* Copyright Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors
* as indicated by the authors tag. All rights reserved.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
* modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
* of the GNU General Public License version 2.
* This particular file is subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided in the
* LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License,
* along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
package com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen;
import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.AbstractTransformer.JT_CLASS_NEW;
import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.AbstractTransformer.JT_COMPANION;
import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.AbstractTransformer.JT_EXTENDS;
import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.AbstractTransformer.JT_NO_PRIMITIVES;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.AbstractTransformer.BoxingStrategy;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.Naming.Suffix;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.Naming.SyntheticName;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.java.codegen.Naming.Unfix;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.loader.model.FieldValue;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Class;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Declaration;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Functional;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Interface;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Method;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.MethodOrValue;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Parameter;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.ParameterList;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.ProducedReference;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.ProducedType;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.model.Value;
import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.code.Flags;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCClassDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCExpression;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCMethodDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCMethodInvocation;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCNewClass;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCStatement;
import com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree.JCVariableDecl;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.List;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.ListBuffer;
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Name;
* Constructs anonymous subclasses of AbstractCallable, required for higher
* order functions.
* <ul>
* <li>If the Callable does not need to encode defaulted parameter values, and
* is not variadic we just generate the relevent {@code $call()}
* method(s). This includes the case of a method reference to something
* with defaulted parameters, because the Callable itself doesn't need to
* encode the default parameter values.
* <li>If the Callable needs to encode defaulted parameter values itself (for
* example if it's a Callable for an anonymous function,
* or a method argument with defaulted parameters) then:
* <ul>
* <li>a {@code private $call$typed()} method is generated which encodes
* the actual method code,</li>
* <li>{@code private $$paramName()} methods are generated for each
* defaulted parameter, and</li>
* <li>the {@code public $call()} methods downcast their argument(s),
* invoke the necessary {@code $$paramName()} and delegate to
* {@code $call$typed()}.</li>
* <ul>
* <li>If the Callable is variadic then:</li>
* <ul>
* <li>a {@code private $call$typed()} method is generated which encodes
* the actual method code,</li>
* <li>{@code public $call$variadic()} methods are generated for each
* arity greater than the number of non-defaulted parameters and less
* than or equal to 3, plus one which uses Javac varargs, and</li>
* <li>the {@code $call()} methods delegate to {@code $call$variadic()} methods,
* downcasting and obtaining default arguments if required,</li>
* <ul>
* </ul>
public class CallableBuilder {
private static final int CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY = 3;
static interface DefaultValueMethodTransformation {
public JCExpression makeDefaultValueMethod(AbstractTransformer gen,
Parameter defaultedParam, List<JCExpression> defaultMethodArgs);
public static final DefaultValueMethodTransformation DEFAULTED_PARAM_METHOD = new DefaultValueMethodTransformation() {
public JCExpression makeDefaultValueMethod(AbstractTransformer gen,
Parameter defaultedParam,
List<JCExpression> defaultMethodArgs) {
return gen.make().Apply(null,
gen.naming.makeDefaultedParamMethod(null, defaultedParam),
DefaultValueMethodTransformation defaultValueCall = DEFAULTED_PARAM_METHOD;
private final AbstractTransformer gen;
private final ProducedType typeModel;
private final ParameterList paramLists;
private final int numParams;
private final int minimumParams;
private final int minimumArguments;
private final boolean hasOptionalParameters;
private final boolean isVariadic;
* For deferred declarations the default parameter value methods are
* generated on the wrapper class, not on the Callable (#1177)
private boolean delegateDefaultedCalls = true;
private java.util.List<ProducedType> parameterTypes;
private ListBuffer<MethodDefinitionBuilder> parameterDefaultValueMethods;
private CallableTransformation transformation;
private boolean companionAccess = false;
private Naming.Substitution instanceSubstitution;
private CallableBuilder(CeylonTransformer gen, ProducedType typeModel, ParameterList paramLists) {
this.gen = gen;
this.typeModel = typeModel;
this.paramLists = paramLists;
this.numParams = paramLists.getParameters().size();
int minimumParams = 0;
int minimumArguments = 0;
for(Parameter p : paramLists.getParameters()){
if (!Strategy.hasDefaultParameterOverload(p)) {
this.minimumParams = minimumParams;
this.minimumArguments = minimumArguments;
this.isVariadic = gen.isVariadicCallable(typeModel);
this.hasOptionalParameters = minimumParams != numParams;
* Constructs an {@code AbstractCallable} suitable for wrapping a
* method reference. For example:
* <pre>
* void someMethod() { ... }
* Anything() ref = someMethod;
* </pre>
public static JCExpression methodReference(CeylonTransformer gen,
final Tree.StaticMemberOrTypeExpression forwardCallTo, ParameterList parameterList) {
ListBuffer<JCStatement> letStmts = ListBuffer.<JCTree.JCStatement>lb();
CallableBuilder cb = new CallableBuilder(gen, forwardCallTo.getTypeModel(), parameterList);
cb.parameterTypes = cb.getParameterTypesFromCallableModel();
Naming.SyntheticName instanceFieldName;
