Package com.linkedin.databus2.core

Examples of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException

    catch(Exception ex)
      _log.error("Failed to register the gg-source statistics mbean for source (" + source.getSourceName() + ") due to an exception.", ex);
      throw new DatabusException("Failed to initialize gg event statistics mbeans.", ex);

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          else //If the max scn is set to <0, this is a special case that we use to let the trail file notifier that you want to override the default behaviour of starting with the latest scn.
    "Overridding default behaviour (start with latest scn), using scn : " + scn + " to start the relay");
              if(scn != TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_EARLIEST_SCN && scn != TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_LATEST_SCN)
                throw new DatabusException("The scn you have passed is neither EARLIEST or LATEST  setting, cannot proceed with using this scn");


View Full Code Here"File position at : "+ filePositionResult);
        case ERROR:
          _log.fatal("Unable to locate the scn in the trail file.");
          throw new DatabusException("Unable to find the given scn " + _scn.get() + " in the trail files");
        case NO_TXNS_FOUND:

          //If the latest scn is not found in the trail files, then use the earliest scn.
          if(_scn.get() == TrailFilePositionSetter.USE_LATEST_SCN)
  "Switching from USE_LATEST_SCN to USE_EARLIEST_SCN because no trail files were not found");

          long noTxnsFoundSleepTime = 500;                      //TODO sleep get configuration for sleep time
"NO_TXNS_FOUND, sleeping for "+ noTxnsFoundSleepTime + " ms before retrying");
        case EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND:
"Exact SCN was not found, the closest scn found was: " + filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getMinScn());
          compositeInputStream = new ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream(xmlDir,
                                                                                  new TrailFilePositionSetter.FileFilter(new File(xmlDir), xmlPrefix),
          long foundScn = filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getMaxScn();
           * If exact scn is not found, the trail file position setter returns the next immediate available scn, i.e., the contract guarantees
           * a scn always greater than the given scn (foundscn > _scn). We use the _scn (requested scn to be found) as the prevScn to start the event buffer.
           * And the scn found as the current scn(first event in the relay).
          if(foundScn <= _scn.get())
            throw new DatabusException("EXACT_SCN_NOT_FOUND, but foundScn is <= _scn ");

"Changing current scn from " + _scn.get() + " to " + foundScn);
"Planning to use prevScn " + _startPrevScn);
        case FOUND:
"Exact SCN was  found" + filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getMaxScn());
          compositeInputStream = new ConcurrentAppendableCompositeFileInputStream(xmlDir,
                                                                                  new TrailFilePositionSetter.FileFilter(new File(xmlDir), xmlPrefix),
           * The trail file position setter returns FOUND in two cases:
           * 1. MaxScn was given as input.
           * 2. Earliest or Latest scn was given as input.
           * For both the cases, we set the prevScn to the foundScn-1 and the foundScn as the currentScn.
          long foundScn = filePositionResult.getTxnPos().getMaxScn();

          //Assert that if maxScn was requested, the trail file position setter has returned the exact scn (It has returned FOUND).
          if(_scn.get() >=0 && _scn.get() != foundScn)
            throw new DatabusException("The exact scn was not found, but the trail file position setter has returned FOUND!");

          _startPrevScn.set(foundScn - 1);
          throw new DatabusException("Unhandled file position result in switch case, terminating producer.");

    if(filePositionResult == null)
      throw new DatabusException("file position Result returned by TrailFilePositionSetter is null!");

    if(_scn.get() <= 0)
    {"The scn is <=0, using scn from file position setter:" + filePositionResult);
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  static protected Object obtainKey(DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage dbUpdate)
      throws DatabusException
    if (null == dbUpdate) {
      throw new DatabusException("DBUpdateImage is null");
    List<KeyPair> pairs = dbUpdate.getKeyPairs();
    if (null == pairs || pairs.size() == 0) {
      throw new DatabusException("There do not seem to be any keys");

    if (pairs.size() == 1) {
      Object key = dbUpdate.getKeyPairs().get(0).getKey();
      Schema.Type pKeyType = dbUpdate.getKeyPairs().get(0).getKeyType();
      Object keyObj = null;
      if (pKeyType == Schema.Type.INT)
        if (key instanceof Integer)
          keyObj = key;
          throw new DatabusException(
              "Schema.Type does not match actual key type (INT) "
                  + key.getClass().getName());

