Examples of DocumentFactory

Examples of com.dotcms.repackage.org.dom4j.DocumentFactory

    throws SystemException {

    try {
      Map preferences = prefs.getPreferences();

      DocumentFactory docFactory = DocumentFactory.getInstance();

      Element portletPreferences =

      Iterator itr = preferences.entrySet().iterator();

      while (itr.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)itr.next();

        Preference preference = (Preference)entry.getValue();

        Element prefEl = docFactory.createElement("preference");

        Element nameEl = docFactory.createElement("name");


        String[] values = preference.getValues();

        for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
          Element valueEl = docFactory.createElement("value");


        if (preference.isReadOnly()) {
          Element valueEl = docFactory.createElement("read-only");

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Examples of com.google.code.mojo.license.document.DocumentFactory

            if (this.validHeaders == null) this.validHeaders = new String[0];
            final List<Header> validHeaders = new ArrayList<Header>(this.validHeaders.length);
            for (String validHeader : this.validHeaders)
                validHeaders.add(new Header(finder.findResource(validHeader), mergeProperties()));

            final DocumentFactory documentFactory = new DocumentFactory(basedir, buildMapping(), buildHeaderDefinitions(), encoding, keywords);

            int nThreads = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * concurrencyFactor);
            ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(nThreads);
            CompletionService completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService(executorService);
            int count = 0;
            debug("Number of execution threads: %s", nThreads);

            try {
                for (final String file : listSelectedFiles()) {
                    completionService.submit(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            Document document = documentFactory.createDocuments(file);
                            debug("Selected file: %s [header style: %s]", document.getFile(), document.getHeaderDefinition());
                            if (document.isNotSupported()) {
                                warn("Unknown file extension: %s", document.getFile());
                            } else if (document.is(h)) {
                                debug("Skipping header file: %s", document.getFile());
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Examples of it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentFactory

      final String tempDirName ) throws ConfigurationException, IOException {

    final boolean building = builder != null;
    final int numberOfIndexedFields = indexedField.length;
    if ( numberOfIndexedFields == 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You must specify at least one field" );
    final DocumentFactory factory = documentSequence.factory();
    final File tempDir = tempDirName == null ? null : new File( tempDirName );
    for ( int i = 0; i < indexedField.length; i++ )
      if ( factory.fieldType( indexedField[ i ] ) == DocumentFactory.FieldType.VIRTUAL && ( virtualDocumentResolver == null || virtualDocumentResolver[ i ] == null ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "No resolver was associated with virtual field " + factory.fieldName( indexedField[ i ] ) );

    final int[] map = mapFile != null ? BinIO.loadInts( mapFile ) : null;

    final Scan[] scan = new Scan[ numberOfIndexedFields ]; // To scan textual content
    final PayloadAccumulator[] accumulator = new PayloadAccumulator[ numberOfIndexedFields ]; // To accumulate
    // document data

    final ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger( LOGGER, logInterval, "documents" );
    if ( documentSequence instanceof DocumentCollection ) pl.expectedUpdates = ( (DocumentCollection)documentSequence ).size();
    for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfIndexedFields; i++ ) {
      final String fieldName = factory.fieldName( indexedField[ i ] );
      switch ( factory.fieldType( indexedField[ i ] ) ) {
      case TEXT:
        scan[ i ] = new Scan( basename + '-' + fieldName, fieldName, completeness, termProcessor, map != null ? IndexingType.REMAPPED
            : IndexingType.STANDARD, 0, 0, bufferSize, builder, tempDir );
      case VIRTUAL:
        scan[ i ] = new Scan( basename + '-' + fieldName, fieldName, completeness, termProcessor, IndexingType.VIRTUAL,
            virtualDocumentResolver[ i ].numberOfDocuments(), virtualGap[ i ], bufferSize, builder, tempDir );

      case DATE:
        accumulator[ i ] = new PayloadAccumulator( basename + '-' + fieldName, new DatePayload(), fieldName,
            map != null ? IndexingType.REMAPPED : IndexingType.STANDARD, documentsPerBatch, tempDir );
      case INT:
        accumulator[ i ] = new PayloadAccumulator( basename + '-' + fieldName, new IntegerPayload(), fieldName,
            map != null ? IndexingType.REMAPPED : IndexingType.STANDARD, documentsPerBatch, tempDir );


    if ( building ) builder.open( "@0" ); // First batch
    pl.displayFreeMemory = true;
    pl.start( "Indexing documents..." );

    DocumentIterator iterator = documentSequence.iterator();
    Reader reader;
    WordReader wordReader;
    ObjectList<VirtualDocumentFragment> fragments;
    Document document;

    int documentPointer = 0, documentsInBatch = 0;
    long batchStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    boolean outOfMemoryError = false;

    while ( ( document = iterator.nextDocument() ) != null ) {
      long overallTerms = 0;
      if ( building ) builder.startDocument( document.title(), document.uri() );
      for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfIndexedFields; i++ ) {
        switch ( factory.fieldType( indexedField[ i ] ) ) {
        case TEXT:
          reader = (Reader)document.content( indexedField[ i ] );
          wordReader = document.wordReader( indexedField[ i ] );
          wordReader.setReader( reader );
          if ( building ) builder.startTextField();
          scan[ i ].processDocument( map != null ? map[ documentPointer ] : documentPointer, wordReader );
          if ( building ) builder.endTextField();
          overallTerms += scan[ i ].numTerms;
        case VIRTUAL:
          fragments = (ObjectList<VirtualDocumentFragment>)document.content( indexedField[ i ] );
          wordReader = document.wordReader( indexedField[ i ] );
          virtualDocumentResolver[ i ].context( document );
          for( VirtualDocumentFragment fragment: fragments ) {
            int virtualDocumentPointer = virtualDocumentResolver[ i ].resolve( fragment.documentSpecifier() );
            if ( virtualDocumentPointer < 0 ) continue;
            if ( map != null ) virtualDocumentPointer = map[ virtualDocumentPointer ];
            wordReader.setReader( new FastBufferedReader( fragment.text() ) );
            scan[ i ].processDocument( virtualDocumentPointer, wordReader );
          if ( building ) builder.virtualField( fragments );
          overallTerms += scan[ i ].numTerms;
          Object o = document.content( indexedField[ i ] );
          accumulator[ i ].processData( map != null ? map[ documentPointer ] : documentPointer, o );
          if ( building ) builder.nonTextField( o );

