Package com.springsource.greenhouse.account

Examples of com.springsource.greenhouse.account.GreenhousePasswordEncoder$Digester

        // * tests that custom rules can be declared on a
        // separate class with name {plugin-class}RuleInfo,
        // and they are automatically detected and loaded.

        Digester digester = new Digester();
        PluginRules rc = new PluginRules();
        digester.setRules( rc );

        PluginDeclarationRule pdr = new PluginDeclarationRule();
        digester.addRule( "root/plugin", pdr );

        PluginCreateRule pcr = new PluginCreateRule( Widget.class );
        digester.addRule( "root/widget", pcr );
        digester.addSetNext( "root/widget", "addChild" );

        Container root = new Container();
        digester.push( root );

            digester.parse( Utils.getInputStream( this, "test5c.xml" ) );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw e;
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        // this method tests the Delegate functionality by capturing all
        // data below the specified pattern, and printing it to stdout.
        // I can't for the moment think how to turn this into a unit test,
        // so this test is disabled.
        Digester digester = new Digester();
        PluginRules rc = new PluginRules();
        digester.setRules( rc );

        DumperRule dr = new DumperRule();
        digester.addRule( "root", dr );

            digester.parse( Utils.getInputStream( this, "test1.xml" ) );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw e;
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    public void setUp()

        digester = new Digester();
        digester.setRules( createMatchingRulesForTest() );

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            "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n" + "<box id='root'>\n" + "  <subBox id='box1'/>\n" + "  <ignoreme/>\n"
                + "  <subBox id='box2'/> <subBox id='box3'/>\n" + "</box>";

        LocationTracker locnTracker = new LocationTracker();

        Digester digester = newLoader( new AbstractRulesModule()

            protected void configure()
                forPattern( "box" ).createObject().ofType( Box.class )
                forPattern( "box/subBox" ).createObject().ofType( Box.class )
                    .setNext( "addChild" );

        .setStackAction( locnTracker )

        Box root = digester.parse( new StringReader( TEST_XML ) );
        assertNotNull( root );
        List<Box> children = root.getChildren();
        assertEquals( 3, children.size() );
        Box box1 = children.get( 0 );
        Box box2 = children.get( 1 );
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    public void testDigesterResolveRelative()
        throws Exception
        Digester digester = new Digester();
        digester.setValidating( true );
        digester.parse( new File( "src/test/resources/org/apache/commons/digester3/document-with-relative-dtd.xml" ) );
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        // now for the tests
        String xml = "<?xml version='1.0' ?><root><element/></root>";

        // test default - which is to propagate the exception
        Digester digester = new Digester();
        digester.addFactoryCreate( "root", new ThrowExceptionCreateRule(), ignoreCreateExceptions );

            digester.parse( new StringReader( xml ) );
            if ( !ignoreCreateExceptions )
                fail( "Exception should be propagated from create rule" );
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    public void testFactoryCreateRule()
        throws Exception

        // test passing object create
        Digester digester = new Digester();
        ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl factory = new ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl();
        digester.addFactoryCreate( "root", factory, ignoreCreateExceptions );
        String xml = new String( "<?xml version='1.0' ?><root one='good' two='bad' three='ugly'><element/></root>" );
        digester.parse( new StringReader( xml ) );

        assertEquals( "Object create not called(1)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.called, true );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (1)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "one" ),
                      "good" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (2)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "two" ),
                      "bad" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (3)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "three" ),
                      "ugly" );

        digester = new Digester();
        digester.addFactoryCreate( "root", "org.apache.commons.digester3.ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl",
                                   ignoreCreateExceptions );
        digester.addSetNext( "root", "add" );
        xml = new String( "<?xml version='1.0' ?><root one='good' two='bad' three='ugly'><element/></root>" );
        List<ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl> list = new ArrayList<ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl>();
        digester.push( list );
        digester.parse( new StringReader( xml ) );

        assertEquals( "List should contain only the factory object", list.size(), 1 );
        factory = list.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "Object create not called(2)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.called, true );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (4)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "one" ),
                      "good" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (5)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "two" ),
                      "bad" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (6)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "three" ),
                      "ugly" );

