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"This product includes software parts from hipergate
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package com.knowgate.hipergate;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.lang.StringBuffer;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import dom.DOMDocument;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import com.knowgate.jdc.JDCConnection;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBSubset;
import com.knowgate.debug.DebugFile;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DB;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBTable;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBColumn;
import com.knowgate.dataobjs.DBPersist;
import com.knowgate.http.Cookies;
import com.knowgate.crm.DistributionList;
* <p>Query By Form XML parser and SQL composer.</p>
* @author Sergio Montoro Ten
* @version 3.0
public class QueryByForm extends DBPersist {
private DBTable oBaseTable;
String sAlias;
DOMDocument oXMLDoc;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Create an empty query by parsing an XML definition file.</p>
* Input file must be encoded as ISO-8859-1
* @param sQBFURI URI for query specification XML file (ej. file:///opt/storage/qbf/duties.xml)
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
public QueryByForm(String sQBFURI)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, Exception {
super(DB.k_queries, "QueryByForm");
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Create an empty query by parsing an XML definition file.</p>
* Input file must be encoded as ISO-8859-1
* @param sQBFURI URI for query specification XML file (ej. file:///opt/storage/qbf/duties.xml)
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @since 3.0
public QueryByForm(String sQBFURI, String sEncoding)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException,
UnsupportedEncodingException, Exception {
super(DB.k_queries, "QueryByForm");
parseURI(sQBFURI, sEncoding);
* <p>Load a query from k_queries table.</p>
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param sBaseTable Query base table or view <baseobject> tag from XML query specification.
* @param sTableAlias A base table alias for SQL fields
* @param sQueryGUID Query GUID at k_queries table
* @throws SQLException
public QueryByForm(JDCConnection oConn, String sBaseTable, String sTableAlias, String sQueryGUID) throws SQLException {
super(DB.k_queries, "QueryByForm");
oBaseTable = new DBTable(oConn.getCatalog(), "dbo", sBaseTable, 1);
oBaseTable.readColumns(oConn, oConn.getMetaData());
sAlias = sTableAlias;
Object aQry[] = { sQueryGUID };
load(oConn, aQry);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Parse query XML specification file.</p>
* @param sURI URI for query specification XML file
* @param sEncoding Character encoding used by XML input file
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
* @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
* @since 3.0
public void parseURI(String sURI, String sEncoding)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, Exception {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin QueryByForm.parseURI(" + sURI + "," + sEncoding + ")");
oXMLDoc = new DOMDocument();
try {
oXMLDoc.parseURI(sURI, sEncoding);
catch (Exception xcpt) {
oXMLDoc = null;
throw new Exception(xcpt.getMessage(), xcpt.getCause());
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End QueryByForm.parseURI()");
} // parseURI()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Parse query XML specification file.</p>
* @param sURI URI for query specification XML file
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
* @throws IllegalAccessException
public void parseURI(String sURI)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, Exception {
parseURI(sURI, null);
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* @return DOMDocument object for parsed XML file.
public DOMDocument getDocument() {
return oXMLDoc;
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* @return <action> tag from XML query specification.
* If tag <action> is not found then <b>null</b> is returned.
public String getAction() {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin QueryByForm.getAction()");
String sAction;
// Obtener una referencia al nodo raiz del arbol DOM
Node oTopNode = oXMLDoc.getRootNode().getFirstChild();
if (oTopNode.getNodeName().equals("xml-stylesheet")) oTopNode = oTopNode.getNextSibling();
Element oAction = (Element) oXMLDoc.seekChildByName(oTopNode, "action");
if (null==oAction)
sAction = null;
sAction = oXMLDoc.getTextValue(oAction);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End QueryByForm.getAction() : " + (sAction!=null ? sAction : "null"));
return sAction;
} // getAction()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* @return <baseobject> node contents.<br>
* If tag <baseobject> is not found then <b>null</b> is returned.