        if ( scan[ i ] != null && scan[ i ].outOfMemoryError ) outOfMemoryError = true;
      if ( building ) builder.endDocument();

      // We try compaction if we detect less than PERC_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_CHECK memory available
      long percAvailableMemory = Util.percAvailableMemory();
      boolean compacted = false;
      if ( ! outOfMemoryError && percAvailableMemory < PERC_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_CHECK ) {
        LOGGER.info( "Starting compaction... (" + percAvailableMemory + "% available)" );
        compacted = true;
        percAvailableMemory = Util.percAvailableMemory();
        LOGGER.info( "Compaction completed (" + percAvailableMemory + "% available)" );
      if ( outOfMemoryError || overallTerms >= maxTerms || documentsInBatch == documentsPerBatch || ( compacted && percAvailableMemory < PERC_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_DUMP ) ) {
        if ( outOfMemoryError ) LOGGER.warn( "OutOfMemoryError during buffer reallocation: writing a batch of " + documentsInBatch + " documents" );
        else if ( overallTerms >= maxTerms ) LOGGER.warn( "Too many terms (" + overallTerms + "): writing a batch of " + documentsInBatch + " documents" );
        else if ( compacted && percAvailableMemory < PERC_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_DUMP ) LOGGER.warn( "Available memory below " + PERC_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_DUMP + "%: writing a batch of " + documentsInBatch + " documents" );

        long occurrences = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfIndexedFields; i++ ) {
          switch ( factory.fieldType( indexedField[ i ] ) ) {
          case TEXT:
          case VIRTUAL:
            occurrences += scan[ i ].dumpBatch();
            scan[ i ].openSizeBitStream();
            accumulator[ i ].writeData();
        if ( building ) {
          builder.open( "@" + scan[ 0 ].batch );

        LOGGER.info( "Last set of batches indexed at " + Util.format( ( 1000. * occurrences ) / ( System.currentTimeMillis() - batchStartTime ) ) + " occurrences/s" );
        batchStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        documentsInBatch = 0;
        outOfMemoryError = false;

    if ( builder != null ) builder.close();

    for ( int i = 0; i < numberOfIndexedFields; i++ ) {
      switch ( factory.fieldType( indexedField[ i ] ) ) {
      case TEXT:
      case VIRTUAL:
        scan[ i ].close();
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Examples of it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentFactory

    if ( sequenceName != null ) {
      return AbstractDocumentSequence.load( sequenceName );
    else {
      logger.debug( "Documents will be separated by the Unicode character " + delimiter );
      DocumentFactory factory = PropertyBasedDocumentFactory.getInstance( factoryClass, property );
      return new InputStreamDocumentSequence( System.in, delimiter, factory );
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Examples of it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentFactory

    if ( ( jsapResult.userSpecified( "builderClass" ) || jsapResult.userSpecified( "exact" ) ) && ! jsapResult.userSpecified( "buildCollection" ) )  throw new IllegalArgumentException( "To specify options about the collection building process, you must specify a basename first." );
    if ( jsapResult.userSpecified( "sequence" ) && jsapResult.userSpecified( "objectSequence" ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You cannot specify both a serialised and an parseable-object sequence" );
    final DocumentSequence documentSequence = jsapResult.userSpecified( "objectSequence" ) ? (DocumentSequence)jsapResult.getObject( "objectSequence" ) : Scan.getSequence( jsapResult.getString( "sequence" ), jsapResult.getClass( "factory" ), jsapResult.getStringArray( "property" ), jsapResult.getInt( "delimiter" ), LOGGER );

    final DocumentFactory factory = documentSequence.factory();
    final int[] indexedField = parseFieldNames( jsapResult.getStringArray( "indexedField" ), factory, jsapResult.getBoolean( "allFields" ) );
    final int batchSize = jsapResult.getInt( "batchSize" );
    final VirtualDocumentResolver[] virtualDocumentResolver = parseVirtualDocumentResolver( jsapResult.getStringArray( "virtualDocumentResolver" ), indexedField, factory );
    final int[] virtualDocumentGap = parseVirtualDocumentGap( jsapResult.getStringArray( "virtualDocumentGap" ), indexedField, factory );
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Examples of it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentFactory

    if ( request.getParameter( "doc" ) != null ) {
      DocumentCollection collection = (DocumentCollection)getServletContext().getAttribute( "collection" );
      response.setContentType( request.getParameter( "m" ) );
      response.setCharacterEncoding( "UTF-8" );
      final Document document = collection.document( Integer.parseInt( request.getParameter( "doc" ) ) );
      final DocumentFactory factory = collection.factory();
      final ObjectArrayList<String> fields = new ObjectArrayList<String>();
      final int numberOfFields = factory.numberOfFields();
      LOGGER.debug( "ParsingFactory declares " + numberOfFields + " fields"  );
      for( int field = 0; field < numberOfFields; field++ ) {
        if ( factory.fieldType( field ) != FieldType.TEXT ) fields.add( StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( document.content( field ).toString() ) );
        else fields.add( StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml( IOUtils.toString( (Reader)document.content( field ) ) ).replaceAll( "\n", "<br>\n" ) );
      context.put( "title", document.title() );
      context.put( "fields", fields );
      context.put( "factory", factory );
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Examples of it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentFactory

