package com.j256.ormlite.stmt;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.BaseDaoImpl;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.CloseableIterator;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.Dao;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.GenericRawResults;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.RawResults;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.RawRowMapper;
import com.j256.ormlite.db.DatabaseType;
import com.j256.ormlite.field.DataType;
import com.j256.ormlite.field.FieldType;
import com.j256.ormlite.field.SqlType;
import com.j256.ormlite.logger.Logger;
import com.j256.ormlite.logger.LoggerFactory;
import com.j256.ormlite.misc.TransactionManager;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.StatementBuilder.StatementType;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.mapped.MappedCreate;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.mapped.MappedDelete;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.mapped.MappedDeleteCollection;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.mapped.MappedQueryForId;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.mapped.MappedRefresh;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.mapped.MappedUpdate;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.mapped.MappedUpdateId;
import com.j256.ormlite.table.TableInfo;
* Executes SQL statements for a particular table in a particular database. Basically a call through to various mapped
* statement methods.
* @param T
* The class that the code will be operating on.
* @param ID
* The class of the ID column associated with the class. The T class does not require an ID field. The class
* needs an ID parameter however so you can use Void or Object to satisfy the compiler.
* @author graywatson
public class StatementExecutor<T, ID> implements GenericRowMapper<String[]> {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatementExecutor.class);
private static final FieldType[] noFieldTypes = new FieldType[0];
private final DatabaseType databaseType;
private final TableInfo<T, ID> tableInfo;
private final Dao<T, ID> dao;
private MappedQueryForId<T, ID> mappedQueryForId;
private PreparedQuery<T> preparedQueryForAll;
private MappedCreate<T, ID> mappedInsert;
private MappedUpdate<T, ID> mappedUpdate;
private MappedUpdateId<T, ID> mappedUpdateId;
private MappedDelete<T, ID> mappedDelete;
private MappedRefresh<T, ID> mappedRefresh;
* Provides statements for various SQL operations.
public StatementExecutor(DatabaseType databaseType, TableInfo<T, ID> tableInfo, Dao<T, ID> dao) throws SQLException {
this.databaseType = databaseType;
this.tableInfo = tableInfo;
this.dao = dao;
* Return the object associated with the id or null if none. This does a SQL
* <tt>select col1,col2,... from ... where ... = id</tt> type query.
public T queryForId(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, ID id) throws SQLException {
if (mappedQueryForId == null) {
mappedQueryForId =, tableInfo);
return mappedQueryForId.execute(databaseConnection, id);
* Return the first object that matches the {@link PreparedStmt} or null if none.
public T queryForFirst(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, PreparedStmt<T> preparedStmt) throws SQLException {
CompiledStatement stmt = preparedStmt.compile(databaseConnection);
try {
DatabaseResults results = stmt.runQuery();
if ( {
logger.debug("query-for-first of '{}' returned at least 1 result", preparedStmt.getStatement());
return preparedStmt.mapRow(results);
} else {
logger.debug("query-for-first of '{}' returned at 0 results", preparedStmt.getStatement());
return null;
} finally {
if (stmt != null) {
* Return a list of all of the data in the table. Should be used carefully if the table is large. Consider using the
* {@link Dao#iterator} if this is the case.
public List<T> queryForAll(ConnectionSource connectionSource) throws SQLException {
return query(connectionSource, preparedQueryForAll);
* Return a long value which is the number of rows in the table.
public long queryForCountStar(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection) throws SQLException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
sb.append("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ");
databaseType.appendEscapedEntityName(sb, tableInfo.getTableName());
String statement = sb.toString();
long count = databaseConnection.queryForLong(statement);
logger.debug("query of '{}' returned {}", statement, count);
return count;
* Return a list of all of the data in the table that matches the {@link PreparedStmt}. Should be used carefully if
* the table is large. Consider using the {@link Dao#iterator} if this is the case.
public List<T> query(ConnectionSource connectionSource, PreparedStmt<T> preparedStmt) throws SQLException {
SelectIterator<T, ID> iterator = null;
try {
iterator = buildIterator(/* no dao specified because no removes */null, connectionSource, preparedStmt);
List<T> results = new ArrayList<T>();
while (iterator.hasNextThrow()) {
logger.debug("query of '{}' returned {} results", preparedStmt.getStatement(), results.size());
return results;
} finally {
if (iterator != null) {
* Return a list of all of the data in the table that matches the {@link PreparedStmt}. Should be used carefully if
* the table is large. Consider using the {@link Dao#iterator} if this is the case.
