package dk.brics.string.annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import soot.Body;
import soot.Hierarchy;
import soot.RefType;
import soot.Scene;
import soot.SootClass;
import soot.SootField;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.Unit;
import soot.Value;
import soot.ValueBox;
import soot.jimple.AbstractStmtSwitch;
import soot.jimple.AssignStmt;
import soot.jimple.IdentityStmt;
import soot.jimple.InvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.ParameterRef;
import soot.jimple.ReturnStmt;
import soot.jimple.Stmt;
import soot.jimple.internal.JInstanceFieldRef;
import soot.tagkit.AnnotationStringElem;
import soot.tagkit.AnnotationTag;
import soot.tagkit.VisibilityAnnotationTag;
import soot.tagkit.VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag;
import dk.brics.automaton.Automaton;
import dk.brics.automaton.RegExp;
import dk.brics.string.BindingAutomatonProvider;
public class AnnotationAnalyzer extends AbstractStmtSwitch implements StaticStringTypes {
//Maps an artifact like field, return or parameter to a declared @Type annotation
private Map<SootField,Automaton> fieldAutomatonMap = new HashMap<SootField,Automaton>();
/** The annotations placed directly at the return type */
private Map<SootMethod,Automaton> returnAutomatonMap = new HashMap<SootMethod,Automaton>();
/** The annotations placed or inherited at the return type */
private Map<SootMethod,Automaton> returnAutomatonMapFull = new HashMap<SootMethod,Automaton>();
/** The annotations placed directly on each parameter */
private Map<SootMethod,Map<Integer,Automaton>> parameterAutomatonMap = new HashMap<SootMethod,Map<Integer,Automaton>>();
/** The annotations placed or inherited at each parameter */
private Map<SootMethod,Map<Integer,Automaton>> parameterAutomatonMapFull = new HashMap<SootMethod,Map<Integer,Automaton>>();
private Set<ValueBox> hotspots = new HashSet<ValueBox>();
private Map<ValueBox,Automaton> boxAutomatonMap = new HashMap<ValueBox,Automaton>();
private Map<ValueBox,Stmt> boxStmtMap = new HashMap<ValueBox,Stmt>();
private Map<Automaton,String> automatonDescriptionMap = new HashMap<Automaton,String>();
private BindingAutomatonProvider bindings;
private SootMethod currentMethod;
private List<StaticTypeError> errors = new ArrayList<StaticTypeError>();
public AnnotationAnalyzer() {
this(new BindingAutomatonProvider());
public AnnotationAnalyzer(BindingAutomatonProvider bindings) {
this.bindings = bindings;
//Find @Type and @LoadType annotations and add to a map
Collection<SootClass> classes = Scene.v().getApplicationClasses();
Hierarchy h = Scene.v().getActiveHierarchy();
if (h == null)
h = new Hierarchy();
for (SootClass sootClass : classes) {
//Find fields containing the @Type annotation and add to map
Collection<SootField> fields = sootClass.getFields();
for (SootField field : fields) {
if (field.hasTag("VisibilityAnnotationTag")) {
VisibilityAnnotationTag vat = (VisibilityAnnotationTag)field.getTag("VisibilityAnnotationTag");
Automaton automaton = getAutomatonFromTag(vat);
if (automaton != null) {
fieldAutomatonMap.put(field, automaton);
//Remove all tags from field. JSA tags will be added later
//Find methods containing @Type or @LoadType annotation and add to map
Collection<SootMethod> methods = sootClass.getMethods();
for (SootMethod m : methods) {
//Find return annotation
if (isStringType(m.getReturnType())) {
VisibilityAnnotationTag vat = (VisibilityAnnotationTag)m.getTag("VisibilityAnnotationTag");
if (vat != null) {
Automaton automaton = getAutomatonFromTag(vat);
if (automaton != null) {
returnAutomatonMap.put(m, automaton);
//Find parameter annotations
int count = m.getParameterCount();
for (int i = 0; i<count; i++) {
if (isStringType(m.getParameterType(i))) {
VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag vpat = (VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag)m.getTag("VisibilityParameterAnnotationTag");
if (vpat != null) {
VisibilityAnnotationTag vat = vpat.getVisibilityAnnotations().get(i);
Automaton automaton = getAutomatonFromTag(vat);
if (automaton != null) {
Map<Integer,Automaton> pMap;
if (parameterAutomatonMap.containsKey(m)) {
pMap = parameterAutomatonMap.get(m);
else {
pMap = new HashMap<Integer,Automaton>();
parameterAutomatonMap.put(m, pMap);
pMap.put(i, automaton);
//Remove all tags from method. JSA tags will be added later
// apply inheritance relations to construct the 'full' maps
for (SootClass sootClass : classes) {
for (SootMethod m1 : sootClass.getMethods()) {
Automaton m1Returns = returnAutomatonMap.get(m1);
Map<Integer, Automaton> m1Parameters = parameterAutomatonMap.get(m1);
//if (m1Returns == null && m1Parameters == null)
