String type = at.getType().trim();
if (type.equals("Ldk/brics/string/annotation/Type;") && at.getNumElems() == 1) {
// XXX why are we trimming the regexp here?? Although rare, it is perfectly sane for a string-type
// to end with blanks. E.g @Type("Hello ") would become @Type("Hello").
String pattern = ((AnnotationStringElem)at.getElemAt(0)).getValue().trim();
Automaton a = (new RegExp(pattern)).toAutomaton(bindings);
automatonDescriptionMap.put(a, pattern);
return a;
if (type.equals("Ldk/brics/string/annotation/LoadType;") && at.getNumElems() == 1) {
String path = ((AnnotationStringElem)at.getElemAt(0)).getValue().trim();
Automaton a = loadAutomaton(path);
if (a != null) {
automatonDescriptionMap.put(a, "automaton '" + path + "'");
return a;
else {