
Examples of

        if (responsePacket.getMessage() == null)

        MessageHeaders hl = responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders();

        WsaPropertyBag wpb = getSatellite(WsaPropertyBag.class);
        Message msg = getMessage();
        // wsa:To
        WSEndpointReference replyTo = null;
        Header replyToFromRequestMsg = AddressingUtils.getFirstHeader(msg.getHeaders(), av.replyToTag, true, sv);
        Header replyToFromResponseMsg = hl.get(av.toTag, false);
        boolean replaceToTag = true;
            if (replyToFromRequestMsg != null){
                replyTo = replyToFromRequestMsg.readAsEPR(av);
            if (replyToFromResponseMsg != null && replyTo == null) {
                replaceToTag = false;
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.REPLY_TO_CANNOT_PARSE(), e);
        if (replyTo == null) {
            replyTo = AddressingUtils.getReplyTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);

        // wsa:Action, add if the message doesn't already contain it,
        // generally true for SEI case where there is SEIModel or WSDLModel
        //           false for Provider with no wsdl, Expects User to set the coresponding header on the Message.
        if (AddressingUtils.getAction(responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) == null) {
            //wsa:Action header is not set in the message, so use the wsa:Action  passed as the parameter.
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.actionTag, action, sv, mustUnderstand));

        // wsa:MessageID
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders().get(av.messageIDTag, false) == null) {
            // if header doesn't exist, method getID creates a new random id
            String newID = Message.generateMessageID();
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.messageIDTag, newID));

        // wsa:RelatesTo
        String mid = null;
        if (wpb != null) {
            mid = wpb.getMessageID();
        if (mid == null) {
            mid = AddressingUtils.getMessageID(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
        if (mid != null) {
            hl.addOrReplace(new RelatesToHeader(av.relatesToTag, mid));

        // populate reference parameters
        WSEndpointReference refpEPR = null;
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().isFault()) {
            // choose FaultTo
            if (wpb != null) {
                refpEPR = wpb.getFaultToFromRequest();
            if (refpEPR == null) {
                refpEPR = AddressingUtils.getFaultTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
            // if FaultTo is null, then use ReplyTo
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        if (responsePacket.getMessage() == null)

        MessageHeaders hl = responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders();

        WsaPropertyBag wpb = getSatellite(WsaPropertyBag.class);
        Message msg = getMessage();
        // wsa:To
        WSEndpointReference replyTo = null;
        Header replyToFromRequestMsg = AddressingUtils.getFirstHeader(msg.getHeaders(), av.replyToTag, true, sv);
        Header replyToFromResponseMsg = hl.get(av.toTag, false);
        boolean replaceToTag = true;
            if (replyToFromRequestMsg != null){
                replyTo = replyToFromRequestMsg.readAsEPR(av);
            if (replyToFromResponseMsg != null && replyTo == null) {
                replaceToTag = false;
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.REPLY_TO_CANNOT_PARSE(), e);
        if (replyTo == null) {
            replyTo = AddressingUtils.getReplyTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);

        // wsa:Action, add if the message doesn't already contain it,
        // generally true for SEI case where there is SEIModel or WSDLModel
        //           false for Provider with no wsdl, Expects User to set the coresponding header on the Message.
        if (AddressingUtils.getAction(responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) == null) {
            //wsa:Action header is not set in the message, so use the wsa:Action  passed as the parameter.
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.actionTag, action, sv, mustUnderstand));

        // wsa:MessageID
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders().get(av.messageIDTag, false) == null) {
            // if header doesn't exist, method getID creates a new random id
            String newID = Message.generateMessageID();
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.messageIDTag, newID));

        // wsa:RelatesTo
        String mid = null;
        if (wpb != null) {
            mid = wpb.getMessageID();
        if (mid == null) {
            mid = AddressingUtils.getMessageID(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
        if (mid != null) {
            hl.addOrReplace(new RelatesToHeader(av.relatesToTag, mid));

        // populate reference parameters
        WSEndpointReference refpEPR = null;
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().isFault()) {
            // choose FaultTo
            if (wpb != null) {
                refpEPR = wpb.getFaultToFromRequest();
            if (refpEPR == null) {
                refpEPR = AddressingUtils.getFaultTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
            // if FaultTo is null, then use ReplyTo
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        if (responsePacket.getMessage() == null)

