* Copyright 2005-2010 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.dozer;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.dozer.cache.Cache;
import org.dozer.cache.CacheKeyFactory;
import org.dozer.cache.CacheManager;
import org.dozer.cache.DozerCacheType;
import org.dozer.classmap.ClassMap;
import org.dozer.classmap.ClassMapBuilder;
import org.dozer.classmap.ClassMappings;
import org.dozer.classmap.Configuration;
import org.dozer.classmap.CopyByReferenceContainer;
import org.dozer.classmap.RelationshipType;
import org.dozer.converters.DateFormatContainer;
import org.dozer.converters.PrimitiveOrWrapperConverter;
import org.dozer.event.DozerEvent;
import org.dozer.event.DozerEventManager;
import org.dozer.event.DozerEventType;
import org.dozer.event.EventManager;
import org.dozer.factory.BeanCreationDirective;
import org.dozer.factory.DestBeanCreator;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.CustomGetSetMethodFieldMap;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.ExcludeFieldMap;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.FieldMap;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.HintContainer;
import org.dozer.fieldmap.MapFieldMap;
import org.dozer.stats.StatisticType;
import org.dozer.stats.StatisticsManager;
import org.dozer.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.dozer.util.DozerConstants;
import org.dozer.util.IteratorUtils;
import org.dozer.util.LogMsgFactory;
import org.dozer.util.MappingUtils;
import org.dozer.util.MappingValidator;
import org.dozer.util.ReflectionUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.dozer.util.DozerConstants.BASE_CLASS;
import static org.dozer.util.DozerConstants.ITERATE;
* Internal Mapping Engine. Not intended for direct use by Application code.
* This class does most of the heavy lifting and is very recursive in nature.
* <p/>
* This class is not threadsafe and is instantiated for each new mapping request.
* @author garsombke.franz
* @author sullins.ben
* @author tierney.matt
* @author dmitry.buzdin
* @author johnsen.knut-erik
public class MappingProcessor implements Mapper {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MappingProcessor.class);
private final ClassMappings classMappings;
private final Configuration globalConfiguration;
private final List<CustomConverter> customConverterObjects;
private final Map<String, CustomConverter> customConverterObjectsWithId;
private final StatisticsManager statsMgr;
private final EventManager eventMgr;
private final CustomFieldMapper customFieldMapper;
private final MappedFieldsTracker mappedFields = new MappedFieldsTracker();
private final Cache converterByDestTypeCache;
private final Cache superTypeCache;
private final PrimitiveOrWrapperConverter primitiveConverter = new PrimitiveOrWrapperConverter();
protected MappingProcessor(ClassMappings classMappings, Configuration globalConfiguration, CacheManager cacheMgr,
StatisticsManager statsMgr, List<CustomConverter> customConverterObjects,
DozerEventManager eventManager, CustomFieldMapper customFieldMapper,
Map<String, CustomConverter> customConverterObjectsWithId) {
this.classMappings = classMappings;
this.globalConfiguration = globalConfiguration;
this.statsMgr = statsMgr;
this.customConverterObjects = customConverterObjects;
this.eventMgr = eventManager;
this.customFieldMapper = customFieldMapper;
this.converterByDestTypeCache = cacheMgr.getCache(DozerCacheType.CONVERTER_BY_DEST_TYPE.name());
this.superTypeCache = cacheMgr.getCache(DozerCacheType.SUPER_TYPE_CHECK.name());
this.customConverterObjectsWithId = customConverterObjectsWithId;
/* Mapper Interface Implementation */
public <T> T map(final Object srcObj, final Class<T> destClass) {
return map(srcObj, destClass, null);
public <T> T map(final Object srcObj, final Class<T> destClass, final String mapId) {
MappingValidator.validateMappingRequest(srcObj, destClass);
return map(srcObj, destClass, null, mapId);
public void map(final Object srcObj, final Object destObj) {
map(srcObj, destObj, null);
public void map(final Object srcObj, final Object destObj, final String mapId) {
MappingValidator.validateMappingRequest(srcObj, destObj);
map(srcObj, null, destObj, mapId);
/* End of Mapper Interface Implementation */
* Single point of entry for atomic mapping operations
* @param srcObj source object
* @param destClass destination class
* @param destObj destination object
* @param mapId mapping identifier
* @param <T> destination object type
* @return new or updated destination object
private <T> T map(Object srcObj, final Class<T> destClass, final T destObj, final String mapId) {
srcObj = MappingUtils.deProxy(srcObj);
Class<T> destType;
T result;
if (destClass == null) {
destType = (Class<T>) destObj.getClass();
result = destObj;
} else {
destType = destClass;
result = null;
ClassMap classMap = null;
try {
classMap = getClassMap(srcObj.getClass(), destType, mapId);
eventMgr.fireEvent(new DozerEvent(DozerEventType.MAPPING_STARTED, classMap, null, srcObj, result, null));
// TODO Check if any proxy issues are here
// Check to see if custom converter has been specified for this mapping
// combination. If so, just use it.