        digester = new Digester();
        digester.addFactoryCreate( "root", "org.apache.commons.digester3.ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl", "override",
                                   ignoreCreateExceptions );
        digester.addSetNext( "root", "add" );
        xml = new String( "<?xml version='1.0' ?><root one='good' two='bad' three='ugly'><element/></root>" );
        list = new ArrayList<ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl>();
        digester.push( list );
        digester.parse( new StringReader( xml ) );

        assertEquals( "List should contain only the factory object", list.size(), 1 );
        factory = list.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "Object create not called(3)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.called, true );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (7)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "one" ),
                      "good" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (8)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "two" ),
                      "bad" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (8)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "three" ),
                      "ugly" );

        digester = new Digester();
        digester.addFactoryCreate( "root", "org.apache.commons.digester3.ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl", "override",
                                   ignoreCreateExceptions );
        digester.addSetNext( "root", "add" );
        xml =
            new String( "<?xml version='1.0' ?><root one='good' two='bad' three='ugly' "
                + " override='org.apache.commons.digester3.OtherTestObjectCreationFactory' >" + "<element/></root>" );
        list = new ArrayList<ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl>();
        digester.push( list );
        digester.parse( new StringReader( xml ) );

        assertEquals( "List should contain only the factory object", list.size(), 1 );
        factory = list.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "Attribute Override Failed (1)", factory.getClass().getName(),
                      "org.apache.commons.digester3.OtherTestObjectCreationFactory" );
        assertEquals( "Object create not called(4)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.called, true );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (10)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "one" ),
                      "good" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (11)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "two" ),
                      "bad" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (12)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "three" ),
                      "ugly" );

        digester = new Digester();
        digester.addFactoryCreate( "root", ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl.class, "override", ignoreCreateExceptions );
        digester.addSetNext( "root", "add" );
        xml = new String( "<?xml version='1.0' ?><root one='good' two='bad' three='ugly'><element/></root>" );
        list = new ArrayList<ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl>();
        digester.push( list );
        digester.parse( new StringReader( xml ) );

        assertEquals( "List should contain only the factory object", list.size(), 1 );
        factory = list.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "Object create not called(5)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.called, true );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (13)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "one" ),
                      "good" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (14)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "two" ),
                      "bad" );
        assertEquals( "Attribute not passed (15)[" + ignoreCreateExceptions + "]", factory.attributes.getValue( "three" ),
                      "ugly" );

        digester = new Digester();
        digester.addFactoryCreate( "root", ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl.class, "override", ignoreCreateExceptions );
        digester.addSetNext( "root", "add" );
        xml =
            new String( "<?xml version='1.0' ?><root one='good' two='bad' three='ugly' "
                + " override='org.apache.commons.digester3.OtherTestObjectCreationFactory' >" + "<element/></root>" );
        list = new ArrayList<ObjectCreationFactoryTestImpl>();
        digester.push( list );
        digester.parse( new StringReader( xml ) );

        assertEquals( "List should contain only the factory object", list.size(), 1 );
        factory = list.get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "Attribute Override Failed (2)", factory.getClass().getName(),
                      "org.apache.commons.digester3.OtherTestObjectCreationFactory" );
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                bindRulesFrom( clazz );


        Digester digester = newLoader(modules).newDigester();
        Object actual = digester.parse(input);

        if (input != null) {
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    public void setUp()

        digester = new Digester();

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        // * tests that a rule can declare custom PluginCreateRules
        // that allow it to plug in instances of itself below
        // itself.

        Digester digester = new Digester();
        PluginRules rc = new PluginRules();
        digester.setRules( rc );

        PluginDeclarationRule pdr = new PluginDeclarationRule();
        digester.addRule( "*/plugin", pdr );

        PluginCreateRule pcr = new PluginCreateRule( Widget.class );
        digester.addRule( "root/widget", pcr );
        digester.addSetNext( "root/widget", "addChild" );

        Container root = new Container();
        digester.push( root );

            digester.parse( Utils.getInputStream( this, "test6.xml" ) );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw e;
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Related Classes of com.springsource.greenhouse.account.GreenhousePasswordEncoder$Digester

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