// continue;
if (m1Parameters == null)
m1Parameters = Collections.emptyMap();
for (SootMethod m2 : (List<SootMethod>)h.resolveAbstractDispatch(sootClass, m1)) {
if (m1Returns != null) {
inheritReturnType(m1, m1Returns, m2);
//if (m1Parameters != null) {
if (!parameterAutomatonMapFull.containsKey(m2)) {
parameterAutomatonMapFull.put(m2, new HashMap<Integer,Automaton>());
for (int i=0; i<m1.getParameterCount(); i++) {
Automaton m1Parameter = m1Parameters.get(i);
if (m1Parameter == null) {
// ensure that the child's parameter has no annotation
Map<Integer,Automaton> m2Parameters = parameterAutomatonMap.get(m2);
if (m2Parameters != null && m2Parameters.containsKey(i)) {
errorSuperParameterNotAnnotated(m2, m1, i);
} else {
inheritParameterType(m1, m2, i, m1Parameter);
//Visit every statement to check if it is a hotspot
for (SootClass sootClass : classes) {
Collection<SootMethod> methods = sootClass.getMethods();
for (SootMethod method : methods) {
currentMethod = method;
if (method.hasActiveBody()) {
Body body = method.getActiveBody();
Collection<Unit> uc = body.getUnits();
for (Unit u : uc) {
if (u instanceof Stmt) {
Stmt stmt = (Stmt)u;
if (stmt.containsInvokeExpr()) {
private void inheritParameterType(SootMethod m1, SootMethod m2, int paramIndex, Automaton m1Parameter) {
Map<Integer,Automaton> m2Parameters = parameterAutomatonMap.get(m2);
Automaton m2Parameter = (m2Parameters == null) ? null : m2Parameters.get(paramIndex);
if (m2Parameter == null) {
Automaton m2ParameterFull = parameterAutomatonMapFull.get(m2).get(paramIndex);
if (m2ParameterFull == null) {
// if super method's parameter is not annotated, then any string must be accepted
// by the child method
parameterAutomatonMapFull.get(m2).put(paramIndex, Automaton.makeAnyString());
} else {
parameterAutomatonMapFull.get(m2).put(paramIndex, m1Parameter.union(m2ParameterFull));
} else {
if (!m1Parameter.subsetOf(m2Parameter)) {
errorParameterMoreRestrictive(m2, m1, paramIndex);
parameterAutomatonMapFull.get(m2).put(paramIndex, m2Parameter);
private void inheritReturnType(SootMethod m1, Automaton m1Returns, SootMethod m2) {
Automaton m2Returns = returnAutomatonMap.get(m2);
// if subtype has no annotation, inherit this one
if (m2Returns == null) {
Automaton m2full = returnAutomatonMapFull.get(m2);
if (m2full == null) {
returnAutomatonMapFull.put(m2, m1Returns);
} else {
// if inheriting for more than one place, intersect the languages
returnAutomatonMapFull.put(m2, m1Returns.intersection(m2full));
} else {
if (!m2Returns.subsetOf(m1Returns)) {
errorReturnTypeLessRestrictive(m2, m1);
returnAutomatonMapFull.put(m2, m2Returns);
private void errorReturnTypeLessRestrictive(SootMethod childMethod, SootMethod superMethod) {
errors.add(new StaticTypeError(
+ " has a less restrictive return type in "
+ childMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()
+ " than in the super class "
+ superMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()));
private void errorParameterMoreRestrictive(SootMethod childMethod, SootMethod superMethod, int paramIndex) {
errors.add(new StaticTypeError(
+ " has a more restrictive parameter type for parameter #" + (paramIndex+1) + " in " // 1-based index in readable messages
+ childMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()
+ " than in the super class "
+ superMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()));
private void errorSuperParameterNotAnnotated(SootMethod childMethod, SootMethod superMethod, int paramIndex) {
errors.add(new StaticTypeError(
+ " may not annotate parameter #" + (paramIndex+1) + " in "
+ childMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()
+ " because it is not annotated in super class "
+ superMethod.getDeclaringClass().getName()
public Set<ValueBox> getHotspots() {
return hotspots;
public Automaton getAutomaton(ValueBox box) {
return boxAutomatonMap.get(box);
public String getDescription(Automaton a) {
return automatonDescriptionMap.get(a);
public Stmt getStmt(ValueBox box) {
return boxStmtMap.get(box);
private boolean isStringType(soot.Type t) {
if (t instanceof RefType)
if (((RefType)t).getSootClass().getName().equals("java.lang.String"))
return true;
return false;
private Automaton getAutomatonFromTag(VisibilityAnnotationTag vat) {
Collection<AnnotationTag> annotations = vat.getAnnotations();
if (annotations != null) {
for (AnnotationTag at: annotations) {
String type = at.getType().trim();
if (type.equals("Ldk/brics/string/annotation/Type;") && at.getNumElems() == 1) {
// XXX why are we trimming the regexp here?? Although rare, it is perfectly sane for a string-type
// to end with blanks. E.g @Type("Hello ") would become @Type("Hello").
