boolean isMessageIdAdded = false;
// wsa:ReplyTo
// add if it doesn't already exist and OneWayFeature requests a specific ReplyTo
if (headers.get(av.replyToTag, false) == null) {
WSEndpointReference replyToEpr = oneWayFeature.getReplyTo();
if (replyToEpr != null) {
// add wsa:MessageID only for non-null ReplyTo
if (packet.getMessage().getHeaders().get(av.messageIDTag, false) == null) {
// if header doesn't exist, method getID creates a new random id
String newID = oneWayFeature.getMessageId() == null ? Message.generateMessageID() : oneWayFeature.getMessageId();
headers.add(new StringHeader(av.messageIDTag, newID));
isMessageIdAdded = true;
// If the user sets a messageId, use it.
final String messageId = oneWayFeature.getMessageId();
if (!isMessageIdAdded && messageId != null) {
headers.add(new StringHeader(av.messageIDTag, messageId));
// wsa:FaultTo
// add if it doesn't already exist and OneWayFeature requests a specific FaultTo
if (headers.get(av.faultToTag, false) == null) {
WSEndpointReference faultToEpr = oneWayFeature.getFaultTo();
if (faultToEpr != null) {
// add wsa:MessageID only for non-null FaultTo
if (headers.get(av.messageIDTag, false) == null) {
headers.add(new StringHeader(av.messageIDTag, Message.generateMessageID()));