if (forwardCallTo instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression
&& !(((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression)forwardCallTo).getMemberOperator() instanceof Tree.SpreadOp)) {
Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression qmte = (Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression)forwardCallTo;
boolean prevCallableInv = gen.expressionGen().withinSyntheticClassBody(true);
try {
instanceFieldName = gen.naming.synthetic(Unfix.$instance$);
ProducedType primaryType = qmte.getPrimary().getTypeModel();
JCExpression primaryExpr = gen.expressionGen().transformQualifiedMemberPrimary(qmte);
//primaryExpr = gen.expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(primaryExpr, primaryType, false, false, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED,
// Decl.getPrivateAccessType(qmte), Decl.isPrivateAccessRequiringCompanion(qmte) ? ExpressionTransformer.EXPR_WANTS_COMPANION : 0);
if (Decl.isPrivateAccessRequiringCompanion(qmte)) {
primaryExpr = gen.naming.makeCompanionAccessorCall(primaryExpr, (Interface)qmte.getDeclaration().getContainer());
gen.makeJavaType(qmte.getDeclaration().isShared() ? primaryType : Decl.getPrivateAccessType(qmte),
Decl.isPrivateAccessRequiringCompanion(qmte) ? JT_COMPANION : 0),
if (qmte.getPrimary() instanceof Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression
&& ((Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression)qmte.getPrimary()).getDeclaration() instanceof TypedDeclaration) {
cb.instanceSubstitution = gen.naming.addVariableSubst((TypedDeclaration)((Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression)qmte.getPrimary()).getDeclaration(), instanceFieldName.getName());
} finally {
} else {
instanceFieldName = null;
CallableTransformation tx;
cb.defaultValueCall = new DefaultValueMethodTransformation() {
public JCExpression makeDefaultValueMethod(AbstractTransformer gen,
Parameter defaultedParam,
List<JCExpression> defaultMethodArgs) {
JCExpression fn = null;
if (forwardCallTo instanceof Tree.BaseMemberOrTypeExpression) {
fn = gen.naming.makeDefaultedParamMethod(null, defaultedParam);
} else if (forwardCallTo instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) {
JCExpression qualifier = gen.expressionGen().transformTermForInvocation(((Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression)forwardCallTo).getPrimary(), null);
fn = gen.naming.makeDefaultedParamMethod(qualifier, defaultedParam);
return gen.make().Apply(null,
if (cb.isVariadic) {
tx = cb.new VariadicCallableTransformation(
cb.new CallMethodWithForwardedBody(instanceFieldName, forwardCallTo, false));
} else {
tx = cb.new FixedArityCallableTransformation(cb.new CallMethodWithForwardedBody(instanceFieldName, forwardCallTo, true), null);
return letStmts.isEmpty() ? cb.build() : gen.make().LetExpr(letStmts.toList(), cb.build());
* Used for "static" method or class references. For example:
* <pre>
* value x = Integer.plus;
* value y = Foo.method;
* value z = Outer.Inner;
* </pre>
public static CallableBuilder unboundFunctionalMemberReference(
CeylonTransformer gen,
Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression qmte,
ProducedType typeModel,
final Functional methodOrClass,
ProducedReference producedReference) {
final ParameterList parameterList = methodOrClass.getParameterLists().get(0);
final ProducedType type = gen.getReturnTypeOfCallable(typeModel);
CallableBuilder inner = new CallableBuilder(gen, type, parameterList);
inner.parameterTypes = inner.getParameterTypesFromCallableModel();//FromParameterModels();
inner.defaultValueCall = inner.new MemberReferenceDefaultValueCall(methodOrClass);
CallBuilder callBuilder = CallBuilder.instance(gen);
ProducedType accessType = gen.getParameterTypeOfCallable(typeModel, 0);
if (methodOrClass instanceof Method) {
callBuilder.invoke(gen.naming.makeQualifiedName(gen.naming.makeUnquotedIdent(Unfix.$instance$), (Method)methodOrClass, Naming.NA_MEMBER));
if (!((TypedDeclaration)methodOrClass).isShared()) {
accessType = Decl.getPrivateAccessType(qmte);
} else if (methodOrClass instanceof Method
&& ((Method)methodOrClass).isParameter()) {
callBuilder.invoke(gen.naming.makeQualifiedName(gen.naming.makeUnquotedIdent(Unfix.$instance$), (Method)methodOrClass, Naming.NA_MEMBER));
} else if (methodOrClass instanceof Class) {
if (Strategy.generateInstantiator((Class)methodOrClass)) {
callBuilder.invoke(gen.naming.makeInstantiatorMethodName(gen.naming.makeUnquotedIdent(Unfix.$instance$), (Class)methodOrClass));
} else {
callBuilder.instantiate(new ExpressionAndType(gen.naming.makeUnquotedIdent(Unfix.$instance$), null),
gen.makeJavaType(((Class)methodOrClass).getType(), JT_CLASS_NEW | AbstractTransformer.JT_NON_QUALIFIED));
if (!((Class)methodOrClass).isShared()) {
accessType = Decl.getPrivateAccessType(qmte);
} else {
throw BugException.unhandledDeclarationCase((Declaration)methodOrClass, qmte);
ListBuffer<ExpressionAndType> reified = ListBuffer.lb();
DirectInvocation.addReifiedArguments(gen, producedReference, reified);
for (ExpressionAndType reifiedArgument : reified) {
for (Parameter parameter : parameterList.getParameters()) {
JCExpression innerInvocation = callBuilder.build();
// Need to worry about boxing for Method and FunctionalParameter
if (methodOrClass instanceof TypedDeclaration) {
// use the method return type since the function is actually applied
ProducedType returnType = gen.getReturnTypeOfCallable(type);
innerInvocation = gen.expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(innerInvocation,
// make sure we use the type erased info as it has not been passed to the expression since the
// expression is a Callable
BoxingStrategy.BOXED, returnType, 0);
} else if (Strategy.isInstantiatorUntyped((Class)methodOrClass)) {
// $new method declared to return Object, so needs typecast
innerInvocation = gen.make().TypeCast(gen.makeJavaType(
((Class)methodOrClass).getType()), innerInvocation);
List<JCStatement> innerBody = List.<JCStatement>of(gen.make().Return(innerInvocation));
ParameterList outerPl = new ParameterList();
Parameter instanceParameter = new Parameter();
Value valueModel = new Value();
CallableBuilder outer = new CallableBuilder(gen, typeModel, outerPl);
outer.parameterTypes = outer.getParameterTypesFromParameterModels();
List<JCStatement> outerBody = List.<JCStatement>of(gen.make().Return(inner.build()));
outer.companionAccess = Decl.isPrivateAccessRequiringCompanion(qmte);
return outer;
class MemberReferenceDefaultValueCall implements DefaultValueMethodTransformation {
private Functional methodOrClass;
MemberReferenceDefaultValueCall(final Functional methodOrClass) {
this.methodOrClass = methodOrClass;
public JCExpression makeDefaultValueMethod(AbstractTransformer gen, Parameter defaultedParam, List<JCExpression> defaultMethodArgs) {
if (methodOrClass instanceof Method
&& ((Method)methodOrClass).isParameter()) {
// We can't generate a call to the dpm because there isn't one!
