new FlaggedOption( "itemMimeType", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, "text/html", JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'm', "item-mime-type", "A MIME type suggested to the class handling item display in the HTTP server." ),
new FlaggedOption( "port", JSAP.INTEGER_PARSER, "4242", JSAP.NOT_REQUIRED, 'p', "port", "The port on localhost where the server will appear." ),
new UnflaggedOption( "basenameWeight", JSAP.STRING_PARSER, JSAP.NO_DEFAULT, JSAP.REQUIRED, JSAP.GREEDY, "The indices that the servlet will use. Indices are specified using their basename, optionally followed by a colon and a double representing the weight used to score results from that index. Indices without a specified weight are weighted 1." )
final JSAPResult jsapResult = jsap.parse( arg );
if ( jsap.messagePrinted() ) return;
final DocumentCollection documentCollection = (DocumentCollection)(jsapResult.userSpecified( "collection" ) ? AbstractDocumentSequence.load( jsapResult.getString( "collection" ) ) :
jsapResult.userSpecified( "objectCollection" ) ? jsapResult.getObject( "objectCollection" ): null );
final List<? extends CharSequence> titleList = (List<? extends CharSequence>) (
jsapResult.userSpecified( "titleList" ) ? BinIO.loadObject( jsapResult.getString( "titleList" ) ) :
jsapResult.userSpecified( "titleFile" ) ? new FileLinesList( jsapResult.getString( "titleFile" ), "UTF-8" ) :
null ); final String[] basenameWeight = jsapResult.getStringArray( "basenameWeight" );
final Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenHashMap<String,Index> indexMap = new Object2ReferenceLinkedOpenHashMap<String,Index>( Hash.DEFAULT_INITIAL_SIZE, .5f );
final Reference2DoubleOpenHashMap<Index> index2Weight = new Reference2DoubleOpenHashMap<Index>();
final boolean verbose = jsapResult.getBoolean( "verbose" );
final boolean loadSizes = ! jsapResult.getBoolean( "noSizes" );
Query.loadIndicesFromSpec( basenameWeight, loadSizes, documentCollection, indexMap, index2Weight );
final Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String,TermProcessor> termProcessors = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<String,TermProcessor>( indexMap.size() );
for( String alias: indexMap.keySet() ) termProcessors.put( alias, indexMap.get( alias ).termProcessor );
final SimpleParser simpleParser = new SimpleParser( indexMap.keySet(), indexMap.firstKey(), termProcessors );
final Reference2ReferenceMap<Index, Object> index2Parser = new Reference2ReferenceOpenHashMap<Index, Object>();
// Fetch parsers for payload-based fields.
for( Index index: indexMap.values() ) if ( index.hasPayloads ) {
if ( index.payload.getClass() == DatePayload.class ) index2Parser.put( index, DateFormat.getDateInstance( DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.UK ) );
final QueryEngine queryEngine = new QueryEngine( simpleParser, new DocumentIteratorBuilderVisitor( indexMap, index2Parser, indexMap.get( indexMap.firstKey() ), MAX_STEMMING ), indexMap );
queryEngine.setWeights( index2Weight );
queryEngine.score( new Scorer[] { new BM25Scorer(), new VignaScorer() }, new double[] { 1, 1 } );
// We set up an interval selector only if there is a collection for snippeting
queryEngine.intervalSelector = documentCollection != null ? new IntervalSelector( 4, 40 ) : new IntervalSelector();
queryEngine.multiplex = true;
queryEngine.equalize( 1000 );
Query query = new Query( queryEngine );
query.displayMode = OutputType.SNIPPET;
String q;
System.err.println( "Welcome to the MG4J query class (setup with $mode snippet, $score BM25Scorer VignaScorer, $mplex on, $equalize 1000, $select " + ( documentCollection != null ? "4 40" : "all" ) + ")" );
System.err.println( "Please type $ for help." );
String prompt = indexMap.keySet().toString() + ">";
int n;
HttpQueryServer httpQueryServer = null;
if ( jsapResult.getBoolean( "http" ) ) httpQueryServer = new HttpQueryServer( queryEngine, documentCollection, jsapResult.getClass( "itemClass" ), jsapResult.getString( "itemMimeType" ), jsapResult.getInt( "port" ), titleList );
try {
final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( jsapResult.userSpecified( "input" ) ? new FileInputStream( jsapResult.getString( "input") ) : ) );
final ObjectArrayList<DocumentScoreInfo<Reference2ObjectMap<Index,SelectedInterval[]>>> results = new ObjectArrayList<DocumentScoreInfo<Reference2ObjectMap<Index,SelectedInterval[]>>>();
for ( ;; ) {
System.out.print( prompt );
q = br.readLine();