import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import models.Comment;
import models.Post;
import models.Tag;
import models.User;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import play.modules.morphia.MorphiaPlugin;
import play.modules.morphia.MorphiaPlugin.IdType;
import play.test.Fixtures;
import play.test.MorphiaFixtures;
import play.test.UnitTest;
public class BasicTest extends UnitTest {
public void setup() {
public void testBug46() {
assertEquals(IdType.Long, MorphiaPlugin.getIdType());
public void createAndRetrieveUser() {
// Create a new user and save it
new User("", "secret", "Bob").save();
// Retrieve the user with bob username
User bob = User.find("byEmail", "").first();
// Test
assertEquals("Bob", bob.fullname);
public void tryConnectAsUser() {
// Create a new user and save it
new User("", "secret", "Bob").save();
// Test
assertNotNull(User.connect("", "secret"));
assertNull(User.connect("", "badpassword"));
assertNull(User.connect("", "secret"));
public void createPost() {
// Create a new user and save it
User bob = new User("", "secret", "Bob").save();
// Create a new post
new Post(bob, "My first post", "Hello world").save();
// Test that the post has been created
assertEquals(1, Post.count());
// Retrieve all post created by bob
List<Post> bobPosts = Post.find("byAuthorEmail",;
// Tests
assertEquals(1, bobPosts.size());
Post firstPost = bobPosts.get(0);
assertEquals(, firstPost.authorEmail);
assertEquals("My first post", firstPost.title);
assertEquals("Hello world", firstPost.content);
public void postComments() {
// Create a new user and save it
User bob = new User("", "secret", "Bob").save();
// Create a new post
Post bobPost = new Post(bob, "My first post", "Hello world").save();
// Post a first comment
new Comment(bobPost, "Jeff", "Nice post").save();
new Comment(bobPost, "Tom", "I knew that !").save();
// Retrieve all comments
List<Comment> bobPostComments = Comment.q().filter("post in", bobPost).asList();
// Tests
assertEquals(2, bobPostComments.size());
Comment firstComment = bobPostComments.get(0);
assertEquals("Nice post", firstComment.content);
Comment secondComment = bobPostComments.get(1);
assertEquals("I knew that !", secondComment.content);
public void useTheCommentsRelation() {
// Create a new user and save it
User bob = new User("", "secret", "Bob").save();
// Create a new post
Post bobPost = new Post(bob, "My first post", "Hello world").save();
// Post a first comment
bobPost.addComment("Jeff", "Nice post");
bobPost.addComment("Tom", "I knew that !");
// Count things
assertEquals(1, User.count());
assertEquals(1, Post.count());
assertEquals(2, Comment.count());
// Retrieve the bob post
bobPost = Post.find("byAuthorEmail",;
// Navigate to comments
assertEquals(2, bobPost.comments.size());
assertEquals("Jeff", bobPost.comments.get(0).author);
// Delete the post
// Chech the all comments have been deleted
assertEquals(1, User.count());
assertEquals(0, Post.count());
assertEquals(0, Comment.count());
public void fullTest() {
// Count things
assertEquals(2, User.count());
assertEquals(3, Post.count());
assertEquals(3, Comment.count());
// Try to connect as users
assertNotNull(User.connect("", "secret"));
assertNotNull(User.connect("", "secret"));
assertNull(User.connect("", "badpassword"));
assertNull(User.connect("", "secret"));
// Find all bob posts
List<Post> bobPosts = Post.find("authorEmail", "").asList();
assertEquals(2, bobPosts.size());
// Find all comments related to bob posts
List<Comment> bobComments = Comment.q().filter("post in", Post.find("authorEmail", "").asKeyList()).asList();
assertEquals(3, bobComments.size());
// Find the most recent post
Post frontPost = Post.q().order("-postedAt").first();
assertEquals("About the model layer", frontPost.title);
// Check that this post has two comments
assertEquals(2, frontPost.comments.size());
// Post a new comment
frontPost.addComment("Jim", "Hello guys");
assertEquals(3, frontPost.comments.size());
assertEquals(4, Comment.count());
public void testTags() {
// Create a new user and save it
User bob = new User("", "secret", "Bob").save();
// Create a new post
Post bobPost = new Post(bob, "My first post", "Hello world").save();
Post anotherBobPost = new Post(bob, "My second post post", "Hello world").save();
// Well
assertEquals(0, Post.findTaggedWith("Red").size());
// Tag it now
// Check
assertEquals(2, Post.findTaggedWith("Red").size());
assertEquals(1, Post.findTaggedWith("Blue").size());
assertEquals(1, Post.findTaggedWith("Green").size());
assertEquals(1, Post.findTaggedWith("Red", "Blue").size());
assertEquals(1, Post.findTaggedWith("Red", "Green").size());
assertEquals(0, Post.findTaggedWith("Red", "Green", "Blue").size());
assertEquals(0, Post.findTaggedWith("Green", "Blue").size());
Map<String, Long> cloud = Tag.getCloud();
long blue = cloud.get("Blue");
long green = cloud.get("Green");
long red = cloud.get("Red");
assertEquals(blue, 1);
assertEquals(green, 1);
assertEquals(red, 2);