public String getBaseObject() {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin QueryByForm.getBaseObject()");
String sBaseObj;
// Obtener una referencia al nodo raiz del arbol DOM
Node oTopNode = oXMLDoc.getRootNode().getFirstChild();
if (oTopNode.getNodeName().equals("xml-stylesheet")) oTopNode = oTopNode.getNextSibling();
Element oBaseObject = (Element) oXMLDoc.seekChildByName(oTopNode, "baseobject");
if (null==oBaseObject)
sBaseObj = null;
sBaseObj = oXMLDoc.getTextValue(oBaseObject);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End QueryByForm.getBaseObject() : " + (sBaseObj!=null ? sBaseObj : "null"));
return sBaseObj;
} // getBaseObject()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Get query base filter instantiated for given HttpServletRequest parameters.</p>
* <p>Base filters are neccesary for separating data belonging to an specific
* workarea for data belonging to other workareas.<br>
* Typically every query specification have a base filter.<br>
* The base filter may contain to types of wildcards ${cookie.<i>name</i>} and ${param.<i>name</i>}<br>
* When one of this wildcards in encountered at base filter specification it is substituded at runtime
* by the matching HttpServletRequest Cookie or Parameter value.</p>
* @param oReq HttpServletRequest containing Cookies and Parameters to be substituted at base filter.
* @return <basefilter> tag from XML query specification with
* ${cookie.<i>name</i>} and ${param.<i>name</i>} wildcards substituded by
* HttpServletRequest getCookies and getParameters values.
public String getBaseFilter(HttpServletRequest oReq) {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin QueryByForm.getBaseFilter([HttpServletRequest])");
// Obtener una referencia al nodo raiz del arbol DOM
Node oTopNode = oXMLDoc.getRootNode().getFirstChild();
if (oTopNode.getNodeName().equals("xml-stylesheet")) oTopNode = oTopNode.getNextSibling();
Element oBaseObject = (Element) oXMLDoc.seekChildByName(oTopNode, "basefilter");
String sFilter = oXMLDoc.getTextValue(oBaseObject);
int iLength = sFilter.length();
StringBuffer oFilter = new StringBuffer(iLength);
int iClose;
int iDot;
String sItem;
for (int c=0; c<iLength; c++) {
if (sFilter.charAt(c)=='$' && c<iLength-1) {
if (sFilter.charAt(c+1)=='{') {
iDot = sFilter.indexOf('.', c);
iClose = sFilter.indexOf('}', iDot);
sItem = sFilter.substring(iDot+1, iClose);
if (sFilter.substring(c+2,iDot).equals("cookie"))
oFilter.append(Cookies.getCookie(oReq, sItem, ""));
else if (sFilter.substring(c+2,iDot).equals("param"))
c = iClose;
} // fi(sFilter[c]=='{')
} // next (c)
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End QueryByForm.getBaseFilter() : " + oFilter.toString());
return oFilter.toString();
} // getBaseFilter()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* @return <method> tag from XML query specification.<br>
* If tag <method> is not found then <b>null</b> is returned.
* @throws NullPointerException if XML document was not previously set on the constructor or by calling parseURI()
public String getMethod() {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin QueryByForm.getMethod()");
if (null==oXMLDoc) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new NullPointerException("QueryByForm.getMethod() - XML document not set");
String sMethod;
// Obtener una referencia al nodo raiz del arbol DOM
Node oRootNode= oXMLDoc.getRootNode();
Node oTopNode = oRootNode.getFirstChild();
if (oTopNode.getNodeName().equals("xml-stylesheet")) oTopNode = oTopNode.getNextSibling();
Element oMethod = (Element) oXMLDoc.seekChildByName(oTopNode, "method");
if (null==oMethod)
sMethod = null;
sMethod = oXMLDoc.getTextValue(oMethod);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End QueryByForm.getMethod() : " + (sMethod!=null ? sMethod : "null"));
return sMethod;
} // getMethod()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* @return <title_<i>xx</i>> tag from XML query specification, where xx==sLanguage<br>
* If not title is found for given language then "Query" text is returned.