String pattern = ((AnnotationStringElem)at.getElemAt(0)).getValue().trim();
Automaton a = (new RegExp(pattern)).toAutomaton(bindings);
automatonDescriptionMap.put(a, pattern);
return a;
if (type.equals("Ldk/brics/string/annotation/LoadType;") && at.getNumElems() == 1) {
String path = ((AnnotationStringElem)at.getElemAt(0)).getValue().trim();
Automaton a = loadAutomaton(path);
if (a != null) {
automatonDescriptionMap.put(a, "automaton '" + path + "'");
return a;
else {
return null;
return null;
private Automaton loadAutomaton(String path) {
try {
//Try to load automaton
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(path));
Automaton a = (Automaton) in.readObject();
return a;
catch (Exception e) {
//Load failed.
String error = "Loading automaton '" + path + "' failed!";
return null;
private void createHotspot(Stmt stmt, ValueBox box, Automaton automaton) {
public void createHotspotsFromInvokeExpr(Stmt stmt) {
InvokeExpr expr = stmt.getInvokeExpr();
SootMethod target = expr.getMethod();
for (int i=0; i<expr.getArgCount(); i++) {
Value value = expr.getArg(i);
ValueBox box = expr.getArgBox(i);
if (isStringType(value.getType())) {
Map<Integer,Automaton> pMap = parameterAutomatonMap.get(target);
if (pMap != null && pMap.containsKey(i)) {
Automaton automaton = pMap.get(i);
createHotspot(stmt, box, automaton);
public void caseAssignStmt(AssignStmt stmt) {
Value lvalue = stmt.getLeftOp();
ValueBox rbox = stmt.getRightOpBox();
if (lvalue instanceof JInstanceFieldRef) {
JInstanceFieldRef ref = (JInstanceFieldRef)lvalue;
SootField field = ref.getField();
if (fieldAutomatonMap.containsKey(field)) {
Automaton automaton = fieldAutomatonMap.get(field);
createHotspot(stmt, rbox, automaton);
public void caseIdentityStmt(IdentityStmt stmt) {
Value rvalue = stmt.getRightOp();
ValueBox rbox = stmt.getRightOpBox();
if (rvalue instanceof ParameterRef) {
ParameterRef parameter = (ParameterRef)rvalue;
int index = parameter.getIndex();
Map<Integer,Automaton> pMap = parameterAutomatonMap.get(currentMethod);
if (pMap != null && pMap.containsKey(index)) {
Automaton automaton = pMap.get(index);
createHotspot(stmt, rbox, automaton);
public void caseReturnStmt(ReturnStmt stmt) {
if (returnAutomatonMap.containsKey(currentMethod)) {
ValueBox box = stmt.getOpBox();
Automaton automaton = returnAutomatonMap.get(currentMethod);
createHotspot(stmt, box, automaton);
public Automaton getFieldType(SootField field) {
return fieldAutomatonMap.get(field);
public Automaton getMethodReturnType(SootMethod method) {
return returnAutomatonMapFull.get(method);
public Automaton getParameterType(SootMethod method, int paramIndex) {
Map<Integer, Automaton> map = parameterAutomatonMapFull.get(method);
if (map != null) {
return map.get(paramIndex);
} else {
return null;
public List<StaticTypeError> getErrors() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(errors);