ClassMap classMap = null;
try {
classMap = getClassMap(srcObj.getClass(), destType, mapId);
eventMgr.fireEvent(new DozerEvent(DozerEventType.MAPPING_STARTED, classMap, null, srcObj, result, null));
// TODO Check if any proxy issues are here
// Check to see if custom converter has been specified for this mapping
// combination. If so, just use it.
Class<?> converterClass = MappingUtils.findCustomConverter(converterByDestTypeCache, classMap.getCustomConverters(), srcObj
.getClass(), destType);
if (destObj == null) {
// If this is a nested MapperAware conversion this mapping can be already processed
// but we can do this optimization only in case of no destObject, instead we must copy to the dest object
Object alreadyMappedValue = mappedFields.getMappedValue(srcObj, destType);
if (alreadyMappedValue != null) {
return (T) alreadyMappedValue;
if (converterClass != null) {
return (T) mapUsingCustomConverter(converterClass, srcObj.getClass(), srcObj, destType, result, null, true);
BeanCreationDirective creationDirective =
new BeanCreationDirective(srcObj, classMap.getSrcClassToMap(), classMap.getDestClassToMap(), destType,
classMap.getDestClassBeanFactory(), classMap.getDestClassBeanFactoryId(), classMap.getDestClassCreateMethod());
result = createByCreationDirectiveAndMap(creationDirective, classMap, srcObj, result, false, null);
} catch (Throwable e) {
eventMgr.fireEvent(new DozerEvent(DozerEventType.MAPPING_FINISHED, classMap, null, srcObj, result, null));
return result;