public RawResults queryForAllRawOld(ConnectionSource connectionSource, String query) throws SQLException {
DatabaseConnection connection = connectionSource.getReadOnlyConnection();
CompiledStatement compiledStatement = null;
try {
compiledStatement = connection.compileStatement(query, StatementType.SELECT, noFieldTypes);
String[] columnNames = extractColumnNames(compiledStatement);
RawResultsWrapper rawResults =
new RawResultsWrapper(connectionSource, connection, query, compiledStatement, columnNames, this);
compiledStatement = null;
connection = null;
return rawResults;
} finally {
if (compiledStatement != null) {
if (connection != null) {
* Create and return a SelectIterator for the class using the default mapped query for all statement.
public SelectIterator<T, ID> buildIterator(BaseDaoImpl<T, ID> classDao, ConnectionSource connectionSource)
throws SQLException {
return buildIterator(classDao, connectionSource, preparedQueryForAll);
* Create and return an {@link SelectIterator} for the class using a prepared statement.
public SelectIterator<T, ID> buildIterator(BaseDaoImpl<T, ID> classDao, ConnectionSource connectionSource,
PreparedStmt<T> preparedStmt) throws SQLException {
DatabaseConnection connection = connectionSource.getReadOnlyConnection();
CompiledStatement compiledStatement = null;
try {
compiledStatement = preparedStmt.compile(connection);
SelectIterator<T, ID> iterator =
new SelectIterator<T, ID>(tableInfo.getDataClass(), classDao, preparedStmt, connectionSource,
connection, compiledStatement, preparedStmt.getStatement());
connection = null;
compiledStatement = null;
return iterator;
} finally {
if (compiledStatement != null) {
if (connection != null) {
* Return on old RawResults object associated with an internal iterator that matches the query argument.
public RawResults buildOldIterator(ConnectionSource connectionSource, String query) throws SQLException {
logger.debug("executing raw results iterator for: {}", query);
DatabaseConnection connection = connectionSource.getReadOnlyConnection();
CompiledStatement compiledStatement = null;
try {
compiledStatement = connection.compileStatement(query, StatementType.SELECT, noFieldTypes);
String[] columnNames = extractColumnNames(compiledStatement);
RawResultsWrapper rawResults =
new RawResultsWrapper(connectionSource, connection, query, compiledStatement, columnNames, this);
compiledStatement = null;
connection = null;
return rawResults;
} finally {
if (compiledStatement != null) {
if (connection != null) {
* Return a results object associated with an internal iterator that returns String[] results.
public GenericRawResults<String[]> queryRaw(ConnectionSource connectionSource, String query, String[] arguments)
throws SQLException {
logger.debug("executing raw query for: {}", query);
if (arguments.length > 0) {
// need to do the (Object) cast to force args to be a single object
logger.trace("query arguments: {}", (Object) arguments);
DatabaseConnection connection = connectionSource.getReadOnlyConnection();
CompiledStatement compiledStatement = null;
try {
compiledStatement = connection.compileStatement(query, StatementType.SELECT, noFieldTypes);
assignStatementArguments(compiledStatement, arguments);
String[] columnNames = extractColumnNames(compiledStatement);
GenericRawResults<String[]> rawResults =
new RawResultsImpl<String[]>(connectionSource, connection, query, String[].class,
compiledStatement, columnNames, this);
compiledStatement = null;
connection = null;
return rawResults;
} finally {
if (compiledStatement != null) {
if (connection != null) {
* Return a results object associated with an internal iterator is mapped by the user's rowMapper.
public <UO> GenericRawResults<UO> queryRaw(ConnectionSource connectionSource, String query,
RawRowMapper<UO> rowMapper, String[] arguments) throws SQLException {
logger.debug("executing raw query for: {}", query);
if (arguments.length > 0) {
// need to do the (Object) cast to force args to be a single object
logger.trace("query arguments: {}", (Object) arguments);
DatabaseConnection connection = connectionSource.getReadOnlyConnection();
CompiledStatement compiledStatement = null;
try {
compiledStatement = connection.compileStatement(query, StatementType.SELECT, noFieldTypes);
assignStatementArguments(compiledStatement, arguments);
String[] columnNames = extractColumnNames(compiledStatement);
RawResultsImpl<UO> rawResults =
new RawResultsImpl<UO>(connectionSource, connection, query, String[].class, compiledStatement,
columnNames, new UserObjectRowMapper<UO>(rowMapper, columnNames, this));
compiledStatement = null;
connection = null;
return rawResults;
} finally {
if (compiledStatement != null) {
if (connection != null) {
* Return a results object associated with an internal iterator that returns Object[] results.