   * <p>If the provided document sequence can be iterated over several times, this method can be called several
   * times, too, rebuilding each time the index.
  public void run() throws ConfigurationException, SecurityException, IOException, URISyntaxException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException {

    final DocumentFactory factory = documentSequence.factory();
    if ( indexedFields.isEmpty() ) {
      // We index everything
      for( int i = 0; i < factory.numberOfFields(); i++ )
        if ( factory.fieldType( i ) != FieldType.VIRTUAL || virtualDocumentResolvers.containsKey( i ) ) indexedFields.add( i );
    final int[] indexedField = indexedFields.toIntArray();
    final String[] basenameField = new String[ indexedField.length ];
    for( int i = 0; i < indexedField.length; i++ ) basenameField[ i ] = basename + "-" + factory.fieldName( indexedField[ i ] );
    LOGGER.info( "Creating indices " + Arrays.toString( basenameField ) + "..." );

    // Create gap array
    final int[] virtualDocumentGap = new int[ indexedField.length ];
    for( int i = 0; i < indexedField.length; i++ ) virtualDocumentGap[ i ] = virtualDocumentGaps.get( i );
    // Create virtual document resolver array
    final VirtualDocumentResolver[] virtualDocumentResolver = new VirtualDocumentResolver[ indexedField.length ];
    for( int i: virtualDocumentResolvers.keySet() ) virtualDocumentResolver[ i ] = virtualDocumentResolvers.get( i );
    Scan.run( basename,
        standardWriterFlags.get( Component.POSITIONS ) != null ? Scan.Completeness.POSITIONS :
          standardWriterFlags.get( Component.COUNTS ) != null ? Scan.Completeness.COUNTS :

    if ( virtualDocumentResolver != null ) ObjectArrays.fill( virtualDocumentResolver, null ); // Let's keep the garbage collector happy
    final File batchDir = batchDirName == null ? null : new File( batchDirName );

    for ( int i = 0; i < indexedField.length; i++ ) {
      final int batches;
      if ( factory.fieldType( indexedField[ i ] ) == DocumentFactory.FieldType.VIRTUAL ) {
        batches = new Properties( basenameField[ i ] + DiskBasedIndex.PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getInt( Index.PropertyKeys.BATCHES );
        final String[] inputBasename = new String[ batches ];
        for( int j = 0; j < inputBasename.length; j++ ) inputBasename[ j ] = Scan.batchBasename( j, basenameField[ i ], batchDir );
        new Paste( basenameField[ i ], inputBasename, false, false, combineBufferSize, batchDir, pasteBufferSize, standardWriterFlags, interleaved, skips, quantum, height, skipBufferSize, logInterval ).run();
      else {
        final String[] inputBasename = new Properties( basenameField[ i ] + Scan.CLUSTER_PROPERTIES_EXTENSION ).getStringArray( IndexCluster.PropertyKeys.LOCALINDEX );
        batches = inputBasename.length;
        if ( factory.fieldType( indexedField[ i ] ) == DocumentFactory.FieldType.TEXT ) {
          if ( mapFile != null ) new Merge( basenameField[ i ], inputBasename, false, combineBufferSize, standardWriterFlags, interleaved, skips, quantum, height, skipBufferSize, logInterval ).run();
          else new Concatenate( basenameField[ i ], inputBasename, false, combineBufferSize, standardWriterFlags, interleaved, skips, quantum, height, skipBufferSize, logInterval ).run();
        else {
          if ( mapFile != null ) new Merge( basenameField[ i ], inputBasename, false, combineBufferSize, payloadWriterFlags, interleaved, skips, quantum, height, skipBufferSize, logInterval ).run();
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Examples of it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentFactory

    if ( ( jsapResult.userSpecified( "builderClass" ) || jsapResult.userSpecified( "exact" ) ) && ! jsapResult.userSpecified( "buildCollection" ) )  throw new IllegalArgumentException( "To specify options about the collection building process, you must specify a basename first." );
    if ( jsapResult.userSpecified( "sequence" ) && jsapResult.userSpecified( "objectSequence" ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You cannot specify both a serialised and an parseable-object sequence" );
    final DocumentSequence documentSequence = jsapResult.userSpecified( "objectSequence" ) ? (DocumentSequence)jsapResult.getObject( "objectSequence" ) : Scan.getSequence( jsapResult.getString( "sequence" ), jsapResult.getClass( "factory" ), jsapResult.getStringArray( "property" ), jsapResult.getInt( "delimiter" ), LOGGER );
    final DocumentFactory factory = documentSequence.factory();

    final int[] indexedField = Scan.parseFieldNames( jsapResult.getStringArray( "indexedField" ), factory, jsapResult.getBoolean( "allFields" ) );
    final VirtualDocumentResolver[] virtualDocumentResolver = Scan.parseVirtualDocumentResolver( jsapResult.getStringArray( "virtualDocumentResolver" ), indexedField, factory );
    final int[] virtualDocumentGap = Scan.parseVirtualDocumentGap( jsapResult.getStringArray( "virtualDocumentGap" ), indexedField, factory );
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Examples of it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentFactory

