pageEnd = pdfFile.getNumPages();
OutlineNode on = pdfFile.getOutline();
if (on != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < on.getChildCount(); i++) {
OutlineNode child = (OutlineNode) on.getChildAt(i);
GoToAction act = (GoToAction) child.getAction();
//Find the beginning of the chapter selected,
//then take the page start and page end number
if (child.toString().toLowerCase().startsWith(marker.getChapterPrefix().toLowerCase())) {
currentOutline = child;
pageStart = pdfFile.getPageNumber(act.getDestination()
if (i + 1 < on.getChildCount()) {
OutlineNode childAfter = (OutlineNode) on
.getChildAt(i + 1);
GoToAction actAfter = (GoToAction) childAfter
pageEnd = pdfFile.getPageNumber(actAfter
}// else if child is the last one, pageEnd is already set.