      } else if (pKeyType == Schema.Type.LONG)
        if (key instanceof Long)
          keyObj = key;
          throw new DatabusException(
              "Schema.Type does not match actual key type (LONG) "
                  + key.getClass().getName());

        keyObj = key;
        keyObj = key;

      return keyObj;
    } else {
      // Treat multiple keys as a separate case to avoid unnecessary casts
      Iterator<KeyPair> li = pairs.iterator();
      String compositeKey = "";
      while (li.hasNext())
        KeyPair kp =;
        Schema.Type pKeyType = kp.getKeyType();
        Object key = kp.getKey();
        if (pKeyType == Schema.Type.INT)
          if (key instanceof Integer)
            compositeKey += kp.getKey().toString();
            throw new DatabusException(
                "Schema.Type does not match actual key type (INT) "
                    + key.getClass().getName());
        else if (pKeyType == Schema.Type.LONG)
          if (key instanceof Long)
            compositeKey += key.toString();
            throw new DatabusException(
                "Schema.Type does not match actual key type (LONG) "
                    + key.getClass().getName());
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  protected void addEventToBuffer(List<TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate> dbUpdates, TransactionInfo ti)
      throws DatabusException, UnsupportedKeyException
    if(dbUpdates.size() == 0)
      throw new DatabusException("Cannot handle empty dbUpdates");

    long scn = ti.getScn();
    long timestamp = ti.getTransactionTimeStampNs();
    EventSourceStatistics globalStats = getSource(GLOBAL_SOURCE_ID).getStatisticsBean();

     * We skip the start scn of the relay, we have already added a EOP for this SCN in the buffer.
     * Why is this not a problem ?
     * There are two cases:
     * 1. When we use the earliest/latest scn if there is no maxScn (We don't really have a start point). So it's really OK to miss the first event.
     * 2. If it's the maxSCN, then event was already seen by the relay.
    if(scn == _startPrevScn.get())
    {"Skipping this transaction, EOP already send for this event");


    int eventsInTransactionCount = 0;

    List<EventReaderSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<EventReaderSummary>();

    for (int i = 0; i < dbUpdates.size(); ++i)
      GenericRecord record = null;
      TransactionState.PerSourceTransactionalUpdate perSourceUpdate = dbUpdates.get(i);
      short sourceId = (short)perSourceUpdate.getSourceId();
      // prepare stats collection per source
      EventSourceStatistics perSourceStats = getSource(sourceId).getStatisticsBean();

      Iterator<DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage> dbUpdateIterator = perSourceUpdate.getDbUpdatesSet().iterator();
      int eventsInDbUpdate = 0;
      long dbUpdatesEventsSize = 0;
      long startDbUpdatesMs = System.currentTimeMillis();

      while(dbUpdateIterator.hasNext())  //TODO verify if there is any case where we need to rollback.
        DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage dbUpdate =;

        //Construct the Databus Event key, determine the key type and construct the key
        Object keyObj = obtainKey(dbUpdate);
        DbusEventKey eventKey = new DbusEventKey(keyObj);

        //Get the logicalparition id
        PartitionFunction partitionFunction = _partitionFunctionHashMap.get((int)sourceId);
        short lPartitionId = partitionFunction.getPartition(eventKey);

        record = dbUpdate.getGenericRecord();
        //Write the event to the buffer
        if (record == null)
          throw new DatabusException("Cannot write event to buffer because record = " + record);

        if(record.getSchema() == null)
          throw new DatabusException("The record does not have a schema (null schema)");

          //Collect stats on number of dbUpdates for one source

          //Count of all the events in the current transaction
          // Serialize the row
          ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
          Encoder encoder = new BinaryEncoder(bos);
          GenericDatumWriter<GenericRecord> writer = new GenericDatumWriter<GenericRecord>(
          writer.write(record, encoder);
          byte[] serializedValue = bos.toByteArray();

          //Get the md5 for the schema
          SchemaId schemaId = SchemaId.createWithMd5(dbUpdate.getSchema());