// But since FunctionalParameters cannot currently have
// defaulted parameters this *must* be a variadic parameter
// and it's default is always empty.
return gen.makeEmptyAsSequential(true);
JCExpression fn = gen.naming.makeDefaultedParamMethod(gen.naming.makeUnquotedIdent(Unfix.$instance$),
return gen.make().Apply(null,
public static CallableBuilder javaStaticMethodReference(CeylonTransformer gen,
ProducedType typeModel,
final Functional methodOrClass,
ProducedReference producedReference) {
final ParameterList parameterList = methodOrClass.getParameterLists().get(0);
CallableBuilder inner = new CallableBuilder(gen, typeModel, parameterList);
ArrayList<ProducedType> pt = new ArrayList<>();
for (Parameter p : methodOrClass.getParameterLists().get(0).getParameters()) {
inner.parameterTypes = pt;
inner.defaultValueCall = inner.new MemberReferenceDefaultValueCall(methodOrClass);
JCExpression innerInvocation = gen.expressionGen().makeJavaStaticInvocation(gen,
methodOrClass, producedReference, parameterList);
// Need to worry about boxing for Method and FunctionalParameter
if (methodOrClass instanceof TypedDeclaration) {
innerInvocation = gen.expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(innerInvocation,
BoxingStrategy.BOXED, methodOrClass.getType());
} else if (Strategy.isInstantiatorUntyped((Class)methodOrClass)) {
// $new method declared to return Object, so needs typecast
innerInvocation = gen.make().TypeCast(gen.makeJavaType(
((Class)methodOrClass).getType()), innerInvocation);
List<JCStatement> innerBody = List.<JCStatement>of(gen.make().Return(innerInvocation));
return inner;
* Used for "static" value references. For example:
* <pre>
* value x = Integer.plus;
* value y = Foo.method;
* value z = Outer.Inner;
* </pre>
public static CallableBuilder unboundValueMemberReference(
CeylonTransformer gen,
Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression qmte,
ProducedType typeModel,
final TypedDeclaration value) {
CallBuilder callBuilder = CallBuilder.instance(gen);
if (gen.expressionGen().isThrowableMessage(qmte)) {
} else if (gen.expressionGen().isThrowableSuppressed(qmte)) {
} else {
JCExpression memberName = gen.naming.makeQualifiedName(gen.naming.makeUnquotedIdent(Unfix.$instance$), value, Naming.NA_GETTER | Naming.NA_MEMBER);
if(value instanceof FieldValue){
JCExpression innerInvocation = callBuilder.build();
// use the return type since the value is actually applied
ProducedType returnType = gen.getReturnTypeOfCallable(typeModel);
innerInvocation = gen.expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(innerInvocation, returnType,
// make sure we use the type erased info as it has not been passed to the expression since the
// expression is a Callable
CodegenUtil.hasTypeErased(value), !CodegenUtil.isUnBoxed(value),
BoxingStrategy.BOXED, returnType, 0);
ParameterList outerPl = new ParameterList();
Parameter instanceParameter = new Parameter();
Value valueModel = new Value();
ProducedType accessType = gen.getParameterTypeOfCallable(typeModel, 0);;
if (!value.isShared()) {
accessType = Decl.getPrivateAccessType(qmte);
CallableBuilder outer = new CallableBuilder(gen, typeModel, outerPl);
outer.parameterTypes = outer.getParameterTypesFromParameterModels();
List<JCStatement> innerBody = List.<JCStatement>of(gen.make().Return(innerInvocation));
outer.companionAccess = Decl.isPrivateAccessRequiringCompanion(qmte);
return outer;
* Constructs an {@code AbstractCallable} suitable for an anonymous function.
public static CallableBuilder anonymous(
CeylonTransformer gen, Tree.Expression expr,
java.util.List<Tree.ParameterList> parameterListTree,
ProducedType callableTypeModel, boolean delegateDefaultedCalls) {
boolean prevSyntheticClassBody = gen.expressionGen().withinSyntheticClassBody(true);
JCExpression transformedExpr = gen.expressionGen().transformExpression(expr, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, gen.getReturnTypeOfCallable(callableTypeModel));
final List<JCStatement> stmts = List.<JCStatement>of(gen.make().Return(transformedExpr));
return methodArgument(gen, callableTypeModel, parameterListTree, stmts, delegateDefaultedCalls);
public static CallableBuilder methodArgument(
CeylonTransformer gen,
ProducedType callableTypeModel,
java.util.List<Tree.ParameterList> parameterListTree,
List<JCStatement> stmts) {
return methodArgument(gen, callableTypeModel, parameterListTree, stmts, true);
* Transforms either a method argument in a named invocation, or an
* anonymous method. For example:
* <pre>
* namedInvocation(
* methodArgument() {
* }
* );
* </pre>
* or
* <pre>
* Integer() x;
* x => () => 1;
* </pre>
private static CallableBuilder methodArgument(
CeylonTransformer gen,
ProducedType callableTypeModel,
java.util.List<Tree.ParameterList> parameterListTree,
List<JCStatement> stmts, boolean delegateDefaultedCalls) {
for (int ii = parameterListTree.size()-1; ii > 0; ii-- ) {
Tree.ParameterList pl = parameterListTree.get(ii);
ProducedType t = callableTypeModel;
for (int jj = 0; jj < ii; jj++) {
t = gen.getReturnTypeOfCallable(t);
CallableBuilder cb = new CallableBuilder(gen, t, pl.getModel());
cb.parameterTypes = cb.getParameterTypesFromParameterModels();
cb.delegateDefaultedCalls = delegateDefaultedCalls;
stmts = List.<JCStatement>of(gen.make().Return(cb.build()));
CallableBuilder cb = new CallableBuilder(gen, callableTypeModel, parameterListTree.get(0).getModel());
cb.parameterTypes = cb.getParameterTypesFromParameterModels();
cb.delegateDefaultedCalls = delegateDefaultedCalls;
return cb;
* Constructs an {@code AbstractCallable} suitable for use in a method
* definition with a multiple parameter lists (i.e. an intermediate result
* from method with multiple parameter lists). For example
* <pre>
* String name(String first)(String second) => first + " " + second;
* </pre>
public static CallableBuilder mpl(
CeylonTransformer gen,
ProducedType typeModel,
ParameterList parameterList,
Tree.ParameterList parameterListTree,
List<JCStatement> body) {
CallableBuilder cb = new CallableBuilder(gen, typeModel, parameterList);
if (body == null) {
body = List.<JCStatement>nil();
cb.parameterTypes = cb.getParameterTypesFromParameterModels();
return cb;
public int getMinimumParameters() {
return minimumParams;
public int getMinimumArguments() {
return minimumArguments;
* Abstraction over things which can generate a method to add to
* the AbstractCallable we're building.
