Package com.springsource.greenhouse.account

Examples of com.springsource.greenhouse.account.GreenhousePasswordEncoder$Digester

    public void testNamedStackPushPeekPop()
        throws Exception
        BigDecimal archimedesAveragePi = new BigDecimal( "3.1418" );
        String testStackName = "org.apache.commons.digester3.tests.testNamedStackPushPeekPop";
        Digester digester = new Digester();
        assertTrue( "Stack starts empty:", digester.isEmpty( testStackName ) );
        digester.push( testStackName, archimedesAveragePi );
        assertEquals( "Peeked value:", archimedesAveragePi, digester.peek( testStackName ) );
        assertEquals( "Popped value:", archimedesAveragePi, digester.pop( testStackName ) );
        assertTrue( "Stack ends empty:", digester.isEmpty( testStackName ) );

        digester.push( testStackName, "1" );
        digester.push( testStackName, "2" );
        digester.push( testStackName, "3" );

        assertEquals( "Peek#1", "1", digester.peek( testStackName, 2 ) );
        assertEquals( "Peek#2", "2", digester.peek( testStackName, 1 ) );
        assertEquals( "Peek#3", "3", digester.peek( testStackName, 0 ) );
        assertEquals( "Peek#3a", "3", digester.peek( testStackName ) );

            // peek beyond stack
            digester.peek( testStackName, 3 );
            fail( "Peek#4 failed to throw an exception." );
        catch ( EmptyStackException ex )
            // ok, expected

            // peek a nonexistent named stack
            digester.peek( "no.such.stack", 0 );
            fail( "Peeking a non-existent stack failed to throw an exception." );
        catch ( EmptyStackException ex )
            // ok, expected
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        // with "null" for namespace (ie attributes not in any namespace).
        // note that in order not to screw up all other tests, we need
        // to reset the global names after we finish here!

        Digester digester = new Digester();
        digester.setNamespaceAware( true );
        PluginRules rc = new PluginRules();
        digester.setRules( rc );

        rc.setPluginIdAttribute( null, "id" );
        rc.setPluginClassAttribute( null, "class" );

        PluginDeclarationRule pdr = new PluginDeclarationRule();
        digester.addRule( "root/plugin", pdr );

        PluginCreateRule widgetPluginRule = new PluginCreateRule( Widget.class );
        digester.addRule( "root/widget", widgetPluginRule );
        digester.addSetNext( "root/widget", "addWidget" );

        PluginCreateRule gadgetPluginRule = new PluginCreateRule( Widget.class );
        digester.addRule( "root/gadget", gadgetPluginRule );
        digester.addSetNext( "root/gadget", "addGadget" );

        MultiContainer root = new MultiContainer();
        digester.push( root );

            digester.parse( Utils.getInputStream( this, "test7.xml" ) );

        catch ( Exception e )
            throw e;
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        // Tests that using setPluginXXXX overrides behaviour for only
        // that particular PluginCreateRule instance. Also tests that
        // attributes can be in namespaces.

        Digester digester = new Digester();
        digester.setNamespaceAware( true );
        PluginRules rc = new PluginRules();
        digester.setRules( rc );

        PluginDeclarationRule pdr = new PluginDeclarationRule();
        digester.addRule( "root/plugin", pdr );

        // for plugins at pattern "root/widget", use xml attributes "id" and
        // "class" in the custom namespace as the values for plugin id and
        // class, not the default (and non-namespaced) values of
        // "plugin-id" and "plugin-class".
        PluginCreateRule widgetPluginRule = new PluginCreateRule( Widget.class );
        widgetPluginRule.setPluginIdAttribute( "", "id" );
        widgetPluginRule.setPluginClassAttribute( "", "class" );
        digester.addRule( "root/widget", widgetPluginRule );
        digester.addSetNext( "root/widget", "addWidget" );

        PluginCreateRule gadgetPluginRule = new PluginCreateRule( Widget.class );
        digester.addRule( "root/gadget", gadgetPluginRule );
        digester.addSetNext( "root/gadget", "addGadget" );

