// nothing to do
/** Finish the attribution of a class. */
private void attribClassBody(Env<AttrContext> env, ClassSymbol c) {
JCClassDecl tree = (JCClassDecl)env.tree;
Assert.check(c == tree.sym);
// Validate annotations
chk.validateAnnotations(tree.mods.annotations, c);
// Validate type parameters, supertype and interfaces.
if (!c.isAnonymous()) {
//already checked if anonymous
chk.validate(tree.typarams, env);
chk.validate(tree.extending, env);
chk.validate(tree.implementing, env);
// If this is a non-abstract class, check that it has no abstract
// methods or unimplemented methods of an implemented interface.
if ((c.flags() & (ABSTRACT | INTERFACE)) == 0) {
if (!relax)
chk.checkAllDefined(tree.pos(), c);
if ((c.flags() & ANNOTATION) != 0) {
if (tree.implementing.nonEmpty())
if (tree.typarams.nonEmpty())
} else {
// Check that all extended classes and interfaces
// are compatible (i.e. no two define methods with same arguments
// yet different return types). (JLS
chk.checkCompatibleSupertypes(tree.pos(), c.type);
// Check that class does not import the same parameterized interface
// with two different argument lists.
chk.checkClassBounds(tree.pos(), c.type);
tree.type = c.type;
for (List<JCTypeParameter> l = tree.typarams;
l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
// Check that a generic class doesn't extend Throwable
if (!sourceLanguage.isCeylon() && !c.type.allparams().isEmpty() && types.isSubtype(c.type, syms.throwableType))
log.error(tree.extending.pos(), "generic.throwable");
// Check that all methods which implement some
// method conform to the method they implement.
//check that a resource implementing AutoCloseable cannot throw InterruptedException
checkAutoCloseable(tree.pos(), env, c.type);
for (List<JCTree> l = tree.defs; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
// Attribute declaration
attribStat(l.head, env);
// Check that declarations in inner classes are not static (JLS 8.1.2)