          //Determine the operation type and convert to dbus opcode
          DbusOpcode opCode;
          if(dbUpdate.getOpType() == DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.INSERT || dbUpdate.getOpType() == DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.UPDATE)
            opCode = DbusOpcode.UPSERT;
              _log.debug("The event with scn "+ scn +" is INSERT/UPDATE");
          else if(dbUpdate.getOpType() == DbUpdateState.DBUpdateImage.OpType.DELETE)
            opCode = DbusOpcode.DELETE;
              _log.debug("The event with scn "+ scn +" is DELETE");
            throw new DatabusException("Unknown opcode from dbUpdate for event with scn:" + scn);

          //Construct the dbusEvent info
          DbusEventInfo dbusEventInfo = new DbusEventInfo(opCode,

          perSourceStats.addEventCycle(1, ti.getTransactionTimeRead(), serializedValue.length, scn);
          globalStats.addEventCycle(1, ti.getTransactionTimeRead(), serializedValue.length, scn);

          long tsEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();

          //Append to the event buffer
          getEventBuffer().appendEvent(eventKey, dbusEventInfo, _statsCollector);
          dbUpdatesEventsSize += serializedValue.length;
        catch (IOException io)
          _log.error("Cannot create byte stream payload: " + dbUpdates.get(i).getSourceId());
      long endDbUpdatesMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long dbUpdatesElapsedTimeMs = endDbUpdatesMs - startDbUpdatesMs;

      // Log Event Summary at logical source level
      EventReaderSummary summary = new EventReaderSummary(sourceId, _monitoredSources.get(sourceId).getSourceName(),
                                                          scn, eventsInDbUpdate, dbUpdatesEventsSize,-1L /* Not supported */,
                                                          dbUpdatesElapsedTimeMs,  timestamp, timestamp, -1L /* Not supported */);
      if (_eventsLog.isInfoEnabled())

        _log.debug("There are "+ eventsInDbUpdate + " events seen in the current dbUpdate");

    // Log Event Summary at Physical source level
    ReadEventCycleSummary summary = new ReadEventCycleSummary(_pConfig.getName(),
                                                              -1 /* Overall time including query time not calculated */);

    if (_eventsLog.isInfoEnabled())
    }"Writing "+ eventsInTransactionCount + " events from transaction with scn: " + scn);
    if(scn <= 0)
      throw new DatabusException("Unable to write events to buffer because of negative/zero scn: " + scn);

    getEventBuffer().endEvents(scn, _statsCollector);

    if (getMaxScnReaderWriter() != null)
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        String xmlPrefix = GGEventGenerationFactory.uriToXmlPrefix(_pConfig.getUri());
        File file = new File(xmlDir);
        if(!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory())
          _log.fatal("Unable to load the directory: "+ xmlDir + " it doesn't seem to be a valid directory");
          throw new DatabusException("Invalid trail file directory");

        boolean parseError = false;
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      } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Got Exception :", e);
        throw new DatabusException(e);
      return true;
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    catch(Exception ex)
      _log.error("Failed to register the or-source statistics mbean for source (" + source.getSourceName() + ") due to an exception.", ex);
      throw new DatabusException("Failed to initialize or event statistics mbeans.", ex);
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    Map<Short, String> srcSchemaVersions = new HashMap<Short, String>();
    srcSchemaVersions.put(docSchemaV1, docSchema1);
    srcSchemaVersions.put(docSchemaV2, docSchema2);

    DatabusException expectedCause = new DatabusException("FakeException");
    SchemaRegistryService mockSchemaReg = EasyMock.createMock(SchemaRegistryService.class);

    HttpRelay mockRelay = EasyMock.createMock(HttpRelay.class);
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        catch (UnsupportedKeyException e)
          _log.fatal("Got UnsupportedKeyException exception while adding txn (" + txn + ") to the buffer", e);
          throw new DatabusException(e);
        catch (EventCreationException e)
          _log.fatal("Got EventCreationException exception while adding txn (" + txn + ") to the buffer", e);
          throw new DatabusException(e);

      if (isShutdownRequested())
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Related Classes of com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException

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