Class<?> converterClass = MappingUtils.findCustomConverter(converterByDestTypeCache, classMap.getCustomConverters(), srcObj
.getClass(), destType);
if (converterClass != null) {
return (T) mapUsingCustomConverter(converterClass, srcObj.getClass(), srcObj, destType, result, null, true);
if (result == null) {
result = (T) DestBeanCreator.create(new BeanCreationDirective(srcObj, classMap.getSrcClassToMap(), classMap.getDestClassToMap(), destType, classMap
.getDestClassBeanFactory(), classMap.getDestClassBeanFactoryId(), classMap.getDestClassCreateMethod()));
// If this is a nested MapperAware conversion this mapping can be already processed
Object alreadyMappedValue = mappedFields.getMappedValue(srcObj, destClass);
if (alreadyMappedValue != null) {
return (T) alreadyMappedValue;
map(classMap, srcObj, result, false, null);
} catch (Throwable e) {
eventMgr.fireEvent(new DozerEvent(DozerEventType.MAPPING_FINISHED, classMap, null, srcObj, result, null));
return result;
private void map(ClassMap classMap, Object srcObj, Object destObj, boolean bypassSuperMappings, String mapId) {
srcObj = MappingUtils.deProxy(srcObj);
// 1596766 - Recursive object mapping issue. Prevent recursive mapping
// infinite loop. Keep a record of mapped fields
// by storing the id of the sourceObj and the destObj to be mapped. This can
// be referred to later to avoid recursive mapping loops
mappedFields.put(srcObj, destObj);
// If class map hasnt already been determined, find the appropriate one for
// the src/dest object combination
if (classMap == null) {
classMap = getClassMap(srcObj.getClass(), destObj.getClass(), mapId);
Class<?> srcClass = srcObj.getClass();
Class<?> destClass = destObj.getClass();
// Check to see if custom converter has been specified for this mapping
// combination. If so, just use it.
Class<?> converterClass = MappingUtils.findCustomConverter(converterByDestTypeCache, classMap.getCustomConverters(), srcClass,
if (converterClass != null) {
mapUsingCustomConverter(converterClass, srcClass, srcObj, destClass, destObj, null, true);
// Now check for super class mappings. Process super class mappings first.
List<String> mappedParentFields = null;
if (!bypassSuperMappings) {
Collection<ClassMap> superMappings = new ArrayList<ClassMap>();
Collection<ClassMap> superClasses = checkForSuperTypeMapping(srcClass, destClass);
//List<ClassMap> interfaceMappings = classMappings.findInterfaceMappings(srcClass, destClass);
if (!superMappings.isEmpty()) {
mappedParentFields = processSuperTypeMapping(superMappings, srcObj, destObj, mapId);
// Perform mappings for each field. Iterate through Fields Maps for this class mapping
for (FieldMap fieldMapping : classMap.getFieldMaps()) {
//Bypass field if it has already been mapped as part of super class mappings.
String key = MappingUtils.getMappedParentFieldKey(destObj, fieldMapping);
if (mappedParentFields != null && mappedParentFields.contains(key)) {
mapField(fieldMapping, srcObj, destObj);
private void mapField(FieldMap fieldMapping, Object srcObj, Object destObj) {
// The field has been explicitly excluded from mapping. So just return, as
// no further processing is needed for this field
if (fieldMapping instanceof ExcludeFieldMap) {
Object srcFieldValue = null;
try {
// If a custom field mapper was specified, then invoke it. If not, or the
// custom field mapper returns false(indicating the
// field was not actually mapped by the custom field mapper), proceed as
// normal(use Dozer to map the field)
srcFieldValue = fieldMapping.getSrcFieldValue(srcObj);
boolean fieldMapped = false;
if (customFieldMapper != null) {
fieldMapped = customFieldMapper.mapField(srcObj, destObj, srcFieldValue, fieldMapping.getClassMap(), fieldMapping);
if (!fieldMapped) {
if (fieldMapping.getDestFieldType() != null && ITERATE.equals(fieldMapping.getDestFieldType())) {
// special logic for iterate feature
mapFromIterateMethodFieldMap(srcObj, destObj, srcFieldValue, fieldMapping);
} else {
// either deep field map or generic map. The is the most likely
// scenario
mapFromFieldMap(srcObj, destObj, srcFieldValue, fieldMapping);
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.error(LogMsgFactory.createFieldMappingErrorMsg(srcObj, fieldMapping, srcFieldValue, destObj), e);
// check error handling policy.