public GenericRawResults<Object[]> queryRaw(ConnectionSource connectionSource, String query,
DataType[] columnTypes, String[] arguments) throws SQLException {
logger.debug("executing raw query for: {}", query);
if (arguments.length > 0) {
// need to do the (Object) cast to force args to be a single object
logger.trace("query arguments: {}", (Object) arguments);
DatabaseConnection connection = connectionSource.getReadOnlyConnection();
CompiledStatement compiledStatement = null;
try {
compiledStatement = connection.compileStatement(query, StatementType.SELECT, noFieldTypes);
assignStatementArguments(compiledStatement, arguments);
String[] columnNames = extractColumnNames(compiledStatement);
RawResultsImpl<Object[]> rawResults =
new RawResultsImpl<Object[]>(connectionSource, connection, query, Object[].class,
compiledStatement, columnNames, new ObjectArrayRowMapper(columnTypes));
compiledStatement = null;
connection = null;
return rawResults;
} finally {
if (compiledStatement != null) {
if (connection != null) {
* Return the number of rows affected.
public int updateRaw(DatabaseConnection connection, String statement, String[] arguments) throws SQLException {
logger.debug("running raw update statement: {}", statement);
if (arguments.length > 0) {
// need to do the (Object) cast to force args to be a single object
logger.trace("update arguments: {}", (Object) arguments);
CompiledStatement compiledStatement =
connection.compileStatement(statement, StatementType.UPDATE, noFieldTypes);
try {
assignStatementArguments(compiledStatement, arguments);
return compiledStatement.runUpdate();
} finally {
* Return true if it worked else false.
public int executeRaw(DatabaseConnection connection, String statement, String[] arguments) throws SQLException {
logger.debug("running raw execute statement: {}", statement);
if (arguments.length > 0) {
// need to do the (Object) cast to force args to be a single object
logger.trace("execute arguments: {}", (Object) arguments);
CompiledStatement compiledStatement =
connection.compileStatement(statement, StatementType.EXECUTE, noFieldTypes);
try {
assignStatementArguments(compiledStatement, arguments);
return compiledStatement.runExecute();
} finally {
* Create a new entry in the database from an object.
public int create(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, T data) throws SQLException {
if (mappedInsert == null) {
mappedInsert =, tableInfo);
return mappedInsert.insert(databaseType, databaseConnection, data);
* Update an object in the database.
public int update(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, T data) throws SQLException {
if (mappedUpdate == null) {
mappedUpdate =, tableInfo);
return mappedUpdate.update(databaseConnection, data);
* Update an object in the database to change its id to the newId parameter.
public int updateId(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, T data, ID newId) throws SQLException {
if (mappedUpdateId == null) {
mappedUpdateId =, tableInfo);
return mappedUpdateId.execute(databaseConnection, data, newId);
* Update rows in the database.
public int update(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, PreparedUpdate<T> preparedUpdate) throws SQLException {
CompiledStatement stmt = preparedUpdate.compile(databaseConnection);
try {
return stmt.runUpdate();
} finally {
if (stmt != null) {
* Does a query for the object's Id and copies in each of the field values from the database to refresh the data
* parameter.
public int refresh(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, T data) throws SQLException {
if (mappedRefresh == null) {
mappedRefresh =, tableInfo);
return mappedRefresh.executeRefresh(databaseConnection, data);
* Delete an object from the database.
public int delete(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, T data) throws SQLException {
if (mappedDelete == null) {
mappedDelete =, tableInfo);
return mappedDelete.delete(databaseConnection, data);
* Delete a collection of objects from the database.
public int deleteObjects(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, Collection<T> datas) throws SQLException {
// have to build this on the fly because the collection has variable number of args
return MappedDeleteCollection.deleteObjects(databaseType, tableInfo, databaseConnection, datas);
* Delete a collection of objects from the database.
public int deleteIds(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, Collection<ID> ids) throws SQLException {
// have to build this on the fly because the collection has variable number of args
return MappedDeleteCollection.deleteIds(databaseType, tableInfo, databaseConnection, ids);
* Delete rows that match the prepared statement.
public int delete(DatabaseConnection databaseConnection, PreparedDelete<T> preparedDelete) throws SQLException {
CompiledStatement stmt = preparedDelete.compile(databaseConnection);
try {
return stmt.runUpdate();
} finally {
if (stmt != null) {
* Call batch tasks insude of a connection which may, or may not, have been "saved".
