Package com.j256.ormlite.h2

Examples of com.j256.ormlite.h2.H2DatabaseType

  private static int doCreateTestQueries(DatabaseConnection connection, DatabaseType databaseType,
      List<String> queriesAfter) throws SQLException {
    int stmtC = 0;
    // now execute any test queries which test the newly created table
    for (String query : queriesAfter) {
      CompiledStatement compiledStmt = null;
      try {
        compiledStmt = connection.compileStatement(query, StatementType.EXECUTE, noFieldTypes);
        DatabaseResults results = compiledStmt.runQuery();
        int rowC = 0;
        // count the results
        while ( {
        }"executing create table after-query got {} results: {}", rowC, query);
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        // we do this to make sure that the statement is in the exception
        throw SqlExceptionUtil.create("executing create table after-query failed: " + query, e);
      } finally {
        // result set is closed by the statement being closed
        if (compiledStmt != null) {
    return stmtC;
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   * Satisfies the {@link SQLiteOpenHelper#onCreate(SQLiteDatabase)} interface method.
  public final void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    ConnectionSource cs = getConnectionSource();
     * The method is called by Android database helper's get-database calls when Android detects that we need to
     * create or update the database. So we have to use the database argument and save a connection to it on the
     * AndroidConnectionSource, otherwise it will go recursive if the subclass calls getConnectionSource().
    DatabaseConnection conn = cs.getSpecialConnection();
    boolean clearSpecial = false;
    if (conn == null) {
      conn = new AndroidDatabaseConnection(db, true);
      try {
        clearSpecial = true;
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Could not save special connection", e);
    try {
      onCreate(db, cs);
    } finally {
      if (clearSpecial) {
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   * Satisfies the {@link SQLiteOpenHelper#onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase, int, int)} interface method.
  public final void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
    ConnectionSource cs = getConnectionSource();
     * The method is called by Android database helper's get-database calls when Android detects that we need to
     * create or update the database. So we have to use the database argument and save a connection to it on the
     * AndroidConnectionSource, otherwise it will go recursive if the subclass calls getConnectionSource().
    DatabaseConnection conn = cs.getSpecialConnection();
    boolean clearSpecial = false;
    if (conn == null) {
      conn = new AndroidDatabaseConnection(db, true);
      try {
        clearSpecial = true;
      } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Could not save special connection", e);
    try {
      onUpgrade(db, cs, oldVersion, newVersion);
    } finally {
      if (clearSpecial) {
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    return getReadWriteConnection();

  public DatabaseConnection getReadWriteConnection() throws SQLException {
    DatabaseConnection conn = getSavedConnection();
    if (conn != null) {
      return conn;
    if (connection == null) {
      connection = new AndroidDatabaseConnection(helper.getWritableDatabase(), true);
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     * The method is called by Android database helper's get-database calls when Android detects that we need to
     * create or update the database. So we have to use the database argument and save a connection to it on the
     * AndroidConnectionSource, otherwise it will go recursive if the subclass calls getConnectionSource().
    DatabaseConnection conn = cs.getSpecialConnection();
    boolean clearSpecial = false;
    if (conn == null) {
      conn = new AndroidDatabaseConnection(db, true);
      try {
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     * The method is called by Android database helper's get-database calls when Android detects that we need to
     * create or update the database. So we have to use the database argument and save a connection to it on the
     * AndroidConnectionSource, otherwise it will go recursive if the subclass calls getConnectionSource().
    DatabaseConnection conn = cs.getSpecialConnection();
    boolean clearSpecial = false;
    if (conn == null) {
      conn = new AndroidDatabaseConnection(db, true);
      try {
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        foreignIdField.assignField(foreignObject, val);
      } else {
        try {
          // do we need to auto-refresh the field?
          DatabaseConnection databaseConnection = connectionSource.getReadOnlyConnection();
          try {
            foreignObject = mappedQueryForId.execute(databaseConnection, val);
          } finally {
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   * Same as {@link #callInTransaction(Callable)} except as a static method with a connection source.
  public static <T> T callInTransaction(final ConnectionSource connectionSource, final Callable<T> callable)
      throws SQLException {

    DatabaseConnection connection = connectionSource.getReadWriteConnection();
    try {
      boolean saved = connectionSource.saveSpecialConnection(connection);
      return callInTransaction(connection, saved, connectionSource.getDatabaseType(), callable);
    } finally {
      // we should clear aggressively
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   * Return a list of all of the data in the table that matches the {@link PreparedStmt}. Should be used carefully if
   * the table is large. Consider using the {@link Dao#iterator} if this is the case.
  public RawResults queryForAllRawOld(ConnectionSource connectionSource, String query) throws SQLException {
    DatabaseConnection connection = connectionSource.getReadOnlyConnection();
    CompiledStatement compiledStatement = null;
    try {
      compiledStatement = connection.compileStatement(query, StatementType.SELECT, noFieldTypes);
      String[] columnNames = extractColumnNames(compiledStatement);
      RawResultsWrapper rawResults =
          new RawResultsWrapper(connectionSource, connection, query, compiledStatement, columnNames, this);
      compiledStatement = null;
      connection = null;
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   * Create and return an {@link SelectIterator} for the class using a prepared statement.
  public SelectIterator<T, ID> buildIterator(BaseDaoImpl<T, ID> classDao, ConnectionSource connectionSource,
      PreparedStmt<T> preparedStmt) throws SQLException {
    DatabaseConnection connection = connectionSource.getReadOnlyConnection();
    CompiledStatement compiledStatement = null;
    try {
      compiledStatement = preparedStmt.compile(connection);
      SelectIterator<T, ID> iterator =
          new SelectIterator<T, ID>(tableInfo.getDataClass(), classDao, preparedStmt, connectionSource,
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Related Classes of com.j256.ormlite.h2.H2DatabaseType

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