String sToken,sLine;
String[] aLine;
int iParenthesisNesting = 0;
File oInFile = null;
ColumnList oColumns = new ColumnList();
DBColumn oCurrentColumn = null;
ImportLoader oImplLoad=null;
if (null==sControlCmdLine) return 0;
if (sControlCmdLine.length()==0) return 0;
// *********************
// Tokenize command line
String[] aCmdLine = Gadgets.tokenizeCmdLine(sControlCmdLine);
final int nCmmds = aCmdLine.length;
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" parsing command line...");
// ******************************************
// Check that the main command is a valid one
if (aCmdLine[0].equalsIgnoreCase("APPEND") ||
aCmdLine[0].equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE") ||
aCmdLine[0].equalsIgnoreCase("APPENDUPDATE")) {
sCmd = aCmdLine[0];
sEntity = aCmdLine[1];
if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("CONTACTS")) {
oImplLoad = new ContactLoader();
iFlags |= ContactLoader.WRITE_CONTACTS|ContactLoader.WRITE_COMPANIES|ContactLoader.WRITE_ADDRESSES;
} else if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("COMPANIES")) {
oImplLoad = new CompanyLoader();
iFlags |= ContactLoader.WRITE_ADDRESSES;
} else if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("OPORTUNITIES") || sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("OPPORTUNITIES")) {
oImplLoad = new OportunityLoader();
iFlags = 0;
} else if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("USERS")) {
oImplLoad = new UserLoader();
} else if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("FELLOWS")) {
oImplLoad = new FellowLoader();
} else if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("PRODUCTS")) {
oImplLoad = new ProductLoader();
} else if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("DESPATCHS")) {
if (!sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPEND"))
oImplLoad = new DespatchAdviceLoader();
iFlags |= DespatchAdviceLoader.MODE_APPEND;
} else if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("VCARDS")) {
oImplLoad = new VCardLoader();
else {
if (isReservedWord(sEntity)) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("Expected CONTACTS,COMPANIES,PRODUCTS,USERS,FELLOWS,DESPATCHS,VCARDS or a table name but found reserved keyword "+sEntity); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("Expected CONTACTS,COMPANIES,PRODUCTS,USERS,FELLOWS,DESPATCHS,VCARDS or a table name but found reserved keyword "+sEntity);
} else {
oImplLoad = new TableLoader(sEntity);
} else if (aCmdLine[0].equalsIgnoreCase("EXPORT")) {
sCmd = aCmdLine[0];
sEntity = aCmdLine[1];
} else {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("Cannot recognize command " + aCmdLine[0]); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("Cannot recognize command " + aCmdLine[0]);
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPEND")) {
iFlags |= ImportLoader.MODE_APPEND;
} else if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE")) {
iFlags |= ImportLoader.MODE_UPDATE;
} else if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPENDUPDATE")) {
iFlags |= ImportLoader.MODE_APPENDUPDATE;
// ************************************************
// Iterate throught tokens and set status variables
for (int t=0; t<nCmmds; t++) {
sToken = aCmdLine[t];
// *******************************************
// Process tokens before a parenthesis is found
if (0==iParenthesisNesting) {
if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("CHARACTERSET") || sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("CHARSET")) {
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException("CHARACTERSET attribute lacks of value specification");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" CHARACTERSET="+sCharSet);
} // fi
if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("CONNECT")) {
if (t>nCmmds-6) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("CONNECT attribute lacks of value specification"); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("CONNECT attribute lacks of value specification");
} else {
if (!aCmdLine[t+2].equalsIgnoreCase("TO")) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("TO keyword expected but found " + aCmdLine[t+2]); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("TO keyword expected but found " + aCmdLine[t+2]);
if (!aCmdLine[t+4].equalsIgnoreCase("IDENTIFIED")) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("IDENTIFIED keyword expected but found " + aCmdLine[t+4]); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("IDENTIFIED keyword expected but found " + aCmdLine[t+4]);
if (!aCmdLine[t+5].equalsIgnoreCase("BY")) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("BY keyword expected but found " + aCmdLine[t+5]); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("BY keyword expected but found " + aCmdLine[t+5]);
sUser=aCmdLine[++t]; // t+1
t++; // skip TO
sConnectStr=aCmdLine[++t]; // t+3
t+=2; // skip IDENTIFIED BY
sPwd=aCmdLine[++t]; // t+6
} // fi
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" CONNECT="+sConnectStr);
} // fi
if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("SCHEMA")) {
if (t==nCmmds-1) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("SCHEMA attribute lacks of value specification"); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("SCHEMA attribute lacks of value specification");
} else {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" SCHEMA="+sSchema);
} // fi
if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("SKIP")) {