        MultiContainer root = new MultiContainer();
        digester.push( root );

            digester.parse( Utils.getInputStream( this, "test7.xml" ) );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw e;
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    public void testNamedIndependence()
        String testStackOneName = "org.apache.commons.digester3.tests.testNamedIndependenceOne";
        String testStackTwoName = "org.apache.commons.digester3.tests.testNamedIndependenceTwo";
        Digester digester = new Digester();
        digester.push( testStackOneName, "Tweedledum" );
        digester.push( testStackTwoName, "Tweedledee" );
        assertEquals( "Popped value one:", "Tweedledum", digester.pop( testStackOneName ) );
        assertEquals( "Popped value two:", "Tweedledee", digester.pop( testStackTwoName ) );
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    /** Tests popping named stack not yet pushed */
    public void testPopNamedStackNotPushed()
        String testStackName = "org.apache.commons.digester3.tests.testPopNamedStackNotPushed";
        Digester digester = new Digester();

            digester.pop( testStackName );
            fail( "Expected an EmptyStackException" );

        catch ( EmptyStackException e )
            // expected


            digester.peek( testStackName );
            fail( "Expected an EmptyStackException" );

        catch ( EmptyStackException e )
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    /** Tests for isEmpty */
    public void testNamedStackIsEmpty()
        String testStackName = "org.apache.commons.digester3.tests.testNamedStackIsEmpty";
        Digester digester = new Digester();
        assertTrue( "A named stack that has no object pushed onto it yet should be empty",
                    digester.isEmpty( testStackName ) );

        digester.push( testStackName, "Some test value" );
        assertFalse( "A named stack that has an object pushed onto it should be not empty",
                     digester.isEmpty( testStackName ) );

        digester.peek( testStackName );
        assertFalse( "Peek should not effect whether the stack is empty", digester.isEmpty( testStackName ) );

        digester.pop( testStackName );
        assertTrue( "A named stack that has it's last object popped is empty", digester.isEmpty( testStackName ) );
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    public void testGetRoot()
        throws Exception
        Digester digester = new Digester();
        digester.addRule( "root", new ObjectCreateRule( TestBean.class ) );

        String xml = "<root/>";
        InputSource in = new InputSource( new StringReader( xml ) );

        digester.parse( in );

        Object root = digester.getRoot();
        assertNotNull( "root object not retrieved", root );
        assertTrue( "root object not a TestRule instance", ( root instanceof TestBean ) );
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        Object obj4 = new String( "replpush.obj4" );

        Object obj8 = new String( "obj8" );
        Object obj9 = new String( "obj9" );

        Digester d = new Digester();
        d.setStackAction( action );

        assertEquals( 0, );
        d.push( obj1 );
        d.push( obj2 );
        d.push( obj3 );
        d.push( obj4 );

        assertNotNull( d.peek( 0 ) );
        // for obj4, a copy should have been pushed
        assertNotSame( obj4, d.peek( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( obj4, d.peek( 0 ) );
        // for obj3, replacement only occurs on pop
        assertSame( obj3, d.peek( 1 ) );
        assertSame( obj2, d.peek( 2 ) );
        assertSame( obj1, d.peek( 3 ) );

        Object obj4a = d.pop();
        Object obj3a = d.pop();
        Object obj2a = d.pop();
        Object obj1a = d.pop();

        assertFalse( obj4 == obj4a );
        assertEquals( obj4, obj4a );
        assertFalse( obj3 == obj4a );
        assertEquals( obj3, obj3a );
        assertSame( obj2, obj2a );
        assertSame( obj1, obj1a );

        d.push( "stack1", obj8 );
        d.push( "stack1", obj9 );
        Object obj9a = d.pop( "stack1" );
        Object obj8a = d.pop( "stack1" );

        assertSame( obj8, obj8a );
        assertSame( obj9, obj9a );

        assertEquals( 12, );
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        throws Exception
        // * tests that custom rules can be declared on a
        // separate class by explicitly declaring the rule class.

        Digester digester = new Digester();
        PluginRules rc = new PluginRules();
        digester.setRules( rc );

        PluginDeclarationRule pdr = new PluginDeclarationRule();
        digester.addRule( "root/plugin", pdr );

        PluginCreateRule pcr = new PluginCreateRule( Widget.class );
        digester.addRule( "root/widget", pcr );
        digester.addSetNext( "root/widget", "addChild" );

        Container root = new Container();
        digester.push( root );

            digester.parse( Utils.getInputStream( this, "test5a.xml" ) );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw e;
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        // * tests that custom rules can be declared on a
        // separate class by explicitly declaring the rule class.
        // and explicitly declaring the rule method name.

        Digester digester = new Digester();
        PluginRules rc = new PluginRules();
        digester.setRules( rc );

        PluginDeclarationRule pdr = new PluginDeclarationRule();
        digester.addRule( "root/plugin", pdr );

        PluginCreateRule pcr = new PluginCreateRule( Widget.class );
        digester.addRule( "root/widget", pcr );
        digester.addSetNext( "root/widget", "addChild" );

        Container root = new Container();
        digester.push( root );

            digester.parse( Utils.getInputStream( this, "test5b.xml" ) );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw e;
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