if (fieldMapping.isStopOnErrors()) {
} else {
// check if any Exceptions should be allowed to be thrown
if (!fieldMapping.getClassMap().getAllowedExceptions().isEmpty() && e.getCause() instanceof InvocationTargetException) {
Throwable thrownType = ((InvocationTargetException) e.getCause()).getTargetException();
Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionClass = thrownType.getClass();
if (fieldMapping.getClassMap().getAllowedExceptions().contains(exceptionClass)) {
throw (RuntimeException) thrownType;
private void mapFromFieldMap(Object srcObj, Object destObj, Object srcFieldValue, FieldMap fieldMapping) {
Class<?> destFieldType;
if (fieldMapping instanceof CustomGetSetMethodFieldMap) {
try {
destFieldType = fieldMapping.getDestFieldWriteMethod(destObj.getClass()).getParameterTypes()[0];
} catch (Throwable e) {
// try traditional way
destFieldType = fieldMapping.getDestFieldType(destObj.getClass());
} else {
destFieldType = fieldMapping.getDestFieldType(destObj.getClass());
// 1476780 - 12/2006 mht - Add support for field level custom converters
// Use field level custom converter if one was specified. Otherwise, map or
// recurse the object as normal
// 1770440 - fdg - Using multiple instances of CustomConverter
Object destFieldValue;
if (!MappingUtils.isBlankOrNull(fieldMapping.getCustomConverterId())) {
if (customConverterObjectsWithId != null && customConverterObjectsWithId.containsKey(fieldMapping.getCustomConverterId())) {
Class<?> srcFieldClass = srcFieldValue != null ? srcFieldValue.getClass() : fieldMapping.getSrcFieldType(srcObj.getClass());
destFieldValue = mapUsingCustomConverterInstance(customConverterObjectsWithId.get(fieldMapping.getCustomConverterId()),
srcFieldClass, srcFieldValue, destFieldType, destObj, fieldMapping, false);
} else {
throw new MappingException("CustomConverter instance not found with id:" + fieldMapping.getCustomConverterId());
} else if (MappingUtils.isBlankOrNull(fieldMapping.getCustomConverter())) {
destFieldValue = mapOrRecurseObject(srcObj, srcFieldValue, destFieldType, fieldMapping, destObj);
} else {
Class<?> srcFieldClass = srcFieldValue != null ? srcFieldValue.getClass() : fieldMapping.getSrcFieldType(srcObj.getClass());
destFieldValue = mapUsingCustomConverter(MappingUtils.loadClass(fieldMapping.getCustomConverter()), srcFieldClass,
srcFieldValue, destFieldType, destObj, fieldMapping, false);
writeDestinationValue(destObj, destFieldValue, fieldMapping, srcObj);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(LogMsgFactory.createFieldMappingSuccessMsg(srcObj.getClass(), destObj.getClass(), fieldMapping.getSrcFieldName(),
fieldMapping.getDestFieldName(), srcFieldValue, destFieldValue, fieldMapping.getClassMap().getMapId()));
private Object mapOrRecurseObject(Object srcObj, Object srcFieldValue, Class<?> destFieldType, FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj) {
Class<?> srcFieldClass = srcFieldValue != null ? srcFieldValue.getClass() : fieldMap.getSrcFieldType(srcObj.getClass());
Class<?> converterClass = MappingUtils.determineCustomConverter(fieldMap, converterByDestTypeCache, fieldMap.getClassMap()
.getCustomConverters(), srcFieldClass, destFieldType);
// 1-2007 mht: Invoke custom converter even if the src value is null.
// #1563795
if (converterClass != null) {
return mapUsingCustomConverter(converterClass, srcFieldClass, srcFieldValue, destFieldType, destObj, fieldMap, false);
if (srcFieldValue == null) {
return null;
String srcFieldName = fieldMap.getSrcFieldName();
String destFieldName = fieldMap.getDestFieldName();
// 1596766 - Recursive object mapping issue. Prevent recursive mapping
// infinite loop
// In case of "this->this" mapping this rule should be omitted as processing is done on objects, which has been
// just marked as mapped.
if (!(DozerConstants.SELF_KEYWORD.equals(srcFieldName) && DozerConstants.SELF_KEYWORD.equals(destFieldName))) {
Object alreadyMappedValue = mappedFields.getMappedValue(srcFieldValue, destFieldType);
if (alreadyMappedValue != null) {
return alreadyMappedValue;
if (fieldMap.isCopyByReference()) {
// just get the src and return it, no transformation.
return srcFieldValue;
boolean isSrcFieldClassSupportedMap = MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(srcFieldClass);
boolean isDestFieldTypeSupportedMap = MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(destFieldType);
if (isSrcFieldClassSupportedMap && isDestFieldTypeSupportedMap) {
return mapMap(srcObj, (Map<?, ?>) srcFieldValue, fieldMap, destObj);
if (fieldMap instanceof MapFieldMap && destFieldType.equals(Object.class)) {
// TODO: find better place for this logic. try to encapsulate in FieldMap?
destFieldType = fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() != null ? fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().getHint() : srcFieldClass;
if (primitiveConverter.accepts(srcFieldClass) || primitiveConverter.accepts(destFieldType)) {
// Primitive or Wrapper conversion
if (fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() != null) {
destFieldType = fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().getHint();
//#1841448 - if trim-strings=true, then use a trimmed src string value when converting to dest value
Object convertSrcFieldValue = srcFieldValue;
if (fieldMap.isTrimStrings() && srcFieldValue.getClass().equals(String.class)) {
convertSrcFieldValue = ((String) srcFieldValue).trim();
DateFormatContainer dfContainer = new DateFormatContainer(fieldMap.getDateFormat());
if (fieldMap instanceof MapFieldMap && !primitiveConverter.accepts(destFieldType)) {
// This handles a very special/rare use case(see indexMapping.xml + unit
// test
// testStringToIndexedSet_UsingMapSetMethod). If the destFieldType is a
// custom object AND has a String param
// constructor, we don't want to construct the custom object with the
// src value because the map backed property
// logic at lower layers handles setting the value on the custom object.