if (t==nCmmds-1) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("SKIP attribute lacks of value specification"); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("SKIP attribute lacks of value specification");
} else {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("SKIP attribute must be a positive integer value"); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("SKIP attribute must be a positive integer value");
if (iSkip<0) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("SKIP attribute must be a positive integer value"); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("SKIP attribute must be a positive integer value");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" SKIP="+String.valueOf(iSkip));
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("WORKAREA")) {
if (t==nCmmds-1) {
if (DebugFile.trace) { DebugFile.writeln("WORKAREA attribute lacks of value specification"); DebugFile.decIdent(); }
throw new ImportExportException("WORKAREA attribute lacks of value specification");
} else {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" WORKAREA="+sWorkArea);
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("CATEGORY")) {
if (!sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("PRODUCTS"))
throw new ImportExportException("CATEGORY attribute is only allowed for loading PRODUCTS, not "+sEntity);
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException("CATEGORY attribute lacks of value specification");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" CATEGORY="+sCategory);
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("WHERE")) {
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPEND") || sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE") || sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPENDUPDATE"))
throw new ImportExportException(sToken + "parameter cannot de used with " + sCmd + " command");
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException(sToken+" attribute lacks of value specification");
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("OUTPUTFILE") || sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("OUTFILE")) {
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPEND") || sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE") || sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPENDUPDATE"))
throw new ImportExportException(sToken + "parameter cannot de used with " + sCmd + " command");
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException(sToken+" attribute lacks of value specification");
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("INPUTFILE") || sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("INFILE")) {
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException(sToken+" attribute lacks of value specification");
else {
oInFile=new File(sInFile);
if (!oInFile.exists()) throw new ImportExportException("Input file not found " + sInFile);
if (oInFile.isDirectory()) throw new ImportExportException(sInFile+" must be a file but actually is a directory");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" INPUTFILE="+sInFile);
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("BADFILE")) {
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("EXPORT"))
throw new ImportExportException(sToken + "parameter cannot de used with " + sCmd + " command");
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException("BADFILE attribute lacks of value specification");
else {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" BADFILE="+sBadFile);
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("DISCARDFILE")) {
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("EXPORT"))
throw new ImportExportException(sToken + "parameter cannot de used with " + sCmd + " command");
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException("DISCARDFILE attribute lacks of value specification");
else {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" DISCARDFILE="+sDiscardFile);
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("INSERTLOOKUPS")) {
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("EXPORT"))
throw new ImportExportException(sToken + "parameter cannot de used with " + sCmd + " command");
iFlags |= ImportLoader.WRITE_LOOKUPS;
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" INSERTLOOKUPS set to true");
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("MAXERRORS")) {
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException("MAXERRORS attribute lacks of value specification");
else {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
throw new ImportExportException("MAXERRORS attribute must be a positive integer value");
if (iMaxErrors<0)
throw new ImportExportException("MAXERRORS attribute must be a positive integer value");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" MAXERRORS="+String.valueOf(iMaxErrors));
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("RECOVERABLE")) {
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("EXPORT"))
throw new ImportExportException(sToken + "parameter cannot de used with " + sCmd + " command");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" RECOVERABLE set to true");
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("UNRECOVERABLE")) {
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("EXPORT"))
throw new ImportExportException(sToken + "parameter cannot de used with " + sCmd + " command");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" RECOVERABLE set to false");
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("ROWDELIM") || sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("ROWDELIMITER")) {