abstract class MethodWithArity {
* Makes a method with the given (Java) arity.
abstract MethodDefinitionBuilder makeMethod(int arity);
* <p>Makes a variable declaration for a variable which will be used as an
* argument to a call. The variable is initialized to either the
* corresponding parameter,</p>
* <pre>
* Foo foo = (Foo)arg0;
* </pre>
* <p>or the default value for the corresponding parameter</p>
* <pre>
* Bar bar = $$bar(**previous-args**);
* </pre>
protected void makeDowncastOrDefaultVar(
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts,
Naming.SyntheticName name,
final Parameter param,
final int a, final int arity) {
JCExpression varInitialExpression = makeDowncastOrDefault(param, a, arity);
makeVarForParameter(stmts, param, parameterTypes.get(a),
name, varInitialExpression);
* Makes an expression, (appropriately downcasted or unboxed) for the
* given parameter of the {@code $call()} method.
private JCExpression makeCallParameterExpr(Parameter param, int argIndex, boolean varargs) {
ProducedType paramType = parameterTypes.get(Math.min(argIndex, numParams-1));
return makeParameterExpr(param, argIndex, paramType, varargs);
* Makes an expression, (appropriately downcasted or unboxed) for the
* given parameter of the {@code $call()} method.
protected JCExpression makeParameterExpr(Parameter param, int argIndex, ProducedType paramType, boolean ellipsis){
JCExpression argExpr;
if (!ellipsis) {
// The Callable has overridden one of the non-ellipsis $call$()
// methods
argExpr = makeParamIdent(gen, argIndex);
} else {
// The Callable has overridden the ellipsis $call$() method
// so we need to index into the ellipsis array
argExpr = gen.make().Indexed(
makeParamIdent(gen, 0),
int ebFlags = ExpressionTransformer.EXPR_DOWN_CAST; // we're effectively downcasting it from Object
BoxingStrategy boxingStrategy;
if(isValueTypeCall(param, paramType))
boxingStrategy = BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED;
boxingStrategy = CodegenUtil.getBoxingStrategy(param.getModel());
argExpr = gen.expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(argExpr,
paramType, // it came in as Object, but we need to pretend its type
// is the parameter type because that's how unboxing determines how it has to unbox
true, // it's completely erased
true, // it came in boxed
boxingStrategy, // see if we need to box
paramType, // see what type we need
if (companionAccess) {
argExpr = gen.naming.makeCompanionAccessorCall(argExpr, (Interface)paramType.getType().getDeclaration());
return argExpr;
protected JCExpression makeDowncastOrDefault(final Parameter param,
final int a, final int arity) {
// read the value
JCExpression paramExpression = makeCallParameterExpr(param, a, arity > CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY);
JCExpression varInitialExpression;
// TODO Suspicious
if(param.isDefaulted() || param.isSequenced()){
// must check if it's defined
JCExpression test = gen.make().Binary(JCTree.GT, gen.makeSelect(getParamName(0), "length"), gen.makeInteger(a));
JCExpression elseBranch = makeDefaultValueCall(param, a);
varInitialExpression = gen.make().Conditional(test, paramExpression, elseBranch);
}else if(a >= arity && Strategy.hasDefaultParameterValueMethod(param)){
// get its default value because we don't have it
varInitialExpression = makeDefaultValueCall(param, a);
// we must have it
varInitialExpression = paramExpression;
varInitialExpression = paramExpression;
return varInitialExpression;
* Makes an invocation of a default parameter value method (if the
* parameter is defaulted), or empty (if it's *variadic)
private JCExpression makeDefaultValueCall(Parameter defaultedParam, int i){
if (Strategy.hasDefaultParameterValueMethod(defaultedParam)) {
// add the default value
List<JCExpression> defaultMethodArgs = List.nil();
// pass all the previous values
for(int a=i-1;a>=0;a--){
Parameter param = paramLists.getParameters().get(a);
JCExpression previousValue = getCallableTempVarName(param).makeIdent();
defaultMethodArgs = defaultMethodArgs.prepend(previousValue);
// now call the default value method
return defaultValueCall.makeDefaultValueMethod(gen, defaultedParam, defaultMethodArgs);
} else if (Strategy.hasEmptyDefaultArgument(defaultedParam)) {
return gen.makeEmptyAsSequential(true);
throw new BugException(defaultedParam.getName() + " is not a defaulted parameter");
protected Naming.SyntheticName getCallableTempVarName(Parameter param) {
return gen.naming.synthetic(Naming.getAliasedParameterName(param));
protected final void makeVarForParameter(ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts,
final Parameter param, ProducedType parameterType,
Naming.SyntheticName name, JCExpression expr) {
// store it in a local var
int flags = jtFlagsForParameter(param, parameterType);
JCVariableDecl var = gen.make().VarDef(gen.make().Modifiers(param.getModel().isVariable() ? 0 : Flags.FINAL),
gen.makeJavaType(parameterType, flags),
if (ParameterDefinitionBuilder.isBoxedVariableParameter(param)) {
stmts.append(gen.makeVariableBoxDecl(name.makeIdent(), param.getModel()));
protected int jtFlagsForParameter(final Parameter param, ProducedType parameterType) {
int flags = 0;
if(!CodegenUtil.isUnBoxed(param.getModel()) && !isValueTypeCall(param, parameterType)){
flags |= AbstractTransformer.JT_NO_PRIMITIVES;
if (companionAccess) {
flags |= AbstractTransformer.JT_COMPANION;
return flags;
protected boolean isValueTypeCall(Parameter param, ProducedType parameterType) {
return false;
class CallMethodWithGivenBody extends MethodWithArity {
private List<JCStatement> body;
private boolean usedBody = false;
CallMethodWithGivenBody(List<JCStatement> body) {
this.body = body;
MethodDefinitionBuilder makeMethod(int arity) {
if (arity < Math.min(getMinimumArguments(), CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY+1)) {
return null;
if (usedBody) {
body = List.<JCStatement>of(gen.make().Exec(gen.makeErroneous(null, "compiler bug: tree reuse detected")));
usedBody = true;
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
int a = 0;
for(Parameter param : paramLists.getParameters()){
// don't read default parameter values for forwarded calls
makeDowncastOrDefaultVar(stmts, getCallableTempVarName(param), param, a, arity);
return makeCallMethod(stmts.appendList(body).toList(), arity);
class CallMethodWithForwardedBody extends MethodWithArity {
final boolean isCallMethod;
private final Tree.Term forwardCallTo;
private final Naming.SyntheticName instanceFieldName;
CallMethodWithForwardedBody(Naming.SyntheticName instanceFieldName, Tree.Term forwardCallTo, boolean isCallMethod) {
this.instanceFieldName = instanceFieldName;
this.forwardCallTo = forwardCallTo;
this.isCallMethod = isCallMethod;
protected Naming.SyntheticName getCallableTempVarName(Parameter param) {
// prefix them with $$ if we only forward, otherwise we need them to have the proper names
return gen.naming.synthetic(Naming.getCallableTempVarName(param));
protected int jtFlagsForParameter(final Parameter param, ProducedType parameterType) {
int flags = super.jtFlagsForParameter(param, parameterType);
// Always go raw if we're forwarding, because we're building the call ourselves and we don't get a chance to apply erasure and
// casting to parameter expressions when we pass them to the forwarded method. Ideally we could set it up correctly so that
// the proper erasure is done when we read from the Callable.call Object param, but since we store it in a variable defined here,
// we'd need to duplicate some of the erasure logic here to make or not the type raw, and that would be worse.