// Without this special logic, the
// destination map backed custom object would contain a value that is
// the custom object dest type instead of the
// desired src value.
return primitiveConverter.convert(convertSrcFieldValue, convertSrcFieldValue.getClass(), dfContainer);
} else {
return primitiveConverter.convert(convertSrcFieldValue, destFieldType, dfContainer);
if (MappingUtils.isSupportedCollection(srcFieldClass) && (MappingUtils.isSupportedCollection(destFieldType))) {
return mapCollection(srcObj, srcFieldValue, fieldMap, destObj);
if (MappingUtils.isEnumType(srcFieldClass, destFieldType)) {
return mapEnum((Enum) srcFieldValue, (Class<Enum>) destFieldType);
if (fieldMap.getDestDeepIndexHintContainer() != null) {
destFieldType = fieldMap.getDestDeepIndexHintContainer().getHint();
// Default: Map from one custom data object to another custom data object
return mapCustomObject(fieldMap, destObj, destFieldType, srcFieldValue);
private <T extends Enum<T>> T mapEnum(Enum<T> srcFieldValue, Class<T> destFieldType) {
String name = srcFieldValue.name();
return Enum.valueOf(destFieldType, name);
private Object mapCustomObject(FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj, Class<?> destFieldType, Object srcFieldValue) {
srcFieldValue = MappingUtils.deProxy(srcFieldValue);
// Custom java bean. Need to make sure that the destination object is not
// already instantiated.
Object result = null;
// in case of iterate feature new objects are created in any case
if (!DozerConstants.ITERATE.equals(fieldMap.getDestFieldType())) {
result = getExistingValue(fieldMap, destObj, destFieldType);
ClassMap classMap = null;
// if the field is not null than we don't want a new instance
if (result == null) {
// first check to see if this plain old field map has hints to the actual
// type.
if (fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() != null) {
Class<?> destHintType = fieldMap.getDestHintType(srcFieldValue.getClass());
// if the destType is null this means that there was more than one hint.
// we must have already set the destType then.
if (destHintType != null) {
destFieldType = destHintType;
// Check to see if explicit map-id has been specified for the field
// mapping
String mapId = fieldMap.getMapId();
Class<? extends Object> targetClass;
if (fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() != null && fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().getHint() != null) {
targetClass = fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().getHint();
} else {
targetClass = destFieldType;
classMap = getClassMap(srcFieldValue.getClass(), targetClass, mapId);
result = DestBeanCreator.create(
new BeanCreationDirective(srcFieldValue, classMap.getSrcClassToMap(), classMap.getDestClassToMap(),
destFieldType, classMap.getDestClassBeanFactory(), classMap.getDestClassBeanFactoryId(),
fieldMap.getDestFieldCreateMethod() != null ? fieldMap.getDestFieldCreateMethod() : classMap.getDestClassCreateMethod()));
map(classMap, srcFieldValue, result, false, fieldMap.getMapId());
return result;
private Object mapCollection(Object srcObj, Object srcCollectionValue, FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj) {
// since we are mapping some sort of collection now is a good time to decide
// if they provided hints
// if no hint is provided then we will use generics to determine the mapping type
if (fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() == null) {
Class<?> genericType = fieldMap.getGenericType(destObj.getClass());
if (genericType != null) {
HintContainer destHintContainer = new HintContainer();
FieldMap cloneFieldMap = (FieldMap) fieldMap.clone();
cloneFieldMap.setDestHintContainer(destHintContainer); // should affect only this time as fieldMap is cloned
fieldMap = cloneFieldMap;
// if it is an iterator object turn it into a List
if (srcCollectionValue instanceof Iterator) {
srcCollectionValue = IteratorUtils.toList((Iterator<?>) srcCollectionValue);
Class<?> destCollectionType = fieldMap.getDestFieldType(destObj.getClass());
Class<?> srcFieldType = srcCollectionValue.getClass();
Object result = null;
// if they use a standard Collection we have to assume it is a List...better
// way to handle this?
