public void useTheCommentsRelation() {
// Create a new user and save it
User bob = new User("", "secret", "Bob").save();
// Create a new post
Post bobPost = new Post(bob, "My first post", "Hello world").save();
// Post a first comment
bobPost.addComment("Jeff", "Nice post");
bobPost.addComment("Tom", "I knew that !");
// Count things
assertEquals(1, User.count());
assertEquals(1, Post.count());
assertEquals(2, Comment.count());
// Retrieve the bob post
bobPost = Post.find("byAuthorEmail",;
// Navigate to comments
assertEquals(2, bobPost.comments.size());
assertEquals("Jeff", bobPost.comments.get(0).author);
// Delete the post
// Chech the all comments have been deleted
assertEquals(1, User.count());
assertEquals(0, Post.count());
assertEquals(0, Comment.count());