* @throws NullPointerException if XML document was not previously set on the constructor or by calling parseURI()
public String getTitle(String sLanguage)
throws NullPointerException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin QueryByForm.getTitle(" + sLanguage + ")");
if (null==oXMLDoc) {
if (DebugFile.trace) DebugFile.decIdent();
throw new NullPointerException("QueryByForm.getTitle() - XML document not set");
String sTitle;
// Obtener una referencia al nodo raiz del arbol DOM
Node oTopNode = oXMLDoc.getRootNode().getFirstChild();
if (oTopNode.getNodeName().equals("xml-stylesheet")) oTopNode = oTopNode.getNextSibling();
Element oTitleNode = (Element) oXMLDoc.seekChildByName(oTopNode, "title_" + sLanguage);
if (null!=oTitleNode)
sTitle = oXMLDoc.getTextValue(oTitleNode);
sTitle = "Query";
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End QueryByForm.getTitle() : " + sTitle);
return sTitle;
} // getTitle()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* @return Vector of org.w3c.dom.Element objects, one for each <field> tag
public Vector getFields() {
// Obtener una referencia al nodo raiz del arbol DOM
Node oTopNode = oXMLDoc.getRootNode().getFirstChild();
if (oTopNode.getNodeName().equals("xml-stylesheet")) oTopNode = oTopNode.getNextSibling();
Element oFieldsNode = (Element) oXMLDoc.seekChildByName(oTopNode, "fields");
if (null==oFieldsNode)
return new Vector();
return oXMLDoc.filterChildsByName(oFieldsNode, "field");
} // getFields()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* @return Vector of org.w3c.dom.Element objects, one for each <sortable> tag
* if <sortable> tag is not found an empty vector is returned and no exception
* is thrown.
public Vector getSortable() {
// Obtener una referencia al nodo raiz del arbol DOM
Node oTopNode = oXMLDoc.getRootNode().getFirstChild();
if (oTopNode.getNodeName().equals("xml-stylesheet")) oTopNode = oTopNode.getNextSibling();
Element oFieldsNode = (Element) oXMLDoc.seekChildByName(oTopNode, "sortable");
if (null==oFieldsNode)
return new Vector();
return oXMLDoc.filterChildsByName(oFieldsNode, "by");
} // getSortable()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* @return Vector of org.w3c.dom.Element objects, one for each <column> tag
* @throws NullPointerException If tag <columns> is not found
public Vector getColumns() throws NullPointerException {
// Obtener una referencia al nodo raiz del arbol DOM
Node oTopNode = oXMLDoc.getRootNode().getFirstChild();
if (oTopNode.getNodeName().equals("xml-stylesheet")) oTopNode = oTopNode.getNextSibling();
Element oFieldsNode = (Element) oXMLDoc.seekChildByName(oTopNode, "columns");
if (null==oFieldsNode)
throw new NullPointerException("Cannot find <columns> tag");
return oXMLDoc.filterChildsByName(oFieldsNode, "column");
} // getSortable()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Get SQL clause for a given field, comparison operator and value</p>
* <p>The SQL clause is composed taking into account the operator and the value type.<br>
* Base Object Alias is appended to each field name.<br>
* For strings single quotes are added (ej. alias.de_duty='Walkthrought').<br>
* Dates are escaped (ej. alias.dt_start>{d '2003-08-15'})</p>
* @param fld Field Name
* @param opr Comparison Operator, one of { =, <>, >, <, S, C, N, M }<br>
* Operators S, C, N and M are translated as follows:<br>
* S - alias.tx_job LIKE '%' + vle (field starts with)<br>
* C - alias.tx_job LIKE '%' + vle + '%' (field contains)<br>
* N - alias.tx_job IS NULL<br>
* M - alias.tx_job IS NOT NULL<br>
* @param vle Value for field
* @return SQL clause for a given field, comparison operator and value.
* @throws NullPointerException If field fld is not found at base table
private String getClause(String fld, String opr, String vle)
throws NullPointerException {
String ret;
short type;
DBColumn col;
col = oBaseTable.getColumnByName(fld.toLowerCase());
if (null==col)
throw new NullPointerException("Cannot find column " + fld + " on " + oBaseTable.getName());
type = col.getSqlType();
if (type==Types.VARCHAR || type==Types.CHAR || type==Types.LONGVARCHAR || type==Types.CLOB) {
if (opr.equals("S"))
ret = sAlias + "." + fld + " LIKE '" + vle + "%' ";
else if (opr.equals("C"))
ret = sAlias + "." + fld + " LIKE '%" + vle + "%' ";
else if (opr.equals("N"))
ret = sAlias + "." + fld + " IS NULL ";
else if (opr.equals("M"))
ret = sAlias + "." + fld + " IS NOT NULL ";
ret = sAlias + "." + fld + " " + opr + " '" + vle + "' ";
else if (type==Types.DATE || type==Types.TIMESTAMP) {
ret = sAlias + "." + fld + opr + "{ d '" + vle + "'}" + " ";
else {
ret = sAlias + "." + fld + opr + vle + " ";
return ret;
} // getClause()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Compose SQL WHERE clause by concatenating single clauses for each field</p>
* <p><basefilter> clause is not included in returned String.</p>
* @return getClause("field1",...) [+ getClause("field2", ...) + [+ getClause("field3", ...)]]