    JSAPResult jsapResult = jsap.parse( arg );
    if ( jsap.messagePrinted() ) return;
    DocumentSequence documentSequence = it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.tool.Scan.getSequence( jsapResult.getString( "sequence" ), jsapResult.getClass( "factory" ), jsapResult.getStringArray( "property" ), jsapResult.getInt( "delimiter" ), LOGGER );
    final DocumentFactory factory = documentSequence.factory();
    final boolean stem = jsapResult.getBoolean( "stem" );
    final boolean termLists = jsapResult.getBoolean( "termLists" );
    final int[] indexedField = it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.tool.Scan.parseFieldNames( jsapResult.getStringArray( "indexedField" ), factory, jsapResult.getBoolean( "allFields" )  );
    LOGGER.debug( "Parsed indexed field: " + IntArrayList.wrap( indexedField ) );
    final String basename = jsapResult.getString( "basename" );
    final String permutationFile = jsapResult.getString( "renumber" );

    final boolean isVirtual = jsapResult.getBoolean( "virtual" );

    int i, t = 0;

    final ProgressLogger pl = new ProgressLogger( LOGGER, jsapResult.getLong( "logInterval" ), "ints" );
    final Index[] index = stem ? new Index[ indexedField.length ] : new Index[ 1 ];
    final int numberOfTerms[] = new int[ indexedField.length ];
    final ObjectArrayList<MutableString>[] terms = new ObjectArrayList[ indexedField.length ];
    final IndexReader[] indexReader = new IndexReader[ index.length ];
    final InputBitStream[] frequencies = new InputBitStream[ index.length ];
    final int[][] count = new int[ index.length ][];
    final int[] permutation = permutationFile != null ? BinIO.loadInts( permutationFile ) : null;
    final int[][] occ = new int[ index.length ][];
    final int[][] wordInPos = new int[ index.length ][];
    final Int2IntMap[] termsInDoc = new Int2IntOpenHashMap[ index.length ];
    int totalTerms = 0;
    boolean allBitStreamIndices = true;
    for( i = 0; i < index.length; i++ ) {
      final String basenameField = basename + (stem ? "-" + factory.fieldName( indexedField[ i ] ) : "" );
      index[ i ] = Index.getInstance( basenameField );
      if ( ! ( index[ i ] instanceof BitStreamIndex ) ) allBitStreamIndices = false;
      if ( termLists ) {
        terms[ i ] = new ObjectArrayList<MutableString>( new FileLinesCollection( basenameField + DiskBasedIndex.TERMS_EXTENSION, "UTF-8" ).allLines() );
        numberOfTerms[ i ] = terms[ i ].size();
      else numberOfTerms[ i ] = index[ i ].numberOfTerms;
      totalTerms += numberOfTerms[ i ];
      // This will be matched with the number of occurrences per document
      count[ i ] = new int[ index[ i ].numberOfDocuments ];

      occ[ i ] = index[ i ].maxCount > 0 ? new int[ index[ i ].maxCount ] : IntArrays.EMPTY_ARRAY;
      wordInPos[ i ] = new int[ Math.max( 0, index[ i ].properties.getInt( Index.PropertyKeys.MAXDOCSIZE ) ) ];
      indexReader[ i ] = index[ i ].getReader();
      if ( new File( basenameField + DiskBasedIndex.FREQUENCIES_EXTENSION ).exists() ) frequencies[ i ] = new InputBitStream( basenameField + DiskBasedIndex.FREQUENCIES_EXTENSION );
      termsInDoc[ i ] = new Int2IntOpenHashMap();

    int currDoc = 0,
    // Term position in the current document.
    pos = 0, f = 0, p;

    pl.itemsName = "lists";
    pl.expectedUpdates = totalTerms;
    int indexFrequency = -1;
    // Sequential scan
    if ( !jsapResult.getBoolean( "noSeq" ) ) {
      try {
        for ( i = 0; i < index.length; i++ ) {
          int numberOfPostings = 0;
          pl.expectedUpdates = numberOfTerms[ i ];
          pl.start( "Verifying sequentially index " + index[ i ] + "..." );

          if ( allBitStreamIndices ) {
            for ( t = 0; t < numberOfTerms[ i ]; t++ ) {
              IndexIterator indexIterator = indexReader[ i ].nextIterator();
              indexFrequency = indexIterator.frequency();
              numberOfPostings += indexFrequency;
              if ( frequencies[ i ] != null && indexFrequency != ( f = frequencies[ i ].readGamma() ) ) {
                System.err.println( "Error in frequency for term " + t + ": expected " + f + " documents, found " + indexFrequency );

