// Accumulates dynamic CSS that will be added to the JS.
List<Expression> cssParts = Lists.newArrayList();
// Accumulate static CSS that can be embedded in the DOM.
StringBuilder css = new StringBuilder();
FilePosition staticPos = null, dynamicPos = null;
for (ValidatedStylesheet ss : validatedStylesheets) {
ArrayConstructor ac = CssDynamicExpressionRewriter.cssToJs(ss.ss);
List<? extends Expression> children = ac.children();
if (children.isEmpty()) { continue; }
FilePosition acPos = ac.getFilePosition();
Expression child0 = children.get(0);
// The CssDynamicExpressionRewriter gets to distinguish between static and
// dynamic. If the output is a single string, then joining it on the
// idClass would not add any information, so we can put it in the static
// HTML.