* @throws NullPointerException
public String composeSQL() throws NullPointerException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin QueryByForm.composeSQL()");
String fld, opr, val, cod, qry = "";
fld = getStringNull("nm_field1","");
opr = getStringNull("nm_operator1","");
val = getStringNull("tx_value1","");
cod = getStringNull("vl_code1","");
if (val.length()>0 || opr.equals("N") || opr.equals("M")) {
qry = getClause(fld, opr, cod.length() > 0 ? cod : val);
if (!isNull("tx_condition1")) {
qry += " " + getString("tx_condition1") + " ";
fld = getStringNull("nm_field2","");
opr = getStringNull("nm_operator2","");
val = getStringNull("tx_value2","");
cod = getStringNull("vl_code2","");
if (val.length()>0 || opr.equals("N") || opr.equals("M")) {
qry += getClause(fld, opr, cod.length() > 0 ? cod : val);
if (!isNull("tx_condition2")) {
qry += " " + getString("tx_condition2") + " ";
fld = getStringNull("nm_field3", "");
opr = getStringNull("nm_operator3", "");
val = getStringNull("tx_value3", "");
cod = getStringNull("vl_code3", "");
qry += getClause(fld, opr, cod.length() > 0 ? cod : val);
} // fi (isNull("tx_condition2"))
} // fi (val!="" || opr=="N" || opr=="M")
} // fi (isNull("tx_condition1"))
} // // fi (val!="" || opr=="N" || opr=="M")
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End QueryByForm.composeSQL() : " + qry);
return qry;
} // composeQuery()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Execute query and print ResultSet to an OutputStream.</p>
* <p>Rows are directly fetched from database and printed to OutputStream one by one.</p>
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param sColumnList Columns to SELECT
* @param sFilter Full SQL filter clause, including <>
* @param oOutStrm OutputStream for printing results.
* @param sShowAs Output Type<br>
* <table>
* <tr><td>TSV</td><td>Tab separated values</td><td>Columns are delimited by tabs and rows are delimited by line feeds</td></tr>
* <tr><td>XLS</td><td>Excel Default</td><td>Columns are delimited by ';' and rows are delimited by line feeds</td></tr>
* <tr><td>CSV</td><td>Comma separated values</td><td>Columns are delimited by ',' and rows are delimited by line feeds, text is qualified with double quoutes.</td></tr>
* </table>
* @throws SQLException
public void queryToStream(Connection oConn, String sColumnList, String sFilter, OutputStream oOutStrm, String sShowAs) throws SQLException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin QueryByForm.queryToStream([Connection]," + sColumnList + "," + sFilter + ", [OutputStream], " + sShowAs + ")");
DBSubset oDBSS = new DBSubset(getBaseObject(), sColumnList, sFilter, 100);
if (sShowAs.equalsIgnoreCase("TSV")) {
else if (sShowAs.equalsIgnoreCase("XLS")) {
else {
oDBSS.print(oConn, oOutStrm);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End QueryByForm.queryToStream()");
} // queryToStream()
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* <p>Delete QBF instance from database</p>
* Dynamic Lists using this QBF will be deleted on cascade
* @param oConn Database Connection
* @param sQBFGUID GUID of QBF instance to be deleted.
* @throws SQLException
public static boolean delete(JDCConnection oConn, String sQBFGUID) throws SQLException {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("Begin QueryByForm.delete([Connection]," + sQBFGUID + ")");
DBSubset oLists = new DBSubset(DB.k_lists, DB.gu_list, DB.gu_query+"=?", 10);
int iLists = oLists.load(oConn, new Object[]{sQBFGUID});
for (int l=0; l<iLists; l++) {
DistributionList.delete(oConn, oLists.getString(0,l));
} // next
DBPersist oDBP = new DBPersist(DB.k_queries, "QueryByForm");
oDBP.put(DB.gu_query, sQBFGUID);
boolean bRetVal = oDBP.delete(oConn);
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("End QueryByForm.delete() : " + String.valueOf(bRetVal));
return bRetVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------