// Besides, named parameter invocation does the same.
// See https://github.com/ceylon/ceylon-compiler/issues/1005
flags |= AbstractTransformer.JT_RAW;
return flags;
protected boolean isValueTypeCall(Parameter param, ProducedType parameterType) {
&& forwardCallTo instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression){
Tree.Primary primary = ((Tree.QualifiedMemberExpression) forwardCallTo).getPrimary();
return Decl.isValueTypeDecl(primary.getTypeModel())
&& Decl.isValueTypeDecl(parameterType);
return false;
MethodDefinitionBuilder makeMethod(int arity) {
if (arity < Math.min(getMinimumArguments(), CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY+1)) {
return null;
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
if (isCallMethod) {
int a = 0;
for(Parameter param : paramLists.getParameters()){
// don't read default parameter values for forwarded calls
// if we are in a call method below the variadic one,
// otherwise consume every parameter
/*&& forwardCallTo != null */&& arity == a)
makeDowncastOrDefaultVar(stmts, getCallableTempVarName(param), param, a, arity);
JCExpression invocation = makeInvocation(arity, isCallMethod);
return isCallMethod ? makeCallMethod(stmts.toList(), arity) : makeCallTypedMethod(stmts.toList());
private JCExpression makeInvocation(int arity, boolean isCallMethod) {
ProducedReference target = getProducedReference();
TypeDeclaration primaryDeclaration = getTypeModel().getDeclaration();;
CallableInvocation invocationBuilder = new CallableInvocation (
// if we are in a call method below the variadic one, respect arity, otherwise use the parameter list
// size to forward all the arguments
arity <= CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY ? arity : paramLists.getParameters().size(),
boolean prevCallableInv = gen.expressionGen().withinSyntheticClassBody(true);
JCExpression invocation;
try {
invocation = gen.expressionGen().transformInvocation(invocationBuilder);
} finally {
return invocation;
private ProducedType getTypeModel() {
return forwardCallTo.getTypeModel();
private ProducedReference getProducedReference() {
ProducedReference target;
if (forwardCallTo instanceof Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) {
target = ((Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression)forwardCallTo).getTarget();
} else if (forwardCallTo instanceof Tree.FunctionArgument) {
Method method = ((Tree.FunctionArgument) forwardCallTo).getDeclarationModel();
target = method.getProducedReference(null, Collections.<ProducedType>emptyList());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(forwardCallTo.getNodeType());
return target;
* Abstraction over various kinds of {@code $call()} method
abstract class CallableTransformation {
final void appendMethods(ListBuffer<JCTree> classBody) {
if (delegateDefaultedCalls) {
// now generate a method for each supported minimum number of parameters below 4
// which delegates to the $call$typed method if required
for(int javaArity=0; javaArity <= CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY+1; javaArity++){
for (MethodDefinitionBuilder mdb : makeMethodsForArity(javaArity)) {
if (mdb != null) {
} else {
// generate the $call method for the max number of parameters,
// (which delegates to the $call$typed method if required)
for (MethodDefinitionBuilder mdb : makeMethodsForArity(numParams)) {
// if required, generate the $call$typed method
MethodDefinitionBuilder callTypedMethod = makeCallTypedMethod();
if (callTypedMethod != null) {
JCMethodDecl callTyped = callTypedMethod.build();
if (callTyped.params.size() != numParams) {
throw new BugException();
* Make the public {@code $call$()} and {@code $call$variadic()} methods
* with the given arity.
