Each document produced by the same factory has a number of fields, which represent units of information that should be indexed separately. The number of available fields may be recovered calling {@link #numberOfFields()}, their types calling {@link #fieldType(int)}, and their symbolic names using {@link #fieldName(int)}.
Factories contain the parsing and document-level breaking logic. For instance, a factory for HTML documents might extract the text into a title and a body, and expose them as {@link FieldType#TEXT} fields. Additionally, the last modificationdate might be exposed as a {@link FieldType#DATE} field, and so on.Warning: implementations of this class are not required to be thread-safe, but they provide {@link FlyweightPrototype flyweight copies}. The {@link #copy()} method is strengthened so to return a instance of this class.
objects using flexible parametrization (thread-safe). This implementation is thread-safe.
@see Builder
@author whoschek.AT.lbl.DOT.gov
@author $Author: hoschek3 $
@version $Revision: 1.19 $, $Date: 2005/12/05 06:53:05 $
is a collection of factory methods to allow easy custom building of DOM4J trees. The default tree that is built uses a doubly linked tree.
The tree built allows full XPath expressions from anywhere on the tree.
@author James Strachan