if (destCollectionType.getName().equals(Collection.class.getName())) {
destCollectionType = List.class;
// Array to Array
if (CollectionUtils.isArray(srcFieldType) && (CollectionUtils.isArray(destCollectionType))) {
result = mapArrayToArray(srcObj, srcCollectionValue, fieldMap, destObj);
// Array to List
} else if (CollectionUtils.isArray(srcFieldType) && (CollectionUtils.isList(destCollectionType))) {
result = mapArrayToList(srcObj, srcCollectionValue, fieldMap, destObj);
// List to Array
else if (CollectionUtils.isList(srcFieldType) && (CollectionUtils.isArray(destCollectionType))) {
result = mapListToArray(srcObj, (List<?>) srcCollectionValue, fieldMap, destObj);
// List to List
} else if (CollectionUtils.isList(srcFieldType) && (CollectionUtils.isList(destCollectionType))) {
result = mapListToList(srcObj, (List<?>) srcCollectionValue, fieldMap, destObj);
// Set to Array
else if (CollectionUtils.isSet(srcFieldType) && CollectionUtils.isArray(destCollectionType)) {
result = mapSetToArray(srcObj, (Set<?>) srcCollectionValue, fieldMap, destObj);
// Array to Set
else if (CollectionUtils.isArray(srcFieldType) && CollectionUtils.isSet(destCollectionType)) {
result = addToSet(srcObj, fieldMap, Arrays.asList((Object[]) srcCollectionValue), destObj);
// Set to List
else if (CollectionUtils.isSet(srcFieldType) && CollectionUtils.isList(destCollectionType)) {
result = mapListToList(srcObj, (Set<?>) srcCollectionValue, fieldMap, destObj);
// Collection to Set
else if (CollectionUtils.isCollection(srcFieldType) && CollectionUtils.isSet(destCollectionType)) {
result = addToSet(srcObj, fieldMap, (Collection<?>) srcCollectionValue, destObj);
// List to Map value
else if (CollectionUtils.isCollection(srcFieldType) && MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(destCollectionType)) {
result = mapListToList(srcObj, (List<?>) srcCollectionValue, fieldMap, destObj);
return result;
private Object mapMap(Object srcObj, Map srcMapValue, FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj) {
Map result;
Map destinationMap = (Map) fieldMap.getDestValue(destObj);
if (destinationMap == null) {
result = DestBeanCreator.create(srcMapValue.getClass());
} else {
result = destinationMap;
if (fieldMap.isRemoveOrphans()) {
for (Entry<?, Object> srcEntry : ((Map<?, Object>) srcMapValue).entrySet()) {
Object srcEntryValue = srcEntry.getValue();
if (srcEntryValue == null) { // overwrites with null in any case
result.put(srcEntry.getKey(), null);
Object destEntryValue = mapOrRecurseObject(srcObj, srcEntryValue, srcEntryValue.getClass(), fieldMap, destObj);
Object obj = result.get(srcEntry.getKey());
if (obj != null && obj.equals(destEntryValue) && fieldMap.isNonCumulativeRelationship()) {
map(null, srcEntryValue, obj, false, null);
} else {
result.put(srcEntry.getKey(), destEntryValue);
return result;
private Object mapArrayToArray(Object srcObj, Object srcCollectionValue, FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj) {
Class destEntryType = fieldMap.getDestFieldType(destObj.getClass()).getComponentType();
int size = Array.getLength(srcCollectionValue);
if (CollectionUtils.isPrimitiveArray(srcCollectionValue.getClass())) {
return addToPrimitiveArray(srcObj, fieldMap, size, srcCollectionValue, destObj, destEntryType);
} else {
List<?> list = Arrays.asList((Object[]) srcCollectionValue);
List<?> returnList;
if (!destEntryType.getName().equals(BASE_CLASS)) {
returnList = addOrUpdateToList(srcObj, fieldMap, list, destObj, destEntryType);
} else {
returnList = addOrUpdateToList(srcObj, fieldMap, list, destObj, null);
return CollectionUtils.convertListToArray(returnList, destEntryType);
private void mapFromIterateMethodFieldMap(Object srcObj, Object destObj, Object srcFieldValue, FieldMap fieldMapping) {
// Iterate over the destFieldValue - iterating is fine unless we are mapping
// in the other direction.