* @param arity
* @return
protected abstract Iterable<MethodDefinitionBuilder> makeMethodsForArity(int arity);
* Make the private {@code $call$typed()} method, whose arity must
* be {@link #numParams}, or return null if
* no {@code $call$typed()} is required
* @return
abstract MethodDefinitionBuilder makeCallTypedMethod();
protected final MethodDefinitionBuilder makeCallMethod(List<JCStatement> body, int arity) {
MethodDefinitionBuilder callMethod = MethodDefinitionBuilder.callable(gen);
ProducedType returnType = gen.getReturnTypeOfCallable(typeModel);
callMethod.resultType(gen.makeJavaType(returnType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES), null);
// Now append formal parameters
switch (arity) {
case 3:
callMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(0, arity-3));
// fall through
case 2:
callMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(0, arity-2));
// fall through
case 1:
callMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(0, arity-1));
case 0:
default: // use varargs
callMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(Flags.VARARGS, 0));
// Return the call result, or null if a void method
return callMethod;
* Builds a {@code $call()} method that
* <ul>
* <li>downcasts the parameters to their correct type,</li>
* <li>adds any default arguments, and<li>
* <li>delegates to the {@code $call$typed()} method</li>
* </ul>
class FixedArityCallableTransformation extends CallableTransformation {
private final MethodWithArity call;
private final MethodWithArity callTyped;
FixedArityCallableTransformation(MethodWithArity call, MethodWithArity callTyped) {
this.call = call;
this.callTyped = callTyped;
protected List<MethodDefinitionBuilder> makeMethodsForArity(int arity) {
if (arity > numParams) {
return List.nil();
return List.of(call.makeMethod(arity));
MethodDefinitionBuilder makeCallTypedMethod() {
return callTyped != null ? callTyped.makeMethod(numParams) : null;
abstract class VariadicMethodWithArity extends MethodWithArity {
protected final JCExpression makeRespread(List<JCExpression> arguments) {
JCExpression invocation = gen.make().Apply(null,
if (getVariadicParameter().isAtLeastOne()) {
invocation = gen.make().TypeCast(
gen.makeJavaType(getVariadicType(), AbstractTransformer.JT_RAW),
return invocation;
protected final SyntheticName parameterName(int a) {
Parameter param = paramLists.getParameters().get(a);
SyntheticName name = getCallableTempVarName(param);
return name;
protected final boolean parameterSequenced(int a) {
return paramLists.getParameters().get(a).isSequenced();
protected Parameter getVariadicParameter() {
return paramLists.getParameters().get(numParams - 1);
protected ProducedType getVariadicType() {
return parameterTypes.get(numParams - 1);
protected ProducedType getVariadicIteratedType() {
return gen.typeFact().getIteratedType(getVariadicType());
/** Makes an argument that's just the ident of the parameter {@code $param$n}*/
protected final void makeParameterArgument(final int arity,
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts, ListBuffer<JCExpression> args,
int a) {
SyntheticName name = parameterName(a);
Parameter param = paramLists.getParameters().get(a);
name, param, a, arity);
* Makes a call to {@code $call$typed()} if required, otherwise uses the
* given body.
* @return
protected final JCMethodInvocation makeCallTypedCall(final int arity, List<JCExpression> args) {
JCMethodInvocation chain = gen.make().Apply(null, gen.makeUnquotedIdent(Naming.getCallableTypedMethodName()), args);
return chain;
/** Appends a single argument out of */
protected final int makeSequencedArgument(final int arity,
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts, ListBuffer<JCExpression> args,
int a) {
ListBuffer<JCExpression> varargs = ListBuffer.<JCExpression>lb();
for (; a < arity; a++) {
if (arity < numParams - 1) {
Parameter param1 = paramLists.getParameters().get(Math.min(a, numParams-1));
parameterName(Math.min(a, numParams-1)), param1, a, arity);
} else {
varargs.append(gen.make().Ident(makeParamName(gen, a)));
JCExpression varargsSequence;
if (varargs.isEmpty()) {
varargsSequence = gen.makeEmptyAsSequential(true);
} else {
varargsSequence = gen.makeSequence(varargs.toList(),
getVariadicIteratedType(), 0);
SyntheticName vname = getCallableTempVarName(getVariadicParameter()).suffixedBy(Suffix.$variadic$);
makeVarForParameter(stmts, getVariadicParameter(), getVariadicType(),
vname, varargsSequence);
return a;
* Constructs an argument list for the target method as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>uses the declared parameters {@code $param$0}, {@code $param$1}, ...,
* <li>if the declared target parameter is sequenced collects all remaining
* parameters into a sequential target argument.
* <li>TODO Does some other shit
* </ol>
protected final void case3(final int arity, ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts,
ListBuffer<JCExpression> args) {
int a = 0;
for (; a <= arity; a++) {
if (parameterSequenced(a)) {
// wrap this and all remaining parameters into a sequential
a = makeSequencedArgument(arity, stmts, args, a);
if (a < getMinimumArguments()) {
makeParameterArgument(arity, stmts, args, a);
} else {
for (; args.size() < numParams; a++) {
if (parameterSequenced(a)) {
a = makeSequencedArgument(arity, stmts, args, a);
} else {
makeParameterArgument(arity, stmts, args, a);
* Generates {@code $call()} methods for variadic Callables
class CallMethodForVariadic extends VariadicMethodWithArity {
* Make the {@code $call()} method, which delegates to the $call$typed()
MethodDefinitionBuilder makeMethod(final int arity) {
if (arity < Math.min(getMinimumArguments(), CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY+1)) {
return null;
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = ListBuffer.lb();
case3(arity, stmts, args);
} else {
makeEllipsisMethod(arity, stmts, args);
stmts.append(gen.make().Return(makeCallTypedCall(arity, args.toList())));
MethodDefinitionBuilder callMethod = CallableBuilder.this.makeCallMethod(stmts.toList(), arity);
return callMethod;
private void makeEllipsisMethod(final int arity,
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts, ListBuffer<JCExpression> args) {
// we're generating the $call(Object...) method
// pass along the parameters
int a = 0;
for(;a < paramLists.getParameters().size(); a++){
// don't read default parameter values for forwarded calls
if(parameterSequenced(a)) {
makeParameterArgument(arity, stmts, args, a);
if (a < paramLists.getParameters().size()) {
// there are still parameters needing arguments...