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException("ROWDELIM attribute lacks of value specification");
else {
if (sRowDelim.equalsIgnoreCase("LF")) sRowDelim="\n";
if (sRowDelim.equalsIgnoreCase("CR")) sRowDelim="\r";
if (sRowDelim.equalsIgnoreCase("CRLF")) sRowDelim="\r\n";
iRowDelimLen = sRowDelim.length();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" ROWDELIM="+sRowDelim);
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("COLDELIM") || sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("COLDELIMITER") ||
sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("COLUMNDELIM") || sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("COLUMNDELIMITER")) {
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException("COLDELIM attribute lacks of value specification");
else {
if (sColDelim.equalsIgnoreCase("TAB")) sColDelim="\t";
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" COLDELIM="+sColDelim);
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("PRESERVESPACE")) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" PRESERVESPACE set to true");
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("ALLCAPS")) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" ALLCAPS set to true");
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("WITHOUT")) {
if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("CONTACTS")){
if (t>nCmmds-3)
throw new ImportExportException("Reached end of statement before completing WITHOUT clause");
else {
if (!aCmdLine[++t].equalsIgnoreCase("DUPLICATED"))
throw new ImportExportException("Expected DUPLICATED keyword but found "+aCmdLine[t]);
else {
if (!aCmdLine[t].equalsIgnoreCase("NAMES") && !aCmdLine[t].equalsIgnoreCase("EMAILS"))
throw new ImportExportException("Expected NAMES or EMAILS keyword but found "+aCmdLine[t]);
else {
if (aCmdLine[t].equalsIgnoreCase("NAMES"))
iFlags |= ContactLoader.NO_DUPLICATED_NAMES;
else if (aCmdLine[t].equalsIgnoreCase("EMAILS"))
iFlags |= ContactLoader.NO_DUPLICATED_MAILS;
} else {
throw new ImportExportException("WITHOUT clause is only allowed for CONTACTS not for "+sEntity);
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("LIST")) {
if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("CONTACTS")) {
iFlags |= ContactLoader.ADD_TO_LIST;
} else if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("COMPANIES")) {
iFlags |= CompanyLoader.ADD_TO_LIST;
} else {
throw new ImportExportException("Only CONTACTS or COMPANIES may be added to a LIST");
} // fi
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("(")) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("open parenthesis, count is "+String.valueOf(iParenthesisNesting));
oCurrentColumn = new DBColumn();
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase(")")) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("open parenthesis, count is "+String.valueOf(iParenthesisNesting));
} else {
// *******************************************
// Process tokens after a parenthesis is found
// These are the column names and types definition
if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase("(")) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" open parenthesis, count is "+String.valueOf(iParenthesisNesting));
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase(")")) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" close parenthesis, count is "+String.valueOf(iParenthesisNesting));
else if (sToken.equalsIgnoreCase(",")) {
// after each comma, add a new column
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" added column "+oCurrentColumn.getName()+" "+oCurrentColumn.getSqlTypeName());
oCurrentColumn = new DBColumn();
else {
int iSQType = DBColumn.getSQLType(sToken);
if (iSQType!=Types.NULL) {
if (iSQType==Types.DATE || iSQType==Types.TIMESTAMP) {
if (t==nCmmds-1)
throw new ImportExportException((iSQType==Types.DATE ? "DATE" : "TIMESTAMP")+" format is required");
else {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new ImportExportException("Invalid date format "+sToken, iae);
} else {
} else {
} // fi (iSQType!=Types.NULL)
} // fi (1==iParenthesisNesting)
} // next
final int iColFmtsCount = oColumns.size();
DBColumn oColFmt;
if (DebugFile.trace) {
StringBuffer oColumnsFmts = new StringBuffer();
for (c=0; c<iColFmtsCount; c++) {
oColFmt = oColumns.getColumn(c);
oColumnsFmts.append(oColFmt.getName()+" "+oColFmt.getSqlTypeName());
if (oColFmt.getDateFormat()!=null) oColumnsFmts.append(" "+oColFmt.getDateFormat().toPattern());
oColumnsFmts.append(c<iColFmtsCount-1 ? "," : "}");
} // next
DebugFile.writeln(" Column definitions {"+oColumnsFmts.toString());
} // fi (DebugFile.trace)
// *************************************************************
// Perform some basic verifications on command line completeness
if (0!=iParenthesisNesting)
throw new ImportExportException("Unterminated parenthesis (");
if ((sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPEND") || sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE") || sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPENDUPDATE")) && null==sInFile)
throw new ImportExportException("INFILE is required");
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("EXPORT") && null==sOutFile)
throw new ImportExportException("OUTFILE is required");
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("EXPORT") && null==sWhere)
throw new ImportExportException("WHERE clause is required");
if (null==sConnectStr)
throw new ImportExportException("ConnectionString is required");