              while ( indexFrequency-- != 0 ) {
                p = indexIterator.nextDocument();
                if (index[i].hasCounts) count[i][p] += indexIterator.count();
                if (index[i].hasPositions) indexIterator.positionArray(); // Just to force reading in high-performance indices
              if ( indexIterator.nextDocument() != -1 ) throw new AssertionError( "nextDocument() is not -1 after exhaustive iteration" );
            // Check document sizes
            if ( ! isVirtual && ( (BitStreamIndex) index[ i ] ).sizes != null && index[ i ].hasCounts )
              for ( p = 0; p < index[ i ].numberOfDocuments; p++ )
                if ( index[ i ].sizes.getInt( p ) != count[ i ][ p ] )
                  System.err.println( "Document " + p + " has size " + ( (BitStreamIndex) index[ i ] ).sizes.getInt( p ) + " but " + count[ i ][ p ] + " occurrences have been stored." );
          else { // Non-bitstream indices
            for (t = 0; t < numberOfTerms[ i ]; t++) {
              IndexIterator indexIterator = termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t );
              indexFrequency = indexIterator.frequency();
              numberOfPostings += indexFrequency;
              if (frequencies[i] != null && indexFrequency != (f = frequencies[i].readGamma())) {
                System.err.println("Error in frequency for term " + t
                    + ": expected " + f + " documents, found "
                    + indexFrequency);
              int prevp = -1;
              while (indexFrequency-- != 0) {
                p = indexIterator.nextDocument();
                if ( prevp >= p ) throw new AssertionError( "previous pointer: " + prevp + "; current pointer: " + p );
                prevp = p;
                if (index[i].hasCounts) count[i][p] += indexIterator.count();
          if ( ! isVirtual && numberOfPostings != index[ i ].numberOfPostings ) System.err.println( "Index declares " + index[ i ].numberOfPostings + " postings, but we found " + numberOfPostings );
          long numberOfOccurrences = 0;
          if ( index[ i ].hasCounts ) {
            for ( p = 0; p < index[ i ].numberOfDocuments; p++ ) numberOfOccurrences += count[ i ][ p ];
            if ( numberOfOccurrences != index[ i ].numberOfOccurrences ) System.err.println( "Index declares " + index[ i ].numberOfOccurrences + " occurrences, but we found " + numberOfOccurrences );
      } catch ( Exception e ) {
        System.err.println( "Exception while scanning sequentially term " + t + " of index " + index[ i ] );
        System.err.println( "Term frequency was " + f + " and position " + ( f - indexFrequency - 1 ) );
        throw e;
    IntArrayList l = new IntArrayList();
    ObjectArrayList<int[]> positions = new ObjectArrayList<int[]>();
    if ( ! jsapResult.getBoolean( "noSkip" ) ) {
      int start = 0, end = 0, result;
      try {
        for (i = 0; i < index.length; i++) {
          pl.expectedUpdates = numberOfTerms[ i ];
          pl.start("Verifying all skips in " + index[i] + "...");

          for (t = 0; t < numberOfTerms[ i ]; t++) {
            IndexIterator documents = termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t );
            int d;
            while( ( d = documents.nextDocument() ) != -1 ) {
              l.add( d );
              if ( index[ i ].hasPositions ) positions.add( ArrayUtils.subarray( documents.positionArray(), 0, documents.count() ) );
            for( start = 0; start < l.size(); start++ ) {
              for( end = start + 1; end < l.size(); end++ ) {
                IndexIterator indexIterator = termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t );
                result = indexIterator.skipTo( l.getInt( start ) );
                if ( indexIterator.document() != l.getInt( start ) || result != l.getInt( start ) ) throw new AssertionError( "Trying to skip to document " + l.getInt( start ) + " (term " + t + ") moved to " + indexIterator.document() + "(skipTo() returned " + result + ")" );
                result = indexIterator.skipTo( l.getInt( end ) );
                if ( indexIterator.document() != l.getInt( end ) || result != l.getInt( end ) ) throw new AssertionError( "Trying to skip to document " + l.getInt( end ) + " (term " + t + ") after a skip to " + start + " moved to " + indexIterator.document() + "(skipTo() returned " + result + ")" );
                if ( index[ i ].hasPositions ) {
                  // This catches wrong state reconstruction after skips.
                  indexIterator = termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t );
                  indexIterator.skipTo( l.getInt( start ) );
                  if ( indexIterator.document() != l.getInt( start ) ) throw new AssertionError(indexIterator.document() + " != " + l.getInt( start ) );
                  if ( indexIterator.count() != positions.get( start ).length ) throw new AssertionError(indexIterator.count() + " != " + positions.get( start ).length );
                  if ( ! Arrays.equals( positions.get( start ), ArrayUtils.subarray( indexIterator.positionArray(), 0, indexIterator.count() ) )
                     ) throw new AssertionError(Arrays.toString( positions.get( start ) ) + "!=" + Arrays.toString( ArrayUtils.subarray( indexIterator.positionArray(), 0, indexIterator.count() ) ) );
                  indexIterator.skipTo( l.getInt( end ) );
                  if ( indexIterator.document() != l.getInt( end )  ) throw new AssertionError(indexIterator.document() + " != " + l.getInt( end ) );
                  if ( indexIterator.count() != positions.get( end ).length ) throw new AssertionError(indexIterator.count() + " != " + positions.get( end ).length );
                  if ( ! Arrays.equals( positions.get( end ), ArrayUtils.subarray( indexIterator.positionArray(), 0, indexIterator.count() ) )
                     ) throw new AssertionError(Arrays.toString( positions.get( end ) ) + "!=" + Arrays.toString( ArrayUtils.subarray( indexIterator.positionArray(), 0, indexIterator.count() ) ) );
              IndexIterator indexIterator = termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t );
              result = indexIterator.skipTo( l.getInt( start ) );
              if ( indexIterator.document() != l.getInt( start ) || result != l.getInt( start ) ) throw new AssertionError("Trying to skip to document " + l.getInt( start ) + " (term " + t + ") moved to " + indexIterator.document() + "(skipTo() returned " + result + ")" );
              result = indexIterator.skipTo( Integer.MAX_VALUE );
              if ( indexIterator.hasNext() || result != Integer.MAX_VALUE ) throw new AssertionError("Trying to skip beyond end of list (term " + t + ") after a skip to " + start + " returned " + result + " (hasNext()=" + indexIterator.hasNext() + ")" );
      catch( Throwable e  ) {
        System.err.println( "Exception during all-skip test (index=" + index[ i ] + ", term=" + t + ", start=" + start + ", end=" + end + ")" );
        throw e;