gen.make().Binary(JCTree.MINUS, gen.naming.makeQualIdent(makeParamIdent(gen, 0), "length"), gen.make().Literal(numParams-1)),
makeParamIdent(gen, 0),
* Generates {@code $call$variadic()} methods for variadic Callables
class CallVariadicMethodForVariadic extends VariadicMethodWithArity {
private void makeEllipsisMethod(final int arity1,
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts, ListBuffer<JCExpression> args) {
int a = 0;
for(Parameter param : paramLists.getParameters()){
if (param.isSequenced()) {
makeParameterArgument(arity1, stmts, args, a);
ListBuffer<JCExpression> lb = ListBuffer.lb();
for (; a < arity1-1 && a < CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY; a++) {
Parameter param = paramLists.getParameters().get(Math.min(a, numParams-1));
lb.append(makeParameterExpr(param, a, getVariadicIteratedType(), false));
ListBuffer<JCExpression> spreadCallArgs = ListBuffer.lb();
if (arity1 > CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY+1) {
spreadCallArgs.append(makeParamIdent(gen, 0));
} else {
spreadCallArgs.append(gen.make().NewArray(gen.make().QualIdent(gen.syms().objectType.tsym), List.<JCExpression>nil(), lb.toList()));
spreadCallArgs.append(makeParamIdent(gen, a));
MethodDefinitionBuilder makeMethod(final int arity) {
final int arity1 = arity+1;// The arity including the Sequential parameter
if (arity1 < getMinimumArguments()) {
return null;
ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts = new ListBuffer<JCStatement>();
ListBuffer<JCExpression> args = ListBuffer.lb();
if (arity1 < getMinimumParameters()) {
// We need to extract some arguments from the sequential parameter
destructureSequential(arity, stmts, args);
} else if (arity1 < numParams) {
case3(arity, stmts, args);
} else if (arity1 == numParams) {
// The arity of the $callvariadic$ method matches what we're calling
useDeclaredParameters(arity, stmts, args);
} else { // arity1 > numParams
// We need to pack some of the last parameters into a sequential argument
respread(arity, stmts, args);
} else {
makeEllipsisMethod(arity1, stmts, args);
MethodDefinitionBuilder callVaryMethod = MethodDefinitionBuilder.systemMethod(gen, Naming.getCallableVariadicMethodName());
ProducedType returnType = gen.getReturnTypeOfCallable(typeModel);
callVaryMethod.resultType(gen.makeJavaType(returnType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES), null);
// Now append formal parameters
switch (arity1) {
case 4:
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(0, arity1-4));
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(0, arity1-3));
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(0, arity1-2));
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableVaryParam(0, arity1-1));
case 3:
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(0, arity1-3));
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(0, arity1-2));
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableVaryParam(0, arity1-1));
case 2:
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(0, arity1-2));
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableVaryParam(0, arity1-1));
case 1:
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableVaryParam(0, arity1-1));
case 0:
default: // use varargs
callVaryMethod.parameter(makeCallableCallParam(Flags.VARARGS, 0));
// Return the call result, or null if a void method
stmts.append(gen.make().Return(makeCallTypedCall(arity1, args.toList())));
return callVaryMethod;
* Constructs an argument list for the target method as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>uses the declared parameters {@code $param$0}, {@code $param$1}, ...,
* so long as the parameter is not sequenced.
* <li>if the declared target parameter is sequenced collects all remaining
* parameters into a sequential target argument.
* <li>TODO Does some other shit
* <li>Calls {@code AbstractCallable.$spreadVarargs$} to construct a
* Sequential argument from the remaining parameters.
* </ol>
private void respread(final int arity, ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts,
ListBuffer<JCExpression> args) {
// respread
int a = 0;
for (; a < numParams; a++) {
if (parameterSequenced(a)) {
makeParameterArgument(arity, stmts, args, a);
ListBuffer<JCExpression> variadicElements = ListBuffer.lb();
for (; a < arity; a++) {
Parameter param = paramLists.getParameters().get(Math.min(a, numParams-1));
variadicElements.append(makeParameterExpr(param, a, getVariadicIteratedType(), false));
ListBuffer<JCExpression> spreadCallArgs = ListBuffer.lb();
spreadCallArgs.append(makeParamIdent(gen, 0));
} else {
spreadCallArgs.append(gen.make().NewArray(gen.make().QualIdent(gen.syms().objectType.tsym), List.<JCExpression>nil(), variadicElements.toList()));
spreadCallArgs.append(makeParamIdent(gen, a));
* Constructs an argument list for the target method as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>uses the declared parameters {@code $param$0}, {@code $param$1}, ...,
* </ol>
private void useDeclaredParameters(final int arity, ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts,
ListBuffer<JCExpression> args) {
for (int a= 0; a < numParams; a++) {
makeParameterArgument(arity, stmts, args, a);
* Constructs an argument list for the target method as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>uses the declared parameters {@code $param$0}, {@code $param$1}, ...,
* <li>then pulls further arguments from the sequential parameter
* using {@code $param$n.get()}
* <li>finally then uses {@code $param$n.spanFrom()} on the sequential parameter
* to get the sequential argument to the target method
* </ol>
private void destructureSequential(final int arity, ListBuffer<JCStatement> stmts,
ListBuffer<JCExpression> args) {
// destructuring
int a = 0;
for (; a < getMinimumArguments()-1; a++) {
makeParameterArgument(arity, stmts, args, a);
for (; a < numParams-1; a++) {
// Extract from the sequential
SyntheticName name = parameterName(a);
JCExpression get = gen.make().Apply(null,
gen.makeQualIdent(makeParamIdent(gen, arity), "get"),
gen.typeFact().getIntegerDeclaration().getType(), false, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, gen.typeFact().getIntegerDeclaration().getType())));
get = gen.expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(get,
true, true, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED,
parameterTypes.get(a), 0);
Parameter param = paramLists.getParameters().get(a);
makeVarForParameter(stmts, param, parameterTypes.get(a),
name, get);
// Get the rest of the sequential using spanFrom()
SyntheticName name = parameterName(numParams-1);
JCExpression spanFrom = gen.make().Apply(null,
gen.makeQualIdent(makeParamIdent(gen, arity), "spanFrom"),
gen.typeFact().getIntegerDeclaration().getType(), false, BoxingStrategy.BOXED, gen.typeFact().getIntegerDeclaration().getType())));
