Package com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap

Examples of com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.TerrainQuad$LocationHeight

            } else if (name.equals("SIMPLEAPP_CameraPos")) {
                if (cam != null) {
                    Vector3f loc = cam.getLocation();
                    Quaternion rot = cam.getRotation();
                    System.out.println("Camera Position: ("
                            + loc.x + ", " + loc.y + ", " + loc.z + ")");
                    System.out.println("Camera Rotation: " + rot);
                    System.out.println("Camera Direction: " + cam.getDirection());
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    ti.onNew(0, 0, 0);
    Assert.assertTrue(clickVectors.get(0).equals(new Vector2f(0,0)));
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    float rw = radius/width;
    //left center
    vertices[0] = ref.clone();
    texCoord[0] = new Vector2f(0.5f, rw);
    // draw left half circle
    int lastPoint = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= samples; i++) {
      float x = FastMath.cos(angle);
      float z = FastMath.sin(angle);
      int verticesBase = i+1;
      int indicesBase = (i-1)*3;
      vertices[verticesBase] = new Vector3f((x * radius) + ref.x, ref.y, (z * radius) + ref.z);
      texCoord[verticesBase] = new Vector2f((x * 0.5f) + 0.5f, rw-(z * rw));
      if (lastPoint > 0) {
        indices[indicesBase] = 0;
        indices[indicesBase+1] = verticesBase;
        indices[indicesBase+2] = lastPoint;
      lastPoint = verticesBase;
      angle += rate;
    // right center
    ref.z = radius-width/2f;
    int base2 = samples+2;
    vertices[base2] = ref.clone();
    float rbw = (width-radius)/width;
    texCoord[base2] = new Vector2f(0.5f, rbw);
    angle = FastMath.PI;
    lastPoint = 0;
    // draw right half circle
    for (int i = 0; i <= samples; i++) {
      float x = FastMath.cos(angle);
      float z = FastMath.sin(angle);
      int verticesBase = i+samples+3;
      int indicesBase = (i+samples)*3;
      vertices[verticesBase] = new Vector3f((x * radius) + ref.x, ref.y, (z * radius) + ref.z);
      texCoord[verticesBase] = new Vector2f((x * 0.5f) + 0.5f, 1 - (z * rw));
      if (lastPoint > 0) {
        indices[indicesBase] = base2;
        indices[indicesBase+1] = verticesBase;
        indices[indicesBase+2] = lastPoint;
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      float y = FastMath.sin(angle) + center.y;
      int base = i*2;
      int indicesBase = i*6;
      vertices[base] = new Vector3f(x * radius, y * radius, center.z);
      vertices[base+1] = new Vector3f(x * (radius-width), y * (radius-width), center.z);
      texCoord[base] = new Vector2f(x * radius, y * radius);
      texCoord[base+1] = new Vector2f(x * (radius-width), y * (radius-width));
      indices[indicesBase] = base;
      indices[indicesBase+1] = calc(base+1);
      indices[indicesBase+2] = calc(base-1);
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    float rw = radius/width;
    float rbw = (width-radius)/width;
    //left center
    vertices[0] = ref.clone();
    texCoord[0] = new Vector2f(rbw, 0.5f);
    // draw left half circle
    int lastPoint = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= samples; i++) {
      float x = FastMath.cos(angle);
      float z = FastMath.sin(angle);
      int verticesBase = i+1;
      int indicesBase = (i-1)*3;
      vertices[verticesBase] = new Vector3f((x * radius) + ref.x, ref.y, (z * radius) + ref.z);
      texCoord[verticesBase] = new Vector2f(1-rw+(z * rw), (x * 0.5f) + 0.5f);
      if (lastPoint > 0) {
        indices[indicesBase] = 0;
        indices[indicesBase+1] = verticesBase;
        indices[indicesBase+2] = lastPoint;
      lastPoint = verticesBase;
      angle += rate;
    // right center
    ref.z = radius-width/2f;
    int base2 = samples+2;
    vertices[base2] = ref.clone();
    texCoord[base2] = new Vector2f(rw, 0.5f);
    angle = FastMath.PI;
    lastPoint = 0;
    // draw right half circle
    for (int i = 0; i <= samples; i++) {
      float x = FastMath.cos(angle);
      float z = FastMath.sin(angle);
      int verticesBase = i+samples+3;
      int indicesBase = (i+samples)*3;
      vertices[verticesBase] = new Vector3f((x * radius) + ref.x, ref.y, (z * radius) + ref.z);
      texCoord[verticesBase] = new Vector2f(rw + (z * rw), (x * 0.5f) + 0.5f);
      if (lastPoint > 0) {
        indices[indicesBase] = base2;
        indices[indicesBase+1] = verticesBase;
        indices[indicesBase+2] = lastPoint;
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    } else {
    if (!rotationOffsetAnimation.isFinished()) {
      Vector2f rotationOffset = rotationOffsetAnimation.getRotationOffset();
      cam.setRotationOffset(rotationOffset.x, rotationOffset.y);
    if (positionAnimation.isFinished() && target != null) {
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    public ModelPosition(){
  this(0,0,0, 0,0,0);
    public ModelPosition(float x, float y, float z,
       float rotx, float roty, float rotz){
  location = new Vector3f(x,y,z);
  rotation = new Vector3f(rotx,roty,rotz);
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        // calc the y-axis
        float y = 1.5f-base.y*0.072f;
        //1.412 = 0
        //0.207 = 18

        rightEye.move(new Vector3f(xR,y,0.932f));
        leftEye.move(new Vector3f( xL, y, 0.932f ));

        return true;
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    assetManager.registerLocator("file:"+path, UrlLocator.class.getName());
  public void setDirectionalLight(final boolean on) {
    if (dl == null) {
      Vector3f lightDir = new Vector3f(-0.8719428f, -0.46824604f, 0.14304268f);
      dl = new DirectionalLight();
      dl.setColor(new ColorRGBA(1.0f, 0.92f, 0.75f, 1f));

      Vector3f lightDir2 = new Vector3f(0.70518064f, 0.5902297f, -0.39287305f);
      dl2 = new DirectionalLight();
      dl2.setColor(new ColorRGBA(0.7f, 0.85f, 1.0f, 1f));
    this.enqueue(new Callable<Integer>(){
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  public void setPointLight(final boolean on) {
    int dis = 10;
    if (ll == null) {
      ll = getPointLight();
      ll.setPosition(new Vector3f(0,dis,0));
      ll2 = getPointLight();
      ll2.setPosition(new Vector3f(0,-dis,0));
      ll3 = getPointLight();
      ll3.setPosition(new Vector3f(dis,0,0));
      ll4 = getPointLight();
      ll4.setPosition(new Vector3f(-dis,0,0));
      ll5 = getPointLight();
      ll5.setPosition(new Vector3f(0,0,dis));
      ll6 = getPointLight();
      ll6.setPosition(new Vector3f(0,0,-dis));
    this.enqueue(new Callable<Integer>(){
      public Integer call() throws Exception {
        if (on) {
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Related Classes of com.jme3.terrain.geomipmap.TerrainQuad$LocationHeight

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