// *********************************************
// Load JDBC drivers for all supported databases
Class jdbcdriver;
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Class.forName(");
jdbcdriver = Class.forName("");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Class not found"); }
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Class.forName(org.postgresql.Driver)");
jdbcdriver = Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Class not found org.postgresql.Driver"); }
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Class.forName(oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver)");
jdbcdriver = Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Class not found oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); }
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Class.forName(");
jdbcdriver = Class.forName("");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Class not found"); }
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Class.forName(com.mysql.jdbc.Driver)");
jdbcdriver = Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ignore) { if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Class not found com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); }
// ***********************
// Connect to the database
Connection oConn = null;
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" DriverManager.getConnection("+sConnectStr+","+sUser+")");
oConn = DriverManager.getConnection(sConnectStr, sUser, sPwd);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
throw new ImportExportException(sqle.getMessage(), sqle);
// **************************
// Check that WorkArea exists
if (null!=sWorkArea) {
boolean bSignalWorkAreaException = false;
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Connection.prepareStatement(SELECT gu_workarea FROM k_workareas WHERE gu_workarea='"+Gadgets.left(sWorkArea, 32)+"' OR nm_workarea='"+Gadgets.left(sWorkArea, 50)+"'");
PreparedStatement oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("SELECT gu_workarea FROM k_workareas WHERE gu_workarea=? OR nm_workarea=?",ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
oStmt.setString(1, Gadgets.left(sWorkArea, 32));
oStmt.setString(2, Gadgets.left(sWorkArea, 50));
ResultSet oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();
if (
sWorkArea = oRSet.getString(1);
bSignalWorkAreaException = true;
if (bSignalWorkAreaException) {
throw new ImportExportException("WorkArea " + sWorkArea + " not found");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
try {oConn.close();} catch (SQLException ignore) {}
throw new ImportExportException("SQLException " + sqle.getMessage());
} // fi
// **************************
// Check that Category exists
if (null!=sCategory) {
boolean bSignalCategoryException = false;
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Connection.prepareStatement(SELECT gu_workarea FROM k_categories WHERE gu_category='"+Gadgets.left(sCategory, 32)+"' OR nm_category='"+Gadgets.left(sCategory, 100)+"'");
PreparedStatement oStmt = oConn.prepareStatement("SELECT gu_category FROM k_categories WHERE gu_category=? OR nm_category=?",ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
oStmt.setString(1, Gadgets.left(sCategory, 32));
oStmt.setString(2, Gadgets.left(sCategory, 100));
ResultSet oRSet = oStmt.executeQuery();
if (
sCategory = oRSet.getString(1);
bSignalCategoryException = true;
if (bSignalCategoryException) {
throw new ImportExportException("Category " + sCategory + " not found");
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
try {oConn.close();} catch (SQLException ignore) {}
throw new ImportExportException("SQLException " + sqle.getMessage());
} // fi
// Get List GUID or create a new one
if (sDeList!=null) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Retrieving GUID for list "+sDeList);
if (sWorkArea==null)
throw new ImportExportException("WORKAREA parameter is required when specifying a target LIST");
short iTpList = 0;
PreparedStatement oList = null;
ResultSet oRist = null;
try {
oList = oConn.prepareStatement("SELECT "+DB.gu_list+","+DB.tp_list+" FROM "+DB.k_lists+" WHERE "+DB.gu_workarea+"=? AND ("+DB.gu_list+"=? OR "+DB.de_list+"=?)",ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
oList.setString(1, sWorkArea);
oList.setString(2, sDeList);
oList.setString(3, sDeList);
oRist = oList.executeQuery();
if ( {
sGuList = oRist.getString(1);
iTpList = oRist.getShort(2);
if (sGuList==null) {
sGuList = Gadgets.generateUUID();
oList = oConn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO "+DB.k_lists+"("+DB.gu_list+","+DB.tp_list+","+DB.gu_workarea+","+DB.de_list+","+DB.tx_subject+") VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)");
oList.setString(1, sGuList);
oList.setShort (2, DistributionList.TYPE_STATIC);
oList.setString(3, sWorkArea);
oList.setString(4, sDeList);
oList.setString(5, sDeList);
} else if (iTpList!=DistributionList.TYPE_STATIC && iTpList!=DistributionList.TYPE_DIRECT)
throw new ImportExportException(sEntity+" can only be loaded at STATIC or DIRECT lists");
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" gu_list="+sGuList);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
if (oRist!=null) { try { oRist.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) {} }
if (oList!=null) { try { oList.close(); } catch (SQLException ignore) {} }
} // fi (sDeList)
// ***************
// File handlers
// Data input file
FileOutputStream oOutStrm = null;
FileInputStream oInStrm = null;
BufferedInputStream oInBuff;