// Verify that it is truly a collection if it is an iterator object turn it
// into a List
if (srcFieldValue instanceof Iterator) {
srcFieldValue = IteratorUtils.toList((Iterator<?>) srcFieldValue);
if (srcFieldValue != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < CollectionUtils.getLengthOfCollection(srcFieldValue); i++) {
final Object value = CollectionUtils.getValueFromCollection(srcFieldValue, i);
// map this value
if (fieldMapping.getDestHintContainer() == null) {
MappingUtils.throwMappingException("<field type=\"iterate\"> must have a source or destination type hint");
Class<?> destinationHint = fieldMapping.getDestHintContainer().getHint();
Object result = mapOrRecurseObject(srcObj, value, destinationHint, fieldMapping, destObj);
if (value != null) {
writeDestinationValue(destObj, result, fieldMapping, srcObj);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(LogMsgFactory.createFieldMappingSuccessMsg(srcObj.getClass(), destObj.getClass(), fieldMapping.getSrcFieldName(),
fieldMapping.getDestFieldName(), srcFieldValue, null, fieldMapping.getClassMap().getMapId()));
private Object addToPrimitiveArray(Object srcObj, FieldMap fieldMap, int size, Object srcCollectionValue, Object destObj,
Class<?> destEntryType) {
Object result;
Object field = fieldMap.getDestValue(destObj);
int arraySize = 0;
if (field == null) {
result = Array.newInstance(destEntryType, size);
} else {
result = Array.newInstance(destEntryType, size + Array.getLength(field));
arraySize = Array.getLength(field);
System.arraycopy(field, 0, result, 0, arraySize);
// primitive arrays are ALWAYS cumulative
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
CopyByReferenceContainer copyByReferences = globalConfiguration.getCopyByReferences();
Object toValue;
if (srcCollectionValue != null && copyByReferences.contains(srcCollectionValue.getClass())) {
toValue = srcCollectionValue;
} else {
toValue = mapOrRecurseObject(srcObj, Array.get(srcCollectionValue, i), destEntryType, fieldMap, destObj);
Array.set(result, arraySize, toValue);
return result;
private Object mapListToArray(Object srcObj, Collection<?> srcCollectionValue, FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj) {
Class destEntryType = fieldMap.getDestFieldType(destObj.getClass()).getComponentType();
List list;
if (!destEntryType.getName().equals(BASE_CLASS)) {
list = addOrUpdateToList(srcObj, fieldMap, srcCollectionValue, destObj, destEntryType);
} else {
list = addOrUpdateToList(srcObj, fieldMap, srcCollectionValue, destObj);
return CollectionUtils.convertListToArray(list, destEntryType);
private List<?> mapListToList(Object srcObj, Collection<?> srcCollectionValue, FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj) {
return addOrUpdateToList(srcObj, fieldMap, srcCollectionValue, destObj);
private Set<?> addToSet(Object srcObj, FieldMap fieldMap, Collection<?> srcCollectionValue, Object destObj) {
// create a list here so we can keep track of which elements we have mapped, and remove all others if removeOrphans = true
Set<Object> mappedElements = new HashSet<Object>();
Class<?> destEntryType = null;
LinkedHashSet<Object> result = new LinkedHashSet<Object>();
// don't want to create the set if it already exists.
Object field = fieldMap.getDestValue(destObj);
if (field != null) {
result.addAll((Collection<?>) field);
Object destValue;
Class<?> prevDestEntryType = null;
for (Object srcValue : srcCollectionValue) {
if (destEntryType == null
|| (fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() != null && fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().hasMoreThanOneHint())) {
if (srcValue == null) {
destEntryType = prevDestEntryType;
} else {
destEntryType = fieldMap.getDestHintType(srcValue.getClass());
CopyByReferenceContainer copyByReferences = globalConfiguration.getCopyByReferences();
if (srcValue != null && copyByReferences.contains(srcValue.getClass())) {
destValue = srcValue;
} else {
destValue = mapOrRecurseObject(srcObj, srcValue, destEntryType, fieldMap, destObj);
prevDestEntryType = destEntryType;
if (RelationshipType.NON_CUMULATIVE.equals(fieldMap.getRelationshipType())
&& result.contains(destValue)) {
List<Object> resultAsList = new ArrayList<Object>(result);
int index = resultAsList.indexOf(destValue);
// perform an update if complex type - can't map strings
Object obj = resultAsList.get(index);
// make sure it is not a String
if (!obj.getClass().isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
map(null, srcValue, obj, false, null);
} else {
// If remove orphans - we only want to keep the objects we've mapped from the src collection
// so we'll clear result and replace all entries with the ones in mappedElements
if (fieldMap.isRemoveOrphans()) {
if (field == null) {
Class<? extends Set<?>> destSetType = (Class<? extends Set<?>>) fieldMap.getDestFieldType(destObj.getClass());
return CollectionUtils.createNewSet(destSetType, result);
} else {
// Bug #1822421 - Clear first so we don't end up with the removed orphans again
((Set) field).clear();
((Set) field).addAll(result);
return (Set<?>) field;
private List<?> addOrUpdateToList(Object srcObj, FieldMap fieldMap, Collection<?> srcCollectionValue, Object destObj,
Class<?> destEntryType) {
// create a Set here so we can keep track of which elements we have mapped, and remove all others if removeOrphans = true
List<Object> mappedElements = new ArrayList<Object>();
List result;
// don't want to create the list if it already exists.
