErrorSyntax  if the bound contains a predicate/function call
    * @throws ErrorType    if the bound is not fully typechecked or is not a set/relation
   public final Field addDefinedField(Pos pos, Pos isPrivate, Pos isMeta, String label, Expr bound) throws Err {
      bound = bound.typecheck_as_set();
      if (bound.ambiguous) bound = bound.resolve_as_set(null);
      if (bound.mult() != ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF) bound = ExprUnary.Op.EXACTLYOF.make(null, bound);
      final Field f = new Field(pos, isPrivate, isMeta, null, null, this, label, bound);
      final Decl d = new Decl(null, null, null, Arrays.asList(f), bound);
      f.decl = d;
      return f;

Related Classes of$Field

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