return fieldValue.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset());
if (fieldValue.length() <= 2)
throw new DatabusException("Unable to decode the string because length is less than 2");
if (!isStringHex(fieldValue))
throw new DatabusException("Unable to decode the string because it is not hex-encoded");
return stringToHex(fieldValue.substring(2, fieldValue.length()-1));
catch (DecoderException e)
throw new DatabusException("Unable to decode a " + databaseFieldType + " field: " + recordFieldName);
//return array
else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("ARRAY"))
throw new DatabusException("ARRAY type still not implemented!"); //TODO add support for array
//return record
else if (databaseFieldType.equalsIgnoreCase("TABLE"))
throw new DatabusException("TABLE type still not implemented!"); //TODO add support for table
throw new DatabusException("unknown field type: " + recordFieldName + ":" + databaseFieldType);