public <CT> CT callBatchTasks(DatabaseConnection connection, boolean saved, Callable<CT> callable) throws Exception {
if (databaseType.isBatchUseTransaction()) {
return TransactionManager.callInTransaction(connection, saved, databaseType, callable);
boolean autoCommitAtStart = false;
try {
if (connection.isAutoCommitSupported()) {
autoCommitAtStart = connection.getAutoCommit();
if (autoCommitAtStart) {
// disable auto-commit mode if supported and enabled at start
logger.debug("disabled auto-commit on table {} before batch tasks", tableInfo.getTableName());
} finally {
if (autoCommitAtStart) {
// try to restore if we are in auto-commit mode
logger.debug("re-enabled auto-commit on table {} after batch tasks", tableInfo.getTableName());
public String[] mapRow(DatabaseResults results) throws SQLException {
int columnN = results.getColumnCount();
String[] result = new String[columnN];
for (int colC = 0; colC < columnN; colC++) {
result[colC] = results.getString(colC);
return result;
private void assignStatementArguments(CompiledStatement compiledStatement, String[] arguments) throws SQLException {
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (arguments[i] == null) {
compiledStatement.setNull(i, SqlType.STRING);
} else {
compiledStatement.setObject(i, arguments[i], SqlType.STRING);
private String[] extractColumnNames(CompiledStatement compiledStatement) throws SQLException {
int colN = compiledStatement.getColumnCount();
String[] columnNames = new String[colN];
for (int colC = 0; colC < colN; colC++) {
columnNames[colC] = compiledStatement.getColumnName(colC);
return columnNames;
private void prepareQueryForAll() throws SQLException {
if (preparedQueryForAll == null) {
preparedQueryForAll = new QueryBuilder<T, ID>(databaseType, tableInfo, dao).prepare();
* Map raw results to return a user object;
private static class UserObjectRowMapper<UO> implements GenericRowMapper<UO> {
private final RawRowMapper<UO> mapper;
private final String[] columnNames;
private final GenericRowMapper<String[]> stringRowMapper;
public UserObjectRowMapper(RawRowMapper<UO> mapper, String[] columnNames,
GenericRowMapper<String[]> stringMapper) {
this.mapper = mapper;
this.columnNames = columnNames;
this.stringRowMapper = stringMapper;
public UO mapRow(DatabaseResults results) throws SQLException {
String[] stringResults = stringRowMapper.mapRow(results);
return mapper.mapRow(columnNames, stringResults);
* Map raw results to return Object[].
private static class ObjectArrayRowMapper implements GenericRowMapper<Object[]> {
private final DataType[] columnTypes;
public ObjectArrayRowMapper(DataType[] columnTypes) {
this.columnTypes = columnTypes;
public Object[] mapRow(DatabaseResults results) throws SQLException {
int columnN = results.getColumnCount();
Object[] result = new Object[columnN];
for (int colC = 0; colC < columnN; colC++) {
DataType dataType;
if (colC >= columnTypes.length) {
dataType = DataType.STRING;
} else {
dataType = columnTypes[colC];
result[colC] = dataType.getDataPersister().resultToJava(null, results, colC);
return result;
* To be removed once the deprecated RawResults goes away.
private static class RawResultsWrapper implements RawResults {
private final GenericRawResults<String[]> rawResults;
private final DatabaseConnection connection;
private final ConnectionSource connectionSource;
private final String query;
private final CompiledStatement compiledStatement;
private final String[] columnNames;
private final GenericRowMapper<String[]> stringMapper;
public RawResultsWrapper(ConnectionSource connectionSource, DatabaseConnection connection, String query,
CompiledStatement compiledStatement, String[] columnNames, GenericRowMapper<String[]> stringMapper)
throws SQLException {
this.connectionSource = connectionSource;
this.connection = connection;
this.query = query;
this.compiledStatement = compiledStatement;
this.columnNames = columnNames;
this.stringMapper = stringMapper;
this.rawResults =
new RawResultsImpl<String[]>(connectionSource, connection, query, String[].class,
compiledStatement, columnNames, stringMapper);
public int getNumberColumns() {
return rawResults.getNumberColumns();
public String[] getColumnNames() {
return rawResults.getColumnNames();
public CloseableIterator<String[]> iterator() {
return closeableIterator();
public CloseableIterator<String[]> closeableIterator() {
return rawResults.closeableIterator();
public List<String[]> getResults() throws SQLException {
return rawResults.getResults();
public void close() throws SQLException {
public <UO> List<UO> getMappedResults(RawRowMapper<UO> rowMapper) throws SQLException {
List<UO> results = new ArrayList<UO>();
String[] columnNames = rawResults.getColumnNames();
for (String[] strings : this) {
UO result = rowMapper.mapRow(columnNames, strings);
if (result != null) {
return results;
public <UO> CloseableIterator<UO> iterator(RawRowMapper<UO> rowMapper) throws SQLException {
return new RawResultsImpl<UO>(connectionSource, connection, query, String[].class, compiledStatement,
columnNames, new UserObjectRowMapper<UO>(rowMapper, columnNames, stringMapper)).iterator();