BufferedOutputStream oOutBuff;
// File with a description of all errors
FileWriter oBadWrtr = null;
// File with just the rows that failed to be inserted
FileWriter oDiscardWrtr = null;
// Intermediate buffer for SQL composition
StringBuffer oSQL = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer oRow = new StringBuffer();
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Begin inserting data...");
// ********************
// Open data input file
if (sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPEND") || sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("UPDATE") || sCmd.equalsIgnoreCase("APPENDUPDATE")) {
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln(" new FileInputStream("+sInFile+")");
DebugFile.writeln(" input file length is "+String.valueOf(oInFile.length())+" bytes");
oInStrm = new FileInputStream(oInFile);
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
try { oConn.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
throw new ImportExportException("File not found opening stream "+sInFile, fnfe);
// Java direct I/O performance sucks so use an intermediate buffer
oInBuff = new BufferedInputStream(oInStrm);
// **********************************
// Open bad and discard file writters
if (sBadFile!=null) {
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" new FileWriter("+sBadFile+")");
oBadWrtr = new FileWriter(sBadFile, false);
catch (FileNotFoundException neverthrown) {}
catch (IOException ioe) {
try { oInBuff.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oInStrm.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oConn.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
throw new ImportExportException("IOException "+ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
if (sDiscardFile!=null) {
try {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" new FileWriter("+sDiscardFile+")");
oDiscardWrtr = new FileWriter(sDiscardFile, false);
catch (FileNotFoundException neverthrown) {}
catch (IOException ioe) {
try { oBadWrtr.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oInBuff.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oInStrm.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oConn.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
throw new ImportExportException("IOException "+ioe.getMessage(), ioe);
// *****************************************************************
// If RECOVERABLE mode is enabled then set AutoCommit OFF else switch
// AutoCommit ON and commit each row just after insertion
try {
oImplLoad.prepare(oConn, oColumns);
if (bRecoverable)
} catch (Exception xcpt) {
try { oBadWrtr.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oInBuff.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oInStrm.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oImplLoad.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oConn.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
throw new ImportExportException(xcpt.getClass().getName()+" "+xcpt.getMessage(), xcpt);
if (sEntity.equalsIgnoreCase("VCARDS")) {
try {
VCardParser oPrsr = new VCardParser();
oPrsr.parse(oInBuff, sCharSet);
VCardLoader oVCrdLoad = (VCardLoader) oImplLoad;
for (HashMap<String,String> oVCard : oPrsr.vcards()) {
try {, sWorkArea, iFlags);
} catch (Exception xcpt) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" "+xcpt.getClass().getName()+": at line "+String.valueOf(iLine)+" "+xcpt.getMessage());
if (bRecoverable) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" Connection.rollback()");
try { oConn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException ignore) {}
} // fi (bRecoverable)
if (oBadWrtr!=null) {
oBadWrtr.write(xcpt.getClass().getName()+": at card "+oVCard.get("N")+" "+xcpt.getMessage()+"\r\n");
} // fi
if (oDiscardWrtr!=null) {
} // fi
} // catch
} // next
if (oInBuff!=null) { oInBuff.close(); }
if (oInStrm!=null) { oInStrm.close(); }
if (oBadWrtr!=null) { oBadWrtr.close(); oBadWrtr=null; }
if (oDiscardWrtr!=null) { oDiscardWrtr.close(); oDiscardWrtr=null; }
if (bRecoverable) {
if (0==iErrorCount)
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Connection.close()");
} catch (Exception xcpt) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln(" "+xcpt.getClass().getName()+" "+xcpt.getMessage());
try { if (null!=oDiscardWrtr) oDiscardWrtr.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { if (null!=oBadWrtr) oBadWrtr.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { if (null!=oInBuff) oInBuff.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { if (null!=oInStrm) oInStrm.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oImplLoad.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { if (bRecoverable) oConn.rollback(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
try { oConn.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) {}
throw new ImportExportException(xcpt.getClass().getName() + " " + xcpt.getMessage());
} else {
// *******************************************************
// Check that all column names on input file are valid
// and resolve column names to positions for faster access
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.writeln("Resolving column names to positions...");
for (c=0; c<iColFmtsCount; c++) {
DBColumn oClmn = oColumns.getColumn(c);
if (oClmn.getSqlType()!=Types.NULL) {
int cIndex = oImplLoad.getColumnIndex(oClmn.getName());
if (-1==cIndex) {
throw new ImportExportException("SQLException column "+oClmn.getName()+" not found at base table");
} else {
} // next (c)
// ******************************************