spanFrom = gen.expressionGen().applyErasureAndBoxing(spanFrom,
true, true, BoxingStrategy.UNBOXED,
parameterTypes.get(a), 0);
Parameter param = paramLists.getParameters().get(numParams-1);
makeVarForParameter(stmts, param, parameterTypes.get(a),
name, spanFrom);
* <ul>
* <li>a {@code private $call$typed()} method is generated which encodes
* the actual method code,</li>
* <li>the {@code public $call$variadic()} methods delegate to the
* {@code $call$typed()} method,
* A {@code public $call$variadic()} method is generated for each
* arity greater than the number of non-defaulted parameters and less
* than or equal to {@link #CALLABLE_MAX_FIZED_ARITY}, plus one
* which uses Javac varargs</li>
* <li>the {@code $call()} methods delegate to the {@code $call$typed()} method,
* downcasting and obtaining default arguments if required,</li>
* <ul>
class VariadicCallableTransformation extends CallableTransformation {
private final CallMethodForVariadic call;
private final CallVariadicMethodForVariadic callVariadic;
private final MethodWithArity callTyped;
VariadicCallableTransformation(MethodWithArity callTyped) {
this.call = new CallMethodForVariadic();
this.callVariadic = new CallVariadicMethodForVariadic();
this.callTyped = callTyped;
protected List<MethodDefinitionBuilder> makeMethodsForArity(int arity) {
List<MethodDefinitionBuilder> result = List.<MethodDefinitionBuilder>nil();
MethodDefinitionBuilder callVaryMethod = callVariadic.makeMethod(arity);
if (callVaryMethod != null) {
result = result.prepend(callVaryMethod);
MethodDefinitionBuilder callMethod = call.makeMethod(arity);
if (callMethod != null) {
result = result.prepend(callMethod);
return result;
MethodDefinitionBuilder makeCallTypedMethod() {
return callTyped.makeMethod(numParams);
private CallableBuilder useTransformation(CallableTransformation transformation) {
this.transformation = transformation;
return this;
private CallableBuilder useDefaultTransformation(List<JCStatement> stmts) {
CallableTransformation tx;
if (isVariadic) {
MethodWithArity callTyped = new CallTypedMethod(stmts);
tx = new VariadicCallableTransformation(callTyped);
} else if (hasOptionalParameters) {
MethodWithArity call = new CallMethodForVariadic();
MethodWithArity callTyped = new CallTypedMethod(stmts);
tx = new FixedArityCallableTransformation(call, callTyped);
} else {
MethodWithArity call = new CallMethodWithGivenBody(stmts);
MethodWithArity callTyped = null;
tx = new FixedArityCallableTransformation(call, callTyped);
return this;
private CallableBuilder parameterDefaultValueMethods(Tree.ParameterList parameterListTree) {
if (parameterDefaultValueMethods == null) {
parameterDefaultValueMethods = ListBuffer.lb();
for(Tree.Parameter p : parameterListTree.getParameters()){
if(Decl.getDefaultArgument(p) != null){
MethodDefinitionBuilder methodBuilder = gen.classGen().makeParamDefaultValueMethod(false, null, parameterListTree, p, null);
return this;
public JCNewClass build() {
// Generate a subclass of Callable
ListBuffer<JCTree> classBody = new ListBuffer<JCTree>();
if (parameterDefaultValueMethods != null) {
for (MethodDefinitionBuilder mdb : parameterDefaultValueMethods) {
JCClassDecl classDef = gen.make().AnonymousClassDef(gen.make().Modifiers(0), classBody.toList());
int variadicIndex = isVariadic ? numParams - 1 : -1;
JCNewClass instance = gen.make().NewClass(null,
gen.makeJavaType(typeModel, JT_EXTENDS | JT_CLASS_NEW),
gen.make().TypeCast(gen.syms().shortType, gen.makeInteger(variadicIndex))),
if (instanceSubstitution != null) {
return instance;
private java.util.List<ProducedType> getParameterTypesFromCallableModel() {
java.util.List<ProducedType> parameterTypes = new ArrayList<ProducedType>(numParams);
for(int i=0;i<numParams;i++) {
parameterTypes.add(gen.getParameterTypeOfCallable(typeModel, i));
return parameterTypes;
private java.util.List<ProducedType> getParameterTypesFromParameterModels() {
java.util.List<ProducedType> parameterTypes = new ArrayList<ProducedType>(numParams);
// get them from our declaration
for(Parameter p : paramLists.getParameters()){
ProducedType pt;
MethodOrValue pm = p.getModel();
if(pm instanceof Method
&& ((Method)pm).isParameter())
pt = gen.getTypeForFunctionalParameter((Method) pm);
pt = p.getType();
return parameterTypes;
class CallTypedMethod extends MethodWithArity {
private final List<JCStatement> stmts;
public CallTypedMethod(List<JCStatement> stmts) {
this.stmts = stmts;
MethodDefinitionBuilder makeMethod(int arity) {
return makeCallTypedMethod(stmts);
* Makes the {@code call$typed()} method, using the given body.
private MethodDefinitionBuilder makeCallTypedMethod(List<JCStatement> body) {
// make the method
MethodDefinitionBuilder methodBuilder = MethodDefinitionBuilder.systemMethod(gen, Naming.getCallableTypedMethodName());
ProducedType returnType = gen.getReturnTypeOfCallable(typeModel);
methodBuilder.resultType(gen.makeJavaType(returnType, JT_NO_PRIMITIVES), null);
// add all parameters
int i=0;
for(Parameter param : paramLists.getParameters()){
ParameterDefinitionBuilder parameterBuilder = ParameterDefinitionBuilder.systemParameter(gen, param.getName());
JCExpression paramType = gen.makeJavaType(parameterTypes.get(i));
parameterBuilder.type(paramType, null);
// Return the call result, or null if a void method
return methodBuilder;
private static Name makeParamName(AbstractTransformer gen, int paramIndex) {
return gen.names().fromString(getParamName(paramIndex));
private static JCExpression makeParamIdent(AbstractTransformer gen, int paramIndex) {
return gen.make().Ident(gen.names().fromString(getParamName(paramIndex)));
private static String getParamName(int paramIndex) {
return "$param$"+paramIndex;
private ParameterDefinitionBuilder makeCallableCallParam(long flags, int ii) {
JCExpression type = gen.makeIdent(gen.syms().objectType);
if ((flags & Flags.VARARGS) != 0) {
type = gen.make().TypeArray(type);
ParameterDefinitionBuilder pdb = ParameterDefinitionBuilder.systemParameter(gen, getParamName(ii));
pdb.modifiers(Flags.FINAL | flags);
pdb.type(type, null);
return pdb;
private ParameterDefinitionBuilder makeCallableVaryParam(long flags, int ii) {
ProducedType iteratedType = gen.typeFact().getIteratedType(parameterTypes.get(parameterTypes.size()-1));
// $call$var()'s variadic parameter is *always* erasred to Sequential
// even if it's a Variadic+ parameter
JCExpression type = gen.makeJavaType(gen.typeFact().getSequentialType(iteratedType), AbstractTransformer.JT_RAW);
ParameterDefinitionBuilder pdb = ParameterDefinitionBuilder.systemParameter(gen, getParamName(ii));
pdb.modifiers(Flags.FINAL | flags);
pdb.type(type, null);
return pdb;
//Target target = new Target(null);
class Target {
Tree.Term forwardCallTo;
Target(Tree.Term forwardCallTo) {
this.forwardCallTo = forwardCallTo;