// these maps are special cases which do not fall under what we are looking for
Object field = fieldMap.getDestValue(destObj);
result = prepareDestinationList(srcCollectionValue, field);
Object destValue;
Class<?> prevDestEntryType = null;
for (Object srcValue : srcCollectionValue) {
if (destEntryType == null
|| (fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() != null && fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().hasMoreThanOneHint())) {
if (srcValue == null) {
destEntryType = prevDestEntryType;
} else {
destEntryType = fieldMap.getDestHintType(srcValue.getClass());
CopyByReferenceContainer copyByReferences = globalConfiguration.getCopyByReferences();
if (srcValue != null && copyByReferences.contains(srcValue.getClass())) {
destValue = srcValue;
} else {
destValue = mapOrRecurseObject(srcObj, srcValue, destEntryType, fieldMap, destObj);
prevDestEntryType = destEntryType;
if (RelationshipType.NON_CUMULATIVE.equals(fieldMap.getRelationshipType())
&& result.contains(destValue)) {
int index = result.indexOf(destValue);
// perform an update if complex type - can't map strings
Object obj = result.get(index);
// make sure it is not a String
if (obj != null && !obj.getClass().isAssignableFrom(String.class)) {
map(null, srcValue, obj, false, null);
} else {
// If remove orphans - we only want to keep the objects we've mapped from the src collection
if (fieldMap.isRemoveOrphans()) {
removeOrphans(mappedElements, result);
return result;
static void removeOrphans(Collection<?> mappedElements, List<Object> result) {
for (Iterator<?> iterator = result.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Object object = iterator.next();
if (!mappedElements.contains(object)) {
for (Object object : mappedElements) {
if (!result.contains(object)) {
static List<?> prepareDestinationList(Collection<?> srcCollectionValue, Object field) {
if (field == null) {
return new ArrayList<Object>(srcCollectionValue.size());
} else {
if (CollectionUtils.isList(field.getClass())) {
return (List<?>) field;
} else if (CollectionUtils.isArray(field.getClass())) {
return new ArrayList<Object>(Arrays.asList((Object[]) field));
} else { // assume it is neither - safest way is to create new List
return new ArrayList<Object>(srcCollectionValue.size());
private List<?> addOrUpdateToList(Object srcObj, FieldMap fieldMap, Collection<?> srcCollectionValue, Object destObj) {
return addOrUpdateToList(srcObj, fieldMap, srcCollectionValue, destObj, null);
private Object mapSetToArray(Object srcObj, Collection<?> srcCollectionValue, FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj) {
return mapListToArray(srcObj, srcCollectionValue, fieldMap, destObj);
private List<?> mapArrayToList(Object srcObj, Object srcCollectionValue, FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj) {
Class<?> destEntryType;
if (fieldMap.getDestHintContainer() != null) {
destEntryType = fieldMap.getDestHintContainer().getHint();
} else {
destEntryType = srcCollectionValue.getClass().getComponentType();
List<?> srcValueList;
if (CollectionUtils.isPrimitiveArray(srcCollectionValue.getClass())) {
srcValueList = CollectionUtils.convertPrimitiveArrayToList(srcCollectionValue);
} else {
srcValueList = Arrays.asList((Object[]) srcCollectionValue);
return addOrUpdateToList(srcObj, fieldMap, srcValueList, destObj, destEntryType);
private void writeDestinationValue(Object destObj, Object destFieldValue, FieldMap fieldMap, Object srcObj) {
boolean bypass = false;
// don't map null to dest field if map-null="false"
if (destFieldValue == null && !fieldMap.isDestMapNull()) {
bypass = true;
// don't map "" to dest field if map-empty-string="false"
if (destFieldValue != null && !fieldMap.isDestMapEmptyString() && destFieldValue.getClass().equals(String.class)
&& StringUtils.isEmpty((String) destFieldValue)) {
bypass = true;
// trim string value if trim-strings="true"
if (destFieldValue != null && fieldMap.isTrimStrings() && destFieldValue.getClass().equals(String.class)) {
destFieldValue = ((String) destFieldValue).trim();
if (!bypass) {
eventMgr.fireEvent(new DozerEvent(DozerEventType.MAPPING_PRE_WRITING_DEST_VALUE, fieldMap.getClassMap(), fieldMap, srcObj,
destObj, destFieldValue));
fieldMap.writeDestValue(destObj, destFieldValue);
eventMgr.fireEvent(new DozerEvent(DozerEventType.MAPPING_POST_WRITING_DEST_VALUE, fieldMap.getClassMap(), fieldMap, srcObj,
destObj, destFieldValue));
private Object mapUsingCustomConverterInstance(CustomConverter converterInstance, Class<?> srcFieldClass, Object srcFieldValue,
Class<?> destFieldClass, Object existingDestFieldValue, FieldMap fieldMap, boolean topLevel) {
//1792048 - If map-null = "false" and src value is null, then don't even invoke custom converter
if (srcFieldValue == null && !fieldMap.isDestMapNull()) {
return null;
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (converterInstance instanceof MapperAware) {
((MapperAware) converterInstance).setMapper(this);
// TODO Remove code duplication
Object result;
if (converterInstance instanceof ConfigurableCustomConverter) {
ConfigurableCustomConverter theConverter = (ConfigurableCustomConverter) converterInstance;
// Converter could be not configured for this particular case
if (fieldMap != null) {
String param = fieldMap.getCustomConverterParam();
// if this is a top level mapping the destObj is the highest level
// mapping...not a recursive mapping
if (topLevel) {
result = theConverter.convert(existingDestFieldValue, srcFieldValue, destFieldClass, srcFieldClass);
} else {
Object existingValue = getExistingValue(fieldMap, existingDestFieldValue, destFieldClass);
result = theConverter.convert(existingValue, srcFieldValue, destFieldClass, srcFieldClass);
} else {
// if this is a top level mapping the destObj is the highest level
// mapping...not a recursive mapping
if (topLevel) {
result = converterInstance.convert(existingDestFieldValue, srcFieldValue, destFieldClass, srcFieldClass);
} else {
Object existingValue = getExistingValue(fieldMap, existingDestFieldValue, destFieldClass);
result = converterInstance.convert(existingValue, srcFieldValue, destFieldClass, srcFieldClass);
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
statsMgr.increment(StatisticType.CUSTOM_CONVERTER_TIME, stop - start);
return result;
// TODO: possibly extract this to a separate class
private Object mapUsingCustomConverter(Class<?> customConverterClass, Class<?> srcFieldClass, Object srcFieldValue,
Class<?> destFieldClass, Object existingDestFieldValue, FieldMap fieldMap, boolean topLevel) {
CustomConverter converterInstance = null;
// search our injected customconverters for a match
if (customConverterObjects != null) {
for (CustomConverter customConverterObject : customConverterObjects) {
if (customConverterObject.getClass().isAssignableFrom(customConverterClass)) {
// we have a match
converterInstance = customConverterObject;
// if converter object instances were not injected, then create new instance
// of the converter for each conversion
// TODO : Should we really create it each time?
