Package com.sun.pdfview

Examples of com.sun.pdfview.PDFParseException

        // crypt filter (CF) dictionary
        final Map<String, PDFDecrypter> cfDecrypters =
                new HashMap<String, PDFDecrypter>();
        final PDFObject cfDict = encryptDict.getDictRef("CF");
        if (cfDict == null) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "No CF value present in Encrypt dict for V4 encryption");
        final Iterator<String> cfNameIt = cfDict.getDictKeys();
        while (cfNameIt.hasNext()) {
            final String cfName =;
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        // R describes the revision of the security handler
        final PDFObject rObj = encryptDict.getDictRef("R");
        if (rObj == null) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "No R entry present in Encrypt dictionary");

        final int revision = rObj.getIntValue();
        if (revision < 2 || revision > 4) {
            throw new EncryptionUnsupportedByPlatformException(
                    "Unsupported Standard security handler revision; R=" +

        // O describes validation details for the owner key
        final PDFObject oObj = encryptDict.getDictRef("O");
        if (oObj == null) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "No O entry present in Encrypt dictionary");
        final byte[] o = oObj.getStream();
        if (o.length != 32) {
            throw new PDFParseException("Expected owner key O " +
                    "value of 32 bytes; found " + o.length);

        // U describes validation details for the user key
        final PDFObject uObj = encryptDict.getDictRef("U");
        if (uObj == null) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "No U entry present in Encrypt dictionary");
        final byte[] u = uObj.getStream();
        if (u.length != 32) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "Expected user key U value of 32 bytes; found " + o.length);

        // P describes the permissions regarding document usage
        final PDFObject pObj = encryptDict.getDictRef("P");
        if (pObj == null) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "Required P entry in Encrypt dictionary not found");

        return new StandardDecrypter(
                encryptionAlgorithm, documentId, keyLength,
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  public ByteBuffer decryptBuffer(String cryptFilterName,
            PDFObject streamObj, ByteBuffer streamBuf)
            throws PDFParseException {

        if (cryptFilterName != null) {
            throw new PDFParseException("This Encryption version does not support Crypt filters");

        return streamBuf;
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        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
            // Unexpected, as our test of JCE availability should have caught
            // problems with cipher availability.
            // It may well be a problem with document content?
            throw new PDFParseException("Unable to check passwords: " +
                    e.getMessage(), e);

        if (this.generalKeyBytes == null) {
            throw new PDFAuthenticationFailureException(
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  public ByteBuffer decryptBuffer(
            String cryptFilterName, PDFObject streamObj, ByteBuffer streamBuf)
            throws PDFParseException {

        if (cryptFilterName != null) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "This encryption version does not support Crypt filters");

        if (streamObj != null) {
            checkNums(streamObj.getObjNum(), streamObj.getObjGen());
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        try {
        } catch (PDFParseException e) {
            throw new PDFParseException("Internal error; " +
                    "failed to produce test cipher: " + e.getMessage());
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new EncryptionUnsupportedByPlatformException(
                    "JCE does not offer required cipher", e);
        } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) {
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        try {
            cipher = createAndInitialiseContentCipher(
                    encrypted, decryptionKeyBytes);
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
            // we should have caught this earlier in testCipherAvailability
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "Unable to create cipher due to platform limitation: " +
                            e.getMessage(), e);

        try {
            // the decrypted content will never be more than the encrypted
            // content. Thanks to padding, this buffer will be at most 16
            // bytes bigger than the encrypted content
            final ByteBuffer decryptedBuf =
            cipher.doFinal(encrypted, decryptedBuf);
            return decryptedBuf;
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "Could not decrypt: " + e.getMessage(), e);
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            cipher = createAESCipher();
            final byte[] initialisationVector = new byte[16];
            if (encrypted.remaining() >= initialisationVector.length) {
            } else {
                throw new PDFParseException(
                        "AES encrypted stream too short - " +
                                "no room for initialisation vector");

            final SecretKeySpec aesKey =
                    new SecretKeySpec(decryptionKeyBytes, KEY_AES);
            final IvParameterSpec aesIv =
                    new IvParameterSpec(initialisationVector);
            cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, aesKey, aesIv);
        } else {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "Internal error - unhandled cipher type: " +
        return cipher;
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        final MessageDigest md5;
        try {
            md5 = createMD5Digest();
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            // unexpected, as we will already have tested availability
            throw new PDFParseException("Unable to get MD5 digester", e);
        md5.update((byte) objNum);
        md5.update((byte) (objNum >> 8));
        md5.update((byte) (objNum >> 16));
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     * aren't true object numbers
    private void checkNums(int objNum, int objGen)
            throws PDFParseException {
        if (objNum < 0) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "Internal error: Object has bogus object number");
        } else if (objGen < 0) {
            throw new PDFParseException(
                    "Internal error: Object has bogus generation number");
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Related Classes of com.sun.pdfview.PDFParseException

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