        MessageHeaders hl = responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders();

        WsaPropertyBag wpb = getSatellite(WsaPropertyBag.class);
        Message msg = getMessage();
        // wsa:To
        WSEndpointReference replyTo = null;
        Header replyToFromRequestMsg = AddressingUtils.getFirstHeader(msg.getHeaders(), av.replyToTag, true, sv);
        Header replyToFromResponseMsg = hl.get(av.toTag, false);
        boolean replaceToTag = true;
            if (replyToFromRequestMsg != null){
                replyTo = replyToFromRequestMsg.readAsEPR(av);
            if (replyToFromResponseMsg != null && replyTo == null) {
                replaceToTag = false;
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.REPLY_TO_CANNOT_PARSE(), e);
        if (replyTo == null) {
            replyTo = AddressingUtils.getReplyTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);

        // wsa:Action, add if the message doesn't already contain it,
        // generally true for SEI case where there is SEIModel or WSDLModel
        //           false for Provider with no wsdl, Expects User to set the coresponding header on the Message.
        if (AddressingUtils.getAction(responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) == null) {
            //wsa:Action header is not set in the message, so use the wsa:Action  passed as the parameter.
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.actionTag, action, sv, mustUnderstand));

        // wsa:MessageID
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders().get(av.messageIDTag, false) == null) {
            // if header doesn't exist, method getID creates a new random id
            String newID = Message.generateMessageID();
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.messageIDTag, newID));

        // wsa:RelatesTo
        String mid = null;
        if (wpb != null) {
            mid = wpb.getMessageID();
        if (mid == null) {
            mid = AddressingUtils.getMessageID(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
        if (mid != null) {
            hl.addOrReplace(new RelatesToHeader(av.relatesToTag, mid));

        // populate reference parameters
        WSEndpointReference refpEPR = null;
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().isFault()) {
            // choose FaultTo
            if (wpb != null) {
                refpEPR = wpb.getFaultToFromRequest();
            if (refpEPR == null) {
                refpEPR = AddressingUtils.getFaultTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
            // if FaultTo is null, then use ReplyTo
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        if (responsePacket.getMessage() == null)

        MessageHeaders hl = responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders();

        WsaPropertyBag wpb = getSatellite(WsaPropertyBag.class);
        Message msg = getMessage();
        // wsa:To
        WSEndpointReference replyTo = null;
        Header replyToFromRequestMsg = AddressingUtils.getFirstHeader(msg.getHeaders(), av.replyToTag, true, sv);
        Header replyToFromResponseMsg = hl.get(av.toTag, false);
        boolean replaceToTag = true;
            if (replyToFromRequestMsg != null){
                replyTo = replyToFromRequestMsg.readAsEPR(av);
            if (replyToFromResponseMsg != null && replyTo == null) {
                replaceToTag = false;
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.REPLY_TO_CANNOT_PARSE(), e);
        if (replyTo == null) {
            replyTo = AddressingUtils.getReplyTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);

        // wsa:Action, add if the message doesn't already contain it,
        // generally true for SEI case where there is SEIModel or WSDLModel
        //           false for Provider with no wsdl, Expects User to set the coresponding header on the Message.
        if (AddressingUtils.getAction(responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) == null) {
            //wsa:Action header is not set in the message, so use the wsa:Action  passed as the parameter.
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.actionTag, action, sv, mustUnderstand));

        // wsa:MessageID
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders().get(av.messageIDTag, false) == null) {
            // if header doesn't exist, method getID creates a new random id
            String newID = Message.generateMessageID();
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.messageIDTag, newID));

        // wsa:RelatesTo
        String mid = null;
        if (wpb != null) {
            mid = wpb.getMessageID();
        if (mid == null) {
            mid = AddressingUtils.getMessageID(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
        if (mid != null) {
            hl.addOrReplace(new RelatesToHeader(av.relatesToTag, mid));

        // populate reference parameters
        WSEndpointReference refpEPR = null;
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().isFault()) {
            // choose FaultTo
            if (wpb != null) {
                refpEPR = wpb.getFaultToFromRequest();
            if (refpEPR == null) {
                refpEPR = AddressingUtils.getFaultTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
            // if FaultTo is null, then use ReplyTo
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        if (responsePacket.getMessage() == null)

        MessageHeaders hl = responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders();