if (converterInstance == null) {
converterInstance = (CustomConverter) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(customConverterClass);
return mapUsingCustomConverterInstance(converterInstance, srcFieldClass, srcFieldValue, destFieldClass, existingDestFieldValue,
fieldMap, topLevel);
private Collection<ClassMap> checkForSuperTypeMapping(Class<?> srcClass, Class<?> destClass) {
// Check cache first
Object cacheKey = CacheKeyFactory.createKey(destClass, srcClass);
Collection<ClassMap> cachedResult = (Collection<ClassMap>) superTypeCache.get(cacheKey);
if (cachedResult != null) {
return cachedResult;
// If no existing cache entry is found, determine super type mappings.
// Recursively walk the inheritance hierarchy.
List<ClassMap> superClasses = new ArrayList<ClassMap>();
// Need to call getRealSuperclass because proxied data objects will not return correct
// superclass when using basic reflection
List<Class<?>> superSrcClasses = MappingUtils.getSuperClassesAndInterfaces(srcClass);
List<Class<?>> superDestClasses = MappingUtils.getSuperClassesAndInterfaces(destClass);
// add the actual classes to check for mappings between the original and the opposite
// super classes
superSrcClasses.add(0, srcClass);
superDestClasses.add(0, destClass);
for (Class<?> superSrcClass : superSrcClasses) {
for (Class<?> superDestClass : superDestClasses) {
if (!(superSrcClass.equals(srcClass) && superDestClass.equals(destClass))) {
checkForClassMapping(superSrcClass, superClasses, superDestClass);
Collections.reverse(superClasses); // Done so base classes are processed first
superTypeCache.put(cacheKey, superClasses);
return superClasses;
private void checkForClassMapping(Class<?> srcClass, List<ClassMap> superClasses, Class<?> superDestClass) {
ClassMap srcClassMap = classMappings.find(srcClass, superDestClass);
if (srcClassMap != null) {
private List<String> processSuperTypeMapping(Collection<ClassMap> superClasses, Object srcObj, Object destObj, String mapId) {
List<String> mappedFields = new ArrayList<String>();
for (ClassMap map : superClasses) {
map(map, srcObj, destObj, true, mapId);
for (FieldMap fieldMapping : map.getFieldMaps()) {
String key = MappingUtils.getMappedParentFieldKey(destObj, fieldMapping);
return mappedFields;
private static Object getExistingValue(FieldMap fieldMap, Object destObj, Class<?> destFieldType) {
// verify that the dest obj is not null
if (destObj == null) {
return null;
// call the getXX method to see if the field is already instantiated
Object result = fieldMap.getDestValue(destObj);
// When we are recursing through a list we need to make sure that we are not
// in the list
// by checking the destFieldType
if (result != null) {
if (CollectionUtils.isList(result.getClass()) || CollectionUtils.isArray(result.getClass())
|| CollectionUtils.isSet(result.getClass()) || MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(result.getClass())) {
if (!CollectionUtils.isList(destFieldType) && !CollectionUtils.isArray(destFieldType)
&& !CollectionUtils.isSet(destFieldType) && !MappingUtils.isSupportedMap(destFieldType)) {
// this means the getXX field is a List but we are actually trying to
// map one of its elements
result = null;
return result;
private ClassMap getClassMap(Class<?> srcClass, Class<?> destClass, String mapId) {
ClassMap mapping = classMappings.find(srcClass, destClass, mapId);
if (mapping == null) {
// If mapping not found in existing custom mapping collection, create
// default as an explicit mapping must not
// exist. The create default class map method will also add all default
// mappings that it can determine.
mapping = ClassMapBuilder.createDefaultClassMap(globalConfiguration, srcClass, destClass);
classMappings.addDefault(srcClass, destClass, mapping);
return mapping;