    if ( ! jsapResult.getBoolean( "noComp" ) ) {
      IndexReader additionalReader;
      IntLinkedOpenHashSet s0 = new IntLinkedOpenHashSet();
      IntOpenHashSet s1 = new IntOpenHashSet();
      IntAVLTreeSet s2 = new IntAVLTreeSet();
      IntIterator it;
      IndexIterator indexIterator, additionalIterator;
      it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.search.DocumentIterator documentIterator;
      int u = 0;
      try {
        for (i = 0; i < index.length; i++) {
          pl.expectedUpdates = numberOfTerms[ i ];
          pl.start("Verifying composite iterators in " + index[i] + "...");
          additionalReader = index[ i ].getReader();
          for (t = 0; t < numberOfTerms[ i ]; t++) {
            for (u = 0; u < numberOfTerms[ i ]; u++) {
              // TODO: in case we have positions, we should check them, too
              IntIterators.pour( termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t ), s0 );
              IntIterators.pour( termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( u ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( u ), s1 );
              s0.retainAll( s1 );
              indexIterator =  termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t );
              additionalIterator = termLists ? additionalReader.documents( terms[ i ].get( u ) ) : additionalReader.documents( u );
              it = s0.iterator();
              documentIterator = AndDocumentIterator.getInstance( indexIterator, additionalIterator );
              for( int j = s0.size(); j-- != 0; ) if ( it.nextInt() != documentIterator.nextDocument() ) throw new AssertionError();
              if ( documentIterator.hasNext() ) throw new AssertionError();

              IntIterators.pour( termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t ), s2 );
              IntIterators.pour( termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( u ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( u ), s2 );

              indexIterator =  termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t );
              additionalIterator = termLists ? additionalReader.documents( terms[ i ].get( u ) ) : additionalReader.documents( u );

              it = s2.iterator();
              documentIterator = OrDocumentIterator.getInstance( indexIterator, additionalIterator );
              for( int j = s2.size(); j-- != 0; ) if ( it.nextInt() != documentIterator.nextDocument() ) throw new AssertionError();
              if ( documentIterator.hasNext() ) throw new AssertionError();
      catch( Throwable e  ) {
        System.err.println( "Exception during composite iterator test (index=" + index[ i ] + ", first term=" + t + ", second term =" + u + ")" );
        throw e;
    if ( ! isVirtual && jsapResult.getBoolean( "random" ) ) {
      // Random access scan
      pl.expectedUpdates = index[ 0 ].numberOfDocuments;
      pl.itemsName = "documents";
      pl.start( "Verifying random access..." );

      if ( allBitStreamIndices ) {
        it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentIterator documentIterator = documentSequence.iterator();
        Document document;
        Reader reader;
        WordReader wordReader;
        final MutableString word = new MutableString(), nonWord = new MutableString();
        int docCounter = 0;
        while( ( document = documentIterator.nextDocument() ) != null ) {
          currDoc = permutation != null ? permutation[ docCounter ] : docCounter;

          for( i = 0; i < index.length; i++ ) {
            Object content = document.content( stem || index[ i ].field == null ? indexedField[ i ] : factory.fieldIndex( index[ i ].field ) );
            if ( index[ i ].hasPayloads ) {
              // TODO: write tests for the other case
              if ( allBitStreamIndices ) {
                IndexIterator indexIterator = indexReader[ i ].documents( 0 );
                int pointer = indexIterator.skipTo( currDoc );
                if ( pointer == currDoc ) {
                  Payload payload = indexIterator.payload();
                  if ( ! payload.get().equals( content ) ) LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " has payload " + content + " but the index says " + payload )
                else LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " does not appear in the inverted list of term " + t );
              else {
                IndexIterator indexIterator = indexReader[ i ].documents);
                if ( indexIterator.skipTo( currDoc ) == currDoc ) {
                  if ( ! indexIterator.payload().get().equals( content ) )
                    LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " has payload " + content + " but the index says " + indexIterator.payload().get() );
                else LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " does not appear in the inverted list of term " + t );
            else {
              // text index
              pos = 0;
              termsInDoc[ i ].clear();
              reader = (Reader)content;
              wordReader = document.wordReader( stem || index[ i ].field == null ? indexedField[ i ] : factory.fieldIndex( index[ i ].field ) );
              wordReader.setReader( reader );
              while( wordReader.next( word, nonWord ) ) {
                if ( word.length() == 0 || index[ i ].termProcessor != null && ! index[ i ].termProcessor.processTerm( word ) ) continue;
                if ( ( t = (int)( (BitStreamIndex)index[ i ] ).termMap.getLong( word ) ) == -1 ) LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Could not find term " + word + " in term index" );
                else {
                  if ( index[ i ].hasCounts ) termsInDoc[ i ].put( t, termsInDoc[ i ].get( t ) + 1 );
                  if ( index[ i ].hasPositions ) wordInPos[ i ][ pos++ ] = t;

              if ( allBitStreamIndices ) {
                for( IntIterator x = termsInDoc[ i ].keySet().iterator(); x.hasNext(); ) {
                  t = x.nextInt();

                  IndexIterator indexIterator = indexReader[ i ].documents( t );

                  int pointer = indexIterator.skipTo( currDoc );
                  if ( pointer == currDoc ) {
                    if ( index[ i ].hasCounts ) {
                      int c = indexIterator.count();
                      if ( termsInDoc[ i ].get( t ) !=  c )
                        LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": The count for term " + t + " in document " + currDoc + " is " + c + " instead of " + termsInDoc[ i ].get( t ) );
                      else {
                        if ( index[ i ].hasPositions ) {
                          indexIterator.positions( occ[ i ] );

