// Enter all type parameters into the local method scope.
for (List<JCTypeParameter> l = tree.typarams; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
ClassSymbol owner = env.enclClass.sym;
if ((owner.flags() & ANNOTATION) != 0 &&
// Attribute all value parameters.
for (List<JCVariableDecl> l = tree.params; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) {
attribStat(l.head, localEnv);
chk.checkVarargsMethodDecl(localEnv, tree);
// Check that type parameters are well-formed.
chk.validate(tree.typarams, localEnv);
// Check that result type is well-formed.
chk.validate(tree.restype, localEnv);
// annotation method checks
if ((owner.flags() & ANNOTATION) != 0) {
// annotation method cannot have throws clause
if (tree.thrown.nonEmpty()) {
// annotation method cannot declare type-parameters
if (tree.typarams.nonEmpty()) {
// validate annotation method's return type (could be an annotation type)
// ensure that annotation method does not clash with members of Object/Annotation
chk.validateAnnotationMethod(tree.pos(), m);
if (tree.defaultValue != null) {
// if default value is an annotation, check it is a well-formed
// annotation value (e.g. no duplicate values, no missing values, etc.)
for (List<JCExpression> l = tree.thrown; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail)
chk.checkType(l.head.pos(), l.head.type, syms.throwableType);
if (tree.body == null) {
// Empty bodies are only allowed for
// abstract, native, or interface methods, or for methods
// in a retrofit signature class.
if ((owner.flags() & INTERFACE) == 0 &&
(tree.mods.flags & (ABSTRACT | NATIVE)) == 0 &&
log.error(tree.pos(), "missing.meth.body.or.decl.abstract");
if (tree.defaultValue != null) {
if ((owner.flags() & ANNOTATION) == 0)
} else if ((owner.flags() & INTERFACE) != 0) {
log.error(tree.body.pos(), "intf.meth.cant.have.body");
} else if ((tree.mods.flags & ABSTRACT) != 0) {
log.error(tree.pos(), "abstract.meth.cant.have.body");
} else if ((tree.mods.flags & NATIVE) != 0) {
log.error(tree.pos(), "native.meth.cant.have.body");