        WsaPropertyBag wpb = getSatellite(WsaPropertyBag.class);
        Message msg = getMessage();
        // wsa:To
        WSEndpointReference replyTo = null;
        Header replyToFromRequestMsg = AddressingUtils.getFirstHeader(msg.getHeaders(), av.replyToTag, true, sv);
        Header replyToFromResponseMsg = hl.get(av.toTag, false);
        boolean replaceToTag = true;
            if (replyToFromRequestMsg != null){
                replyTo = replyToFromRequestMsg.readAsEPR(av);
            if (replyToFromResponseMsg != null && replyTo == null) {
                replaceToTag = false;
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.REPLY_TO_CANNOT_PARSE(), e);
        if (replyTo == null) {
            replyTo = AddressingUtils.getReplyTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);

        // wsa:Action, add if the message doesn't already contain it,
        // generally true for SEI case where there is SEIModel or WSDLModel
        //           false for Provider with no wsdl, Expects User to set the coresponding header on the Message.
        if (AddressingUtils.getAction(responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) == null) {
            //wsa:Action header is not set in the message, so use the wsa:Action  passed as the parameter.
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.actionTag, action, sv, mustUnderstand));

        // wsa:MessageID
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders().get(av.messageIDTag, false) == null) {
            // if header doesn't exist, method getID creates a new random id
            String newID = Message.generateMessageID();
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.messageIDTag, newID));

        // wsa:RelatesTo
        String mid = null;
        if (wpb != null) {
            mid = wpb.getMessageID();
        if (mid == null) {
            mid = AddressingUtils.getMessageID(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
        if (mid != null) {
            hl.addOrReplace(new RelatesToHeader(av.relatesToTag, mid));

        // populate reference parameters
        WSEndpointReference refpEPR = null;
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().isFault()) {
            // choose FaultTo
            if (wpb != null) {
                refpEPR = wpb.getFaultToFromRequest();
            if (refpEPR == null) {
                refpEPR = AddressingUtils.getFaultTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
            // if FaultTo is null, then use ReplyTo
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        if (responsePacket.getMessage() == null)

        MessageHeaders hl = responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders();

        WsaPropertyBag wpb = getSatellite(WsaPropertyBag.class);
        Message msg = getMessage();
        // wsa:To
        WSEndpointReference replyTo = null;
        Header replyToFromRequestMsg = AddressingUtils.getFirstHeader(msg.getHeaders(), av.replyToTag, true, sv);
        Header replyToFromResponseMsg = hl.get(av.toTag, false);
        boolean replaceToTag = true;
            if (replyToFromRequestMsg != null){
                replyTo = replyToFromRequestMsg.readAsEPR(av);
            if (replyToFromResponseMsg != null && replyTo == null) {
                replaceToTag = false;
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            throw new WebServiceException(AddressingMessages.REPLY_TO_CANNOT_PARSE(), e);
        if (replyTo == null) {
            replyTo = AddressingUtils.getReplyTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);

        // wsa:Action, add if the message doesn't already contain it,
        // generally true for SEI case where there is SEIModel or WSDLModel
        //           false for Provider with no wsdl, Expects User to set the coresponding header on the Message.
        if (AddressingUtils.getAction(responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders(), av, sv) == null) {
            //wsa:Action header is not set in the message, so use the wsa:Action  passed as the parameter.
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.actionTag, action, sv, mustUnderstand));

        // wsa:MessageID
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().getHeaders().get(av.messageIDTag, false) == null) {
            // if header doesn't exist, method getID creates a new random id
            String newID = Message.generateMessageID();
            hl.add(new StringHeader(av.messageIDTag, newID));

        // wsa:RelatesTo
        String mid = null;
        if (wpb != null) {
            mid = wpb.getMessageID();
        if (mid == null) {
            mid = AddressingUtils.getMessageID(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
        if (mid != null) {
            hl.addOrReplace(new RelatesToHeader(av.relatesToTag, mid));

        // populate reference parameters
        WSEndpointReference refpEPR = null;
        if (responsePacket.getMessage().isFault()) {
            // choose FaultTo
            if (wpb != null) {
                refpEPR = wpb.getFaultToFromRequest();
            if (refpEPR == null) {
                refpEPR = AddressingUtils.getFaultTo(msg.getHeaders(), av, sv);
            // if FaultTo is null, then use ReplyTo
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