                          for( int j = 0; j < c; j++ )
                            if ( wordInPos[ i ][ occ[ i ][ j ] ] != t
                              LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": The occurrence of index " + i + " of term " + t + " (position " + occ[ i ] +") in document " + currDoc + " is occupied instead by term " + wordInPos[ i ][ occ[ i ][ j ] ] );
                  else LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " does not appear in the inverted list of term " + t + "(skipTo returned " + pointer + ")" );
              else {
                for( IntIterator x = termsInDoc[ i ].keySet().iterator(); x.hasNext(); ) {
                  t = x.nextInt();
                  IndexIterator indexIterator = termLists ? indexReader[ i ].documents( terms[ i ].get( t ) ) : indexReader[ i ].documents( t );

                  if ( indexIterator.skipTo( currDoc ) == currDoc ) {
                    if ( index[ i ].hasCounts ) {
                      int c = indexIterator.count();
                      if ( termsInDoc[ i ].get( t ) !=  c )
                        LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": The count for term " + t + " in document " + currDoc + " is " + c + " instead of " + termsInDoc[ i ].get( t ) );
                      else {
                        if ( index[ i ].hasPositions ) {
                          indexIterator.positions( occ[ i ] );

                          for( int j = 0; j < c; j++ )
                            if ( wordInPos[ i ][ occ[ i ][ j ] ] != t
                              LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": The occurrence of index " + i + " of term " + t + " (position " + occ[ i ] +") in document " + currDoc + " is occupied instead by term " + wordInPos[ i ][ occ[ i ][ j ] ] );
                  else LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " does not appear in the inverted list of term " + t );
      else {
        LOGGER.warn( "Random access tests require very slow single-term scanning as not all indices are disk based" );

        it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentIterator documentIterator = documentSequence.iterator();
        Document document;
        Reader reader;
        WordReader wordReader;
        final MutableString word = new MutableString(), nonWord = new MutableString();
        int docCounter = 0;
        while( ( document = documentIterator.nextDocument() ) != null ) {
          currDoc = permutation != null ? permutation[ docCounter ] : docCounter;

          for( i = 0; i < index.length; i++ ) {
            Object content = document.content( stem || index[ i ].field == null ? indexedField[ i ] : factory.fieldIndex( index[ i ].field ) );
            if ( index[ i ].hasPayloads ) {
              if ( allBitStreamIndices ) {
                IndexIterator indexIterator = indexReader[ i ].documents( 0 );
                int pointer = indexIterator.skipTo( currDoc );
                if ( pointer == currDoc ) {
                  Payload payload = indexIterator.payload();
                  if ( ! payload.get().equals( content ) ) LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " has payload " + content + " but the index says " + payload )
                else LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " does not appear in the inverted list of term " + t );
              else {
                IndexIterator indexIterator = indexReader[ i ].documents( "#" );
                if ( indexIterator.skipTo( currDoc ) == currDoc ) {
                  if ( ! indexIterator.payload().get().equals( content ) )
                    LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " has payload " + content + " but the index says " + indexIterator.payload().get() );
                else LOGGER.error( index[ i ] + ": Document " + currDoc + " does not appear in the inverted list of term " + t );
            else {
              pos = 0;
              reader = (Reader)content;
              wordReader = document.wordReader( stem || index[ i ].field == null ? indexedField[ i ] : factory.fieldIndex( index[ i ].field ) );
              wordReader.setReader( reader );
              while( wordReader.next( word, nonWord ) ) {
                if ( word.length() == 0 || index[ i ].termProcessor != null && ! index[ i ].termProcessor.processTerm( word ) ) continue;
                IndexIterator indexIterator = indexReader[ i ].documents( word );
                if ( currDoc != indexIterator.skipTo( currDoc ) )
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Examples of it.unimi.dsi.mg4j.document.DocumentFactory

   * @param index a list of indices that have indexed one or more fields of <code>sequence</code>.
  public void checkAgainstContent( DocumentSequence sequence, int[] map, VirtualDocumentResolver resolver, int gap, Index... index ) throws IOException {
    DocumentIterator iterator = sequence.iterator();
    DocumentFactory factory = sequence.factory();
    Document document;
    final int n = index.length;
    final int[] field = new int[ n ];
    final int[][] currMaxPos = new int[ n ][];
    final int[] maxDoc = new int[ n ];
    IntArrays.fill( maxDoc, -1 );
    final Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<MutableString, ObjectArrayList<int[]>>[] termMap = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap[ n ];
    final IntArrayList[] payloadPointers = new IntArrayList[ n ];
    final ObjectArrayList<Object>[] payloadContent = new ObjectArrayList[ n ];

    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
      field[ i ] = factory.fieldIndex( index[ i ].field );
      switch ( factory.fieldType( field[ i ] ) ) {
      case VIRTUAL:
        currMaxPos[ i ] = new int[ resolver.numberOfDocuments() ];
      case TEXT:
        termMap[ i ] = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<MutableString, ObjectArrayList<int[]>>();
      case DATE:
      case INT:
        payloadPointers[ i ] = new IntArrayList();
        payloadContent[ i ] = new ObjectArrayList<Object>();

    int documentIndex = 0;

    while ( ( document = iterator.nextDocument() ) != null ) {
      for ( int i = 0; i < field.length; i++ ) {
        switch ( factory.fieldType( field[ i ] ) ) {
        case TEXT:
          processDocument( document.wordReader( field[ i ] ).setReader( (Reader)document.content( field[ i ] ) ), map == null ? documentIndex : map[ documentIndex ], 0, termMap[ i ],
              index[ i ].termProcessor );
        case VIRTUAL:
          ObjectArrayList<VirtualDocumentFragment> fragments = (ObjectArrayList<VirtualDocumentFragment>)document.content( field[ i ] );
          resolver.context( document );
          for ( VirtualDocumentFragment fragment : fragments ) {
            int d = resolver.resolve( fragment.documentSpecifier() );

