
Examples of

      this.assertionsComplete = true;

    <T extends Tree> void assertMatch(T node, VisitorState visitorState,
        Matcher<T> matcher) {
      VisitorState state = visitorState.withPath(getCurrentPath());
      assertTrue(matcher.matches(node, state));
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      // We haven't seen the declaration yet. We'll evaluate the call when we do.
      return NO_MATCH;

    for (Caller caller : callersToEvaluate.removeAll(symbol)) {
      VisitorState state = caller.state;
      MethodInvocationTree invocation = caller.tree;

      MethodTree callerConstructor = state.findEnclosing(MethodTree.class);
      if (callerConstructor == null) {
        continue; // impossible, at least in compilable code?
      Map<String, Type> availableParams = indexTypeByName(callerConstructor.getParameters());

       * TODO(cpovirk): Better handling of varargs: If the last parameter type is varargs and it is
       * called as varargs (rather than by passing an array), then rewrite the parameter types to
       * (p0, p1, ..., p[n-2], p[n-1] = element type of varargs parameter if an argument is
       * supplied, p[n] = ditto, etc.). For now, we settle for not crashing in the face of a
       * mismatch between the number of parameters declared and the number supplied.
       * (Use MethodSymbol.isVarArgs.)
      for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.size() && i < invocation.getArguments().size(); i++) {
        VariableTree formalParam = paramTypes.get(i);
        String formalParamName = formalParam.getName().toString();
        Type formalParamType = getType(formalParam.getType());

        Type availableParamType = availableParams.get(formalParamName);

        ExpressionTree actualParam = invocation.getArguments().get(i);

        if (
             * The caller has no param of this type. (Or if it did, we couldn't determine the type.
             * Does that ever happen?) If the param doesn't exist, the caller can't be failing to
             * pass it.
            availableParamType == null

             * We couldn't determine the type of the formal parameter. (Does this ever happen?)
            || formalParamType == null

             * The caller is passing the expected parameter (or "ImmutableList.copyOf(parameter),"
             * "new File(parameter)," etc.).
            || referencesIdentifierWithName(formalParamName, actualParam, state)) {

        if (state.getTypes().isAssignable(availableParamType, formalParamType)) {
          reportMatch(invocation, state, actualParam, formalParamName);
         * If formal parameter is of an incompatible type, the caller might in theory still intend
         * to pass a dervied expression. For example, "Foo(String file)" might intend to call
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