            if ( d != -1 ) {
              if ( map != null ) d = map[ d ];
              if ( maxDoc[ i ] < d ) maxDoc[ i ] = d;
              currMaxPos[ i ][ d ] = processDocument( document.wordReader( field[ i ] ).setReader( new FastBufferedReader( fragment.text() ) ), d, currMaxPos[ i ][ d ], termMap[ i ],
                  index[ i ].termProcessor )
                  + gap;
        case INT:
        case DATE:
          Object x = document.content( field[ i ] );
          if ( x != null ) {
            payloadPointers[ i ].add( map == null ? documentIndex : map[ documentIndex ] );
            payloadContent[ i ].add( x );


    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
      if ( termMap[ i ] != null ) for ( ObjectArrayList<int[]> list : termMap[ i ].values() ) {
        // We sort in all cases, just to reduce the possible execution paths
        Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<int[]>() {
          public int compare( int[] p0, int[] p1 ) {
            return p0[ 0 ] - p1[ 0 ];
        } );

        switch ( factory.fieldType( field[ i ] ) ) {
        case VIRTUAL:
          // We coalesce the list
          ObjectArrayList<int[]> newList = new ObjectArrayList<int[]>();
          for ( int k = 0; k < list.size(); ) {
            int s;
            for ( s = k + 1; s < list.size(); s++ )
              if ( list.get( k )[ 0 ] != list.get( s )[ 0 ] ) break;
            int count = 0;
            for ( int t = k; t < s; t++ )
              count += list.get( t ).length - 1;
            int[] posting = new int[ count + 1 ];
            posting[ 0 ] = list.get( k )[ 0 ];
            count = 1;
            for ( int t = k; t < s; t++ ) {
              System.arraycopy( list.get( t ), 1, posting, count, list.get( t ).length - 1 );
              count += list.get( t ).length - 1;
            k = s;
            newList.add( posting );
          list.addAll( newList );
      if ( payloadPointers[ i ] != null ) {
        final int p[] = payloadPointers[ i ].elements();
        final Object[] b = payloadContent[ i ].elements();
        Arrays.quickSort( 0, payloadPointers[ i ].size(), new AbstractIntComparator() {
          public int compare( int i0, int i1 ) {
            return p[ i0 ] - p[ i1 ];
        }, new Swapper() {
          public void swap( int i0, int i1 ) {
            final int t = p[ i0 ];
            p[ i0 ] = p[ i1 ];
            p[ i1 ] = t;
            final Object o = b[ i0 ];
            b[ i0 ] = b[ i1 ];
            b[ i1 ] = o;
        } );

    for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
      assertEquals( index[ i ].toString(), factory.fieldType( field[ i ] ) == FieldType.VIRTUAL ? maxDoc[ i ] + 1 : documentIndex, index[ i ].numberOfDocuments );
      switch ( factory.fieldType( field[ i ] ) ) {
      case TEXT:
      case VIRTUAL:
        assertEquals( termMap[ i ].size(), index[ i ].numberOfTerms );
        int postings = 0,
        occurrences = 0;
        for ( ObjectArrayList<int[]> l : termMap[ i ].values() ) {
          postings += l.size();
          for ( int[] p : l )
            occurrences += p.length - 1;
        assertEquals( index[ i ].toString(), postings, index[ i ].numberOfPostings );
        assertEquals( occurrences, index[ i ].numberOfOccurrences );
        IndexReader indexReader = index[ i ].getReader();
        for ( MutableString term : new ObjectRBTreeSet<MutableString>( termMap[ i ].keySet() ).toArray( new MutableString[ termMap[ i ].size() ] ) ) {
          String msg = index[ i ] + ":" + term;
          IndexIterator indexIterator = indexReader.documents( term );
          ObjectArrayList<int[]> list = termMap[ i ].get( term );
          int k = 0;
          while ( indexIterator.hasNext() ) {
            assertEquals( msg, list.get( k )[ 0 ], indexIterator.nextDocument() ); // Document
                                                // pointer
            if ( index[ i ].hasCounts ) assertEquals( msg, list.get( k ).length - 1, indexIterator.count() ); // Count
            if ( index[ i ].hasPositions ) {
              final int[] position = indexIterator.positionArray();
              for ( int p = 0; p < indexIterator.count(); p++ )
                assertEquals( msg, list.get( k )[ p + 1 ], position[ p ] ); // Positions
          assertEquals( k, list.size() ); // This implicitly checks the frequency
      case INT:
      case DATE:
        assertEquals( index[ i ].toString(), payloadPointers[ i ].size(), index[ i ].numberOfPostings );
        assertEquals( index[ i ].toString(), documentIndex != 0 ? 1 : 0, index[ i ].numberOfTerms );
        assertEquals( index[ i ].toString(), -1, index[ i ].numberOfOccurrences );
        if ( documentIndex != 0 ) {
          IndexIterator indexIterator = index[ i ].documents( 0 );
          int k = 0;
          while ( indexIterator.hasNext() ) {
            assertEquals( payloadPointers[ i ].getInt( k ), indexIterator.nextDocument() );
            if ( factory.fieldType( field[ i ] ) == FieldType.INT ) assertEquals( ( (Number)payloadContent[ i ].get( k ) ).longValue(), ( (Number)indexIterator.payload().get() )
                .longValue() );
            else assertEquals( payloadContent[ i ].get( k ), indexIterator.payload().get() );
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